Big Manga

Chapter 975: The Story of Rebellion

November of this year is destined to be a month worth remembering in China's film history. The appearance of two animated films caused quite a stir in the film industry.

"Fairy Sword Strikes" and "The Guardians of Water City Lattias and Lattios", these two animated films derived from long-form animations have achieved huge box office successes after their release, and the entire autumn The movie has been stolen from the limelight, and the media everywhere are reporting them overwhelmingly.

There is such a big market for a mere animated movie - after the baptism of the box office, everyone feels incredible, but there is no doubt that the market for animated movies is so big. The success of the two films not only made many small animation companies have the desire to make films, but also formed a view that has influenced future generations for a long time - "you can make money by adapting popular animations into movies".

Zhongxia Company and Phoenix Company, which have always been at odds with each other, did not pour cold water on each other this time. Both companies excitedly and clearly saw through the huge potential of the film market. This potential has not been fully tapped, but it is enough to accommodate the ambitions of the two families. It is a blue ocean.

Before the blue ocean turns into a red ocean, the struggle between Zhongxia Company and Phoenix Company will only benefit a third party—they are all smart people. Facing the huge film market, the two companies gave up trying to tear each other down.

The media also focused their attention on the audience market of the special film theme of "animated film". 500 million, and possibly even higher box office.

If "The Magician at the Beginning of the Century" released half a year ago was just an unexpected surprise, then... there were only three incidents. In the same year, three movies adapted from different animations all achieved box office success, which proves that animation The market potential of movies is indeed huge.

China Central Television was the first to be unable to sit still. A few days after the release of "The Patron Gods of the Water City, Latias and Latios". CCTV couldn't wait to announce its decision to make a mysterious animation into a movie—and then, Zhongxia Company also announced the production of the new movie.

Many small animation companies have also followed, in the context of active investment in animation films. In less than two weeks, more than a dozen animation film production plans popped up all over China.

And Phoenix is ​​feeling the wave of enthusiasm. A high-level meeting was also held soon, and it was decided to make a third film.

"You said that I just gave the painters of DreamWorks some vacation, and you called me over, can't you let them rest for a few more days?" Ning Hai, Meng Huo walked quickly to the meeting room with a cold expression. Two weeks later, a film meeting for the new work was held, but unexpectedly, Alice moved the meeting time forward.

After the meeting.

The new movie will definitely have to start soon, and the DreamWorks vacation will have to be cut by more than half.

"There's nothing we can do about the current situation. Other companies have made preparations, and we can't fall behind—and the painters have many holidays, so they might be poached by them." Alice, who was behind Meng Huo, explained with a wry smile. The key point is that Meng Huo gave DreamWorks nearly a month's vacation, and this period is the period when the production of animated films explodes. If we wait another two weeks for the meeting, maybe the artists of DreamWorks will be tempted to leave.

Starting preparations for the third film early is the best way to prevent the artist from jumping ship—and the entire Phoenix company also very much hopes that the third film will start as soon as possible.

"Didn't you say that the next movie will be released early next year? If you don't make it sooner, you won't be able to make it in time." Alice reminded.

Meng Huo frowned slightly: "Even so, DreamWorks has produced two films in a row, and I hope they can take a good rest... Okay. Now that the matter has come to an end, I won't say anything. The animation film produced by CCTV has figured it out. ?"

"I've already had someone check it out." Alice nodded: "CCTV is preparing to make a movie about Tom and Jerry!"

"Ah? That one..." A look of surprise flashed in Meng Huo's eyes. He thought that CCTV would produce some popular animation and make it into a movie, but he didn't expect it to be the "Tom and Jerry Couple", which had long been lukewarm.

But if you think about it carefully, this animation seems to be the best animation for CCTV. First of all, it is relatively young, and does not belong to the old animations of more than ten years ago, and it was also very popular a few years ago-the reason why it has not been popular in recent years is mainly because the popular animations have been occupied by Phoenix and Zhongxia.

