Big Manga

Chapter 974: Premiere

November 10th is the film premiere day of "The Patron Saints of the Water City, Latias and Latios". The Yanjing Yaxia Cinema, where the premiere was held, was greeted by the media and the audience waiting for the film early in the morning. The siege was tight.

Yaxia Cinema had already prepared and arranged many employees to maintain order, and dozens of security guards strictly controlled the entrance of the theater, preventing any audience without an invitation letter from entering the theater.

"As expected of the theatrical version of the most popular animation, this scene is even more lively than when "Strike of the Sword" was released."

Inside the theater, Jiang Tianshi looked at the crowds of people outside, envious in his heart. A while ago, "Strike of the Sword" was quite lively when it was released, but it seemed to be a bit worse than "The Patron Gods of Water City Lattias and Lattios".

From here, we can see the popularity gap between "Flame Boy" and "Pokemon". Although the two animations are super popular animations, the gap between the first and third is still not small. In the eyes of many animation fans, Only "Little Fairy" can be regarded as a national-level animation.

"Okay, the premiere is about to start, let's go in first!" Meng Huo invited Jiang Tianshi to enter.

Jiang Tianshi followed Meng Huo into the auditorium with other members of the Angel. He and Meng Huo sat in the first row, while the rest of the members sat in the second row. On one side of Meng Huo is Jiang Tianshi, on the other side is Xu Jing, next to Xu Jing is Alice, and in the past is Lin Mingzhe, the financial director of Phoenix Company.

"Miss, have you seen the samples?" Lin Mingzhe asked Alice in a low voice after seeing Meng Huo and the others enter the arena.

Alice shook her head: "No, neither does my dad. It seems that only Meng Huo and Zhou Qian have seen it here."

"Did Minister Zhou watch it?" Lin Mingzhe was slightly surprised, and then frowned: "How does she evaluate this movie? Can the total box office reach two billion?"

This time, the evaluation team of Phoenix Company estimated the box office of "Latias and Latios, the Guardian Gods of the Water City" at 2 billion, although Lin Mingzhe did not believe it. However, "Strike of the Sword" has just been released, and it is hard to say that it will not have an impact on "The Patron Gods of the Water City, Latias and Latios".

"Zhou Qian thinks there's nothing wrong with it." Alice said lightly, she didn't take Lin Mingzhe's question to heart. After all the people in the cinema arrived, the lights dimmed. The movie will start soon.


"Watch the movie now, and then talk about it after watching the movie."

Alice interrupted Lin Mingzhe and focused her eyes on the screen—Meng Huo once invited her to evaluate "Latias and Latios, the Patron Saints of the City of Water\

,"But she deliberately didn't go to see the samples, just so that she could enjoy the movie better at the premiere today.

On the pitch-black screen, after the Phoenix animation appeared, the movie slowly opened.

The beginning of "Latias and Latios, the Guardian Gods of the City of Water" is different from the violent storm in "The Coming of the Sword", which is quiet and beautiful-starting with a flipping scroll and gentle narration. A brief legend is told:

A long time ago, an old couple on a certain island picked up a pair of injured orphan brothers and sisters and took care of them tenderly. Then when the evil appeared one day, the two brothers and sisters suddenly turned into powerful elves—Latios and Latias. They defeated the evil and gave the local people a gem called "Mind Drop"...

The legendary story takes less than two minutes. When the movie tells the legend, the screen on the screen flips like the pages of a book, and it looks like it is really reading a story with a cartoon book.

And this is indeed the case-the screen closed just after the narration of the legend was finished. The camera switches to a woman holding a book.

There were two women in total. In the library under the night, they got books with the legends of Latios and Latias. He then escaped from the library and fled the scene in a sedan before inspectors found out.


Seeing this, Meng Huo suddenly heard a voice of surprise coming from around him, and he turned his head to look over: "What's wrong?"

Jiang Tianshi asked with great interest: "These sisters are strange thieves again?"

