Big Manga

Chapter 977: Song

Although "Shakugan no Shana" is not a new work, in order to ensure its smooth production, Meng Huo still stayed in Tokyo for the time being. The adaptation of comics into animation cannot be done overnight, especially in a new studio that has just been established. Meng Huo still needed a lot of running-in.

He led Bai Yan to start the preparations for the animation of "Shakugan no Shana". This animation has some very distinctive elements, and Meng Huo wants to tell Bai Yan and other members bit by bit.

At the same time, the animation script had to be rewritten, Meng Huo served as the supervisor, and Lu Yanqiu was in charge of the specific script, but she was not alone. She led more than a dozen employees of Asuka Studio to decompose the published manga of "Shakugan no Shana", separated each single-line story, divided it into animations with an appropriate number of episodes, and then determined the structure of each episode in more detail.

This work is time-consuming, but compared to the original animation, the adaptation is very simple. After four or five days of busy work, Lu Yanqiu finally brought the preliminary results of the script to Meng Huo. Meng Huo took Bai Yan together and began to review the scripts carefully.

"Teacher He Xi, Director Bai, how are you doing?"

After about half an hour, the two of them had almost finished watching, Lu Yanqiu asked a little nervously.

"I think it's not bad!" Bai Yan answered first. As a director with rich experience, she read the script very accurately. The plot division between them is done very well, and the overall structure is fine.

On the other hand, Meng Huo checked more seriously. He knew "Shakugan no Shana" very well, and found some loopholes in Lu Yanqiu's results. After circled these loopholes with a red pen and reminded him of revision suggestions, he gave Lu Yanqiu the answer. .

"Adjust the small details, generally there is no problem. You can enrich the content of each episode according to this diversity table."

The outline of the script was decided on this point, and the rest was the details, which Lu Yanqiu and the others could naturally do well.

But Meng Huo still felt a little pity. Originally, the first season of "Shakugan Shana" should have 24 episodes, but due to the progress of the manga. The "Shakugan no Shana" to be produced now is determined to be 16 episodes, and the progress of the plot is far behind.

In his previous life, "Shakugan no Shana" was aired in three seasons, each with 24 episodes.

However, this world may last longer. According to the current progress, the animated version of "Shakuyan Shana" may eventually be made into five or six seasons. And if Meng Huo doesn't speed up the serialization of the manga, the animation of "Shakugan no Shana" will take a few years before the next season can be produced, and it may even take more than ten years to complete in the end——

From the broadcast of the first season to the end of the last season.

A total of ten years will be spanned. Thinking of this, Meng Huo suddenly felt a lot of pressure in his heart, but sometimes he was helpless, because he was not a superhuman being, so he really couldn't do anything at once.

"Let's see if we can move "Shakugan no Shana" to the weekly magazine..."

Meng Huo couldn't help thinking this way, if he wanted to shorten the time of "Shakugan no Shana", he had to see if there was a chance to move his comics to the weekly comics for serialization in the future. But in this way, he may also have to give up his plan to launch a new comic, which may not be such an easy task.

Because of too much work, Meng Huo's release of new comics is already very slow. He publishes a manga almost every year, and he is getting farther and farther away from being a mere 'cartoon artist'. Many readers have complaints in their hearts-every time Meng Huo releases a new manga, it is also to balance his role.

In this situation. If he does not publish new works but moves old works to magazines, it will inevitably arouse the indignation of some readers.

But on the other hand, compared to these indignations, perhaps "Shakugan no Shana" is more important—Meng Huo weighed it carefully and felt that he should really find an opportunity to put this comic in the magazine.

The best time might be during the broadcast of the animation, but it still depends on whether Meng Huo is free and whether he can find other assistants.

"Or just ask them to help!" Meng Huo thought of the two female assistants who made animations at Asuka Studio, so he might as well stop thinking about any new comics and let them help serialize "Shakugan no Shana" up.

He immediately asked the wishes of the two female assistants.

"Shakugan no Shana?"

"No problem at all!"

