Big Manga

Chapter 970: On a whim

The banquet of "Strike of the Sword" started on time. Among the hundreds of guests, the three of Meng Huo were undoubtedly the most conspicuous ones.

"Good evening, Teacher He Xi." Jiang Tianshi, one of the representatives of the organizer, greeted him with a smile on his face. His eyes rolled around Meng Huo and the two women beside him, and he said with a smile: "The two beauties and By my side, teacher, you are the luckiest man here."

No matter Alice or Shen Jie, they can be called peerless beauties, and they are full of exotic style and star style. When they accompanied Meng Huo into the banquet hall, many guests around looked over.

Jiang Tianshi looked at Shen Jie: "I didn't expect Ms. Shen to come too, today as an artist?" Zhongxia Company did not send an invitation to the voice actors of Phoenix Company, so Shen Jie's appearance surprised Jiang Tianshi.

"She is now a supervisor of our company." Alice helped Shen Jie answer: "Come here today as one of the representatives of our company." Not only the three of them, but also several others were sent by Phoenix Company to the banquet. A department head, Shen Jie is also eligible to participate.

Jiang Tianshi was a little surprised, but he was just asking, and actually didn't care whether Shen Jie was present or not.

Meng Huo looked around: "There are no reporters here?"

When he entered the door just now, he always felt that something was wrong. After careful observation, he found that there were no reporters with cameras in hand. The guests in the lobby seemed to be representatives of companies related to movies.

"Yes, there are no reporters." Jiang Tianshi nodded: "Tonight is a commercial dinner, and you can only come in with an invitation card. The reporters should be blocked from the door——If Mr. He Xi wants to see the reporter, I can ask someone to come in." Let them in."

Meng Huo heard the ridicule in his words, shook his head and said, "Forget it, it's better without reporters."

He looked up to the center of the hall. There was a place surrounded by people, and Dong Ding's figure could be seen inside. He was talking to the guests around him - Meng Huo was a little curious. So Jiang Tianshi was asked to lead them over.

As soon as they reached the periphery, they heard Dong Ding's voice.

"We expect the box office of "Strike of the Sword" to reach 1.5 billion..." Meng Huo only heard this sentence. Because after these words, the crowd in front started talking with a 'wow', covering Dong Ding's voice.

"1.5 billion at the box office..."

Meng Huo was a little surprised. Was Zhongxia Company a little conservative in its box office expectations? According to past practice, Dong Ding should say a box office that is close to or surpasses the box office of "The Magician at the Beginning of the Century".

More than 1.5 billion.

A blond man on the periphery of the crowd suddenly covered his head after hearing this number.

"Oh.!" He sh*t: "This is Huaxia..."

Shen Jie asked, "What happened to him?"

"It's probably because the box office scared him." Alice saw the identity of the other party. This should be a real foreigner, and said with a smile: "The highest box office in other countries will not exceed one billion. Generally, movies with hundreds of millions are high. Box office work."

Shen Jie nodded: "After all, there are few people!" She was not surprised at all. On this planet, the total population of China is close to half of the world's population. Naturally, the box office is unimaginable for other countries: "But... Will "Legend of Sword and Sword" be released abroad?"

"It seems that it should be..." Alice noticed that there were a group of foreigners with different skin colors next to the blond man. They should all be theater dealers from other countries. There are quite a few of them. two western powers.

Alice was very surprised. She didn't expect Zhongxia Company to be so fully prepared. Although the films of Phoenix Company will also be screened abroad, they do not pay as much attention to them as Zhongxia——in recent years, they have become more and more neglected.

The same is true for Meng Huo, who would pay attention to the development of foreign comics when he was in high school. But the comics outside were even poorer, and after a while, he never paid attention to other markets. After all, the development of Huaxia comics is at the forefront of the world, and during the great leap period of comics led by Meng Huo, he does not believe that foreign cartoonists can keep up with the pace better than Huaxia cartoonists.

In this world, the vast majority of Huaxia companies are not very interested in the markets of other countries, and the population base is not at the same level. Sometimes, the word "Huaxia" itself represents the meaning of internationalization.

