Big Manga

Chapter 976: Burning Eye Shana

Two days later, in Tokyo, a white car drove away from the airport.

"Miss Lu, what are you looking at?" Lu Yanqiu was sitting in the car, looking out of the window with a curious expression, her movements caught Bai Yan's attention: "This is your first time in Tokyo?"

"Ah, yes..." Lu Yanqiu was taken aback, and immediately turned around and said, "I've never been here before, it feels fresh."

Bai Yan couldn't help laughing and said: "Actually, if you stay for a few days, you will find that Tokyo is the same as other cities - there are special places in some scenic spots that you can't see on the street. I will take you shopping when I have time." visit."

"Thank you...Director Bai, you seem to know Tokyo very well." Lu Yanqiu said curiously. She was shocked when she found out that the person who came to greet her at the airport was Bai Yan. As a well-known director in China, she certainly knew Bai Yan. I also know that Bai Yan is not from the Far East.

But from the conversation, Lu Yanqiu saw that Bai Yan was quite familiar with Tokyo.

"I used to come to this city to shoot movies." Bai Yan said with a smile: "For someone like me who has been a director for decades, I have basically traveled all over the main areas of China. There is no big city that I don't know. .”

Lu Yanqiu understood: "So that's how it is."

"Speaking of..." Bai Yan looked at Lu Yanqiu and asked, "Did Teacher He Xi tell you about the new animation?"

She came to the airport to greet her in person just because she wanted to know about it.

"New animation?" But Lu Yanqiu looked puzzled: "No, the teacher didn't tell me about it."

"Then what did he ask you to come over?"

"Before I said anything, Teacher He Xi told me to wait here first. He seemed to want me to write some script... But what it is, I have to wait for him to see the situation in two days." Lu Yanqiu replied. road.

"That's right." Bai Yan's eyes lit up, Lu Yanqiu must have come here to help the animation, "Detective Conan" doesn't need her. That can only be used for yourself.

She knew that Lu Yanqiu was one of the writers in the team responsible for adapting He Xi's works into novels, and there were more than a dozen people in the team, so He Xi found Lu Yanqiu—Bai Yan guessed. The "new animation" that I am about to get must be the work that Lu Yanqiu is responsible for adapting into a novel.

Only in this way, He Xi would send Lu Yanqiu over.

"Miss Lu, I heard that your work as writers is distributed,

Why do you regret what work the teacher adapted? "Bai Yan asked impatiently.

"Me? I adapted a part of "ad"..." Lu Yanqiu did not hide anything, and replied: "But the novelization of this work is in charge of many people. Now everyone has basically submitted the manuscript, and several writers and editors are finishing it. , I think we can see the novel published soon.”

Because the comics, animations and games of "ad" have been developed, a lot of details and scripts can be referred to, so the adaptation of the novel is quite fast-the work has not started for a few months. The writers have already completed 70 to 80%.

Bai Yan was secretly surprised, then frowned again.

The new animation cannot be "ad", because this work has already been produced by the joint venture company of Zhongxia Company and Phoenix Company, and the final series "ad~ry~" was also successfully concluded last month.

She clearly remembers the specific time when "ad~ry~" ended, which is really hard to forget. On the day of the end, you can see all kinds of posters in Tokyo, and there are also many audience spontaneously on the street where Sakura Company is located. A celebration was formed.

One month after the end, the BD sales of "ad~ry~" broke through the best record in the history of the animation industry. It is said that the craze for buying peripheral products has not diminished. Returns, so much so that the animation of the second text adventure game adaptation has already begun production.

Obviously. It is impossible for "ad" and other text adventure games to become Bai Yan's new animation.

"Did I guess wrong? Didn't she come to help me?"

Bai Yan began to doubt her own judgment, but she did not jump to judgment, and continued to ask: "Miss Lu, besides "ad", did Teacher He Xi give you any other works?"

Ordinary people may not imagine that He Xi might hand over two works to Lu Yanqiu, but Bai Yan knows that He Xi has always made the best use of people. If Lu Yanqiu is good enough, it is not a strange thing to be responsible for the adaptation of three works.

