Big Manga

Chapter 967: Mirror Moon

"Is this the one?"

In the morning, Qin Ya was on her way to the studio of "Legend of the Galaxy Diva", and bought the magazine released by Zhongxia Company yesterday at the bookstore. She heard from the editor that a great original comic was released in this issue, and she was very curious.

"Original comics? What good original comics can Zhongxia Company produce?"

Qin Ya, who had just received the magazine, was still a little unconvinced. She didn't think that the quality of Zhongxia's original comics could surpass Phoenix's. Even the editors might miss it. Maybe it was an above-average original comic.

But after opening the magazine, Qin Ya quickly overturned her judgment. She found that the first article in the magazine was the manga that the editor said, there is no doubt about it - even before reading the content, the style of this manga called "Fate" shocked her a lot.

"Angel? No... This is not the painting style of an angel..."

Stunning cartoon images, the details of the comics are extremely delicate, the word 'angel' flashed in Qin Ya's head as soon as she saw "Fate", but she denied the ability in less than a second The latest chapter of the reader development system.

This is not an angel's cartoon, the details and style are different, but the picture of the comic "Fate" is not inferior to that of an angel. Qin Ya flipped through the entire magazine, there were a total of more than a dozen comics in the magazine, but under the shadow of "Fate", the other comics turned into green leaves.

"Fate" and other comics are not at the same level. If you insist on using metaphors to explain, the gap is as obvious as between professional painters and non-professional painters. Of course, this is not to say that other comics are not well drawn. In fact, their standards are still at the average level. It's just that "Destiny" is so beautifully drawn that other comics feel much uglier.

"Hey, where's the new cartoonist?" Qin Ya was speechless to herself, this is terrible. Why did such a powerful artist appear for no reason, and his paintings were even better than his own? Fortunately, this is a boy manga. Otherwise, she would have to be nervous to death.

However, good drawing does not mean good manga, manga mainly depends on the content. Qin Ya opened "Fate" and read it.

When she was flipping through the entire magazine just now, she found that "Fate" has published three episodes in total, which is more important than other comics. Generally, only very important cartoonists are treated like this, but she doesn't know if the plot is worth it.

The beginning of "Fate" is very ordinary, the protagonist is a high school student, which is similar to many comics, but Qin Ya was attracted by the development of the next story. The first is the protagonist's secret love, and his special ability to accidentally discover a big star rival in love. thus participated in the game.

The first chapter tells the background and beginning of the story,

That is, until the protagonist joins the game. At the beginning of the second chapter, the plot did not procrastinate at all. The high school male protagonist who had just acquired special abilities launched an attack on his love rival, and after a tense contest of wisdom and strength, he defeated the big star without showing his face .

The entire contest ended in two episodes. After defeating the big star, the results of the game adopted by "Destiny" were also impressive. When she first saw the rules, Qin Ya thought that the player who lost in the game would be directly robbed of his ability and a destiny by the winner.

But the result was even crueler than she thought, after the big star lost. The gods actually directly erased his destiny from the source-that is to say, the fact that this big star used to be a star disappeared, and his wife and wealth also disappeared. Even the memory is gone.

The big star didn't die, but the result was worse than death. He became a dispensable person. Although he still lived in this society, he had no family, no relatives, and no wealth or love either— — Even the spirit of struggle disappeared, and he turned into a walking dead.

"The loser is better off dying, this game is really cruel..."

Qin Ya was speechless, she didn't like this kind of comic setting. This is downright evil. The impact that comics bring to readers is very high, but from the story itself. Not exactly a positive story.

However, it is undeniable that evil ways will be very popular in the current Chinese comic market. The cartoonists, mainly He Xi, are still following the positive and kingly route. The atmosphere of the entire comics world also tends to be kingly. This situation has been going on for several years, and evil comics have always been relatively lacking.

This has led to a gap in the market. When the kingly way prevails, there will naturally be a large number of readers who desire unique and evil way comics. However, there has never been a strong cartoonist in evil comics, and this desire has not been satisfied.