The two female cartoonists agreed more simply than Meng Huo had guessed. While making animations, they also act as manga assistants for the same work, which they are happy to do.

After receiving the answer, Meng Huo immediately informed the editorial department of "Weekly Youth". "Shakugan no Shana" is a work between juvenile manga and shoujo manga, but the last time Meng Huo put the manga in the shoujo editorial department. Of course he had to balance this time.

Ye Xiong responded immediately after receiving the news, and he didn't care at all about the loss that "Shakugan no Shana" was not a new manga.

"It doesn't matter, Shana's single book is very popular, and the results after the serialization are not bad... But I hope that the comic serialization and animation will be released at the same time, so that the popularity of the comics will be raised."

The idea of ​​the editor-in-chief of the juvenile manga coincides with Meng Huo, and unlike "Detective Conan", there are still a few weeks before the release of "Shakugan no Shana", leaving Meng Huo with a lot of preparations for serialization. adequate.

In this way, without any prior consideration——Meng Huo decided on the animation and manga of "Shakugan no Shana" in Tokyo.

Influenced by the manga, he stayed in Tokyo for a few more days to prepare for the serialization of the manga, and explained everything about "Shakugan no Shana" to two female manga artists, and trained them to become Shana through the mythical world adventure full text reading.

It can be said that in the past few days, the two female cartoonists have been the busiest people besides Meng Huo. In order to absorb Meng Huo's materials, they have worked overtime with Meng Huo until eleven or twelve o'clock every day, which is faster than Lu Yanqiu who is in charge of the script. have to work hard.

However, the busiest one is undoubtedly Meng Huo. His daily schedule is full, and he has almost all the work. He occasionally goes to see the situation of "Detective Conan".

In addition to these things, he also has a more important job, which is to compose the two action-no matter "Detective Conan" or "Shakugan no Shana". There must be a lot of new songs.

The requirements of "Detective Conan" are not many, but the animation return must change the opening and ending songs, and the original songs can no longer be used. And "Shakugan no Shana" requires all songs such as opening, ending and interlude. At least a dozen songs.

Song writing is not difficult for Meng Huo, but he prepared so many songs in a short time. It still made Bai Yan and the others feel nervous. In such a short time, can he finish writing? And not to mention that he is busy in the studio all day - how can he have time to think about songs?

"Maybe the release of "Shakugan no Shana" has to be delayed..."

Bai Yan thought about it this way, if Meng Huo couldn't write the song in time, maybe they could ask other people to compose the song—after all, it would take several months to prepare a dozen songs by one person, right?

However, the studio would have to spend a lot of money every month of delay, and she didn't have time to wait for several months.

But of course Meng Huo would not let her wait so long. When he was still in Tokyo, he first sent the opening and closing credits of "Detective Conan" to the office, and after leaving Tokyo and returning to Suhua, he wrote the song "Shakugan no Shana" within a few days.

The quality of the animated songs in "Shakugan no Shana" is quite high, and Meng Huo is also very careful about this, using the best version for the beginning and end credits. The opening theme song of the first season is "The Crimson Sky" - quite a famous song, Meng Huo remembers that it was very well-known in his previous life, and many people who have never watched the animation have heard of this name.

The ending song "The Girl Who Awakened Before Dawn" was much less well-known, but this song was more to Meng Huo's taste than "The Scarlet Sky". Of course, this was just his personal taste.

Except for the opening and closing credits. The episode of "Shakugan no Shana" was also very important. In order to ensure that there were no accidents, Meng Huo put all the songs on a USB flash drive and brought them to the seiyuu agency in person. Give it to Shen Jie.

"The song of "Shakugan no Shana"? It's ready so soon?" Shen Jie was a little surprised when she took over the USB flash drive. She knew that the animation had just been decided to be produced, and she didn't expect Meng Huo to prepare the song so quickly. .

"You are so surprising every time!" But after the accident, Shen Jie remembered that Meng Huo's composition speed was so fast before, and it could only be attributed to his talent.

