Big Manga

Chapter 959: Undercurrent Rising

Just one day later, the media from all over the world smelled this different atmosphere, and there were overwhelming news on the newsstands.

"Phoenix Rise! ", "A historic moment in the comics world! ", "Phoenix comics surpass Zhongxia comics! "

Different headlines tell the same thing, and "Suhua Daily" called it a historic change: "Congratulations to Phoenix, now no one can deny the rise of Phoenix... However, people who pay attention to animation have already noticed I realized that Phoenix Comics has always been more authoritative than Zhongxia. The major animation companies in China regard the popularity ranking of Phoenix Comics as a standard, and have made various activities to show their support and admiration for Phoenix.”

"So today's news is not surprising. Phoenix's comic counterattack was born with the joint efforts of myself and the entire industry-today, everyone, Phoenix and related animation companies can proudly say that Phoenix It has truly become the vane of Huaxia comics!"

In Manga Island, seeing this report, even readers who are most familiar with Phoenix Company couldn't help but widen their eyes in surprise, and exclaimed one after another.

"Phoenix's girl manga sales exceed Zhongxia's?'s impossible, theirs are daily magazines, how can they compare to the total sales?"

"Is this news fake? Why did Phoenix suddenly become number one?"

If Manga Island is like this, it will be even more difficult for readers in other cities to come back to their senses. Every manga reader will instinctively think that this is fake news, because there has never been such a report before, they don't know that Phoenix and Zhongxia are already evenly matched, but they take it for granted that Zhongxia's sales far exceed Phoenix's .

But now it's not just a newspaper reporting like this. Overnight, the news has grown from nothing, from a sapling to a big tree, and various media from all over the world are paying attention to this matter. The online media is also not to be outdone.

He Xi's House was as lively as if the pot had been turned on. Some people even asked themselves if they hadn't woken up yet, and then they were immediately woken up by others: "Don't worry. You definitely woke up. I was also terribly surprised today, After checking, I found out that the media had not reported this before. In fact, the sales volume of Phoenix Company’s comics has long been close to that of Zhongxia Company.”

"Oh my god, today's news really changed my concept! Then again, Teacher He Xi's new work is really amazing..."

"Phoenix Company is too low-key. It turns out that it has been so powerful for a long time—I said why every time I buy a weekly magazine, I think Phoenix Company is so difficult to buy!"

"Teacher He Xi pretends to be a pig and eats a tiger. We have been deceived before, and we always think that Fenghuang is the second child! It turns out that he has long been the boss!"

"Zhongxia actually lost to Phoenix,

It's incredible! "

In the shock caused by the news, the shock of the industry should not be underestimated.

Animation companies that have cooperated with Phoenix Company were overjoyed. Congratulations were mentioned on various occasions on Weibo and interviews, and cartoonists handed out congratulatory letters on Weibo one after another, excited about the increase in sales of Phoenix's comics.

The lists of popular magazines that publish comics have also changed one after another. Phoenix Company's comic terms have generally been adjusted forward, while Zhongxia Company's comics have dropped a lot.

The popularity of the Zhongxia forum was sluggish, and the fans were silently disappointed and unbelievable. The concept of "the sum of Zhongxia's financial resources and channels will definitely lead to sales" that had been fixed in their minds for a long time was suddenly shattered, and the impact on them was too great. big!

Many angry fans began to question the media's data. How could Phoenix's weekly magazines add up to more than Zhongxia's daily magazines?

However, no one cares about their doubts, and they may have forgotten. After years of training and cohesion, the number and quality of cartoonists in Phoenix Company are no worse than those in Zhongxia Company. The ratio of weekly and daily magazines is not 1:1. Phoenix Company has four weekly magazines in total—four days a week. It is not very hard to believe that the sales volume surpassed Zhongxia Daily.

Of course, even with a release frequency of 4:7, Phoenix Company can win, which also means that the sales volume of each of their weekly magazines has greatly exceeded that of Zhongxia Company. This point brought a severe impact to the various animation studios of Zhongxia Company.

