Big Manga

Chapter 956: Sale

"Pass, pass!"

A few days ago, when Lu Yanqiu saw the list of approved novel adaptations published on the He Xi Family Forum, she almost jumped up for joy.

As an old writer, she thought that she would not need much effort to pass all the audits of Phoenix Company, but the process of the competition made her feel tremendous pressure-seeing the number of participants drop from hundreds of thousands to over 100,000. Thousands of people, anyone will feel the pressure.

She had underestimated this competition before, there are so many talented people in Huaxia, and it was not easy for her to pass every round.

But after this round, Lu Yanqiu felt relieved that there was only the last round of the primary election left. After the Mid-Autumn Festival, when the final round of the primary election was about to start, Lu Yanqiu's nervousness had almost disappeared.

On the morning when "Weekly Girl" was released, after eating breakfast at home, she calmly washed the dishes.

Daughter Xiaoxuan was even more anxious than her: "Mom, don't wash it, hurry up, don't you want to buy "Weekly Boys"? If you don't go out, you won't be able to buy it!?"

"Don't be in such a hurry, Xiaoxuan, how could it be sold out so quickly?"

Lu Yanqiu smiled and said, it's only 7:00 in the morning, and even though "Natsume's Book of Friends" is the last round of contest questions, she doesn't think she won't be able to buy "Weekly Girls". During the competition, she experienced He Xi's high popularity, but that popularity will not be so high as to prevent her from buying comics.

If it was a manga booklet, she would have to be more nervous, but "Natsume's Book of Friends" is only a part of this issue of "Weekly Girls", and there should not be many people who would buy a weekly magazine just for a new serialized manga.

The popularity of a top novelist can't change the sales volume of a weekly magazine, so Lu Yanqiu is not in a hurry. She washed the dishes slowly before taking her daughter out.

"Mom, hurry up!" The daughter urged all the way, and Lu Yanqiu followed behind her. She thought her daughter was really making a fuss—but when she got to the door of the first bookstore, she was frightened by the sight in front of her.

"Woo...a lot of people." Xiaoxuan felt wronged for a while, and showed dissatisfaction with Lu Yanqiu: "Look. I told you, it's all your fault. Mom!"

Lu Yanqiu looked dumbfounded at the line of tens of meters lined up outside the bookstore. There was no university nearby. The line was mainly composed of girls from junior high school and high school, and even some elementary school students. Of course, there were also many women among them.

"how is this possible……"

"I just said it! Teacher He Xi hasn't published a new comic for a long, long time! Everyone will definitely buy it!" Xiaoxuan hated iron for being weak,

A little worried, he said: "This is a terrible situation, maybe I won't be able to buy it."

"Impossible, impossible!" Lu Yanqiu became a little nervous: "The next one, this bookstore is usually very lively, the next one will be very deserted!"

However, after walking to the next house. She was shocked to find that the number of people queuing here had increased even more than the one just now, and there were even many boys in the queue.

"Never mind, Mom! Come and line up, we can't continue walking." Xiaoxuan quickly ran to the back of the line, and waved to Lu Yanqiu: "The next family will definitely have more people, let's line up here to buy!"

"This..." Lu Yanqiu walked over and looked at the line: "Xiaoxuan, go to school first, mom is lining up here!"

"Then you must buy it!"

"No problem, sure!"

Lu Yanqiu showed a wry smile, it seemed that they had to wait in line for a long time. After seeing off my daughter. Lu Yanqiu sighed, and stood honestly at the back of the line.

"Hehe, I got it! I haven't seen Teacher He Xi's new work for a long time!"

A young group consisting of two men and three women came out of the bookstore. They were all smiling, holding a thick comic book in their hands.

"Why do you guys come to grab "Weekly Girls" from us, luckily it's not out of stock!"

"There is no rule saying we can't buy it, right? The protagonist of "Natsume's Book of Friends" is a boy!"

Readers of the comics they bought came out of the bookstore one after another. Everyone was satisfied because they could see "Natsume's Book of Friends" for the first time. Lu Yanqiu was dumbfounded watching such a scene. Relying on a comic to change the sales volume of a magazine-it cannot be judged by common sense.

"No wonder the editor said that working with him can last a lifetime..."

At this moment, Lu Yanqiu has a deep understanding of the editor's words. The release of any comic book can create such a lively scene. It can be seen that every work of He Xi will be very popular without promotion. There is absolutely no shortage of readers when it is adapted into a novel.

