Big Manga

Chapter 973: Banquet

Bai Yan propped her face with a smile: "Teacher, you are so smart, I plan to make something as simple as animation, can't you guess it?"

Meng Huo was taken aback: "You don't think it's "Yoran High School Male Public Relations Department"?"

"Yes, speaking of your two female assistants, is this the work they are most familiar with?" Bai Yan said with a smile: "I will definitely choose the work that they can play the most."

"Yoran High School Male Public Relations Department" was the first comic that the two female cartoonists were in charge of under Meng Huo before "Dragon and Tiger".

"But it's a very long manga!" Meng Huo said in surprise. "Yoran High School Male Public Relations Department" was serialized for several years before it was completed. It is much longer than "Dragon and Tiger". It may take more time to make it into an animation. Doesn't Bai Yan want to make an animation that takes too long to air for one year?

Bai Yan shook his head: "It's enough to compress the plot, we can make it into a half-year show like "Dragon and Tiger"."

She had already made a plan, but Meng Huo immediately refused: "No!"

He disagrees with this kind of compression of the plot. The live-action copyright of the TV series "Yoran High School Male Public Relations Department" has already been sold. Meng Huo has read the script and there are many episodes. The animation must be consistent with the TV series. How can it be compressed? Plot—isn’t that offending the animation audience?

"In that case..." After listening to Meng Huo's explanation, Bai Yan frowned slightly: "Then teacher, please choose another work for me. I promise your two assistants that they will be the core painters of the new studio. Teacher, you should be very familiar with what kind of painting style they are good at."

Meng Huo was slightly dissatisfied: "Don't they plan to become cartoonists?"

"No way, teacher, don't get me wrong!" Bai Yan quickly explained, "They are still your assistants, but I prefer that they can hold two jobs at the same time. If you kick them away because of this, they will hate you." I can't die.'

Meng Huo looked a little better.

"Then let me think about it carefully. You suddenly want me to choose a work, and I don't know what to choose. Give me some time." He thought for a while. Then he said: "Let's do this, after "Latias and Latios, the Patron Saints of the Water City" is released. I will find time to go to Tokyo. During this time, you should first set up the studio."

Bai Yan was overjoyed: "So you agree, Teacher?"

"What else can I do besides agreeing to it? Haven't you already planned it?" Meng Huo looked at Bai Yan amusedly, and he couldn't think of a reason for him to refuse: "But you have to seize the time, setting up a studio is not easy .


"That's no problem!" Bai Yan became excited, and said, "Mr. Takashima and the others have already agreed to help me, and there are already many painters who have expressed their willingness to sign up. I think the studio can be set up within half a month."

The speed of half a month is already quite fast. Meng Huo nodded secretly.

"There is also "Detective Conan." Bai Yan asked again: "Teacher, you always give me an answer? Otherwise, how can I go back to work?"

"Didn't I give it? My reply is that there is no problem. After the end of "Dragon and Tiger", they can directly produce "Detective Conan"... In two days, I will ask Tomato to help them prepare for "Detective Conan" Can do without me."

Now, Bai Yan can finally feel relieved.

Two days later, Bai Yan returned to Tokyo, and Meng Huo also ordered Tomato and Xi Wenlin to go to Sakura Company to prepare for "Detective Conan". The premiere dinner of "Gods Latias and Latios" was held in Yanjing, attended by Meng Huo, Alice and others.

Six pm. He showed up on time at the door of the hotel where the dinner was held. Besides Alice, Shen Jie and Xu Jing were also with him, as well as some ministers of the Phoenix Company. Everyone attended, including the directors of several editorial departments.

After the "Magician at the Beginning of the Century" tasted the sweetness, the importance of animated films became prominent within the Phoenix Company. The entire dinner invited companies and representatives from all walks of life related to the Phoenix Company. The total number of people exceeded three. Hundreds of people.

This number of people is more than the dinner party of "Strike of the Sword" ten days ago, but the two banquets have one thing in common. They are not open to the media. Although there are many people, there are no media reporters present.

