Big Manga

Chapter 952: Impatient

As soon as Phoenix's announcement was issued, it caused a violent reaction on the Internet.

"Damn it, it's poaching corners again!"

"It's too much. Didn't you pull away many male voice actors before?"

"Nimma, this time I want to see who is going to leave, and whoever leaves is a traitor."

The forum of He Xi's Home was in chaos, almost every seiyuu board and Weibo had fans asking if they planned to leave, and many radical fans even threatened that as long as they dared to leave, they would never leave again. Go to their concert.

Shen Jie's measures achieved good results. However, just as Alice said, in the following days, affected by Shen Jie's announcement, the star company's poaching operations not only failed, but intensified.

Some people even started to counterattack in public opinion, even blatantly quoting the asking price. After a few days, many people in the Phoenix Company were also affected by this incident, feeling out of breath.

"Teacher He Xi, is it really all right?" Every day, someone always asked Meng Huo about the voice actor.

"It doesn't matter." And every time, Meng Huo always smiled: "The firm should be sure to limit the number of people who change jobs, otherwise they would not dare to announce the news like this."

"Number of people?"

"Yes, as long as the number of people is limited, there is no need to worry about this."

Meng Huo doesn't think so many seiyuu will leave after signing the new contract, and it is very important to control the number of job-hopping. Only when the number of job hoppers reaches a certain number, and other seiyuu feel that the firm will be hit hard, will they leave on a large scale.

Every voice actor is smart. If fewer people leave. The foundation of the firm will not be shaken. The risk of staying is definitely less than that of job-hopping, and with the increase in salary, they have no reason to go out and take risks.

"But it's not just the number of people, if Miss Zhen and the others leave the company..."

Of course, some people will think of another key factor, that is, voice actors who are popular enough to be the "representatives" of the Phoenix company. If any popular voice actor leaves, the effect will be worse than the impact of several ordinary voice actors switching jobs.

Even if there is no large-scale resignation, as long as the top voice actors go to the seven or eight eight. Their role is the same as large-scale job hopping. No matter how many ordinary seiyuu are left, they will feel that the situation of the firm is in jeopardy.

But for this aspect, Meng Huo also believed that Shen Jie would have a countermeasure.

"It's really unlikely that they will leave, and I think Shen Jie will prove it soon."

He guessed right, and a few days later, Shen Jie held a concert in Ninghai—this time the concert was different from usual, she invited other popular voice actors to appear together, including Xia Chuanzhen, Long Xue, Qingfeng Mingyue brothers , plus a new star Takashima Koko, these people represent the Phoenix Company's top-notch seiyuu lineup as the core.

The vast majority of concerts are not televised. However, this time Phoenix Company invited several media, including several TV stations of Suhua TV Station, to agree to broadcast the concert.

Of course, a concert with so many people present was a huge success. But in addition to the performance, the voice actors also talked about their explanations for the recent popular "job-hopping theory" on the stage-this is the focus of this concert.

Shen Jie's approach is quite straightforward, she directly asked the audience to ask themselves.

The first person to be questioned was Long Xue. When she talked about it, she still had a smile on her face: "I don't have the hard work of young people. The Phoenix Company has recovered, so I will definitely not leave this time."

Long Xue, who used to stay in the entertainment circle, has lost the idea of ​​going back to the old way. In fact, she is a contented person. Seeing that Xia Chuanzhen and Shen Jie surpassed her in popularity over the past few years, she always smiled back. This broad heart is also the reason why her popularity has not diminished and has remained high for many years.

Long Xue also expressed her preference in private matters. From the perspective of the environment, Phoenix Company has much more freedom in the private affairs of voice actors than other companies! Even if Long Xue plans to get married in the future, she is not afraid of being blocked by the company.

She hopes to continue working as before after marriage.

"Although I'm not ready to get married yet... But for the sake of the future, I think Phoenix Company is where I should stay."

After Long Xue explained, the second person to answer was Takashima Koko, she replied that other companies were not suitable for her. Today, Takashima Koko knows that she has put in a lot of hard work. Among all the sharp voice actors, she may be the one who lacks the most talent.