From the conversation between these two women, she heard that they are a pair of sisters who like to steal, and they have taken a fancy to the legendary gem of the "Mind Water Drop" - it is also a strange thief, the previous "Magician at the Beginning of the Century" The same is true for He Xi's works. It seems that the strange thief is always indispensable in He Xi's works.

Meng Huo nodded: "Well... I think this is a good element, isn't it?"

"No, of course not." Jiang Tianshi shook his head: "Great. The female phantom thief is not bad—ah, this shot is really cool!"

He happened to see the scene where the Phantom Thief sisters drove out of the driveway, and the car suddenly changed into an airplane and soared under the moon. Suddenly and gorgeous, not only Jiang Tianshi. This handsome scene also caused an uproar in other corners of the theater.

At the beginning of the movie, there are pleasing visual effects, the car soaring under the moonlight, and then the scene of Xiaozhi and his party participating in the annual water race of the elves, the detailed water environment Shaping and beautiful music make the beginning amazing.

"Did you put a lot of thought into it at the beginning?" Jiang Tianshi asked.


Meng Huo nodded, he liked the beginning very much.

A good beginning is the premise of a good movie. He has always felt that the theatrical version of "The Guardian Gods of Water City Latias and Latios" is good in terms of creativity, plot, and even character design. The reason why it did not sell well is because The movie wasn't done well enough.

The failure of this movie lies in the way the plot is told, just as the movie wants to express the theme of the failure of the Phantom Thieves Sisters because of their strong desire, but it will be shattered by the sudden and chaotic plot development-this There are many such situations in movies.

Because the story is not told well, its box office will naturally be poor. Therefore, Meng Huo carefully described the details in the script this time, reminding the artists not to go astray, and ensuring that the film tells the story smoothly-and the final product basically satisfied Meng Huo with its quality.

The plot of the film begins with the Pokemon Water Race, which is held in the legendary city of Oddo Mare, which is the water capital in the title of the film.

In the water race, Xiaozhi was far ahead with the help of Latias, but lost the championship because he took the wrong waterway. After that, at the invitation of the runner-up Rossi. Xiaozhi and his party browsed Aldo Mare, and heard the legend of two legendary elves.

The strange thief sisters Sanna and Lian also came to Aldo Mare, and they found Latios and Latias in a special way. and try to catch them. In order to avoid being captured, Latias turned into a human girl Canon, and was rescued by Xiaozhi by chance.

After Xiaozhi rescued Latias, he separated from her. He, Xiaogang and others came to the museum of Odo Mare and learned about Odo Mare's disaster prevention device. Here, Xiaozhi saw a girl who was packing up the painting utensils. She seemed to be the girl who had been rescued just now, but she was another person.

Xiaozhi didn't know this, he took Pikachu to chase, and then found some mosaic stone slabs in a garden, the middle pattern is said to record the real use of the device and the heart drop in the museum.

subsequently. The Phantom Thief Sisters captured the older brother Latios from the two legendary elves, while the younger sister Latias flew out of the water and found Xiaozhi who was sleeping soundly. She transformed into Kanon and asked Xiaozhi for help .

After understanding the reason, Xiaozhi came to the museum with everyone. The Phantom Thief sisters activated the defense device. After a fierce fight, Xiaozhi and the others rescued the dying Latios. But the Phantom Thief sisters wanted to take away the water droplet of the heart and retreat, accidentally destroying the water droplet, and the device activated again.

Aldo Mare ushered in a disaster, a huge tsunami rose from the sky and roared towards the water capital. Latios and Latias rushed out, using their supernatural abilities to calm the tsunami. But Latios sacrificed himself in the meantime.

Latios turned into another drop of heart, and continued to guard Aldo Mare, the capital of water.

In the movie theater, Jiang Tianshi was stunned when he saw this place—he didn't expect that "Lattias and Latios, the Patron Gods of Water City" would be the same as "Strike of the Sword". In the end, it will be such a tragic ending.

"Is there a mistake..."

Jiang Tianshi cast his eyes on Meng Huo. He had heard Dong Ding talk about Meng Huo's comments on the ending of "Strike of the Sword", and he thought that "Latias and Latios, the Patron Saints of the Water City" should be a happy ending. How can I expect the result to be the same!

