Big Manga

Chapter 969: Day 2

"Fuck... this small village is really rich!"

On November 9th, at the gate of Li Village, reporter Wang Ming stared at the dozens of cars parked in front of the ancestral hall, dumbfounded.

No one would have thought that there would be so many vehicles in such a little-known village, and among them there were all kinds of luxury cars, which were no less shabby than those in big cities - which made many onlookers feel be surprised.

"Well, after all, Teacher He Xi is coming back!" Wang Ming's colleague He Min said calmly, holding a camera, "There is such a famous person in this village, no matter how far away his relatives are, as long as he has money, he will come to curry favor with him." Ingratiate yourself."

She doesn't think the appearance of these luxury cars is surprising at all. If other villages can make such a pity, there will definitely be so many luxury cars. Everyone has to run over.

"Do you think they can successfully please He Xi?"

Wang Ming asked curiously, and He Min shook his head without even thinking about it: "It's unlikely, as far as I know, Teacher He Xi is not such an easy-to-please person, and those who get close may have to make a trip in vain ..."

Speaking of this, the two found that the village road suddenly became lively, and many people walked towards the village gate.

"This is……"

"Teacher He Xi is coming!"

He Min's eyes lit up, and she saw Li Qin standing in the middle of the crowd. This low-key mother came out to greet her, and there were also a group of old people standing beside her. They probably knew that He Xi would arrive soon.

Wang Ming was excited: "Let's go there too!"

He wanted to run over, but was held back by He Min: "You are crazy, didn't you see those policemen?"

He Min pointed to the two police cars parked next to the village road and some policemen beside the car. These policemen kept staring at He Min and other reporters. All the reporters dared not run over. Naturally, He Min didn't want Wang Ming to be the first bird. .

"It's just an interview in the past. Is it going to be okay?" Wang Ming stopped walking with a depressed expression on his face, and said, "We newspaper offices in small places have had a hard time getting in touch with He Xi. We must not miss this opportunity, right?"

He Min sighed: "There is no way to miss it. Didn't the Qingcheng County Public Security Bureau warn us last night? We should be more cautious..."

"No matter how cautious you are, you can't come in vain!" Wang Ming complained, "If you return empty-handed,

The editor-in-chief must scold us to death. "

He Min set up the camera. Laughing: "I won't go back empty-handed, let's stand aside and take a few good photos, this trip will be worth it - I don't know if Shen Jie will appear with Teacher He Xi, if they are together, these photos will be precious. "

"You mean the relationship between Shen Jie and Teacher He Xi..."

"Wait, look - Teacher He Xi is here!"

He Min interrupted Wang Ming, and the two turned their gazes to the road outside Li Village. From a distance, they could see two black cars approaching the entrance of the village. It got closer and closer, and the gate of the village was full of excited crowds.

After the car stopped, several people who looked like bodyguards walked out of the front car. After the rear door of the second car was opened, a tall blonde woman walked out first. Her appearance surprised everyone, but at the same time It was also a moment of astonishment.

"How could she be a foreigner?", "Whose relative is she?"

There was a commotion at the gate of the village, but Li Qin walked over with a happy face: "Alice, where is Xiao Huo?"

She just asked this sentence, after Alice got out of the car. Another person came down—it was Meng Huo.

"Crack!" "Crack!" There were sporadic camera sounds around him, and Meng Huo turned his head strangely, and found some reporters not far away. He couldn't help frowning slightly, but said nothing, and walked towards Li Qin with Alice.

Li Qin was accompanied by many unfamiliar relatives of Meng Huo, and a few well-dressed old women were particularly enthusiastic, and took the initiative to speak as soon as they walked over.

"Let me see, this is Meng Huo, right?", "Meng Huo, do you remember me? I hugged you when I was a child. Let me see, you look exactly like your mother." "Oh. I haven't seen you for more than ten years, so I don't recognize you at all!"

Meng Huo smiled wryly in his heart. He was similar to Li Qin when he was a child, but now he looks nothing like him. And more than ten years ago, he was still a baby*baby, so it's strange to recognize him!

