Big Manga

Chapter 957: Chapter 3

After "Weekly Girl" was released, I opened the mobile phone forum, which was full of discussions.

Readers scrambled to publish comments on "Natsume's Book of Friends". Some people liked the rural beauty and monster themes in the comics, some liked the slightly sad atmosphere in the comics, and more people were moved by the story. For Yan Qiu, who has read the manga Lu, no comment is as useful as this kind of opinion——

"Oops, it's very difficult to adapt this manga into a novel! The story is not difficult, but the feeling it brings to the readers is too difficult to write!"

"Yes, yes, it is so difficult to write well... "Natsume's Book of Friends" feels like prose in a manga. It is troublesome to write the atmosphere in words..."

Seeing such opinions, Lu Yanqiu's heart tightened. Could it be that this time the manga is difficult to write?

She was worried when she heard "Mom" suddenly. Looking back, her daughter Xiaoxuan came out of the school with a puzzled face: "Mom, why did you come to school?"

"I happened to be passing by, so I came to pick you up." Lu Yanqiu put away her mobile phone. She hadn't gone to the bookstore to pick up "Weekly Girl". When she was about to go in the afternoon, she encountered an emergency. Now she was going to take the magazine home.

When she took her daughter to the place where they parted in the morning, Lu Yanqiu saw that there was still a queue at the door of the bookstore. It seemed that there were plenty of magazines this time. The female clerk who was managing the team saw Lu Yanqiu, and shook her hand with joy: "Mr. Lu, why is it so late!"

Lu Yanqiu walked over, and the female clerk immediately took her hand: "Let's go, the store manager has been waiting for you for a long time, you can pick any "Weekly Girl"."

The people who were queuing were shocked when they heard it.

"Hey! Why doesn't she have to wait in line."

"That's right, it's not fair. We heard that Mr. He Xi's new work is great. But it's been a long queue!"

An angry girl even stopped in front.

"You can't do that!"

"What!" the female clerk put her hands on her back and said loudly: "Ms. Lu is going to participate in Mr. He Xi's novel competition, and it is already the last round of the primary selection. If you can do this, we will give you a piece of paper too." Jump in line."

"What. Novel competition?" The girl was taken aback: "Is it the adapted novel competition of He Xi's House?"


The clerk nodded,

There was an uproar all around.

"So that's the way it is, so we can't stop it, little *sister*sister, let her go!"

"I am very much looking forward to the novelization of Teacher He Xi's work. Miss, you are so amazing that you even entered the final round!"

"I also participated, but I was eliminated in the first round!"

The crowd in line were talking. One side got out of the way, and the girl returned to the line. Lu Yanqiu was pulled into the store by the female clerk and successfully bought the magazine. When she left, there were people cheering her on, which made her a little dazed.

"Mom is amazing." Daughter Xiaoxuan looked at Lu Yanqiu with adoring eyes all the way, which made her feel a little shy. But after arriving at home, the daughter immediately changed her attitude and said excitedly: "Mom, please show me "Weekly Girl" first!"

"No, you have to do your homework first." Lu Yanqiu patted her daughter's head. My daughter is in trouble when she reads the manga, and she will definitely not be able to do her homework: "Dad works overtime today, and may be home later. I will read the manga first, and then I will prepare dinner for you after reading it."

"Hey!" The daughter was a little disappointed, but finally returned to the room, ready to finish her homework before reading comics.

Lu Yanqiu put the vegetables she bought on the way in the kitchen, picked up "Weekly Girl" and walked into the study.

Her progress was already much slower than others. After opening the magazine, she didn't care about other manga, and immediately turned to the serial page of "Natsume's Book of Friends". This issue of "Weekly Girl" has a total of three episodes of "Natsume's Book of Friends", and Lu Yanqiu started reading from the first episode.

The title of the first chapter is "Cat and Friends Book", and the cover is very beautiful. It makes people have a desire to collect. It's a pity that now is not the time to seriously appreciate a painting, Lu Yanqiu wants to know what story this cartoon tells.