"Strike of the Immortal Sword" is the heroine who sacrificed to seal the immortal sword, while "The Guardian Gods of the Water City Latias and Latios" is a legendary elf who sacrificed to save the Water City. The two are almost the same...

Well-actually, "Strike of the Sword" is too much.

"After all, ours is the heroine..."

Jiang Tianshi thought helplessly, with the same ending, "Latias and Latios, the Guardian Gods of Water City" was obviously better than "Strike of the Sword". Latios' role in the movie is obviously not as important as the heroine in "Strike the Sword".

The heroine in "Lattias and Latios, the Guardian Gods of the Water City" should be Latias, and Latias was safe in the end, not only safe. It also brings benefits to the audience.

After the matter in the water capital was over, Xiaozhi and his party planned to leave. But just as the passenger ship he was on was about to leave the port, the girl Latias turned into was holding something. He rushed over waving his hand.

Xiaozhi asked to stop the boat. After docking, he walked onto the pier. The girl handed the things in her hand to Xiaozhi, and then suddenly made a movement that surprised all the audience—she sealed Xiaozhi with her mouth. under the nose. (ps: It is not allowed to describe x...)


When this scene appeared, the entire theater erupted.

"Pick up xx, pick up xx... Fuck, this is Xiaozhi's first xx!?"

"Ahh! I can watch this scene again!"

"Big news, write it down quickly, this must be reported!"

"...Mr. He Xi doesn't even let off ten-year-old children..."

Leaving aside the last sentence, Jiang Tianshi was taken aback by the sudden uproar in the theater, and only then did he realize that "Latias and Latios, the Patron Saints of the Water City" played a good hand at the end. He did not expect that the children's animation There will be a picture of receiving xx, which is too surprising.

To be sure, this image will raise eyebrows among some, but for most, it's just an unexpected surprise.

And no matter whether it is criticism or surprise, the intensity of this ending surpasses the sentimentality brought about by Latios' death, especially when Xiaozhi saw the thing that the girl gave him—the portrait of him, the theater was even more excited. There were many envious voices.

The first theatrical version of "Pokemon", the style and music of the whole story are very different from the animation, it looks fresh and romantic. But that's okay, "The Guardian Gods of Water City Latias and Latios" even has emotional scenes that never appear in the animated version.

"It's unbelievable, this is so surprising!"-this sentence can represent the psychology of all audiences.

After the premiere, almost every audience was very excited and couldn't wait to tell other friends the news. And the audience at the entrance of the theater heard that Xiaozhi's virginity was gone, and the crowd rushed into the theater without even a little extra spoiler.

Lin Mingzhe, who saw the audience's reaction, was completely relieved. After leaving the theater, he sat in the same car as Xu Jing, and even came up with a new idea: "Looking like this, "The Patron Saints of the Water City, Latias and Latia There is no need to worry about the box office of Oss, Mr. Xu, should we invest more money in movies? Or just put our main business here?"

"Then how can it be!" Xu Jing was taken aback and shook his head quickly: "This is not possible, our main business cannot be changed, manga is the foundation of everything, animation is our second priority - if there is no them, just do it alone Movies are hard to make."

Xu Jing is very clear that the popularity of comics and animations is the cornerstone of developing other copyrights. Whether it is movies or peripheral sales, only by expanding from the inside out around the core business can Phoenix Company develop sustainably and healthily.

"That kid Meng Huo reminded me several times, don't put the cart before the horse - manga and animation are our base, the rest are the end, as long as the original is done, there is no need to worry about the end." Xu Jing chin, hehe straight Laughing: "But when I agreed with him to make "Little Fairy", I never dreamed that it would make such money."

"It's not just you, I think it's absolutely impossible for the gods to think of... the current "Little Fairy", but as long as a derivative story is made into a movie, we can get the revenue of our company for a whole year in the past."

Lin Mingzhe was amazed, and wondered if He Xi had expected it back then, so he insisted on launching the "Little Fairy" animation. (to be continued)

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