Of course, not a single reporter. In fact, several newspapers and TV stations accepted the invitation, but these people also attended as ordinary guests. No equipment such as cameras and video cameras was carried.

The banquet hall is very lively, just entered. Meng Huo saw a man trotting over.

"Brother, long time no see." Xia Chuan greeted him excitedly, and then turned to greet Xu Jing, Alice and others.

"Long time no see." Meng Huo said hello to her and Xia Chuan Liangzi who was following behind Zhen Zhen. They hadn't seen each other for several months.

Generally speaking, the director and all the actors will attend the banquet of ordinary movies, but "The Guardians of Water City Lattias and Lattios" is an animated movie, there are no actors in it, so it was replaced by voice actors to attend .

Not only Xia Chuan was real, but all the voice actors who participated in the dubbing of the film came up to greet Meng Huo and his party. These voice actors were big stars in the banquet. When they moved, other guests who arrived earlier naturally came over one after another.

Meng Huo chatted with the guests for ten minutes, and Alice took the initiative to take over his topic. "Let's entertain the guests here. You go and have a rest first." She said to Meng Huo. The host of this banquet is Meng Huo, and he will be busy after all the guests arrive.

Meng Huo nodded, apologized to several guests, and was about to leave when he saw a familiar figure walking in from the door.

"Principal Xing, welcome." The person who walked in was Xing Boxiang. Although the female principal of Yenching University was not related to "Latias and Latios, the Patron Saints of Water City", Meng Huo still He ordered people to prepare two invitation cards.

But what was surprising was that the person who followed Xing Boxiang was not her husband, but a little girl. The little girl was very cute, but she seemed a little timid, timidly hiding behind Xing Boxiang, watching Meng Huo secretly.

"Is this your granddaughter?"

Meng Huo asked curiously.

"Yes, this is my granddaughter." Xing Boxiang patted the girl hiding behind her, pushed her to stand up, and said with a smile: "I didn't expect you to give me two invitation cards, in order to snatch another guest My family had a falling out, and neither my husband nor my son and daughter-in-law would budge, so I brought this little guy here..."

Meng Huo couldn't help laughing: "If this is the case, you can tell me earlier, and I will prepare a few more invitations for you."

He bent down to look at the little girl. He smiled and said hello to her, the little girl responded nervously, and then immediately shrank behind Xing Boxiang.

"This kid is not usually so timid. He was so excited in the car just now!" Xing Boxiang laughed. After all, his granddaughter is still young, and she suddenly became nervous when she saw her idol: "Could you give this little girl some time later?" Guy a signature."

Meng Huo nodded: "Of course there is no problem."

"Also... I heard from the Suhua City People's Hospital that your internship went well." Xing Boxiang continued: "I checked your project results, and the doctors gave you a very high evaluation. Keep it up like this." Go on, and your graduation assessment next year will be a certainty."

Meng Huo smiled wryly: "Thank you very much for the several supervisors you found for me. I have caused them a lot of trouble."

After several months of internship, Meng Huo's identity in the hospital has not been exposed, causing no sensation. One reason is that Meng Huo always wore a white mask when he was an intern in the hospital, and his appearance was hard to see.

However, after all, it is necessary to conceal such an important matter. Every time Meng Huo goes to the hospital, the hospital will spend a lot of energy to help him hide from the eyes and ears, and there will be special people to help him when he enters and exits the hospital. I am very grateful to Suhua People's Hospital.

"I've heard about this." Xing Boxiang giggled, "Your supervisor doctors said that you are the most troublesome intern they have ever encountered. But don't worry, they are helping you now. Own."

No matter how troublesome Meng Huo was, in fact his identity would not change. The number one cartoonist in China and a super popular idol in the eyes of the world. No matter how much Suhua City People's Hospital put in effort to help Meng Huo solve his troubles, it was only natural.

They had nothing to lose, and after Meng Huo graduated, his practice hospital would be announced, and such a big star came from his own hospital, which was definitely a good advertisement for Suhua People's Hospital.

In the same way, those doctors who were in charge of guiding Meng Huo would also benefit greatly in the future, and they would naturally teach Meng Huo as best they could.

