Big Manga

Chapter 958: Beyond

After Lu Yanqiu's husband came home, he was surprised to see his daughter cooking. He was stunned and couldn't help pinching his own face: "Oh, it's not a dream... I said Xiaoxuan, what happened today, you Can you cook by yourself?"

Walking into the kitchen, there was a bit of a mess inside, but the man didn't care at all, he was very happy that his daughter would help with housework: "Where's mom?"

"Mom is writing." Xiaoxuan was chopping vegetables carefully, and said, "She looks very happy, Dad, please don't disturb her, let's cook for her!"

The man looked back at the study, and his wife would throw the dinner aside and go to work, which was a rare sight. Although it was strange, seeing his daughter's active posture, he still smiled and walked over to help.

When it was time to eat, there was a sudden sound of chickens flying and dogs jumping in the study.

"Oops, oops, dinner!"

Lu Yanqiu hurried out from the inside, then stared at her husband who was serving the dishes and was stunned.

"You've finally come out." The man smiled and said, "I'm fascinated by writing today!"

Lu Yanqiu blushed slightly, and quickly apologized, and was even more surprised when she saw her daughter bring out the bowls and chopsticks from the kitchen: "Xiaoxuan, did you help too?"

"That's right, Mom, are you finished?" Xiaoxuan put away the bowls and chopsticks, and asked excitedly, "I heard people say that the story of the new manga is difficult to write."

"It's difficult. I haven't finished it yet. I've probably written half of it..." Lu Yanqiu smiled and said, "But I'm very inspired, and I can definitely finish it tonight. Xiaoxuan, put this manga here for me first, and I'll give it to you tomorrow." what do you think?"

The daughter nodded: "Yes, but Mom, you have to tell me, is "Natsume's Book of Friends" good?"

Lu Yanqiu walked over and touched her head: "Of course. It's definitely better looking than you think."

She was amazed by the story of "Natsume's Book of Friends", and she believed that her daughter would also like it... No, she should not be the only one. Huaxia readers will love this new comic, no matter if the reader is a girl or a boy.

This is a story that is not limited to the gender of the reader.

"Teacher He Xi is amazing. Many boys bought "Weekly Girls" yesterday.", "The content of "Natsume's Book of Friends" is also great in the eyes of male readers!", "The touching stories are gender-neutral!"

The next morning, when Bai Han came to the editorial office of "Weekly Girl\

,"The editors in the editorial department are discussing "Natsume's Book of Friends" enthusiastically.

The craze caused by the new manga is vividly expressed in the editorial department, but it is not only here, Bai Han passed through several departments along the way, and the topic he heard most was "Natsume's Book of Friends". success.

This success even added an honor to Bai Han, who had just entered the door. The editors were extremely enthusiastic about her, even more enthusiastic than yesterday.

"Bai Han, you will become a well-known cartoonist in the future!"

Among all the warm greetings, this sentence is the most representative. The popularity of "Natsume's Book of Friends" will inevitably bring high popularity to its assistant—that is, Bai Han. This popularity may be the result of many hard-working girl manga The original author can not match.

However, these words also made Bai Han's body tense. After realizing the pressure on her body, she was much more nervous than yesterday.

"Sit down, you are working here, you seem to be a little late today?" Wang Hui, the editor-in-chief of the editorial department, arranged a place for Bai Han to work. Then he asked with some doubts, compared to yesterday, Bai Han came a lot later today.

"I met two teachers in the dining room during breakfast." Bai Han replied nervously, "The two of them asked me to stay for a while."

Wang Hui frowned slightly: "Mr. Qin Ya and He Xi?"


"What did they leave you for?"

"Teacher Qin Ya wants to change the position of assistant with me." Bai Han smiled bitterly: "She seems to like "Natsume's Book of Friends" very much. She grabbed me and said that she wanted to change the position of assistant with me, and asked me to help "Soul of Chess". "

Wang Hui was taken aback. Could it be that Qin Ya wanted to be an assistant in "Natsume's Book of Friends"?

"And then? Did Teacher He Xi agree?" She asked hastily. Compared with Bai Han, Qin Ya's painting skills and strength are of course better. To put it too far, if Qin Ya can serve as an assistant in "Natsume's Book of Friends", Wang Hui will be even happier.