Lin Li is the person in charge of an animation studio under Zhongxia Company. After the news was published in the newspaper early this morning, she felt that the atmosphere of the entire studio had changed—every artist and manager was absent-minded during work. , errors again and again.

"Cheer up!" Lin Li said angrily after correcting several mistakes, "Isn't it just news! Is there any need to waver like this?"

But her words didn't make things better for the studio. Instead, some painters stopped what they were doing. They turned their gazes to Lin Li one after another.

"What's wrong?" Lin Li's heart skipped a beat.

"Manager, I'm sorry..." A senior old painter said. Sighing: "Zhongxia Company can no longer compete with Phoenix Company in comics, I think you should think about it, it is better to take our studio away from Zhongxia."

Lin Li's expression changed drastically: "You..."

"I also think it's better to leave Zhongxia!" However, before Lin Li could say anything, the other painters started talking to the old painter.

"We are a company specializing in the production of shoujo animation. The popularity of shoujo manga as the original animation is too important to us. Now there is no future with Zhongxia."

"Manager, Zhongxia Company releases hundreds of serial comics every week. It turns out that the popularity of a single comic is hard to compare with that of Phoenix. Looking at it now...the total sales volume of their magazines is lower than that of Phoenix Company. The gap is just It's more obvious!"

The number of shoujo comics of Zhongxia Company is not 1:1 with that of Phoenix Company. The number of serializations of Zhongxia Company exceeds that of Phoenix Company, but the total sales volume is smaller than that of Phoenix Company. Therefore, it can be judged that the popularity and influence of each of Zhongxia’s girl comics is lower than that of Phoenix Company. phoenix.

Although Huaxia's animation companies also have original animation companies, they still mainly adapt comics. The comics industry is still on the rise, and original animations have not developed. In fact, He Xi is the one who can create original animations.

And because it is an adaptation of animation, the popularity of the original comic is very important to the animation company. The higher the popularity of the original, the better the effect of the adaptation. The current situation is that the comics of Zhongxia Company are not as popular as Phoenix Company.

"Besides, Zhongxia Company has a lot of animation studios, and we have to compete with others..."

Zhongxia has a large number of animation studios. They can even occupy half of the country in China, but they can only do comics authorized by Zhongxia, and they obviously don't have any very popular comics. Everyone still had to fight for it, and the animation that was finally released was not popular. Not to mention how out of breath.

The situation is getting worse now, why not leave Zhongxia? After leaving Zhongxia, they can freely choose comics from other comic companies, especially the popular comics of Phoenix Company. Phoenix Company is an open platform, and its cartoonists will not make too many restrictions except for He Xi. , Animation companies can obtain animation authorization by persuading comic authors.

"Our studio is excellent. It's no worse than the animation companies outside, why should we be tied here?"

"Manager, look at the situation in the past few years... how much we have suffered!"

The illustrators are very envious of other animation companies. Many small companies have created a lot of good animations in recent years because of Phoenix’s release of comic copyrights and use of voice actors.

In the past two years, many painters have quit the studio and left, and continue to be tied to Zhongxia Company, making people unable to see the future.

"But have you ever thought about how much our animation costs would increase without Zhongxia's financial support?" Lin Li asked.

"We've calculated this, and it won't increase much!" The painters had already prepared, and someone handed Lin Li a form. The above is a variety of cost calculations: "Although we have the support of Zhongxia Company for animation production, we have to hand over part of the results. If we leave Zhongxia, we don't have to hand in. If this money is removed, our cost will not be much different from what it is now. Big difference."

Lin Li frowned and looked at the form: "Your form is very detailed, but you seem to have forgotten the most important point, where are the voice actors?"

"The voice actors of Phoenix Company are not more expensive than the voice actors of Zhongxia Company." An artist said: "Even though Zhongxia Company provides us with a discount, the price is still a bit more expensive than that of Phoenix Company.

Zhongxia Company uses star voice actors, after all, they are stars, and many stars are unwilling to do cheap things. Therefore, the dubbing price after the discount is more expensive than the professional voice actors of Phoenix Firm.

