Big Manga

Chapter 954: Angry

In the morning, restaurant.

"Strange, why isn't the teacher here?" Qin Ya was eating the noodles, but her eyes were looking everywhere. Normally, Meng Huo should have breakfast in the restaurant at this time. Why isn't he here today? Could it be that you have already gone to work?

She thought so, and then saw two girls walking by.

"Fortunately, I went early, otherwise I wouldn't be able to buy this issue of "Weekly Girls."

"Yeah, I didn't expect that just a serial trailer would be so lively, and... Teacher He Xi's new comic name feels very strange."

""Natsume's Book of Friends"...Speaking of which, the teacher always gives such a messy name!"

The two girls in work clothes were holding a magazine in their hands. Qin Ya looked at it with wide eyes, and was suddenly stunned—of course she knew that this was "Weekly Girl" and this issue of "Weekly Girl" A preview of Meng Huo's new work will be published.

But she didn't expect that the preview of the new work would be like this. Although it was just a short glance, isn't the one on the cover a boy?

"Did I read it wrong?" Qin Ya followed the backs of the two girls. The girls met a few male colleagues and showed them "Weekly Girls" as if showing off. Although Qin Ya couldn't see the cover clearly , but the exclamation of the men proved that she was right.


"It turned out to be the hero!!"

The men wailed: "How could this manga be placed in "Weekly Girls", it's too much! Shouldn't it be in the shonen manga?"

"This cover is so cool, why don't you sell it to me for collection?"

There are also boys who are bidding for girls, but girls are obviously not very willing.

"How do you want to collect it?"

"Of course it was cut..."

"Eh! That won't work!"

The group of employees walked away while chatting. Qin Ya quickly speeded up eating noodles. She had no interest in this issue of "Weekly Girl". I plan to wait for "Natsume's Book of Friends" to be officially released before buying it.

However, the scene just now made her curious, how could the new manga be the male protagonist? Although in the same studio, Meng Huo has not yet started work on "Natsume's Book of Friends".

This made Qin Ya very surprised now.

After eating the noodles, Qin Ya ran out of the restaurant to the comic shop. But when she got downstairs, she was stunned.

There are three comic shops opposite the Phoenix Building, but through the glass, you can see that there are queues outside the three comic shops. Most of the queues are employees of the Phoenix Company. Although it is not very long, if you go there to buy, you will not be able to catch up with work time.

"Let's go to the editorial department to get it..." Qin Ya turned decisively and went to the editorial department of "Weekly Girls". As a top girl cartoonist, she can get any issue of the weekly comics collected by the editorial department in the editorial department.

This time is no exception, after learning about Qin Ya's intentions. The editors simply gave her a brand new "Weekly Girl".

Qin Ya was finally able to carefully see the serial preview of "Natsume's Book of Friends", but after seeing it, her anger rose, and she turned around and ran to the animation department that produced "Rose Maiden".

"Mr. He Xi, Mr. He Xi, you are going too far!"

Qin Ya angrily ran to the animation department, kicked open the door, walked in and yelled.

Everyone in the department office was taken aback. Qin Ya looked left and right, and was taken aback suddenly: "Isn't Teacher He Xi here yet?"

"No, no..." The other painters came back to their senses, and all stared at her in surprise. She was startled by the momentum of her intrusion.

With a sullen face, Qin Ya walked quickly to her desk and put the magazine on it: "Pour me a cup of tea!"

The other painters rushed to pour tea immediately. A male painter acted the fastest and delivered the tea to Qin Ya's table immediately.

"I said, our princess, what's the matter with you today?" The painter put down tea for her, and asked carefully: "Why did Teacher He Xi offend you, so angry so early in the morning?"

"Huh!" Qin Ya snorted coldly, picked up the tea and drank it, and said angrily, "I found out today that the poster he drew for me last time for "Legend of the Galaxy Diva" was not serious at all. Do!"

The artist saw the "Weekly Girl" on the table. His eyes suddenly realized.

There were also several female painters in the department who bought "Weekly Girl" early in the morning, before Qin Ya came. Artists are talking about the teaser cover for Natsume's Book of Friends. Although the manga series will start next week, the cover of this issue is indeed beautifully drawn.