The story begins with a boy Natsume who can see youkai. Natsume is an orphan whose parents died. After growing up, he boarded in the village where his grandmother used to live. His grandma also had powerful abilities when she was young. He often fights with monsters and asks the lost monsters to sign his name, making a "Book of Friends" that can rule all monsters.

Natsume ran to a nearby ancestral hall while being chased by monsters, and accidentally untied the seal of the monster 'Madara' on the appearance of the beckoning cat. In order to get rid of the monster's pursuit, Natsume and Madara decided to return the name on the account of friends to the monster. them.

Strictly speaking, the content of the first chapter is actually to explain the background and introduction of the whole manga. It should be a boring chapter in theory, but a simple story drawn while explaining the history of the account of friends makes Lu Yanqiu feel very fresh. .

This is a story about a monster who seems very lonely. When the monster wanted to take a mantou enshrined decades ago, the mantou was snatched away by Natsume's grandma Reiko. Then she was hit on the head by Reiko with a bat, persuaded by her few words, and stupidly wrote his name to the other party, and then stood at the place where they met year after year, waiting for the girl to call his name.

However, the four seasons reincarnate until Reiko dies and when Natsume appears, the monster is still not called by Reiko. So the monster felt that since he didn't call him, he would be more lonely, so he chased Natsume and took his name back.

Although it is just a small story interspersed in the introduction of the story as a supplement, but for some reason, this story gives people a very strange feeling.

"What a mysterious manga..."

Lu Yanqiu thought in surprise, this comic is different from what she imagined. The story is full of mystery and tranquil beauty, and the protagonist of the beautiful boy is not as good as imagined, giving people a feeling of "not suitable for girls' comics". In fact, comics are full of sensibility that girls like.

She has never seen such a subject in a novel, it is fresh and very immersive, and the magical monster image in it does not seem to be a niche.

Every monster in the comics should be refined. Lu Yanqiu saw on the Internet that some fans had found out the exquisiteness of individual monsters. Some monsters even only appeared in ancient books of the side. He Xi's erudition can be seen.


Lu Yanqiu's image is no wonder He Xi can be so prolific, the amount of knowledge alone is scary. Rich knowledge is a necessary condition for creation—but He Xi's erudition has long been known to everyone, and there is nothing to say.

The first chapter made Lu Yanqiu feel very interesting, and she immediately opened the second chapter. There is no need to introduce background and antecedents. The story of the second chapter began to reveal the extraordinary aspects of "Natsume's Book of Friends".

The title of this talk is "The Ancestral Hall of the Dew God". At first Lu Yanqiu thought it was a story about a god. It turned out to be a monster.

Lushen is a monster who has no place to live and lives in the ancestral hall temporarily. During a drought, people in the village came to the ancestral hall to make offerings to pray for rain. The next day, because of the coincidence of rain, the villagers called it Lushen. However, due to the changing times, people gradually forgot about enshrining, and there is only Hanako, the last follower of Lushen.

The story of these words is the story of the monster and the last believer. Hanako insists on worshiping Lushen. Until the end of life. When she was young, she saw Lushen once. After visiting as usual, she raised her head and found a person behind the ancestral hall. Although she was shocked, Hanako pretended not to see it.

The person wearing the old man's mask said at the time: "It's a beautiful day today." However, Hanako was afraid that Lu Shen would disappear if she was seen, so she didn't reply. This matter made Hanako feel regretful until the end of her life: "It would have been nice if I had made up my mind to answer him at that time, because Lord Lugami is always alone... If it was me, I might not be able to bear this kind of loneliness, so least talk to him."

But since then, she has never been able to see Lushen again, obviously close enough to feel the distance between each other's breath. Hanako couldn't see him,

Likewise, Lugami kept watching Hanako. but cannot be seen. Lugami, who has become smaller due to the reduction of people's beliefs, has only one peach of Hanako every day. He could have left, but because of Hanako's belief, Lushen would rather disappear in the end than change his residence.

The ending of the story is that Hanako died of old age, no one enshrines Lushen anymore, and he also disappeared. Before disappearing, Natsume anxiously said that he would enshrine him, but was rejected by Lushen: "This is not allowed, Natsume. You are my friend."