However, after the rise of Phoenix Company and Zhongxia Company. CCTV has not produced any popular animations, not even more than "Tom and Jerry Couple". Now they can only rely on this animation to enter the film industry.

However, this animation did not pose any real threat to Meng Huo back then, and it is even less of a threat now. Don't care about its movie version at all.

Meng Huo put away his thoughts: "What about Zhongxia's company?"

"They haven't announced it yet, keep it strictly confidential..." Alice shook her head: "I haven't found any specific information, but I think it should be "Fate"?"


Meng Huo thought for a while and denied it: "No, it's definitely not "Fate."

He knew that Zhongxia Company valued the IP value of "Destiny" very much, but because they valued it, they couldn't make its movie right away--the comics of "Destiny" had just started serialization, and the animation hadn't been broadcast yet, and its popularity was still at a low level. In the preliminary stage of the work, there is a lot of room for growth.

This is a medium-length manga, and its animation should be about to be produced, and the manga should end before the end of the animation, and after the animation is over—the foreshadowing of manga and animation, the popularity of "Destiny" will reach Peak, remaking the movie works best then.

"The current movie project of Zhongxia Company will not be "Fate"!"

Meng Huo cut the gold and cut the iron.

"But... didn't you say that "Fate" will definitely be a movie?" Alice was surprised. Her guess about "Fate" came from Meng Huo's judgment.

"The movie will come out, but not now." Meng Huo nodded, and he told Alice something about "Fate": "I guess it will take half a year—about half a year, Zhongxia Company will make "Fate" as the third movie The movie comes out."

The second movie is unlikely, but there is a good chance that the third movie will be Destiny.

Alice had a headache. She ran to Meng Huo and opened the door of the meeting room in front of her: "Okay. It doesn't matter which movie it is—the most important thing for you now is to announce the plan for the third movie to us first."

The two had already arrived at the door of the meeting room. Meng Huo stepped in and looked around. The dozens of sitting people made him stunned for a moment.

"Is this a Criticism and Struggle Conference?" - this thought flashed through Meng Huo's mind, he thought it was only Xu Jing and a few ministers. Unexpectedly, Zhou Qian, Takako Takashima, several editorial directors... three branch offices, most of the ministerial figures were present.

Takako Takashima, who is far away in Tokyo, has come here-it can be seen how much Phoenix Company attaches importance to movies now.

But this is not surprising. DreamWorks has been established for less than a year, but after the release of the two films, it has brought the company far more revenue than any other department-film can be said to be the most popular business of Phoenix now.

Every department wanted to see if they could get a share of the pie, and Meng Huo didn't dislike it. Movies were not the business of one department of DreamWorks. Its value could indeed be distributed to other departments, and it was just right. The marketing of his next movie may also require the cooperation of more departments.

After a brief exchange of greetings, Meng Huo took the information and walked to the demonstration screen, and began to introduce the third movie plan.

"I think everyone should have heard the news that the next movie is the theatrical version of "Magic Girl Madoka Magica", and the name is "The Story of Rebellion"..."

Standing by the demo screen, Meng Huo said that the concept poster and title of "The Story of Rebellion" appeared on the demo screen-the ones on it were the girls from "Magic Girl Madoka Magica" that was completed a few years ago and everyone is familiar with. The protagonist, and standing in the front are Madoka and Homura.

Madoka and Homura are the two core heroines in "Magic Girl Madoka Magica". According to the definition of ordinary readers, these two people can even be said to be the "male and female protagonists" of this animation.

Although I haven't seen it for several years, the poster came out as soon as it came out. There was an exclamation of surprise in the meeting room immediately. Although Alice had revealed some news to them before the meeting, everyone was still very excited to see that the new movie was really "Madoka Magica".

Why are you excited? Do you still need to ask? They didn't forget how excited the audience was when "Magic Girl Madoka Magica" was first broadcast! This short but superb animation was once synonymous with Phoenix Animation. During the broadcast period, "Fire Boy" was suppressed below, and there are still many viewers who still miss it.