She believed that even if she was poached by the National People's Congress, she would not be more popular than she is now without talent. If so, how could she leave Phoenix Company?

"Besides... my parents don't agree either."

As early as a few days ago, after seeing the news announced by Shen Jie, the Takashima couple called their daughter immediately in fright, and they did not allow Koko Takashima to leave the office. The situation in the entertainment industry is very complicated, far less simple than the voice actor industry. The husband and wife warned their daughter that there are only two choices: one is to stay in the office and continue to be a voice actor; the other is to leave the office but be locked up by them and stop being a star .

The environment of their family does not require Xiangzi to have much achievements. In fact, after Shen Jie's job change, the Takashima couple also began to consider whether to let Gaoshima Xiangzi learn some management knowledge slowly, and work in Phoenix Company in the future.

After the two female voice actors answered, Shen Jie turned her target to Qingfengmingyue.

"It's your turn."

She asked them to come out and explain that the question time of the two handsome voice actors caused chaos at the scene. In addition to the excited female fans, the fans were most worried about the male voice actors due to the influence of the male voice actors' job-hopping in the past.

"Don't worry, everyone..."

However, the twins looked at each other and both smiled: "We didn't want to go to those companies in the first place!"

Their situation is completely different from the others. In fact, the two of them came out of the star training school, and their initial plan was to become a star. In the end, they chose Phoenix. So far, they don't feel like they made the wrong choice.

"We have friends who are stars."

"That's right, looking at their situation, I think it's still easy here..."

Qingfeng Mingyue shrugged. There is very little pressure on Phoenix. And life is free. The brothers love that they can do anything they want besides work, plus—

"If we leave, what will happen to the animation dubbing in the future? Isn't this adding an appearance to Teacher He Xi?"

"That's not okay, Mr. He Xi just needs to be a cartoonist, we won't hand over the stage to him!"

The two brothers seemed to harbor hostility towards Meng Huo, which made many fans laugh. But no matter what, the answers of these two most important male voice actors still let everyone breathe a sigh of relief.

At this time, Xia Chuanzhen was the only one left on the stage. Like everyone else, she had actually received invitations from many companies these days, but she rejected them all. Her reason is the simplest: "I believe that in this world, there is no song that I like more than teacher He Xi's composition."

She didn't have any intention of leaving, there were too many reasons. But the one that is most accepted by fans is that she likes Meng Huo's songs. Those songs are very suitable for her. There may be no other songs in this world that can do this.

Xia Chuan's honest answer not only made the fans nod in agreement. The other voice actors on the stage also felt their eyes brighten.

"That's right, Teacher He Xi's songs are treasures!"

"Every song is irreplaceable!"

"Without those songs, I won't have the energy to perform on stage!"

Shen Jie smiled. She also liked Meng Huo's song and everyone's answers. After the answers of these popular seiyuu, many people in the outside world will be disappointed. As long as they don't leave, it is impossible for the seiyuu firm to be hit hard!

After watching the concert, the situation in the office will soon stabilize.

In the "clannad" studio in Suhua City, after watching the live TV broadcast, Jiang Tianshi shook his head: "What a farce!"

"That's right!" Meng Huo smiled, "The farce should be over now."

Although he expected that Shen Jie would have a solution, he did not expect that she would come up with such a simple and effective countermeasure—through Xia Chuanzhen and their announcement on stage, Meng Huo still did not believe that there were other companies that could turn the tide.

Shen Jie's approach is a bit tough, but the effect is really good. Of course, it also left some sequelae. Shen Jie has offended many people this time. Even if the voice actor problem is solved, the number of enemies will not decrease.

"After all, she is too young. If Alice should be able to handle it very smoothly..." Meng Huo thought, but it doesn't matter to him after thinking about it. Since the other party has already made such a large-scale action, they are already enemies. It doesn't matter whether you are guilty or not.

"By the way, Teacher He Xi..." Jiang Tianshi interrupted Meng Huo's thoughts, and he looked back: "What's wrong?"