It is understandable for Qin Ya to be angry when she saw such a beautiful cover—Meng Huo had drawn some posters for Qin Ya to celebrate the animation of "Legend of the Galaxy Diva". Although those paintings are beautiful, they are still a bit worse than this trailer cover.

Qin Ya was very happy at that time, but now that she found out that Meng Huo didn't try her best to help her paint, she would certainly be unhappy.

"The cover of the magazine this time is indeed very beautiful, would be nice if Teacher He Xi could prepare it for you, princess, why don't you mind too much...Now you are the only cartoonist in the whole company who can get help from Teacher He Xi. .”

The artist persuaded that after "Legend of the Galaxy Diva" was animated, many cartoonists envied Qin Ya, and she was lucky enough that she shouldn't be angry about such a trivial matter.

"That's to say, and the promotional poster of "The Legend of the Galaxy Diva" is also very beautiful!" A female artist also said a little sourly: "Qin Ya, you don't know your blessings when you are in the blessing, if Teacher He Xi is willing to do it for me A painting, I will definitely frame it and hang it at home!"

Qin Ya curled her lips: "This is too exaggerated."

However, after being told by the painters, her anger seemed to have dissipated a lot. It seems that it is impossible to say why he is deliberately partial to a single painting - after all, he has helped her enough, in addition to painting, music, various aspects of the script.

"I seem to be pushing my limits a bit..."

Qin Ya thought in her heart, and slowly calmed down again. The painters breathed a sigh of relief, and the work time came soon, but Meng Huo was still late to come to work until 15 minutes into the work, which made everyone in the animation department feel very strange.

"Princess Qin, Teacher He Xi is not here. Please check these paintings." A female painter moved the original paintings to Qin Ya's desk. Without Meng Huo, Qin Ya was so busy that she even had time to eat snacks. All gone.

"What exactly is Teacher He Xi doing?"

"That's right. This has never happened before. Is the teacher sick...Qin Ya, do you want to call and ask?"

Meng Huo was never late for no reason. The female painter suggested to Qin Ya to call and inquire. In the whole department, Qin Ya was the only one who could talk to Meng Huo more comfortably. But she didn't do it right away.

"Wait a little longer, I'll call if he doesn't come in half an hour."

As Qin Ya spoke, she guessed that Meng Huo must have been delayed by other matters. She would never believe the guess about being ill. Meng Huo's body was so healthy that he would die, and he had never heard of him being ill.

"Wait..." Qin Ya's heart suddenly moved, as if thinking of something, she opened her mouth wide in surprise.

"I want to ask you something." She asked the female painter, "Did Shen Jie come back yesterday?"

Recently, the topic about Shen Jie has become very lively in Phoenix Company. She came back yesterday to go through the formalities. Officially appointed as the director of the firm - the artist also knew about this, and quickly gave Qin Ya an affirmative answer.

"No way..." Qin Ya patted her head: "Could it be that I'm going to prepare wedding candies?"

"What candy?" the female painter asked curiously.

"It's nothing, I said I want candy!" Qin Ya said perfunctorily, but she recalled whether there was any wedding candy in her table—it seemed that there was not, but the candy in the red package should be used as wedding candy...

Ten minutes later, Meng Huo walked into the animation department with a smile on his face.

"Teacher, why are you so late today?"

"There's been a delay."

He casually answered some painters' curiosity, then sat beside Qin Ya and started working as if nothing had happened.

"Teacher looks very happy." Qin Ya said with a strange expression: "Is something good really happened?"

Meng Huo was taken aback: "You can see it?"

The corner of Qin Ya's mouth trembled: "It's too obvious... Teacher didn't go to the restaurant this morning, did he?"

"You know that too?" Meng Huo was a little surprised, and said with a smile, "That's right. It's rare to have a guest, so I ate at home today."

"With Shen Jie?"

Meng Huo was stunned: "How do you know?"

Qin Ya covered her head and bumped her head against the table: "Sure enough! Teacher, you are obviously younger than me... You are obviously younger than me..."

This time. The surrounding painters noticed the situation here again. Meng Huo looked at Qin Ya's movements in astonishment, wondering why she was going crazy today—but not long after, Qin Ya stopped again, and she took out a few red Throwing the candy to Meng Huo, he pursed his lips and said two words: "Congratulations."

