Big Manga

Chapter 972: White Goose's Plan

On the day the premiere of "Strike the Sword" ended, Meng Huo set off for Suhua. However, on the second day, an acquaintance came from afar.

"Good afternoon." After get off work, Meng Huo met this acquaintance in the restaurant - the director Bai Yan, and asked, "Why are you coming from Tokyo when you have time?"

Bai Yan smiled and shook his head: "I'm much freer than you, teacher. I was still in Yanjing two days ago!"

"Yanjing?" Meng Huo ordered lunch to the waiter standing at the side, and said with a little surprise: "So, you came to see me today because of "Latias and Latios, the Patron Saints of the Water City" ?”

"Latias and Latios, the Guardians of the City of Water" - this thing with a long name is the first theatrical version of the upcoming "Little Fairies" series, which is not the first in the original book. The theatrical version, the box office is not ideal, time-traveling heroine.

It can’t even be said that it’s not ideal. The film “Latias and Latios, the Patron Saints of the City of Water” ranked fourth among the animated films of the year, and it was also the lowest-paying movie version of “Little Fairy” in the past. one for.

However, when Meng Huo chose to produce the theatrical version of "The Little Fairies", he still put it first, and abandoned the first work that had a good box office. The reason is precisely because "The Guardian of the Water Capital" Gods Latias and Latios, which did not fare well at the box office, was more challenging.

In fact, he himself liked this theatrical version of the movie, which failed badly at the box office. In Meng Huo's mind, it was quite a classic, even more classic than some blockbuster movies. As a commemorative work for the fifth anniversary of the "Little Fairies" series of films, "The Guardians of Water City Latias and Latios" is also the first film to be based on real-life scenes.

The background of its story is taken from Venice, the capital of water. The movie is matched with a lot of accordion music. The whole movie has a mysterious and romantic atmosphere different from the animation atmosphere of "Little Fairies".

Meng Huo wanted to show that breath and further enrich the world view of "Little Fairies". Unfortunately, Bai Yan didn't come for "Latias and Latios, the Guardian Gods of Water City".

"The movie is over. The promotion and preparations for the premiere are going on in an orderly manner, so I don't need to make another trip." Bai Yan said, "I came here this time for things in Tokyo. Busy. I just went to Yanjing to have a look."

"So that's how it is..." Meng Huo took a sip of the boiling water on the table, nodded and said, "So it's about "Dragon and Tiger"? I remember that this animation should also end, right?"

The animation schedule of "Dragon and Tiger" is half a year. However, five months have passed since the broadcast of the first episode in the first half of the year, and it will be over in two or three weeks. Meng Huo smiled: "Speaking of which, I haven't thanked you yet! The animation of "Dragon and Tiger" is very good.

Didn't make me worry a little bit more. "

For nearly half a year, the ratings of "Dragon and Tiger" given back to Meng Huo by the TV station were quite good. Bai Yan's actions exceeded Meng Huo's expectations. During the broadcast of the entire animation, he basically didn't need to interfere— — put it in the past. This is something I can't even think about.

Bai Yan looked relieved: "It's fine to thank me, the success of "Dragon and Tiger" is ultimately the success of the script, and this is from your hand, teacher - I just re-implanted it into the animation, it's not that great .”

Meng Huo shook his head: "Don't be modest, handling also requires skills, you can ask Takashima Koko to see if she is willing to change directors."

"What does this have to do with Miss Xiangzi?" Bai Yan was a little stunned.

"During the broadcast of "Dragon and Tiger", Xiangzi's popularity increased by more than ten times - this is the report given to me by the voice actor agency." Meng Huo said with a smile: "Now her popularity has firmly ranked fourth among female voice actors. Isn't this all your credit? If the same story is placed in the hands of another person, it may not be able to produce this effect."

Koko Takashima's rapid rise by relying on "Dragon and Tiger" is the best proof of Bai Yan's ability. Xiangzi is the voice of the heroine of "Dragon and Tiger", and the reason why her popularity can rise so exaggeratedly. It is precisely because Bai Yan deeply expressed the image of the heroine of the animation.