"This..." Sure enough, Lu Yanqiu's expression immediately hesitated, she paused for a few seconds, and then said: "Yes, but I don't know if I can reveal it."

"It's okay. You can rest assured..." Bai Yan's eyes lit up, and he said hastily: "I'm not a spy from another company. You tell me, if Mr. He Xi blames you, I will take the responsibility."

Lu Yanqiu thought so too, this is actually not too secretive news. She nodded and said, "I'm also in charge of the adaptation of "Shakugan no Shana". The teacher asked me to adapt the content of the first volume of it into a novel before the Spring Festival."

""Shakugan no Shana"?" Bai Yan muttered awkwardly. She seemed to have never heard of this work, so she couldn't help asking the driver in front of her: "Jin Tian, ​​have you heard of this work?"

"Yes, Director Bai." Although he is only a driver, Jin Tian, ​​who has worked in Sakura Company for several years, has a considerable understanding of He Xi's works like other employees.

""Shakugan no Shana" is a manga released by Mr. He Xi a few years ago. It is not serialized in manga magazines, but is sold directly in a special book form. The release time is also very unstable, with an average of one episode per year. As a result, this manga is often overlooked by new readers."

Bai Yan understood, no wonder she didn't know. Her understanding of comics has actually only started this year. She has basically heard of Meng Huo's comics and animations, but they haven't been published in weekly magazines, and they are only released once a year. She doesn't know that it's normal.

"What kind of work is this?" she pressed.

"How should I put it, the subject matter is very fresh..."

Jintian introduced "Shakugan no Shana". This comic tells about an ordinary boy who lives an ordinary life. Saved him in his mouth, and then revealed the truth of the world in front of him...

"Shakugan no Shana" is a work whose style is between boy and girl manga. Among them are the bloody battles and persistent dreams of juvenile comics, as well as the delicate emotions and gorgeous style of girl comics. The worldview and themes of comics are very special, and many readers like them.

"Because of the release method and insufficient publicity. Many people in the company called "Shakugan no Shana" a buried manga." Jin Tian continued: "But the readers' evaluation is generally very good. If it is serialized like Mr. He Xi's other manga, the popularity should be No worse than them."

"Then why... Teacher He Xi didn't change the serialization method?"

"It seems to be a problem of pressure..." Jin Tian shook his head: "I don't really understand, but Mr. He Xi is serializing enough comics, and the company doesn't want to force him."

Bai Yan understands that "Shakugan no Shana" is a manga that has been buried, but its quality is not bad.

"That's right!" She clapped her hands and said, "The teacher must be planning to hand over this comic to me, and then make it into an animation to increase its influence—that's why I sent you, Miss Lu, to help."

She stared at Lu Yanqiu happily, but Lu Yanqiu was very worried: "Is this really the case? But I am in charge of adapting the first volume of "Shakugan no Shana". The original manga is not finished yet."

"It doesn't matter if it's not over, the animation can be divided into several parts!"

Bai Yan couldn't listen anymore. The more she thought about it, the more she was right. Meng Huo definitely wanted to use animation this time to increase the popularity of "Shakugan no Shana" so that it would no longer be ignored.

Moreover, from what Jin Tian said about the manga content, "Shakugan no Shana" has the style of a shoujo manga, which is just right for He Xi's two female assistants to play, and it also just meets Bai Yan's request to He Xi a while ago.

Bai Yan has no doubts about her thoughts. After Lu Yanqiu settled down, she immediately asked someone to find all the separate volumes of "Shakugan no Shana" that had been released, and then finished reading it in one go.

After reading a few booklets. Bai Yan feels that this manga is one of the rare works that can be easily adapted into animation. The characters and plot of the manga are very good, and each episode tells a complete story, which is also very convenient to make into a series animation.

"It must be "Shakugan no Shana"!" Bai Yan believed that he had seen through He Xi's thoughts.

Two days later, Meng Huo's plane landed at Tokyo Airport.