It is indeed a good job to join He Xi's team.

Thinking of this, Lu Yanqiu began to feel a little anxious about this job. She must buy "Weekly Girl" today, and if she doesn't buy it, other people will be preempted by a large margin—others are also meticulously crafting the article. I will definitely adapt it seriously, the time gap of one day is too big.

However, just when Lu Yanqiu spent more than half an hour queuing to the front, she suddenly heard the noise coming from the store, and she felt a lump in her heart, and then saw a female clerk standing at the door with a written notice.

"Today's "Weekly Girl" is sold out, and the new stock will not come in until the afternoon. Our store does not accept any reservations. Those who want to buy "Weekly Girl" please come back in line in the afternoon."

Seeing this announcement, Lu Yanqiu felt dizzy. She didn't expect "Weekly Girl" to be sold out! Before she could recover, the other people in the team ran outside after discovering the announcement. In the blink of an eye, Lu Yanqiu's surroundings became empty.

"Unfortunately, it's sold out!"

"Hurry up, maybe there will be one in the nearby bookstore!"

Hearing those voices going away, Lu Yanqiu felt a chill in her heart, no way, these people are so experienced! But with so many people running over, wouldn't the nearby bookstores be crowded with people, so can they still be bought?

"...Could it be... I really can't buy "Weekly Girl"?"

Lu Yanqiu's face was gray and pale, and he was a little at a loss. She worked so hard to make it through the first few rounds, and if she failed in the final round of primaries because she couldn't buy "Weekly Girls" - such a ridiculous reason would have to be laughed to death!

"Why don't you leave? If you don't go, the other bookstores will be out of stock." At this time, the female clerk who had just released the announcement came out and said, but after seeing Lu Yanqiu's face clearly, she was suddenly taken aback. Then he asked with some hesitation: "Mr. Lu, you must have written "Love Between Two Worlds", Mr. Lu?"

"you know me?"

"Of course, I like what you write very much... I saw photos of you being interviewed when I was in school." The female clerk smiled happily: "Mr. Lu's appearance hasn't changed much. It seems that he hasn't published many books in recent years. Already!"

Lu Yanqiu was a little embarrassed, but it wasn't that she didn't want to publish a book. But it was impossible to publish a book.

"Does the teacher also want to buy "Weekly Girl"?"

"Well, but it looks like I'm going to look elsewhere."

"This..." The clerk smiled wryly, shook his head and said, "There are few shipments today. Teacher He Xi's new work is on sale, and most of the shipments have been taken away by big bookstores. I think other places should be out of stock soon... Everyone There will be new products only in the afternoon, so it’s better for you to buy them in the afternoon, teacher.”

Lu Yanqiu was disappointed for a while, and suddenly her eyes lit up again: "That. Could you please keep a copy for me this afternoon?"

"This...the store manager will be angry..." The clerk looked embarrassed: "Other works are easy to talk about, but the store manager strictly forbids us to tamper with teacher He Xi's works. He is a die-hard fan of teacher He Xi. Don't even try to buy his work..."

Lu Yanqiu's eyes dimmed again.

"But..." The clerk blinked and said with a smile: "Mr. Lu, why are you interested in "Weekly Girl"? If there is any special reason, I can talk to the store manager, and maybe he will promise to prepare a copy for you." .”

Lu Yanqiu's eyes lit up again immediately, she felt like she was on a roller coaster, her mood fluctuated up and down. But Lu Yanqiu didn't dare to miss the opportunity. Who knew if she would be able to catch up in the afternoon, she immediately informed the clerk that she was going to compete.

As soon as the female shop assistant heard that she had participated in the novel adaptation competition, a smile appeared on her face: "So you want to participate in the competition, teacher. Why didn't you say it earlier? If I said it earlier, I could jump in the queue to buy it for you this morning!" "

"is it okay?"

"Absolutely no problem, everyone will let you take a step!"

The female clerk became enthusiastic, and she asked Lu Yanqiu to go into the bookstore: "Let's go to the store manager, he will help... I didn't expect you, Mr. Lu, to participate in this competition. Teacher He Xi's works are written by you." The adaptation will definitely look good."

After entering the bookstore, the female clerk told the store manager about the matter. The store manager was surprised, but he didn't seem to know Lu Yanqiu. So I turned on the computer and searched on the He Xi Family forum, and sure enough, I saw Lu Yanqiu's name on the list.

