Big Manga

Chapter 955: Mid-Autumn Festival

A few days before the release of "Natsume's Book of Friends", the last Sunday in September is the Mid-Autumn Festival, one of the three major festivals in China.

Meng Huo couldn't remember whether the same day in his previous life was the Mid-Autumn Festival, because he didn't celebrate the festival at all at that time—but he remembered the Mid-Autumn Festival in this world very clearly. In recent years, he would find a way to spend the Mid-Autumn Festival with Li Qin .

However, this year's situation is quite special. Li Qin returned to Qingcheng for the festival, and the old lady of the Meng family also had to entertain many guests from inside and outside the group. She specially told Meng Huo not to visit, so as not to be caught by someone who wanted to.

Of course, Meng Huo was happy and quiet, and decided to celebrate the festival with Shen Jie, and by the way, he also invited a few friends of the same age who hadn't returned home.

There is no National Day in China, but each Mid-Autumn Festival has a three-day statutory holiday, and universities, middle schools and primary schools generally follow the regulations for three full days. However, most corporate companies only have one or two days of vacation, and the same is true for Phoenix companies.

Phoenix company's holiday starts at noon on the day of the Mid-Autumn Festival, and I go to work in the afternoon of the next day, which happens to be one day, and there is basically no delay in work.

Although such an arrangement is compact, it is convenient for many employees from other places. As soon as they got off work at noon this day, many employees hurriedly picked up their bags and left the company. port.

"Isn't it just to go back and spend the night, so there is no need to be so anxious?"

Qin Ya looked at the empty animation department, and complained that the work hadn't been finished yet, and these painters ran away as if they were going to be reincarnated. Except for the locals in Suhua, most of the painters have to spend half a day to a day on the high-speed rail or on the plane. Maybe it's over after meeting their relatives at night. She really can't figure out why it is necessary to go back.

"After all, it's the Mid-Autumn Festival, a day for family reunion...Okay, let's get off work too!" Meng Huo stood up with a smile. Tell Qin Ya to leave together, only the two of them are left in the department, and the work cannot continue.

Get out of the department. After closing the door, Meng Huo and Qin Ya walked side by side.

"You're not going home today, are you?"

"I won't come back. There are too many guests going back, it's so troublesome." Qin Ya shook her head. Generally, as long as it's not the Chinese New Year, she doesn't want to go home, and her parents let them come if they have something to do—she will never go back.

"Do you have a companion?" Meng Huo knew Qin Ya's real reason, so he didn't want to persuade her to go back. He thought that if Qin Ya didn't have a companion, he would invite her to celebrate the festival together.

But Qin Ya was already ready for the festival, and two of her three manga assistants did not go home. In addition, she also made appointments with some other girls in the company,

Don't worry about nothing to do today.

Meng Huo didn't speak anymore. After parting from Qin Ya, he returned to his apartment—as expected, Shen Jie, who got off work early, was already waiting for him in the apartment with Liu Yun and the others, and lunch was ready.

"Meng Huo, you're finally back! You're not here, and we're sitting in fear." Liu Yun came out to greet Meng Huo, and said, "If you accidentally break something in your apartment, it would be a shame to sell us all." I can't even afford it."

Meng Huo was taken aback: "You guys are too restrained."

He walked into the living room, just as Han Xuan and the others were setting the food. Shen Jie looked at Meng Huo who was empty-handed with surprise on his face: "You didn't bring moon cakes back?"


Shen Jie was helpless: "You tell me earlier, I can go buy it."

Meng Huo has ingredients here, but no festive items. However, how can the Mid-Autumn Festival lack moon cakes and grapefruit?

"No need, I've already prepared it if I want to." Meng Huo smiled and suggested: "I think it's rare that everyone has time, so why not go shopping in the city together in the afternoon and buy mooncakes and the like."

"Hey! This is fine!"

Shen Jie's eyes lit up.

"I support!"

Liu Yun exclaimed excitedly, she didn't want to be bored in this apartment alone, Li Yu and Liu Yi also showed smiles, only Han Xuan asked suspiciously: "Can I go shopping? You two are celebrities."

Meng Huo and Shen Jie looked at each other, then smiled.

"It's okay. We can dress up."

"The two of us are very well dressed!"

The two used ventriloquism to answer one after the other, and the unfamiliar voice made the four friends dumbfounded. If they hadn't been here in person, they would never have believed that these two people could change their voices so completely.