Li Qin came over and said with a smile: "Meng Huo, you want to call them old aunts..."

Meng Huo nodded, and then greeted several women. The women smiled and looked at Alice: "Meng Huo, you brought your girlfriend back? A foreigner? Can she understand us?"

Meng Huo shook his head: "Understandable, she is not my girlfriend, but... a colleague."

"Aunts, I am a native Chinese." Alice is used to being called a foreigner, but it is troublesome to explain every time. Here she uses the simplest method: "I am a minority."

Compared with talking about one's own Western ancestry, the word minority is obviously easier to understand. When Alice said this, everyone around showed a relieved expression.

"No wonder... You should be from Siberia, right? You are so handsome!"

"Little girl, don't be surprised, we rarely see ethnic minorities here."

"Let's all enter the village, don't stand here and chat, it's not good...Meng Huo, come here, everyone is waiting for you!"

The old people in Li village said something to Meng Huo, and then led him to the ancestral hall.

Along the way, several circles of people surrounded Meng Huo, as if he was the protagonist of the day. On the other hand, Alice looked around curiously, she didn't think this kind of rusticity, everything around her made her feel very fresh, especially when there were always people talking about her relationship with Meng Huo timidly, Alice felt special in her heart. happy.

Although Meng Huo had stated that the two were colleagues, most people did not believe it. Today was originally a family event, and generally unmarried men with women around were implying that they were boyfriend and girlfriend.

"Why did a colleague come to our village? I don't think this is a colleague. It's probably Meng Huo's girlfriend."

"Unfortunately... I still want to introduce my daughter to him, but it seems that I have no chance!"

Alice found that many beautiful young women came today, and their eyes were all fixed on Meng Huo. It is conceivable that if Alice hadn't been with Meng Huo today, maybe this event would have turned into an event. blind date.

But after Alice stood beside Meng Huo, other young women dared not come over. No matter how beautiful they are, they can't match the aura exuded by Alice - for this, Alice has confidence in her heart.

"It's a pity that Shen Jie didn't come." She thought so, she was very surprised that Shen Jie didn't come today. Originally, she thought that both Meng Huo and Shen Jie had returned home. They will definitely spend a long time together, but they didn't expect to come back from Meng Huo until now. The two of them never saw each other.

If I knew this earlier, it wouldn't matter if Alice couldn't come.

But she didn't regret coming here - because she found that she was treated like Meng Huo's girlfriend in this village, and Li Qin seemed to find it troublesome, and didn't explain after being asked a few times.

On the way to the ancestral hall, Meng Huo passed a big red table and saw someone writing on red paper, and there were many red envelopes on the table.

"By the way. This is the cost of the ancestral grave, right? I also prepared a copy." Meng Huo suddenly remembered that during this event in his previous life, he also handed in a red envelope. This is the cost of moving the grave, and every family has to pay Red envelope.

Although Li Qin had already paid, and Meng Huo, who had no family, didn't need to give another one, but he had already prepared it in advance, and no one else stopped him.

After handing over the red envelope, Meng Huo was surrounded and walked into the ancestral hall. Alice rolled her eyes and quietly took out a red envelope from her body. It was also placed on the table: "Write a copy for me, my name is Alice."

"Alice..." Li Qin looked at Alice in astonishment, trying to stop her. The man in glasses who was in charge of registering the name had quickly written Alice on it.

Alice smiled at Li Qin: "You can't bring nothing with you once you come here, can you?"

Li Qin looked dark, sighed softly, then took out another red envelope from his body, and put it on the table: "This is a red envelope that a classmate of Meng Huo asked me to help, and the name is Shen Jie."

The man with glasses was taken aback, why does the name Shen Jie sound familiar? He looked up at Alice, then thought about the name Shen Jie again, his eyes suddenly revealed a look, and then quickly wrote Shen Jie's name on it.

Alice smiled wryly. She collected her mood and followed Meng Huo's footsteps again.

There are ten tables in the ancestral hall. Meng Huo was kindly invited to sit in the innermost table. Sitting with him were several old people from Li Village, as well as several relatives who were entrepreneurs and officials.