After seeing the list. The store manager agreed to Lu Yanqiu: "Since it's true, Mr. Lu, don't worry! Leave this matter to me. Where is your home? If it's not far away, I can send someone to take it to you in the afternoon."

Lu Yanqiu was very happy, and quickly thanked her. Of course, she rejected the store manager's kindness and decided to come and get it by herself in the afternoon.

On the way home, Lu Yanqiu felt that the air was much fresher—today's experience was really amazing, she never thought that He Xi would be so respected, after seeing the store manager's reaction, Lu Yanqiu felt that it would be a good idea to adapt He Xi's work Fiction is a very powerful thing.

At this time, Lu Yanqiu received a call from the editor in charge.

"What's wrong, editor?"

"Ah, Yan Qiu... There are a few copies of "Weekly Girl" here in the editorial department. If you want it, I will send it to you after get off work." The editor said: "Mr. He Xi hasn't released a new manga for more than a year. It will definitely be sold out when it is launched, I’m afraid you don’t understand the situation, if you can’t buy it, it’s a joke!”

Lu Yanqiu blushed for a while, the editor was really right. She felt grateful for a while, the editor would not be her editor soon, but she was still willing to help her, Lu Yanqiu thanked her twice, and said, "No need, actually I..."

She happily told the editor what happened just now.

And at the same moment, in Manga Island.

"Thank you, thank you so much!" In the girls' editorial department, Bai Han received a magazine from Wang Hui, the editor-in-chief of "Weekly Girls", and thanked him very gratefully. The launch is boiling, and it takes a lot of time to go out and queue up to buy.

"You're welcome, after all, you are already the assistant of "Natsume's Book of Friends!" Wang Hui said with a smile. Today, Bai Han was waiting at the entrance of the editorial department before they went to work. Just now, she signed a contract with the editorial department. Signed the agreement and formally took over the assistant job of "Natsume's Book of Friends".

When Wang Hui first got the news, she was surprised. She didn't expect Teacher He Xi to choose such a new manga artist, but Bai Han's drawing skills are really good, and she can help draw "Natsume's Book of Friends".

"Bai Han, you haven't read this comic yet, have you?"

"Yeah." Bai Han nodded, and said a little shyly: "Teacher He Xi hasn't taught me yet, he said he has a manuscript on file, and he will slowly guide me in my work after it's officially released."

She has been thinking about this matter day and night since a few weeks ago, and she is very worried that something will happen. However, "Natsume's Book of Friends" was officially serialized today. After she came to the editorial department to complete the formalities and was recognized by the editors, she is now relaxed-this matter is settled.

She felt that she had gotten the pie that fell from the sky. She heard that "Natsume's Book of Friends" was a long girl manga. Not to mention ordinary illustrators, even many professional manga artists envied and hated her.

"Practice hard, don't be in such a hurry." Wang Hui nodded and said with a smile: "Mr. , you still have a while to practice."

"But this is not an opportunity to be lazy..." Wang Hui reminded: "Being Teacher He Xi's manga assistant is your luck, but it is also a great responsibility - if you don't work hard enough, we will let the teacher take you away immediately." Replace it."

"I know!" Bai Han straightened up in fright: "I won't embarrass Teacher He Xi!"

"That's good..." Wang Hui nodded in satisfaction. He Xi is the most outstanding cartoonist of Phoenix Company. The benefits of each of his cartoons can exceed the sum of several professional cartoonists. Peripherals and other copyright derivatives are gold mines.

Under such circumstances, He Xi's comics are no longer his own comics, but also the comics of the entire Phoenix Company. Its benefits will benefit everyone, including other cartoonists who can enjoy the upsurge of new works. Cherish the popularity of the layer.

Therefore, as He Xi's assistant, Bai Han's responsibility is very great. If she fails in her duty, Wang Hui will persuade Meng Huo to fire her without hesitation.

Of course, Wang Hui is very satisfied with Bai Han's current attitude, after a few reminders, she waved her hand and said, "Then you go back and read "Natsume's Book of Friends" carefully, and when we review the novel tomorrow, you should come and help too! "

"Yes, I see."

Bai Han thanked her again, and then left the editorial office with a happy expression on her "Weekly Girl" in her arms. (to be continued)

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