After reading such a warm and sad story, Lu Yanqiu was inexplicably poked into tears. I couldn't help but took out a tissue and wiped away my tears. There is no fierce conflict in this story, only a light pouring like flowing water. However, it can bring emotion into the depths of readers' hearts.

If there's a reason for it, Lu Yanqiu thinks it's probably because of the crystal clear painting style and poetic writing. In this remark, there are too many words and expositions that brought tears to my eyes.

Lushen's reason for refusing to leave the ancestral hall: "Once you are in love, once you fall in love, you can't forget it." What he said to Natsume before disappearing: "That's good, I can go with Hanako, I just watched her all this time, now I can finally touch her.", "Thank you, Natsume, human beings are so cute, past and present.”

There are also some things that Natsume said and Hanako said, every time I think about it, Lu Yanqiu can't help but want to cry.

"It's really like prose..." Wiping away tears with a tissue, Lu Yanqiu recalled that someone on the forum said that "Natsume's Book of Friends" was prose in a manga. Looking at it now, this comment couldn't be more appropriate.

She put away her sadness and started to read the third episode.

On Sunday, two youkai came to ask Natsume to help them expel a demon exorcist. At this time, Natsume felt that a boy in the same school seemed to be able to see monsters. He thought of his incomprehensible loneliness when he was young, so he went to the monastery where the boy lived, and finally met the demon exorcist that the monsters said. However, this exorcist cannot see the monster, but because his son was disturbed by the monster, he went around to purify it. It turns out that the exorcist is the father of the boy.

Although the boys can only see the shadow of the monster and smell the breath, Natsume still feels that he has found a companion, and through getting along with the monster in the story, he also has a new understanding of them...

Perhaps the second episode was too touching, but the plot of the third episode didn't shock Lu Yanqiu too much. But she didn't feel that the quality of the words had declined at all, the story was still as concise and beautiful, and the words used were even better.

This story is told with Natsume as the center, and his narration and psychological changes are distressing and moving in the eyes of bystanders.

"Things that can be seen do not necessarily exist. In this unstable world, no one can understand the lonely feeling of walking alone.", "Whether it is a human or a monster, the hearts that want to touch each other are still the same —whether it’s the feeling of being alone, or the fear of taking the first step.”

Even if such a word is placed outside the comics, it can resonate with many lonely people.

After reading three episodes in one go, Lu Yanqiu fell into a long silence. She felt that "Natsume's Book of Friends" seemed to be shining on her body, and her mind, which had been depressed and clueless for many years, suddenly became clear.

With such excellent imagination, fresh and elegant words, and a healing and crystal-clear painting style, this comic shows her a whole new world, the sadness and emotion in the story, He Xi is such a sensitive person—if Staying by his side, I will definitely learn a lot and meet many different works.

An urge to write surged up in Lu Yanqiu's heart. It was not a feeling of wanting to complete the competition, but a feeling of wanting to prove, wanting to retell "Natsume's Book of Friends" with his own words.

Lu Yanqiu didn't want to share the emotion this manga brought her to others, she wanted to write it out by herself, and write out the world in the manga!

At some point, Lu Yanqiu picked up the pen and began to write frantically on the paper. It has been several years since she felt so inspired, the words poured out like flowing water, her soul seemed to return to the world in the comics, and every bit of the story would be reborn under her hands.

"Mom, I finished my homework, quickly show me "Natsume's Book of Friends"..."

After finishing her homework, Xiaoxuan ran out of the room excitedly, but just after she came out, she was surprised to find that the light in the living room was still dim, only the bright light leaked faintly from the crack in the door of the study.

"Has mom started cooking yet?"

She walked over and looked in through the door of the study curiously, and was stunned when she saw Lu Yanqiu's behavior in the study.

"Mom seems to be very happy..." Xiaoxuan saw Lu Yanqiu's smile. She seemed to be writing quickly when she was in the first and second grades of elementary school. She was the mother she admired most before. Is a charming woman.

"Great, Mom seems to have found inspiration!"

Xiaoxuan looked away, and she slowly closed the door, not wanting to disturb Lu Yanqiu's work. (to be continued)

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