It can be said that this is the most reassuring and anticipated movie theme besides "Pokemon" and "Detective Conan"-of course, in addition to "Magic Girl Madoka", the Gundam series can also achieve this effect movie of.

Meng Huo also considered making a Gundam movie, but after careful consideration, he felt that the movie "Magical Girl Madoka Magica" should be given priority. "Mobile Suit Gundam 00" ended last year, and Madoka Madoka finished earlier. If it is not launched too late, the effect will be greatly reduced after the popularity dissipates in the future.

After explaining the reason for choosing "Magic Girl Madoka". Meng Huo began to tell more about the film: "The story told in "The Story of Rebellion" took place after the ending of the animation. It is a brand new plot..."

He didn't spoil the main content of the movie. But roughly told the theme of "The Story of Rebellion", he will subvert the theory of the circle in the animation, and create an existence that is opposed to Madoka - the story of the devil.

As the most trusted cartoonist in China, Meng Huo doesn't need to reveal anything, as long as he tells the key points of the movie, no one will question whether he can do it well.

"...The animation tells the story of gods, but the movie tells the story of demons..." After listening to Meng Huo's introduction, Xu Jing couldn't help clapping his hands and praised: "This is a good idea, and the protagonist of the movie will definitely be able to choose Xiao Yan." attract the audience."

"This movie will definitely be popular!" Alice was also quite happy.

Ye Xiong looked at Meng Huo in surprise: "Mr. He Xi, when did you come up with this story? Didn't you decide it when "Magic Girl Madoka" was broadcast?"

"It can be said that when the animation is broadcast, the plot of the movie will be determined!" Meng Huo nodded, and continued: "I have also written the script, "The Guardian Gods of Water City Latias and Latios" When production first started, I wrote the screenplay for Rebellion."

Applause immediately erupted in the meeting room. Everyone was relieved after Meng Huo's words had come to an end.

"Then choose this one..." After the film introduction, Xu Jing smiled all over his face, but he did not forget to tell others not to leak the secret, and they must prepare fully before announcing the matter: "If anyone tells the news, no You can talk about favors, and you will be expelled directly!"

This is Xu Jing's most stern warning. The first two films have both generated billions in box office revenue, and the value of the third film may be even higher. Naturally, special attention must be paid to every detail.

However, Meng Huo didn't really care about leaking the secret. He had reservations and didn't have much to reveal.

After the meeting, Takako Takashima from Tokyo caught up with Meng Huo: "Teacher, when can you go back to Tokyo?"

"In a few days, after finishing the work here." Meng Huo knew that she was doing it for "Detective Conan" and what Bai Yan said before, so he couldn't help asking, "Has Bai Yan's new animation studio been established?"


Takako Takashima nodded.

"So fast?"

Meng Huo was taken aback. .

"As soon as we spread the news, there was an endless stream of people who came to sign up." Takako Takashima said with a smile: "The studio has been arranged a few days ago. There are very few big companies in the Far East District, and there is no shortage at all." Sign up as an artist."

Meng Huo was still surprised. If he knew it was so easy to recruit an artist in the Far East, he should have established a new animation studio there long ago.

"Okay then, I'll go there as soon as possible." Meng Huo decided to take the time to go to Tokyo to see: "After you go back, I will send someone over in two days, and you send someone to pick her up."

Takako Takashima nodded, it's not a big deal, but she was very strange: "Who is that?"

"Ordinary people, a writer who adapts novels for me..." Meng Huo said with a smile: "It may be more convenient for her to help with things in Tokyo. I will give you her information at night, and you will have to arrange accommodation for her." place."

"no problem."

Takako Takashima nodded, but she was still a little puzzled. Why did Meng Huo ask for help from a writer when he returned to Tokyo? Is it to let her help write the script for the new animation?

It seems that this is the most likely reason. Meng Huo is usually very busy and may not have time to prepare a brand new animation script for Bai Yan's new animation studio. (to be continued)

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