"That's fine with Shen Jie. I didn't expect you, Meng Huo, to... And you can't hear it at all. Is this a necessary skill for a voice actor?"

Li Yu and Han Xuan were full of envy.

"No, how can a voice actor be so good!" Liu Yun yelled, and she stared at Shen Jie: "Okay, Shen Jie, you taught Meng Huo this ventriloquism! There are opposite sexes but no humanity, I used to ask you to teach it Me, you never paid attention to me!"

Shen Jie calmly said, "How can it be so simple, if anyone can learn ventriloquist well, I would have taught you a long time ago."

"Then why is Meng Huo okay? What criteria did you use?"

"He's an exception, and I didn't specifically teach him..." Shen Jie shook her head, looking at Meng Huo like a monster: "I just told him some ventriloquist knowledge, and then he asked it out by himself. "

The eyes of the four young men immediately shifted to Meng Huo.

"Is it true, Meng Huo?" Liu Yun asked.

Meng Huo nodded: "Really... I think it is still difficult for ordinary people to learn."

It took him a lot of time to learn ventriloquism, and it can be felt that this ability depends on personal talent. In fact, if it weren't for his psychic ability, Meng Huo would not have this talent either, and maybe he would still be a different person after studying for a few years.

In fact, many of Meng Huo's special abilities come from psionic power, but then again, psionic power is his greatest talent. Liu Yun showed a pityful expression. It seems that she is unlikely to learn such a miraculous skill.

"What are you missing? You are neither voice actors nor celebrities. There is no need to learn this." Shen Jie comforted.

"That's true..."

Liu Yun was a little relieved.

After lunch, at two o'clock in the afternoon, a group of six people packed up and set off. Alice's car was still in the garage, but this time there were too many people to sit in. Meng Huo and Shen Jie didn't move it, but chose the subway to travel.

Walk into the subway station entrance. Shen Jie asked Meng Huo, "Meng Huo, you didn't go shopping in Suhua much before, did you?"

"No." Meng Huo nodded. He had been to many places in Suhua, but it was rare for him to come out by himself.

"Just right." Shen Jie immediately became confident: "Then let me lead the way. I visited many places with Aunt Qin and the others last time."

But before she finished speaking, she was immediately interrupted by several other people.

"Hey. Wait! Shen Jie, you don't know much, do you?"

"That is to say, we should rely on us at this time!"

"Let's lead the way!"

Han Xuan and Li Yu looked very active, Shen Jie was slightly taken aback: "Are you familiar with Su Hua?"

"At least I know more than the two of you." Liu Yun interjected: "We have lived here for two years, and we often go out during holidays. We have been to all the places we should play. It is better for us to lead the way now. "

Meng Huo looked at Shen Jie: "Then let them come!"

Shen Jie had a bit of regret on her face: "Okay." She turned to look at Han Xuan and the others: "Then I'll leave the itinerary to you, don't take us to some messy place."

"Leave it to us!" Han Xuan patted her mouth, while Liu Yun turned her head to look at Liu Yi: "Fatty, go buy tickets, Qingcui Street."

From the looks of it, it was clear that they had already made up their itinerary. Liu Yi turned and walked towards the ticket vending machine, and Meng Huo immediately followed. The four college students all had transportation cards in their hands, but Shen Jie and Meng Huo did not, and it was not easy for him to leave everything to them.

However, after taking the subway, Meng Huo saw something that surprised him.

"No matter how many times I look at it, this poster is so handsome..."

"I like this scene, I must go see "Strike of the Sword" after it is released!"

It turned out that the movie poster of "Strike of the Sword" that Meng Huo was familiar with hung on the subway car. Some people gathered around the poster and took pictures with their mobile phones, seeming interested in the movie—but Meng Huo noticed that the release time was not written on the poster.

Shen Jie was a little surprised and said: ""Strike of the Sword" hasn't been broadcast so early, has it? The posters are all ready, and their promotion is really big!"

"It was just yesterday." Liu Yi said aside, "I didn't see it when I took the subway the day before yesterday."

Meng Huo sank slightly. I wondered why Zhongxia Company took out the posters so early. The effect of the posters will decrease with time. The finale posters are usually posted after the official publicity. Could it be that Zhongxia still has more excellent cards in hand?

He thought about it, but the people next to him thought that Meng Huo was worried about Zhongxia's animation, and Han Xuan wanted Meng Huo's attention: "Meng Huo, what do you want to play in the afternoon? There is a comic island in the amusement park, and there is no need for a movie theater." Go... are you interested in the aquarium and botanical garden?"