After coming to this city after a long time, Meng Huo came to Sakura Company immediately, and first went to the production office of "Detective Conan". This animation is obviously more important than Bai Yan's other animation .

With the help of Takashima and his wife, Meng Huo carefully checked the preparations for the return of "Detective Conan". His two assistants - Tomato and Xi Wenlin have been here for half a month. The script of "Detective Conan" has already been written, and the artists are all experienced. Nothing happened to the whole team that worried Meng Huo.

And when he arrived, the illustrators had already started the production of the first episode after the return of "Detective Conan". It's going pretty well.

"Very good, as long as I maintain this momentum, it doesn't matter if I'm around or not." Meng Huo was very satisfied with the progress of "Detective Conan". Another director transferred from DreamWorks also adapted to his role. Meng Huo and the director After talking for several hours, I think there is basically no problem in handing over to him.

The seeds he planted in the past have gradually begun to germinate, and animation and movies are rapidly becoming independent. Presumably, after a while, Meng Huo will be able to get away from the many animations and concentrate on creating more high-quality works.

After finishing the inspection of "Detective Conan", Meng Huo soon came to the new animation studio.

This studio is also located in Sakura Company, and it is divided into upper and lower floors with another studio. When Meng Huo arrived, Bai Yan was already waiting outside the door with a smile on his face: "Welcome, teacher, I am introducing the new job." Before the members of the chamber, I want to give you a surprise!"


"Yes, it's just a surprise..." Bai Yan stepped aside, pointing to the pictorial posted on the white wall behind him: "How about it, isn't it a great painting!"

Pasted on the door of the new studio is a pictorial of "Shakugan no Shana", on which is the heroic figure of a flaming-haired scorching-eyed girl holding a long knife, and there is another line of small characters besides the name printed on the pictorial - "Asuka The studio's first animation."


For a long time, Bai Yan didn't hear Meng Huo's praise, but instead saw his strange expression: "...What is this?"

"...Eh?" Bai Yan was taken aback for a moment, ""Shakugan no Shana"!"

"I know it's "Shakugan no Shana", but what did you make it for?"

"...Isn't the animation that Sensei is going to make "Shakugan no Shana"?"

"who said it?"

The conversation between the two people was completely on a parallel line. Lu Yanqiu, who was hiding at the door and eavesdropping, couldn't help covering her head—she knew it would happen. "Shakugan no Shana" is not the second animation at all. , Lu Yanqiu should have been told the matter before, there is no need to hide it.

Outside the door, Bai Yan was stunned for a long time.

"Ha... Teacher, don't be joking, isn't the next part "Shakugan no Shana"?" She smiled wryly, "Then why did you ask Ms. Lu to come over?"

"Her? I asked her to come over and help write the script." Meng Huo said as a matter of course: "I don't have much time to stay here. She has strong writing experience. I think she might be able to help me."


Bai Yan fell into silence, feeling a little headache. She didn't expect that she would make such a big mistake, but this time it's a bit troublesome. Of course, she didn't draw the pictorial of "Shakugan no Shana"—Bai Yan had already told the news to other people in the studio, and everyone was very happy. Thought it would be this work.

This kind of oolong happened when the studio was just established. Bai Yan felt a little ashamed. After thinking about it, she simply made a mistake and gritted her teeth: "Teacher, don't give me new animations. I think "Shakugan no Shana "Yes, please make the next animation!"

""Shakugan no Shana"?" Meng Huo looked at the pictorial on the white wall. He was a little embarrassed. In fact, he spent several days, and now he has a very good work in his mind that he can show.

However - "Shakugan no Shana" seems to be a good choice. In the last life of this manga, the animation was more popular than the original work, and the production difficulty is not very high.

The key is that he chose "Shakugan no Shana", and Meng Huo was also spared the effort of preparing the script and character design. Although he had a new idea in his mind, he hadn't written it yet, and this process would take a lot of time.

"……All right."

Meng Huo agreed to Bai Yan's request, and the new studio decided to make "Shakugan no Shana". (to be continued)

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