The heroine of "Dragon and Tiger" is a typical arrogant heroine. Meng Huo was worried that Bai Yan would not be able to master it. In the end, she did a good job, guiding the animation heroine and Takashima Koko to fit together perfectly. The key plot None of them dropped the chain.

What Meng Huo is most familiar with is Christmas, the plot where the heroine first discovers her feelings for the hero. In the original animation, after the hero leaves the heroine’s house, the scene where the heroine suddenly sheds tears and chases him out is a classic in the entire animation of "Dragon and Tiger". Perfectly replicated.

The reproduced plot is not much different from the original. It is precisely because of this that less than a month has passed since the plot. Takashima Koko's performance fee has increased by nearly 100,000, and her growth rate has even surpassed that of Shen Jie and Xia Chuanzhen.

Meng Huo talked about My Third Reich here. Naturally, Bai Yan had nothing to say and could only accept Meng Huo's praise.

Of course, she didn't come here to let Meng Huo praise herself. In just a few words, Bai Yan brought Meng Huo into today's business: "I am here as a lobbyist for the animation department in Tokyo. Teacher He Xi, The staff there would like you to find time to go there sooner..."

"Wait!" Meng Huo raised a hand to interrupt, and said with a wry smile, "I don't have much time right now, are they doing the next animation?"

He just left Suhua a few days ago, and there are so many things going on now. In addition to work and internships, "Lattias and Lattios, the Patron Saints of the Water City" will soon have to hold many events and premieres. At least for half a month, Meng Huo would not have time to go to Tokyo.

But after Bai Yan revealed that she was a lobbyist for the Tokyo Animation Department, Meng Huo guessed her purpose.

"It's Detective Conan, right?"

Meng Huo asked.

Bai Yan nodded: ""Dragon and Tiger" is still a few weeks away, and Tokyo wants to let the teacher prepare for the animation return of "Detective Conan" earlier... Teacher, you have a history of changing your mind before, if you can't give it to me earlier They can't rest assured that they will issue a plan."

"Detective Conan" has been off the air for a long time, and it was supposed to come back a long time ago—but Meng Huo has repeatedly postponed it. This time it is nearing the end of "Dragon and Tiger", and the employees of Sakura Company have learned to be smart. The idea came up early.

Meng Huo's expression was a little embarrassed: "This time there will be no change of mind, you can rest assured! As soon as the matter here is over, I will rush to Tokyo to prepare for the return of "Detective Conan"."

"No change?" Bai Yan raised his eyebrows. The expression became a little subtle.

"What's the matter?" Meng Huo was surprised, and made a promise himself. Why does Bai Yan seem unhappy instead?

"It's nothing..." Bai Yan shook his head, and continued: "One more thing is the "Dragon and Tiger" comic, when do you plan to end it, teacher? After the animation is over, the "Dragon and Tiger" comic will attract readers. The power will also drop, right?"

The comic hairstyle of "Dragon and Tiger" is earlier than the anime hairstyle. It was released at the same time as "The Legend of the Galactic Diva". However, the progress of the animation is obviously faster than that of the comics.

In a few weeks, the animation of "Dragon and Tiger" will be completed. The ending is set. Then the readers' expectations for the manga will naturally be lowered. Bai Yan suggested that the manga and animation should end in the same week.

"This... there is no problem in operation..." Meng Huo nodded. It is not a big problem to finish the manga now. The stories are almost told. If the number of pages is increased in the next few weeks, it can be completed at the same time.

The problem is that Meng Huo still has two assistants working for "Dragon and Tiger". If the manga is over, Meng Huo has to take care of their work, and he has to replace the new manga of "Dragon and Tiger". And these two assistants are shoujo manga artists, but Meng Huo doesn't want to draw shoujo manga for his next manga.

He hasn't thought about the next comic yet. I don't really want to end it for the time being, I plan to continue the serialization of "Dragon and Tiger" comics for two months.

"Forget it, I think it's okay to end the manga later." Meng Huo said. Even if the animation spoils the ending of the manga in advance and some readers lose interest, it is impossible for the popularity of "Dragon and Tiger" manga to plummet, and it will definitely be fine for a few months.

But hearing what he said, Bai Yan became anxious.

"No, it must be finished at the same time!" She patted the table and said, "This is the best time to finish it. In the week when animation and manga are finished at the same time, "Dragon and Tiger" will become the most popular work."