"Botanical garden?" Meng Huo turned his head: "What is that?"

"Suhua Botanical Garden is very famous... Teacher Aquarium, you seem to know it." Han Xuan smiled and said, "But the Botanical Garden and Aquarium are not far away. The Aquarium here is also very unique and very beautiful. Let's go here in the afternoon Look at two places."

Meng Huo became interested: "Okay, but don't forget about mooncakes. I remember that Suhua has a famous brand of mooncakes."

"Well, I know this. Xiushui Food Square...there is a flagship store in Suhua City. Let me check the address." Han Xuan swipe her phone, look at the map, and then said in surprise: "I found it, just in time... it's only three miles away from the Botanical Garden." One stop, but you don’t need to buy mooncakes in advance, do you?”

"I'll buy it when I go back in the afternoon." Meng Huo nodded and said with a smile, "I'll just listen to you now..."

He didn't interfere with Han Xuan's plan, and played with Shen Jie in Suhua City under the leadership of these guides.

The first stop was the aquarium. After shopping for more than half an hour, I took a lot of photos and left. Then I went shopping in the botanical garden for a long time, bought some cheap and affordable things along the shopping street, and ate and drank in the middle. I ate all kinds of special snacks on the roadside, and found that the sun was setting before I knew it.

"Oops, it's five o'clock!" Liu Yun hadn't had a good time yet, and said rather reluctantly: "There are still many places I haven't visited!"

Meng Huo looked at the time. Liu Yun and the others were indeed good guides. He only walked around a small area for half a day, but he didn't feel bored at all.

"Forget it, let's go back!" Shen Jie carried a lot of packages contentedly, and said, "I don't know when that mooncake shop closes. It's better to go there earlier."

Meng Huo followed suit. Although most of the people were a little bit reluctant, but it was getting late, everyone put away their thoughts of continuing to have fun, and ordered two taxis to run directly to the moon cake shop.

The mooncake shop was not closed. After buying the mooncakes, Meng Huo and the others also bought cakes and other festive items from the same shop. In addition to the harvest from the previous shopping, when the group boarded the return subway, each of them had Carrying big bags and small bags.

"We can have two meals tonight...Don't go back tonight, let's prepare hot pot together in the middle of the night..."

Meng Huo sat down and said with great interest.

Liu Yun and the others agreed without hesitation. Shen Jie sat next to Meng Huo. She looked at the four people sitting in other places, and quietly leaned her head on Meng Huo's shoulder while the subway was accelerating steadily: " I said Meng Huo..."

Shen Jie said happily: "Do you still remember when we went to the beach in the first year of high school?"

"You mean the time you went with Teacher Huang Ye?"

"Yes...that was the time." Shen Jie narrowed her eyes, and put her weight on Meng Huo's body: "At that time, you dozed off on my shoulder, and I thought that one day I would definitely let you sleep. Give it back—just like now."

Meng Huo didn't remember this incident, but he was asleep at the time, and as for his shoulder...

He stretched out his hand to grab a strand of Shen Jie's long hair, twirled his fingers, and smiled: "Don't say it like it's the first time, you've leaned on me like this many times before, right?"

"...Can't you play dumb?" Shen Jie blushed slightly. Of course, this wasn't the first time she leaned on Meng Huo like this, but this man really doesn't have any romantic cells, so what can he do if he plays dumb at this time?

But she still didn't move her body, wrapped herself around Meng Huo with a happy face, and didn't leave until she arrived at the station.

When we returned to Manga Island, it was almost dark. Everyone who was drowsy in the car got off the car and immediately became refreshed again.

They prepared dinner happily. After dinner, they ran upstairs to watch the moon, then returned to the apartment to play games, stayed up until midnight and had a hot pot banquet—they played so crazy in the end that several girls occupied Meng Huo’s bedroom and Stay overnight in the guest room, while Meng Huo and Liu Yi can only sleep on the sofa in the living room.

The Mid-Autumn Festival night ended in such excitement. Although it was a pity not being able to be with Li Qin, Meng Huo was very happy.

The next morning, the four of Liu Yun left one after another. Shen Jie helped Meng Huo clean up the room. After having lunch together, they started working in the afternoon.

Phoenix's business was not affected by the Mid-Autumn Festival holiday. A few days after the holiday ended, the new issue of "Weekly Girl" was officially released. (to be continued)

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