Before that, Fenghuang also made comics abroad. However, the market is not that big, and the combined comics market of several Western countries is not even comparable to a prosperous Far East. Over time, Phoenix Company also looked down on foreign markets—the box office of "The Magician at the Beginning of the Century" was not paid much attention to.

But look. Zhongxia pays more attention to foreign markets...

"Isn't the box office of 1.5 billion very easy for you?" At this time, Shen Jie asked Jiang Tianshi, "Why don't you set the target at 2 billion?"

"Miss Shen, do you think everyone is Teacher He Xi?"

Jiang Tianshi was helpless, the female voice actress was too ignorant of the market, although "Strike of the Sword" was supported by the popularity of the original work, but the box office did not mean that two billion can be two billion: "The box office of 1.5 billion is already very good. Movies are the beginning of a new business for our company, and the IP value of "Boys of Fire" will be proven in the movies, and we don't want any accidents to happen."

The box office expectation should not be reported too high, nor should it be reported too low, 1.5 billion is just right - this box office is already at the forefront among animated films, except for Meng Huo's animated films, almost no animated film can exceed 100 million yuan. 100 million, so the box office of 1.5 billion won't hurt the popularity of Zhongxia Company.

As long as this box office can be achieved, all the members who made "Legend of Sword and Sword" will be rewarded. It can also prove that the animation popularity of "Flame Boy" is genuine. The ratings of the original animation.

Of course, if the box office can approach or surpass "The Magician at the Beginning of the Century", it will be a surprise for Zhongxia.

"You guys can let go, I thought your requirements would be higher." Alice said on the side.

"That's how it turned out, we're all fully prepared." Jiang Tianshi didn't hide his thoughts at all. Originally, Zhongxia really wanted to achieve a bigger goal through "Strike of the Sword" and reverse the recent pressure brought by the Phoenix Company—but Obviously hard to do.

"Plus the situation is different now..."

Jiang Tianshi turned to look at Meng Huo: "Our company's requirements for "Strike of the Sword" have become smaller, and we don't expect this movie to reach a super high box office-Guess Mr. He Xi. What is our company's reason for lowering the box office? request?"


Meng Huo answered without thinking.

Alice looked at him suspiciously, but Jiang Tianshi laughed: "As expected of a teacher... That's it, because of the appearance of "Fate" and Teacher Jingyue. The company put more expectations on Teacher Jingyue, The future teacher Jingyue...he may become a more popular manga artist than angels."

After listening to this sentence. Even Meng Huo couldn't help frowning. He had already expected that the Zhongxia Company would attach great importance to that mysterious cartoonist, but he didn't expect them to take it so seriously. Paying attention to lowering the requirements for Angels, Jiang Tianshi had something to say, he was implying that Zhongxia Company no longer expected Angels to fight against Meng Huo.

Meng Huo heard this. If Angel's "Strike of the Sword" did not become a prop against "The Magician at the Beginning of the Century", it means that Zhongxia Company has a better choice.

In any case, Zhongxia could not give up the mentality of confronting Meng Huo, because giving up meant admitting defeat. Meng Huo didn't think Zhongxia Company had made such a decision. They lowered their expectations for "The Legend of the Sword", and it must be because there is a better choice: that is, "Destiny".

It is estimated that this comic will be made into an animated film soon, and Meng Huo is a little unbelievable - he did not expect that Jingyue's value in Zhongxia Company has surpassed that of Angel.

However, to achieve this, it is definitely not determined by a cartoon. Zhongxia trusts Jingyue so much. What did the cartoonist do to make them change so much, which makes Meng Huo quite vigilant.

He seemed to smell the emergence of a scent out of his grasp.

"Speaking of..." Meng Huo glanced left and right: "Isn't Teacher Jingyue here?"

Jiang Tianshi smiled unabated: "Mr. He Xi wants to see him?"

"Of course... I'm curious. It would be great if I could meet him."

"...That's a pity, teacher, you may be disappointed, he didn't come here because of vigilance." Jiang Tianshi shook his head. Said: "Actually, I have always wanted to meet Teacher Jingyue, but unfortunately I never had the chance, and I still don't know what he looks like."

Meng Huo was taken aback: "You haven't seen Mirror Moon?"

