Big Manga

Chapter 978: Promise

Two days later at noon, Shen Jie came out of the recording studio with a long sigh of relief.

"Well done!" She boasted to herself in her heart. Just now, she had finished recording all three songs of "Shakugan no Shana". Will not lose to those two people.

Even if she can't get all three songs, Shen Jie believes that she can't get nothing.

"Let's go out and eat!"

She was ready to leave the office in a happy mood, but within a few steps, a familiar figure appeared in front of her—among the busy employees, Han Xuan was running across the aisle in a panic holding a pile of documents.

"Han Xuan!?" Shen Jie yelled in surprise, Han Xuan stopped, turned her head to see Shen Jie, and was stunned: "Shen Jie?"

"Why are you here?" Shen Jie walked over and asked.

Han Xuan's expression froze: "I work part-time here."

"Part-time job? Isn't it a holiday now?" Shen Jie frowned slightly, then smiled: "I haven't seen you for a long time, come out to dinner with me."

"This..." Han Xuan looked at the document in her hand: "How about I finish the work first?"

"Okay, I'll wait for you." Shen Jie waited for Han Xuan's work to finish. Half an hour later, after most of the employees got off work, Han Xuan ran to Shen Jie's side and followed her out through the back door.

Shen Jie has a special status, she usually does not come in and out of the front door of the office.

The wind behind the office was very strong. As soon as she walked out, Han Xuan couldn't help shivering: "It's so cold..."

Shen Jie smiled: "The weather has gotten a lot colder recently."

December belongs to winter. In the northern part of China, many cities have already fallen snowflakes, and the weather in Suhua City is already considered very warm. The two girls walked towards the restaurant, and Shen Jie asked Han Xuan why she was working part-time in the office, and it was not a holiday now. There were no events held either, she was supposed to be in school.

"There are not many courses recently, so I came here to ask." Han Xuan replied: "Ask several departments. Most of them don't need part-time jobs. I just heard that someone in the office seems to be sick and resting... I said that I would like to help for free .Someone took me down."

"Help for free?" Shen Jie opened her eyes wide, and it was Han Xuan who took the initiative to find a part-time job—she was too active!

"What happened? Why did you suddenly have such an idea?"

"It's nothing..." Han Xuan shook her head,

Then he scratched his face: "Isn't Li Yu's job settled? I always feel uneasy. She has already taken a step ahead. How can I take my time."

It was not easy for her to find this part-time job, it took several months. In fact, as soon as Phoenix Company has a part-time job, many people come to compete for it, many of whom are better than Han Xuan, and she just missed the opportunity several times.

That's why she changed into active. Find a way to find this job even for free - the reason for this is mainly stimulated by Li Yu's affairs.

Among her peers, Meng Huo and Shen Jie were fine, but Li Yu had already received an appointment from the editorial department, and Han Xuan couldn't calm down no matter what.

Shen Jie knew Han Xuan's character very well, so she couldn't help laughing and said, "You are always so strong, don't compare with Li Yu, look at Liu Yun, she is not in a hurry to find a job."

"Liu Yun? Don't compare me to her..." Han Xuan pouted. Liu Yun and her are two completely different people: "She and Liu Yi get tired of being together all day long, without the slightest sense of tension. I am different from her."

Shen Jie smiled wryly: "Liu Yun is not as miserable as you said. She is actually smarter than us... Ah, here we are, let's eat here."

She saw a steamed food restaurant opposite, so she took Han Xuan over there. Among Shen Jie's friends, when it comes to fighting spirit, several girls are very strong. Han Xuan and Li Yu left home early to study, so they naturally understand how to pursue their future better than ordinary girls.

And Liu Yun is not bad, she is born with a positive personality, and she has been very motivated since she was a child. Shen Jie knew that Liu Yun's character was the one among them who was the most suitable to integrate into society and the most successful. Don't look at her playful and smiling face all day long, but she is a controlling person in her heart.

But what makes Liu Yun smart is that she always knows what she should do. University should be enjoyed to the fullest. She is not as nervous as Han Xuan said. Rather, she felt that she should enjoy college life more now and not have to compete with Li Yu and her.

In this regard, Shen Jie envies Liu Yun from the bottom of her heart, she knows better than anyone how precious a carefree student life is! But Han Xuan obviously couldn't experience this, and she was a bit paranoid in not wanting to lose to Li Yu.

"A piece of chicken rice with mushrooms, drinks? There's no need for this..." In the steamed food restaurant, Han Xuan felt a little distressed when she looked at the menu. Why did the dishes here have three-digit numbers.

Shen Jie immediately said to the waitress: "Give her a red * soy milk tea, it will be charged to my account, mine will be the same as yesterday..."

After ordering, looking at Han Xuan's puzzled expression, Shen Jie smiled and said, "You liked red * soybean milk tea very much in high school. The taste hasn't changed now, has it?"

"It hasn't changed, it hasn't changed... But you come here often?" Han Xuan found that the waiter here was not surprised at Shen Jie's arrival, and there were not many people in the store, as if not ordinary people could come in.

