Big Manga

Chapter 968: The first day in Qingcheng

In November, the chill of winter becomes apparent.

The release of "Destiny" has increased the sales of Zhongxia's comic magazines a lot. Some media have regarded Jingyue as a talented manga artist, and the significance of "Destiny" to Zhongxia Company has been used many times. Compared with the significance of "Detective Conan" to Phoenix Company.

However, Jingyue is just a 'new manga artist' after all, and the impact it brought has slowly dissipated over time. Even if "Fate" made Zhongxia's manga show signs of returning to life, it was just a sign—it It failed to make Zhongxia Company's total magazine sales surpass Phoenix Company.

From the perspective of the senior executives of the Phoenix Company, the scary thing about "Destiny" is not the comics, but the superimposed effect of its full copyright operation of animation, novels and movies. The operation of the full copyright of "Destiny" is no secret in the industry, but when it will start to operate is a mystery.

It's very strange that Zhongxia Company didn't strike while the iron was hot to announce the news when the manga was being serialized, which makes people unclear about their intentions.

"I'm off work, see you tomorrow.", "See you tomorrow!"

In the evening, after a day's work, the employees of Phoenix Company said hello and said goodbye. However, in the Phoenix Building, Xu Jing's office was still brightly lit, and several ministers lined up at his desk with documents, waiting for him to deal with the work.

"Mr. Xu, here, here, and here have to sign..." At the front of the line, a minister was opening the document, turning over the pages that needed to be signed one by one.

"Slow down, slow down, let me read it!" Xu Jing was so busy that he was sweating profusely, but he didn't dare to take any work lightly. In the absence of Meng Huo and Alice, any of his signatures might cause misjudgment.

On November 7th, Alice went to Suhua to meet Meng Huo in the morning. Then take the evening high-speed train to Meng Huo's hometown. They stayed in Qingcheng County for two days, and then attended the banquet hosted by Zhongxia Company for "Strike of the Sword" on the evening of November 9th.

Meng Huo had sufficient reasons for returning to his hometown this time, and Xu Jing could not stop it. And considering it's only two days. Xu Jing also didn't limit Alice's following - he felt that he could easily handle the work of these two days, and he didn't expect to encounter trouble on the day they left.

Ever since Alice became the vice president. Xu Jing handed over most of the work to her, and it took only half a year. After taking over here, he found that these jobs suddenly became strange.

Phoenix Company has rapidly expanded its business recently. The work half a year ago is completely different from the work half a year later, and the specific business that needs to be handled is also very unfamiliar. Xu Jing has to be cautious.

"Am I relying on Alice too much?" When I was sweating profusely,

Xu Jing couldn't help but wonder if he was too dependent on Alice. She felt the pressure as soon as she left, and was bound to be exhausted for the next two days.

"From now on... it seems that she can't ask for leave casually!"

He made a decision in his heart, and Alice, who had just stepped off the high-speed train in Qingcheng, couldn't help but sneezed.

"What's the matter?" Meng Huo turned around worriedly, "Is it cold?"

Alice rolled up her scarf and nodded slightly: "Maybe a little."

The sky in Qingcheng was already dark. Unlike the train stations in big cities, the lights on the platform in this small county were not particularly bright, and the chill in the air could be clearly felt after leaving the high-speed train compartment.

"It seems to be colder here than Su Hua and Ning Hai." She said.

"Of course, this is a mountainous area." Meng Huo smiled. The air in Suhua at night felt similar to autumn, but the temperature in Qingcheng County was more in line with the characteristics of the season.

And after a few words. Neither of the two continued to talk, and turned their gazes to a group of people who were running in a hurry.

"Teacher He Xi, welcome home!" Ji Lan ran over with a group of people, some of whom looked like station workers in uniform. The rest were wearing police uniforms. At first glance, Meng Huo thought they were arresting criminals!

Meng Huo was taken aback: "Minister Ji, you are..." He looked at the policemen, and Ji Lan smiled and said, "Some media and tourists have come to Qingcheng in the past two days, and the county is worried about your safety. So the police were sent over, and I'll introduce you."

Ji Lan introduced several policemen to Meng Huo, and then, led by the station staff, walked out of the station through the inner passage of the station. Take the car that came to pick them up.