Bai Han also knew this, but she didn't express her disappointment in front of the editor-in-chief.

"Then...Ms. He Xi asked Mr. Qin Ya which one is better, "Soul of Chess" or "Natsume's Book of Friends". Is "Natsume's Book of Friends" better than "Soul of Chess"—Teacher Qin Ya couldn't answer."

Wang Hui nodded secretly, if she were she would not be able to answer. The popularity of "Soul of Chess" is not comparable to that of "Natsume's Book of Friends", and its impact on society is estimated to be beyond the reach of "Natsume's Book of Friends".

Qin Ya wants to be an assistant in "Natsume's Book of Friends". Mostly not because she thinks this new series is better than "Soul of Chess", but because "Natsume's Book of Friends" is more fresh.

Bai Han's words also proved this point. After careful consideration, Qin Ya finally gave up the idea of ​​changing places with Bai Han. And Bai Han, who was relieved, was delayed for more than ten minutes, and then came to the editorial department late.

"I see……"

After Wang Hui heard the reason for her being late, Wang Hui was a little regretful that Qin Ya could not insist on changing, but she also knew that this was an impossible thing. Leaving aside Teacher He Xi's wishes, even if Teacher He Xi allowed it, the youth editorial department would definitely object.

"Soul of Chess" is a very popular juvenile manga, and Qin Ya's strength is superior to Bai Han's. Naturally, the juvenile editorial department will not want to change assistants. Besides, changing assistants at will is not good, it will have a great impact on the serialization of "Soul of Chess".

Wang Hui didn't say anything more about this episode, she asked Bai Han to turn on the computer, and then instructed her how to review the manuscripts of the adapted novels - "Weekly Girl" had hundreds of submissions in just one day of its release.

"You are in charge of these." Wang Hui pointed to Bai Han the manuscripts that need to be processed, and said, "There are various review standards and scoring process documents on the desktop, don't worry, read the documents first, and then follow the instructions inside Ask to rate the work."

Bai Han looked at the submissions on the computer, there were dozens of them. The number made her nervous: "It's too much, I'm afraid I'll get the wrong score."

"Don't worry." Wang Hui smiled and said, "It doesn't matter if you give the wrong score alone. Each submission will be reviewed by more than ten people, except our department. Other editorial departments are also helping, and the final result is definitely the most fair. .”

The novel adaptation competition has been going on for several rounds. In fact, the review is getting stricter as it goes to the later stage. There are only more than a thousand contestants left in the final round of the primary selection, and there are only so many submissions. The editorial departments have sufficient manpower and Time to make your best judgement.

Bai Han began to review manuscripts with peace of mind, but during the review process, she gradually found that the atmosphere in the editorial department was a bit strange. When I first got to work, the editorial department was very lively. The editors were still discussing some manga submissions with each other, but after an hour, the editorial department suddenly became very quiet.

The editors stopped talking to each other. Although editors were often seen answering the phone, every editor seemed to have something to worry about, and the atmosphere in the department was very heavy.

"What's the matter with everyone?" Bai Han asked the editor beside him during the break.

"Well, the data of "Weekly Girl" came out yesterday, and everyone should be waiting for other reports." The female editor laughed: "Maybe... something big will happen today."

"Big event?" Bai Han was surprised. She also noticed that an editor had reported the number of prints and orders for this issue of "Weekly Girl", but she didn't know what those figures represented. It seems like the editors got weird after the data came out.

But is it a big deal? Just when Bai Han was wondering, an editor answered the phone and shouted with joy, "Everyone pay attention. The preliminary sales statistics for this issue of "Weekly Girl" are out!"

Suddenly, the entire editorial department was boiling.

"How!", "Is it true!?", "What is the exact number?"

Under Bai Han's surprised gaze, the female editors quickly surrounded the person who answered the phone just now. The crowd was noisy, and the specific sales figures could not be heard outside, but the editors who ran over burst into loud cheers.

"Haha, it worked!", "Exceeded, finally surpassed!"

Several female editors hugged each other excitedly, and other editors expressed their joy with bell-like laughter.