It was hard for him to believe it. Doesn't Jiang Tianshi know the identity of Jingyue?

"I haven't seen it... Teacher, you may have misunderstood." Jiang Tianshi saw Meng Huo's doubts, and quickly explained: "I should have the same information as the teacher. We both know that he is not a newcomer, and we also know his previous works. ——But I only know this, the specific identity of Teacher Jingyue is only known to a small number of people in our company."

Meng Huo was full of disbelief: "Your status in Zhongxia is extraordinary, is it not easy to know?"

"I really do not know."

Jiang Tianshi shook his head, Meng Huo guessed wrong this time, Jiang Tianshi really didn't know. Not only him, but even the director of the personnel department didn't know Jingyue's true identity. But brother Jiang Tianshi seems to know. Dong Ding also knew.

None of these two people disclosed to Jiang Tianshi, although he learned about the author of "The Kingdom of Ice and Fire" from Yang Liang. However, after actually hearing the rumors—Jiang Tianshi discovered that the author of "Destiny" was probably not that man.

It seems that Jingyue's true identity is not the useless cartoonist rumored by the editors, but a very mysterious figure. He made Zhongxia take special care of him without showing his face, which was like a miracle. Jiang Tianshi's curiosity was no less than Meng Huo's.

"Aren't you angry?" Meng Huo looked at Jiang Tianshi quite amusedly: "Zhongxia attaches so much importance to Teacher Jingyue, aren't you afraid that he will steal your popularity?"

"Of course not, he and I are no match..." Jiang Tianshi waved his hand: "Mr. He Xi, Mr. Jingyue is different from you. We can have better cooperation."

Meng Huo immediately understood that Jingyue and Jiang Tianshi both belonged to Zhongxia Company, one was good at original comics, the other was good at adaptation and animation production—on the surface, they should be rivals as they were both cartoonists, but in fact they could form a relationship. complementary.

The cooperation between Angel and Mirror Moon can create excellent original animation or movies, and they may become the strongest cartoonist team. Angels originally focused on adapting animation, and after adding Mirror Moon, they will be able to make a huge leap in the field of original animation.

Under such circumstances, how could Jiang Tianshi hate Jingyue? The other party is a hard-to-find content creator, and Jiang Tianshi is too happy to provide him with outstanding original works so that Angel can produce better animations!

"I see..." After simulating the cooperation between Jingyue and Angel in his head, Meng Huo felt that Zhongxia Company was becoming more and more interesting—this combination might bring him a lot of fun.

In Meng Huo's view, this news was the best gift for the banquet.

The next day, the premiere of "Strike of the Sword" started, but this time only Shen Jie was left by Meng Huo's side, and Alice was powerless - she had left behind a lot of work and was dragged back by Xu Jing. When I arrived at the company, I was not free all day.

Meng Huo sat in the first row of the movie theater, next to Dong Ding, but the two of them didn't talk much, Meng Huo found that Dong Ding's expression was very tense, and he didn't know if he cared too much about the film's performance, or something else thought.

"Mr. Dong, relax a little while watching a movie..." Another young man sitting next to Dong Ding reminded Dong Ding with a smile that this young man's appearance was quite similar to Jiang Tianshi. The major shareholder of the company is not bad.

Meng Huo met this young master at the dinner last night. Jiang Tianen has a gentle personality, and he didn't show a condescending, admiring or hostile attitude when talking with Meng Huo. less affection.

The only thing Meng Huo was curious about was why this young master of the Jiang family suddenly attended the dinner and premiere of an animated film?

He had heard of the existence of this Eldest Young Master a few years ago, but Jiang Tianen was so indifferent, and never expressed any views on comics and animations—Meng Huo thought he had no interest in comics, no Thinking of seeing him at the banquet of "Strike of the Sword".

Was Jiang Tianen's appearance a whim? Or cheer for your younger brother? or……

"He suddenly became interested in comics, could it be related to that teacher Jingyue?" Recalling what Jiang Tianshi said last night, Meng Huo felt that Jiang Tianen should not be purely on a whim, nor was he cheering for his younger brother. (to be continued)

ps: Happy Mid-Autumn Festival

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