Meng Huo and his party consisted of five people, except him and Alice. There were also three bodyguards. Li Qin came back a day early. Shen Jie also failed to set off with Meng Huo, she came back with Li Qin, and arrived home yesterday.

"Since the news of Miss Shen Jie's return spread, I feel uneasy about becoming a mother today." Ji Lan explained that the main reason why the police were sent to ensure Meng Huo's safety was because Shen Jie caused a lot of trouble. Anime fans over here.

In the next few counties, cities, and even farther places, people came to see Shen Jie's performances and activities. Some of them also learned about Meng Huo's possible return. More people are coming.

Although these animation fans were generally harmless, Meng Huo and Shen Jie were both public figures, and the county leaders attached great importance to their safety, so they made an exception and arranged for the police to ensure safety.

"We have also temporarily changed the hotel where you live, Mr. He Xi. The environment may be worse than the one mentioned before. Please don't mind, Mr. He." Ji Lan said.

Meng Huo nodded. He didn't have any requirements for where to live, as long as he didn't live in Li Village. Before the event in No. 9 Village was held, Meng Huo didn't really want to go back, because his ears would never be quiet after he went back.

The hotel Ji Lan mentioned is a special hotel, but Meng Huo had heard Liu Yi say about this hotel before, and it is said that it is a place specially used by the government to entertain important guests. Ordinary people don’t know it, but there are many people in Qingcheng County. specialty dishes.

After arriving at the hotel, Meng Huo found that some people had prepared dinner and were waiting. The leader was the county magistrate he knew, and brought some leaders from the Propaganda Department and the Education Bureau. To Meng Huo's surprise, the principal of his junior high school and Liu Yi's father were also present. It can be seen that the county has put a lot of thought into it. .

Needless to say, the dinner process, knowing that Meng Huo's trip is beneficial to Qingcheng, everyone is very enthusiastic. Even the county magistrate proposed to send a large army to visit the scenic spot with Meng Huo tomorrow. Liu Yi's father and the principal of the junior high school came for this purpose.

However, facing such a warm reception, Meng Huo thought about it for a long time. In the end, they refused their entourage, including the county magistrate.

"This matter is still not troublesome."

Meng Huo didn't want to mobilize the crowd like this, but it would attract more attention. And he knew that many of them wanted to make friends with him. But Meng Huo's purpose of coming back was very simple, he just wanted to have a look around. Take the opportunity to relax and relax the pressure of work. It is not good to mix too many other things.

However, it is not easy for him to reject these people. Whether it is for Qingcheng's tourism business or personal considerations, no one wants to miss this opportunity to get close to the 'No. 1 cartoonist in China'.

Under their persuasion, Meng Huo was almost overwhelmed. Fortunately, there was Alice by his side——Alice settled the matter in a few words.

She was different from Meng Huo, because she was not from Qingcheng County, so she didn't need to pay too much attention to what she said. And she also has the status of Meng Huo's assistant. This identity was known to everyone the last time I came here, and no one doubts it now.

Alice's reason was the comics. She said that this time she came back to Meng Huo to collect material. Since it is a material, it should be arranged in a quiet place so that Meng Huo can better experience the landscape of Qingcheng.

"A tour guide and driver, and then a few people to protect the safety is enough." Alice successfully persuaded the county magistrate. After all, Meng Huo's primary purpose was indeed to experience the scenery and human feelings, and he didn't want to make Meng Huo feel disgusted. .

If Meng Huo was dissatisfied with tomorrow's itinerary. If they don't help Qingcheng draw a few more strokes in the comics in the future, wouldn't their invitation be in vain? In the end, the county magistrate decided to act as a tour guide himself. Including his exclusive driver and a few policemen, a total of five people accompanied Meng Huo to visit the scenic spot.

After dinner, Meng Huo returned to his room, and quickly called Li Qin and Shen Jie to inform him of his return, and asked them if they would like to be together tomorrow.

"I'll forget it, the village is very busy." Li Qin refused first, she wanted to help in the village, and she often went to the scenic spots in Qingcheng County when she returned home in recent years, and there was nothing left behind. of.

Although Shen Jie was very moved. But she also refused in the end.