"By the way, how are the internships at the other two schools?" Xing Boxiang continued to ask.

"Well, everything went well."

Meng Huo nodded. The other two universities have much simpler internships than Yenching University, and they didn't bother him much.

One is an internship topic in management. Because Meng Huo also served as the vice president of Phoenix Company, Suhua University did not have any requirements for his internship. As long as he can write a good graduation thesis. As for the Huaxia Conservatory of Music, the internship requirement is composition, and Meng Huo has already completed it in the past two months.

He was talking with Xing Boxiang, and suddenly there was another commotion at the door, Xing Boxiang looked back outside, smiled and said: "It seems that you have important guests coming, then I will go in first."

Meng Huo nodded: "Okay."

Xing Boxiang immediately led the little girl into the hall, and there seemed to be many people in the hall who knew her. As soon as Xing Boxiang went in, he chatted with a few people. Meng Huo looked at the door with peace of mind. There were a group of handsome men there. The beauty came over and attracted the attention of many people.

This is a group of angels, all arrived, and no one was left behind.

A while ago, Tian Menghuo participated in the dinner party of "The Coming of the Sword". In return, today the angels are here too - they will watch "The Guardian Gods of Water City Latias and Latios" with Meng Huo tomorrow. " premiere, will not leave until noon.

Meng Huo went up to greet him: "Good evening, isn't President Dong here?"

"No." Jiang Tianshi, who was standing in the center of the angel, stopped and said with a smile to Meng Huo, "He has a job in Ninghai and he can't get away from it. It was hard for us to find time to come here... Teacher, why don't you change the place to hold the event?" banquet?"

Meng Huo laughed: "The DreamWorks that produced "Latias and Latios, the Patron Saints of the Water City" is in Yanjing, so the banquet will naturally be held here."

In terms of the venue of the banquet, the venue chosen by Meng Huo was a bit far away—both they and the guests of Zhongxia Company had to come from other cities to attend. However, there is no way around this. After all, the film company is located in Yanjing, and every press conference and premiere of a new film will basically be held here in the future.

"Forget it, let's treat it as a trip..." Jiang Tianshi was helpless, but he is a person who can see things openly. It is rare to come to Yanjing, so it is better to take the opportunity to enjoy the night view of Yanjing. He proposed to Meng Huo after the dinner. You Yanjing's idea was unfortunately rejected by Meng Huo.

"I don't have time tonight." The banquet will end at nine o'clock, but tomorrow is the premiere, and Meng Huo has to make sure the premiere preparations for "The Patron Saints of the Water City, Latias and Latios" Happening.

Jiang Tianshi didn't force it either, even without Meng Huo, he still had many companions by his side.

After the members of these angels greeted Meng Huo one after another, they walked into the banquet hall with great interest, and walked over to Xia Chuanzhen and other voice actors.

"You guys seem to like our company's voice actors very much?" Meng Huo was quite surprised when he saw these people chatting with the voice actors. Groupies.

"Animation fans like you voice actors." Jiang Tianshi smiled. They are a group of cartoonists, but they are also a group of animation fans. animation dubbing."

Jiang Tianshi said with some envy that compared to his own star voice actors, he prefers the genuine and powerful voice actors of the Phoenix Company who determine the outcome by dubbing.

But envy is nothing but envy, Jiang Tianshi quickly put away his thoughts, and looked at the posters of "Latias and Latios, the Patron Saints of the Water City" decorated in the banquet hall with great interest. Attraction: "Teacher, your imagination is really rich. Every time I see the two elves, Latias and Latios, I feel that any kind of elves in "Little Fairies" may appear. "

There are two elves, one red and one blue, on each poster, and the two elves are very similar in appearance. It is a bird-like elf with a streamlined body and glazed feathers. The lower part of the body is red, with jet-wing-like wings and fin-like feet.

Jiang Tianshi was amazed that such a peculiar structure would not look ugly after being painted.

"If you like, after the movie is played, I can give you the dolls of these two elves."

Meng Huo laughed. (to be continued)

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