As for the effect, star seiyuu except for the surge in popularity just appeared. After so many years, it is not a new thing now. Their popularity doesn't help the anime much. And there is no distance between the strength and the voice actor of Phoenix Company. In fact, the latter makes people feel more professional.

Taking all factors into consideration, as long as she leaves Zhongxia Company, the cost of Lin Li's animation studio will not be more than it is now. All of her reasons were debunked by the painters. In fact, Lin Li also wanted to leave Zhongxia if she could, but there was one more important problem.

"No, we still can't do that." Lin Li shook her head and said, "This studio was established with Zhongxia's support, Zhongxia owns more than 50% of our shares, and we have no money to redeem them .”

The animation studio under Zhongxia Company has two modes, one of which is that Zhongxia takes a stake and authorizes the production of animation, and others are responsible for the specific operation. The other is the animation studio directly opened by Zhongxia. They are Zhongxia's own sons, and they are treated better in various ways.

Lin Li's studio is the first model. Zhongxia holds 55% of the shares and is their largest shareholder. However, this ratio is already very rare—most other studios have a ratio of 70 to 9%. Around ten, Lin Li took a lot of effort to reduce the ratio.

Although Lin Li had agreed with Zhongxia when she established the studio, if she had money, she could redeem the studio, and Zhongxia's company would not stop her. The same is true for other animation studios. Zhongxia showed good intentions, and they were not worried that one or two studios would leave at all when they were rich and powerful.

The current situation has changed. In recent years, there are many studios that want to leave Zhongxia, but very few succeed—because Zhongxia has a large shareholding, and the net worth of animation studios has been rising again. Few There are companies that can scrape together enough money.

Lin Li's words made several painters look at each other in dismay, and then said: "Manager... We have all discussed it. If you are willing to take us away from Zhongxia, the manager, you can give us the money."


"Yes, we decided to redeem the studio together." The leading painter said, "Everyone pools up the money, and then borrows it from relatives and friends, and we can redeem it... But in this way, we will all It’s a minority shareholder.”

Lin Li thought about it, it was a good idea: "Is your family willing to accompany you on the adventure?"

"Why not? Our studio is amazing!"

The confidence of the artists comes from their confidence in the animation studio. This confidence is not without reason. In fact, the animation studios established by Zhongxia Company in the early days are generally elite studios, and their strength far exceeds that of outside animation companies.

Although these animation studios have not become popular, the main problem is that there are no good works, not strength. Once they are out of Zhongxia, under fair competition conditions, they have a greater chance of snatching Phoenix Company's popular comics.

"Although we can't compare with Teacher He Xi and Angel's studio, we are more than enough to deal with other animation companies..."

"Without Zhongxia, we will definitely grow rapidly!"

The artists were full of confidence, but Lin Li was still worried: "We are working for Zhongxia Company now, even if we successfully leave, will Phoenix Company refuse to provide us with comics?"

"Phoenix Company won't be so stupid!"

"It's a good thing, they have no reason to reject us."

The painters didn't seem to be worried about this issue at all. Lin Li thought so too. According to the practice of Phoenix Company in the past, they would definitely be happy to see the result—plus this is also a blow to Zhongxia Company. Reason for refusal.

"Well then, I will discuss independence with Zhongxia..." Lin Li let go, she knew that it would be impossible not to make this decision. Will find a way to leave.

At this time, not only them, but other animation studios in Zhongxia will also have different thoughts.

Lin Li must act early, the situation is still fermenting, and it has not been fully revealed. More studios will wait for the situation of girl comics in the next week. The first week can be said to be an exception. If the sales of Phoenix Company win in the second week , they will not hesitate.

However, even if it fails next week, it will still be a matter of time before Phoenix fully surpasses Zhongxia in the comics industry—its advantage will become bigger and bigger in the future. Xia Zhigong has reached a point in the comics.

There has been no major change in Zhongxia comics for several years. They have focused on animation confrontation in the past few years, and now there is no way to restore the situation of comics. (to be continued)

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