"Go with Alice, I won't see you these days," she said. After she came back yesterday, her movements were watched by some reporters. Under such circumstances, she contacted Meng Huo with the latest chapter of the Emperor Star System. Instead, it will cause him trouble.

Meng Huo was a little worried about her family's situation: "Your house hasn't been harassed by reporters, has it?"

"No, the security in the community I live in is very strict." Shen Jie is very glad that she lives in the community. The property management in the community immediately raised the entry and exit standards after she came back. Strangers are not allowed to enter the community.

Meng Huo was relieved: "The security in your community is very good, they can even recognize strangers."

"We are an old community, and we know our neighbors even if we don't know them well. Besides, it's too easy for strangers to spot this kind of small place." Shen Jie said with a smile. The total population of Qingcheng County is only a few hundred thousand. Acquaintances can be seen.

Of course, it was mainly the government's help. During the few days when Shen Jie was at home, guests were not allowed to enter the entire community, which also had some impact on the residents of the community. Fortunately, Shen Jie hasn't been home for a long time, and the neighbors in the neighborhood can understand, and there is a big star next to their house, they are also very proud.

"Don't worry about me. You'll have a good time in Qingcheng tomorrow. As a Qingcheng native, you really don't know much about your hometown..." Shen Jie reminded that she was different from Meng Huo. I like the mountains and rivers of Qingcheng, and basically ran all over.

Shen Jie is actually a very family-loving person. The reason why she hasn't come back in the past two years is because her status has changed. Every time she goes home, there are many things, and she feels different. But she still hoped that Meng Huo could learn more about Qingcheng, no matter whether he would use it in comics or not, at least the two of them could have more conversations on weekdays.

Alice also had similar thoughts. She actually didn't care about where Meng Huo went to visit the scenery. She followed Meng Huo, but in fact, she just wanted to have a common memory with him in Meng Huo's hometown.

Early the next morning, before dawn, the county magistrate brought the driver to meet Meng Huo at six o'clock. In only one day, the county magistrate who was keen on developing Qingcheng didn't want to waste any chance, so he led Meng Huo and Alice to the first scenic spot "Qingcheng Waterfall".

The time to arrive at the waterfall was seven o'clock in the morning. The scenic spot had just opened, and Meng Huo and the others were the first tourists.

The county magistrate personally led the team, so the scenic spot did not dare to neglect. The person in charge came to be a guide in person. The group had breakfast in the pavilion opposite the waterfall.

"It's a pity that the season is wrong. If it's spring and summer, the waterfall will be more beautiful." The person in charge of the scenic spot looked regretful. Meng Huo ate the noodles and thought it was good. Waking up early in the morning to see the waterfall gave him a very fresh feeling. a feeling of.

Of course, this breakfast is also good, Meng Huo would not feel good if he stood here hungry. Alice was taking pictures with a camera. The waterfall was not small—she was surprised that Qingcheng had such a special scenery, and she began to look forward to today's itinerary.

It's a pity that there is nothing to see in this scenic spot except for the waterfall. After breakfast, the county magistrate took Meng Huo to another scenic spot. It was an ancient city wall with a history of nearly a thousand years. The village has a very old wine-making process.

Both Alice and Meng Huo couldn't help drinking some wine. It was sweet and delicious.

Afterwards, the two were taken to see five other scenic spots. The day's itinerary was dense. Although it was a pity that they could not see all of them, Alice and Meng Huo were satisfied, and Meng Huo also added a lot of ideas.

However, the ideas he added are not the scenery of the scenic spot. In fact, the natural and historical landscape of Qingcheng is not needed for the time being. He pays more attention to some special details encountered during the tour of the scenic spot in Qingcheng County.

For example, some impressions of rural customs, Buddha statues provided by roadside ancestral halls, etc.—these are things that can only be found in a small county like Qingcheng. Meng Huo needs these things, and he can just use them in the comics of "Natsume's Book of Friends" inside.

After eating at the last scenic spot, it was already nine o'clock in the evening when I returned to the hotel. Alice returned to the room a little tired, while Meng Huo reported today's itinerary to Li Qin and Shen Jie respectively. After taking a shower, he went to the hotel. Prepared for tomorrow's events. (to be continued)

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