Other people who gained their identity in other places also actively came over to chat with Meng Huo. Among them, there were many aunts and uncles, but the villagers who Meng Huo was familiar with seemed more reserved and did not dare to stay aside. disturb.

More than once he heard women in the village scolding their husbands.

"You are stupid, what are you afraid of being an uncle, why don't you hurry up and get acquainted with him."

"This...he has nothing to talk about with us, how can us big bastards intervene in it."

But in fact, Meng Huo didn't care, and the people who talked to him were talking about where he worked, and he was doing well, so he could have some fun when he was free. They talked about some very boring topics. Compared with these, he felt happier listening to stories from the countryside.

Of course, Li Qin seemed very happy. She was the second most popular person after Meng Huo, especially when many respectable elders pulled her to talk, the smile on Li Qin's face never stopped. Seeing her smiling face, Meng Huo had no complaints.

In his opinion, for today's event, as long as Li Qin can be happy. After chatting in the ancestral hall for two hours, Meng Huo followed the crowd to see the new tomb of the first group of Li Village, and witnessed the ceremony to celebrate the removal of the tomb. After burning incense, his goal of returning to Qingcheng was achieved.

After lunch, Meng Huo didn't stay any longer. He bid farewell to Li Qin who was going to stay for a few more days, and rushed to the train station with Alice.

At the station, there was already a group of people waiting for them. That was Shen Jie and her auxiliary team. After she finished her work, she and Meng Huo took the high-speed train back to Ninghai—all three of them had to attend the evening banquet.

Shen Jie seemed to have had enough rest at home. After seeing Meng Huo and the two, she curiously asked if the morning activities were fun.

"What's so interesting, there are people everywhere." Meng Huo frowned. He drank a lot of wine at noon, and he couldn't refuse it even if he wanted to. Fortunately, the event has ended. Except for this big event in Li Village, in Meng Huo's memory, there seems to be no other activities that need to be paid attention to in the future.

"I find it interesting."

Alice was smiling. She liked today's experience very much, especially those who misunderstood her as Meng Huo's girlfriend. People often toasted her during the luncheon. Alice refused, but she was very happy in her heart. Not bored: "And the food in the village is very good."

"That's true." Meng Huo nodded. The food in the country tastes very special. In fact, it can't be said to be delicious, but they are used to city food, and they rarely eat such a fresh and memorable taste.

"These are the photos you took these two days?" Shen Jie turned over the digital camera again, she was surprised: "Alice, did you take it? It's really good."

Meng Huo was surprised: "How do you know she took the picture?"

"Because you often appear in the photos." Shen Jie replied, this is not easy, if it was taken by Meng Huo, Alice should appear in the photos, but there is no Alice in these photos, obviously It was she who was using the camera.

"Have you ever studied photography?" Shen Jie looked at Alice. As a voice actress, she has also shot many advertisements and posters. You can tell whether the photos are good or bad. Alice is very skilled.

"Have you forgotten my previous job?" Alice said with a smile: "This is a skill that managers need to master. When an artist has any sudden situation, occasionally the cameraman is not around, and the manager has to help take pictures."

"But yesterday's landscape photo was taken for the first time, and it wasn't very good..."

Alice was a little dissatisfied with the photos she took, but in Shen Jie's opinion, they were already very good.

"I think these are very good. After they are printed, they will be placed in Meng Huo's study. He may be inspired when he sees them," Shen Jie said.

But Meng Huo shook his head: "No, I don't need these photos, and it's not for me."

"Ah?" Shen Jie was surprised.

"What he said is true." Alice said helplessly: "These photos are for Qin Ya. After she heard that we were going to visit the scenic spot, she insisted on giving me the camera and asked me to take the pictures of the past two days. Take pictures of the itinerary."

What Shen Jie is holding is Qin Ya's camera. Qin Ya often goes out with the camera to collect pictures. She is a very professional cartoonist and never reduces the opportunity to enrich her information and photo library.

As for Meng Huo, of course he doesn't need a camera. When he wants to draw something, he can recover it very well by relying on his memory. (to be continued)

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