But now Destiny is out...

"If this plot continues, this comic will become a masterpiece of evil comics."

Qin Ya was a little envious. Although she didn't like the theme and story very much, the quality of "Fate" was indeed very high, enough to meet the expectations of ninety-nine percent of readers who were interested in evil comics——"Fate" might Became a sign of the rise of a new cartoonist.

No matter what is strange, the first three chapters of this manga have successfully completed a plot, with sharp writing, exciting fighting climax, and a very tight rhythm of the story. Not to mention how exciting the plot is, a person who can complete a big plot in three episodes and has such good rhythm control is not likely to be a new manga artist.

There is no superfluous description in the first three chapters of this comic, even if it is used as a comic textbook, it is not an exaggeration, the plot and detail design in it are not inferior to Qin Ya.

What kind of rookie cartoonist is this? He is clearly a top-notch cartoonist, and his experience in writing is no less than Qin Ya's. Qin Ya even felt that this cartoonist's experience was stronger than most cartoonists. With the advantage of numbers, Angel might be better, but when it comes to the strength of a single cartoonist, she is probably the number one under He Xi.

"It's unbelievable, how could Cheng Yaojin suddenly appear!"

Qin Ya couldn't believe it. How could there be such a cartoonist? If there was such a cartoonist, she should have discovered it a long time ago. Such an excellent comic cannot be fooled. The details of "Destiny" are great. It can be seen that the author understands the reader's mind very well and has not made any mistakes.

This is definitely not a newcomer, but an old cartoonist who has been honed over a long period of time. There may be some newcomers with talented drawing skills, but those who are talented in drawing and can also deeply understand readers are definitely not newcomers. Because some comic techniques can only be understood by serial cartoonists.

No one can be an exception, maybe except...Mr. He Xi...

Qin Ya still remembers the scene of He Xi's debut, he is an unparalleled genius. Whether it is Zhongxia or Phoenix, the editors all believe that it is a pity that it is difficult to produce a few hundred years. But such a pity. In fact, when he first debuted, he was not perfect.

"Detective Conan" caused a sensation as soon as it was serialized, but looking back at the past, He Xi, who just debuted, is quite different from the present in terms of painting style and content. Especially in terms of content, he made a lot of mistakes. There are also some details in the comics that conflict with reality, and it can be seen that there is a gap in experience.

Now He Xi has evolved perfectly—but can the author of "Destiny" compare with He Xi?

"Two teachers, He Xi?" Qin Ya thought to herself. She didn't believe that such an absurd thing would happen, a single He Xi was enough to scare her. If there are two He Xi, other cartoonists will have to go back to soy sauce.

However, the manga "Fate" was indeed worth noting. After reading it, Qin Ya put the magazine in her bag, intending to give it to Meng Huo to read after work.

"Teacher, teacher, have you read the new manga released by Zhongxia yesterday?" In the afternoon, after finishing "Legend of the Galaxy Diva", Qin Ya excitedly ran into the island studio with the magazine.

"Are you talking about this?" Meng Huo, who was working, raised his head. Then she pointed to a copy of "Zhongxia Daily Magazine" on the table, which made Qin Ya startled: "Teacher, do you usually buy "Zhongxia Daily Magazine"?"

Meng Huo shook his head and said, "Normally not."

He seldom buys "Zhongxia Daily" on weekdays. This magazine is not worth noting most of the time. However, this does not mean that he is not well-informed. Meng Huo will read any outstanding comics serialized by Zhongxia Company.

Not to mention that the serialization trailer for "Fate" was released last week, Meng Huo naturally knew that yesterday was its serialization day.

When Dao Studio was chatting about the trailer of this comic last week, Qin Ya was still busy with "Legend of the Galaxy Diva" outside. She was surprised that Meng Huo was more informed than herself, but soon changed the topic to on comics.

"Since the teacher has read it, can the evil route of "Destiny" be successful?" she asked.