"After get off work, can you stay temporarily, I have a painting for you to see."

"……it is good."

Meng Huo was a little strange, but Jiang Tianshi seldom took the initiative. He was also curious about what painting the other party had prepared—so after get off work, Meng Huo followed Jiang Tianshi to his personal office and saw the painting.

"This is the theatrical version of the poster of "The Flame Boy"... What do you think of the painting?"

Jiang Tianshi asked.

"Is it "Strike of the Immortal Sword"?"

Meng Huo looked at the painting on the wall in amazement, but it was more like a poster than a painting.

This is a very artistic poster, the sky is covered with dark clouds, a ray of sunlight falls from the sky on the hill full of corpses, and a long silver sword stands on the hill. And below, there were many people looking at the sword with red eyes, running forward, rushing upwards like crazy.

"Yes, this painting is the poster of "The Immortal Sword Strikes". It depicts the scene where the immortal sword is born and everyone snatches it..."

Jiang Tianshi replied, and Meng Huo's eyes were already shining. The content of the picture was very ordinary, but the poster was full of momentum. It's like a real fairy sword in front of your eyes.

"This... wasn't drawn by you?"

"Um, indeed not." Jiang Tianshi nodded, looking at the poster enviously: "I also want to draw such a picture, but it looks easy. People who can draw this kind of charm should be more talented than me."

Even if it is the same painting, different people draw different artistic conceptions, this is talent. Jiang Tianshi could draw it, but he couldn't express the atmosphere of this painting, and most people couldn't see it, but Meng Huo obviously understood it.

"Teacher He Xi, is it possible that this person will become your strong enemy?"

Jiang Tianshi asked suddenly.

Meng Huo froze for a moment, then smiled: "Yes."

He was surprised, but in a good mood, this is the most charming cartoon he has ever seen. Huaxia traditional Chinese painting is mainly based on artistic conception, but after these painters transformed into cartoons, most of them lost this feeling - the author of this poster is different, he is a real cartoonist, a genius cartoonist!


Meng Huo smiled. He was very happy on the way back.

"But it's a surprise..." He smiled happily, and then said a sentence, if Jiang Tianshi heard this sentence, he would be surprised: "I didn't expect the author of "The Kingdom of Ice and Fire" to keep saving his own money. painting skills."

If Jiang Tianshi heard it, he would have to yell 'Damn', but he didn't disclose any information - this is indeed the work of the author of "The Kingdom of Ice and Fire", and Zhongxia Company specially asked him to make a few movie posters.

However, who is Meng Huo? His eyesight and memory are beyond ordinary people. He only needs to take a few glances at any creation to judge the painting style and skills of the other party. Among the traces, he still judged that it was the work of the author of "The Land of Ice and Fire".

"Alice didn't expect this to happen..."

Meng Huo suddenly found it very interesting. With such a spiritual poster, there is no doubt that it was not drawn by the person Alice was talking about. The age and temperament of the other party did not match the style of the painting. This is a young painting, it can be seen that there is a green dream and full of fighting spirit.

The momentum of the painting just now seemed to be deliberately provocative to him.

Who is the real author of "The Kingdom of Ice and Fire"? Meng Huo really wanted to investigate, it was rare for him to be so curious. But after serious thinking, he gave up.

"Forget it, this is boring..."

For Meng Huo, the more mysterious the enemy is, the more interesting it is, and the good things should be revealed later. Now is not the time, the opponent is very strong, maybe even stronger than Angel, but he still won't be his enemy.

Meng Huo hoped that the author would become more powerful, and then he ran out and stood opposite to surprise him. Even, he was a little worried that the other party was too impatient...

The painting just now showed his sharpness. The other party may have thought that he was ready to challenge Meng Huo, and he wanted to stand up. However——Meng Huo felt that the other party underestimated him too much, and he should settle down again.

"It just so happens that the new manga is about to be released, so let's take this opportunity to give him a reminder..."

An idea came to Meng Huo's mind, and his hands began to itch. (To be continued..)

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