"What's the matter, what's the matter?" Bai Han hurriedly asked the editor beside him. Although this editor did not pass, she also looked happy. Surely you know what the editors are cheering about: "Is Weekly Girls breaking records? Why is everyone so happy?"

Bai Han was a little puzzled, even if the sales volume of "Weekly Girl" broke the record. But is this something to be so happy about? Qin Ya once told her in the past that every time He Xi published a new manga, the sales volume of the weekly magazine would skyrocket. The editors should have been mentally prepared for it - why are they so happy! ?

"It's not as simple as breaking the record this time. Didn't I just say it's a big deal?" The editor next to Bai Han said with a smile: "Yesterday, the printing volume of "Weekly Girl" exceeded that of Zhongxia Company, and everyone felt nervous because of this—as long as Once the sales data comes out, we can judge whether it has really surpassed Zhongxia Company."

The sales data was released just now, and the cheers from the editorial department meant that the editors' guess was correct. The scale of "Weekly Girls" had surpassed Zhongxia Company's girl comics.

Bai Han opened his eyes wide: "That means... "Weekly Girls" is the most popular magazine for girls now?"

"It has always been the hottest." The female editor smiled, and since a few years ago, "Weekly Girls" has been the best-selling manga magazine in shoujo manga: "What we are cheering now is not a weekly magazine, but the entire shoujo manga scale."

She paused, and explained to Bai Han in simpler words: "The current situation is that the weekly sales of our company's two major girls' weekly magazines including "Weekly Girls" should exceed the weekly sales of Zhongxia's girl comics. Scale—in other words, our company's shojo manga completely surpasses them."

Bai Han was dumbfounded: "But doesn't Zhongxia Company have many daily magazines?"

"Yes... Even so..." The female editor laughed: "Our total sales have surpassed theirs, isn't it a big deal?"

It's more than a big event, this event can cause a sensation in China - Zhongxia Company used to be inferior in a single shoujo manga magazine. What they are proud of is the total weekly sales, but the total sales have been surpassed. The entire shoujo manga industry pattern will be reversed.

And not only that, if Bai Han remembers correctly...

"Isn't our juvenile manga sales the highest?"

She remembered that Phoenix Company's juvenile comics magazine was the number one in sales in China. A long time ago, after Zhongxia Company opened up channels to "Weekly Boys" and the sales of this magazine skyrocketed, Phoenix Company's juvenile comics entered into rapid development. During this period, the total sales volume also surpassed Zhongxia Company a few years ago.

But in this way, the sales of boy and girl manga surpassed that of Zhongxia—doesn't it mean that the number one manga company in China is now undeniable by everyone, and it is a well-deserved Phoenix company?

What Bai Han thought was correct. In fact, the printing volume and sales of "Weekly Girl" are not very secret. When the editorial department got the data, many people from the outside world also noticed the potential impact of this weekly magazine. change.

Phoenix and Zhongxia, who were originally at a stalemate, are likely to reverse because of He Xi's "Natsume's Book of Friends"-once the superficial advantage that Zhongxia has maintained with capital and connections for a long time is overwhelmed by the last line of defense, the resulting The impact will be unimaginable.

"It is the readers who support the foundation of a comic company. So far, thanks to Zhongxia's guidance and concealment of public opinion, in the hearts of all comic readers... Zhongxia is the largest comic company."

In Ning Hai, Xu Jing looked at the data in his hand and saw the wind and rain. He said to Alice standing in front of him who was full of joy: "But once these data are released, Zhong Xia can no longer hide it..."

The release of the data is inevitable, and no one can stop the sharp eyes of the media. After the sales of girls' comics are reversed, the outcome of the comics is self-evident - Zhongxia's position in the hearts of all comic readers will fall to right place.

However, things are more than that simple. The failure of the comic business will not bring about the failure of a business, and the chain effect will also be amazing.

"Go down and make preparations, you should be very busy in the next few days..." Xu Jing said to Alice: "Of course I don't need to say more about the media interviews. If there is an animation company belonging to Zhongxia who shows favor to us, you know... ..."

"I will treat it kindly." Alice understands Xu Jing's meaning. The biggest impact of the "Weekly Girl" incident is not on the society, but on the split within the Zhongxia Company—there will be many animations in the future. The department is independent from Zhongxia. (to be continued)

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