"Yes." Meng Huo replied without hesitation: "And it will be very successful. The popularity of this comic may even exceed your "Legend of the Galaxy Diva"—of course, I am referring to the "Galaxy Diva" before it was animated. The Legend of the Galactic Diva."

Destiny is a medium-length comic. Meng Huo gave a very high evaluation, just from the quality of the first three episodes. "Destiny" has to surpass "Legend of the Galactic Diva".

If this comic can maintain this fierce style of painting and tense plot, it will tighten the readers' sense of expectation. The latest chapter of The Boy Who Eats Ghosts. Then write it to the end in one go, and it can become the pinnacle of evil manga.

"Evil way comics are promising." Meng Huo continued. He believes that the audience of evil way comics is very high now, and Huaxia already has a huge group of comic readers. This group is maturing day by day, and their needs for comics are also diverse. In the comics world where dominance prevails, the story of "Destiny" is very fresh, and it is like an oasis in the desert to readers.

The rise of evil comics has long been met, and the reason why there are no representatives so late is only because of the quality. Zhongxia Company did not aim at the blank of full-length girl animation in animation, but now it has made a breakthrough in the manga market.

The future evil comics will probably be guided by the author of "Fate" - of course, it's not that Meng Huo doesn't have evil comics to draw, but he has never felt the need for this. He has too many choices in kingly comics up.

Among his works, "The Wine of Eternal Life", which ended a few months ago, can barely be said to be evil, but compared with ordinary evil, it is more niche, bloody and weird. Evil way does not mean minority, in fact, the painting style of "Destiny" is very popular.

There is no dyslexia in "Fate". The reason why it is said to be evil is that the plot is a little more "evil" than ordinary comics.

"Yesterday's magazine bulletin, it was number one." Meng Huo said indifferently. It was not just the cartoonists who noticed "Fate", Alice and the others also noticed that today the Zhongxia company's bulletin was released, Meng Huo got the news from Alice immediately.

When "Destiny" first appeared in the magazine, it overwhelmingly overwhelmed other comics and firmly occupied the first place. This ranking may be maintained until the end.

And the flash report is a tool to present the reader's reaction, and the first flash report can tell how amazing "Destiny" is. Even if this comic is placed in the top few in the Phoenix Company, it is even more impressive in the Zhongxia Company. Those readers who are used to adapting comics all shouted in amazement.

"Teacher, don't you find it strange?" Qin Ya sat down at her desk and said, "The author of "Fate" is a newcomer, but I don't look like a newcomer no matter what!"

Meng Huo couldn't help shaking his head: "You must not have watched this work seriously, or you haven't watched Zhongxia's animation carefully before..."

Ordinary people may not be able to see the author of "Destiny", but Qin Ya obviously didn't pay enough attention to it - if she read "The Kingdom of Ice and Fire" and "Destiny" carefully, she should be able to see the similarities between the two works.

And rather than being strange, Meng Huo was a little happy now.

"It seems that the cartoonist has no idea of ​​exposing it now."

No one thought that the author of "Destiny" would be related to "Nation of Ice and Fire". This comic uses a brand new pen name, and there is no detailed introduction or photo of the cartoonist, just like Meng Huo back then.

Meng Huo didn't know if Zhongxia Company had other purposes in concealing the identity of the cartoonist, but he noticed that the other party had no intention of showing up, which was good—if he wanted to challenge him, the cartoonist had to be in the cartoon industry first. Stand your ground.

"But this pseudonym..."

He looked at the pseudonym, Jingyue - he couldn't figure out whether the author was male or female, but the origin of the pseudonym should be the word 'Jinghuashuiyue'. Did the cartoonist come up with it himself? Meng Huo always felt that it didn't match her style...

Anthony in London also thought so, and he looked at the pseudonym awkwardly.

"Mirror Moon? Why is it called this name?"

"...I don't know." The girl who was drawing didn't look back, and said calmly: "You have to ask the president of Zhongxia about this. I just said that any name is fine, and the pen name is given by them."

She didn't mind much about her pseudonym and title, even if she was written as a fool, it didn't matter. (to be continued)

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