"It doesn't matter if it doesn't become the most popular work..." Meng Huo looked at Bai Yan strangely: "Why are you so eager, even if "Dragon and Tiger" can't become the most popular work. But when "Detective Conan" returns , it will definitely become the most popular work of the week!"

Bai Yan was discouraged: "Okay, read the full text of Baotong. Teacher He Xi - I won't lie to you, in fact, I have no interest in "Detective Conan". If it is possible, I would like to borrow your two female comics." Aides to start a new animation studio, they are really good employees."

Meng Huo widened his eyes and was stunned. Could it be that Bai Yan wanted him to finish the "Dragon and Tiger" manga because of those two female assistants? Are they really that good?

But after thinking about it, he understood Bai Yan a little bit - because in terms of work attitude alone, these two female assistants were indeed impeccable. They have worked under Meng Huo for several years, and they never need to worry about Meng Huo, and they are always conscientious and responsible for the comics.

If such a woman falls into the hands of Bai Yan, she will naturally become the object of her reliance, not to mention that apart from their sense of responsibility and rigorous work attitude far beyond ordinary people, these two female cartoonists are also genuinely capable in comics, otherwise they would not Will become Meng Huo's assistant.

Powerful painters, excellent work attitude - it's no wonder that Bai Yan treats them like babies.

"If those two guys know about this, I don't know if they will feel ashamed..." Meng Huo muttered in his heart. He thought of Tomato and Xi Wenlin, who had served under Bai Yan in the past. "The Magician at the Beginning of the Century" was the result of their cooperation with Bai Yan and the others, but in Bai Yan's heart, Tomato and Xi Wenlin were obviously not as useful as those two female cartoonists.

After putting away his thoughts, Meng Huo looked at Bai Yan and said in surprise, "You don't want to make "Detective Conan"? Why, other people dream of being its director."

"Do it for whoever wants it!" Bai Yan said with a meaningless face: "It's not that I don't like "Detective Conan", but this animation is too long, and I don't want to be the director of a feature-length animation."

She doesn't dislike "Detective Conan," but has a big problem with its length. For such a long animation, the result of being a director may be several years, or even more than ten years of work on such an animation, but this is not what Bai Yan wants to see.

After transitioning from a film director to an animation director, Bai Yan discovers something new every day. The animation industry is a new and magical world for her. She wants to get in touch with and produce more different types of interesting animations.

To achieve this goal, she will have to stay away from feature-length animation.

"DreamWorks has two directors who are very interested in "Detective Conan". Teacher, you can arrange for them to go there." Bai Yan suggested: ""Detective Conan" has a mature production team, and yours With the help of two male assistants, the importance of the director is lower than other animations, so there will be no problem with the two directors.”

Meng Huo knew that there would be no problems. Even without a great director, "Detective Conan" could easily get on the right track after its return - after all, this is an old work, and the production team is very mature.

He wasn't worried about "Detective Conan", but he was very interested in Bai Yan's thoughts.

"Then where do you plan to build a new animation studio?" Meng Huo asked.

"The animation studio can be located in Tokyo!" Bai Yan's eyes lit up when she heard Meng Huo's words. She found that Meng Huo's attitude was much more open-minded than she expected, and she quickly explained her plan: "There are some artists in Sakura Company who are willing to Give up "Detective Conan" and start a new studio with me, I asked Mr. Takashima, the resources of painters in the Far East District are sufficient-enough to support our two studios."

Meng Huo was very surprised, and then suddenly realized that he hadn't noticed the special situation in the Far East Region—in the past, he wanted to establish animation studios in cities like Ninghai, Suhua, and Yanjing, and the animation departments in these cities were very different. Many good painters were snatched away by Zhong Xia.

However, the comic atmosphere in the Far East is no worse than these big cities, and the market is almost monopolized by Phoenix Company. Although there are many small animation companies, if Phoenix Company wants to establish a second studio, it is simply too easy. There are not many painters who will not be moved.

Bai Yan's plan is very feasible, but...

"What kind of animation do you want to make?" Meng Huo asked again. He didn't think Bai Yan would like the works of other cartoonists, and he probably had to get them from his own hand. (to be continued)

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