"Then please, record these songs within two weeks, no longer than three weeks." Meng Huo gave Shen Jie a time limit, which seemed short, but the current firm already had enough Bands and resources do just that.

After Meng Huo left. Shen Jie immediately handed over the USB flash drive to the subordinate staff, and asked them to record the song into the office's database. And printed out a copy. She is very interested in these new songs, and the opening song "Crimson Sky" has just been printed. Shen Jie picked up the slightly hot paper and read it.


When the sky is dyed red

When I come again, I will go straight with this body

The "people" who passed by

confusing "things"

Will fade away as a memory

The "strong" of fiery shock



Shen Jie's eyes lit up with the lyrics that were swept away. Having read the manga of "Shakugan no Shana", she could easily see that the lyrics of this song were tailor-made for the world view of "Shakuyan no Shana" There is an apocalyptic world.

"Although the lyrics are good, how about the music score?" Shen Jie looked at the music score. She hummed the beginning of a few lines in her heart, and found that the pitch was a bit high, but the tune was very beautiful, and there was a feeling that made people's blood boil.

"This song is great!"

"So is this song!"

And when Shen Jie was watching "The Crimson Sky", two female employees in her office also took other printed scores and praised them. Shen Jie came back to her senses and looked at these The score, every song is great.

"The quality of the songs of "Shakugan no Shana" is so high!" Shen Jie was speechless, but she was very excited: "I want to sing these songs, please help me arrange a band and record the songs in two days!"

She picked up the score and wanted to leave excitedly, but after taking two steps, she felt something was wrong again, and turned her head to ask, "Do you think it's appropriate for me to take these songs away?"

"Of course, no one will compete with you!", "I also think Shen Jie, you sing the best!"

The two people in the office did not object, but Shen Jie frowned, but the more she thought about it, the more inappropriate she became.

Her current status is different from that of the past. She is one of the directors of the seiyuu firm. Although it is very convenient to take away these songs-but if she takes the songs with her own identity, it will definitely cause dissatisfaction in the seiyuu group. good response.

"This should be regarded as using power for personal gain..."

Shen Jie didn't want to create such rumors, she looked at the scores reluctantly, although she was a bit reluctant, she still took the scores back, handed them to a female employee and said, "Print out these scores and distribute them to other female voice actors!"

"Distribute?" The female employee was stunned: "You don't want it?"

"Yes—but it's not good to just take it away. It's better to distribute the score and follow the usual process."

Shen Jie frowned and said, the usual process is to make the songs public and let the voice actors compete for them--except for some designated songs, Phoenix Company mainly relies on internal semi-open selection and competition to determine the song's ownership.

After the firm obtains the copyright of a song, it will first assign it to the appropriate voice actor, then record it separately without disclosing it to the public, and finally review it with a team of musicians, managers and animators , choose the voice actor who is most suitable for singing.

The reviewers of this method include animators, and their scores are also the highest. It can be said that it is the fairest screening method in the seiyuu industry.

The animation producer of "Shakugan no Shana" is Asuka Studio, and Meng Huo rarely participated in the scoring in the past, so Shen Jie can't take any favors -- but she feels that she has a great advantage in the style of these songs.

The only problem is that the usual process goes down, and the selection of songs often takes a long time, which may not be able to keep up with the speed of animation production.

In order to solve this problem, Shen Jie ordered the recording time to be shortened, and the recording of all songs should be completed within the next week, so that there would be enough time for the firm and the Asuka studio to screen—and for the voice actors to practice their songs. There is not much time, and each person can only choose a few songs.

Shen Jie has a natural advantage in song practice. The time she takes to master a song is one-third of that of ordinary voice actors. However, this time she did not catch all the songs, but chose three as a breakthrough point.

There is an interlude among the three songs, and the remaining two are "The Scarlet Sky" and "The Girl Who Awakens Before Dawn". These are the two most competitive songs, and the average female voice actor gave up directly, but Xia Chuan Zhen Zhen and Long Xue definitely don't want to miss it. (to be continued)

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