"Congratulations?" Meng Huo didn't know why, but he still opened the package and put the candy in his mouth.

"It's a good thing you said." Qin Ya was secretly angry, why should I say so nonsense!

"Ah, you said that." Meng Huo suddenly realized. He smiled and said, "To be honest, I was surprised too. I didn't expect the progress to be so fast."

"..." The corners of Qin Ya's mouth trembled.

"There is only one round left now." Meng Huo didn't notice Qin Ya's strange behavior, and continued: "The last round of primaries will start next week. The topic has been determined."

Qin Ya's expression became stiff: "What?"

"Huh? About the novel competition..." Meng Huo glanced at Qin Ya strangely: "The new round of candidates for the competition has come out, and now there is only the last round of primary selection left. I just went to the editorial department to check it out." list."

"...Teacher..." Qin Ya opened her eyes wide: "This is the good thing you said?"

"Otherwise?" Meng Huo looked at Qin Ya strangely. Qin Ya was dumbfounded. After realizing her misunderstanding, she suddenly blushed, covered her head again, and bumped against the table.

Meng Huo frowned and watched her movements, and then recalled the conversation just now - he slowly guessed what Qin Ya was thinking, and the corners of his mouth trembled: "Qin Ya, what did you congratulate me just now?...Would you like me?" Help you bump again?"

" need!" Qin Ya quickly stopped bumping her head, moved her butt away from Meng Huo, her face was full of embarrassment: "It can't be my fault, Mr. He Xi, you didn't inform us in advance!"

Meng Huo sighed, Qin Ya thought he was with Shen Jie last night, of course it was impossible. But the two lived close to each other, so they just had breakfast together in the morning.

"Teacher, the results of the novel competition are announced so soon?"

Seeing that Meng Huo didn't look really angry, Qin Ya immediately changed the subject.

Meng Huo shook his head: "Actually, it's not too fast."

The novel adaptation competition has been held for several weeks, because they are all adaptations of designated works, Phoenix Company cannot give a lot of time to the contestants like original novels, and several comic editorial departments are helping, and it will be here soon The last round of primaries.

"I heard that the elimination rate is high?"

Qin Ya asked again.

"Yeah." Meng Huo nodded: "More than 90%..."

What he said was very conservative. In fact, the elimination rate of the game can be said to be 99%. More than 100,000 people participated in the first round, and the list released today is only more than 1,000 people, and more than 100 people will be selected in the final round of primary elections.

These more than a hundred people will be qualified to go to Manga Island to participate in the interview. Meng Huo will personally receive them, and after several rounds of screening, the remaining dozen or so people will become members of his future adaptation team.

The elimination rate of the game is quite high, but because of such a high elimination rate, this game has always attracted attention. The selected works of each round will be published online, and the media reports are also very active. Meng Huo believes that after a round of competition, there will be more than 100 people left, even if they cannot become members of his team in the end. Many companies are vying for admission.

In fact, the quality of these 'writers' far exceeded Meng Huo's imagination. He had read hundreds of articles, and all of them were quite good.

The final round of primaries will start next week, just after the Mid-Autumn Festival, and after the official serialization of "Natsume's Book of Friends"—the title of the final primaries will be this manga.

"The topic of the last round is "Natsume's Book of Friends" to be released next week." Meng Huo said to Qin Ya: "The manga will be released in three chapters, and the topic is to adapt the content of these three chapters, and then there will be an interview on my side... "

His interviews will begin in October. If all goes well, the final team candidates will be determined before mid-October.

Of course, in addition to this incident, Meng Huo’s tricks on the cover preview of "Natsume's Book of Friends" also had an effect-while he was talking to Qin Ya, a girl in another city far away passed the Internet. Saw the new cover of Weekly Girls.

"How is it?" Annie asked a little worriedly, "Is this picture clear enough?"

"Enough..." The girl stared at the computer screen. Although it was not physical, it was enough for her to see the details of the cover of "Weekly Girl": "He saw it—he must have seen my painting...he was telling me , I can’t challenge him yet.”

Although unwilling, the girl had to admit that there was still a certain distance between her and He Xi's manga skills.

However, He Xi's way of responding made her very angry - quite angry! (to be continued)

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