"This is the restaurant run by the firm." Shen Jie smiled and said, "Didn't you realize that the food is very expensive? Even if tourists come here, they will be scared away when they see the menu."

The menu of this steamed food restaurant is more than twice as expensive as other places in Manga Island, so it is also listed as a black shop by tourists, but in fact it is specially used by the office and several other departments. Because of confidentiality, news It didn't leak out either.

Han Xuan breathed a sigh of relief: "No wonder...Shen Jie, you seem to be used to this kind of life."

"Well, I've lived here for a long time after all!" Shen Jie said with a smile: "I wasn't used to it at first, but now I basically don't want to go to ordinary restaurants, and the steamed rice here is delicious. "

At this time, the waitress who had just left came back again, and she brought drinks for the two of them.

"Thank you..." Shen Jie smiled lightly at her, while Han Xuan stared at Shen Jie in a daze.

After noticing her gaze, Shen Jie asked strangely: "What's wrong?"

"No..." Han Xuan shook her head: "I always feel that you seem to have matured a lot..."

Shen Jie didn't wear any makeup, but she was wearing work clothes and sitting behind Han Xuan. Han Xuan suddenly felt that the two of them were getting older, as if they were facing a strange professional woman.

"It should be because of the clothes, right?" Shen Jie saw through Han Xuan's thoughts at once. He smiled and said, "You will be the same as me when you put on this dress, but I'm still me, just the same as before."

"No, it's still a little different..." Han Xuan looked Shen Jie up and down: "How should I put it, the breath on your body has become much softer."

And she also became fond of laughing. Han Xuan remembered that Shen Jie wasn't such a laughing person before, especially after Meng Huo left, she always had a melancholy air about her, after she became a voice actress. That breath has not completely disappeared.

The last time I saw Shen Jie, Han Xuan still felt that she had something on her mind, but seeing her now, she felt that Shen Jie had taken on a whole new look—a soft and happy aura exuded from her whole body.

"Is that so?" Shen Jie was a little troubled, but she didn't feel that way.

In fact, Han Xuan was the only one who could see her changes. Shen Jie didn't realize that her condition in the past few months was indeed much better than before. After she and Alice settled their suspicions, the haze buried in Shen Jie's heart gradually dissipated. She no longer worried about herself and Meng Huo in the past few months, and her atmosphere would naturally change.

And not only her. Even Alice's breath has changed. The gap between the two became smaller and smaller, and they no longer worried about Meng Huo's interaction with each other, and his mood naturally softened. This is a very natural conversion process.

"Let's not talk about this..." Han Xuan changed the subject and asked curiously: "Do you often work in Suhua now? Then you can see Meng Huo anytime?"

"I only spend half of my time here, and the other half in Ninghai... As for Meng Huo, it's not that simple. He's a busy man, and I only see him once every few days." Shen Jie said regretfully. When she arrived at Manga Island, she thought she could get what she wanted and meet Meng Huo every day, but it turned out to be totally different.

Shen Jie often runs to Alice's apartment. But it turns out that there are very few chances to see Meng Huo, because Meng Huo always leaves early and returns late. I don't go home at noon, and I have to paint very late in the studio at night.

During the day, Meng Huo had more work. Shen Jie herself can't take time off, even though they are in the same city, it's not easy to meet each other.

"Now I regret why I didn't learn to draw back then." Shen Jie turned the straw in the drink cup and said, "If I could draw manga, I could stay by his side."


"That's's Qin Ya's kind."

On weekdays, it was not Shen Jie and Alice who spent the longest time with Meng Huo, but Qin Ya. She had to stay with Meng Huo for half a day every day, and she also worked together at night. Although there was no spark between her and Meng Huo, Shen Jie was envious.

If she had known that the cartoonist was the closest person to Meng Huo, she should have learned to draw in the first place, and maybe she has become Meng Huo's right-hand man now. But until now, Shen Jie has no way to change her choice, and can only go one way to the dark.

"Meng Huo is really so busy, what do you usually do?" Han Xuan was curious about Meng Huo's usual arrangements.

"He has a lot to do. He had to prepare a new movie just after the movie was released a while ago, and then went to Tokyo to work on the return of "Detective Conan" and a new animation. He is still developing new games..." Shen Jie said casually After chanting a few words, I feel like my head is getting bigger: "I'm really worried that his body won't be able to hold on. He has finished the work of more than a dozen angels by himself."

She said it conservatively. In fact, the combined workload of all the members of Angel is not as good as that of Meng Huo alone.

"Ah, I know about the new animation!" Han Xuan's eyes lit up, ""Sakugan no Shana", right? I heard about it at the office. Aren't you busy recording songs these days?"

Shen Jie nodded: "Yes"

"What about the new game? Didn't you say that you have to prepare a new game? Is it a seasonal theme like ""?" Han Xuan felt very fresh. The new text adventure game, no matter whether you play it or not, the game can earn pocket money thing.

"In fact, the development of the game has been going on for several months." Shen Jie said: "From what I heard, it should not be a new game with a seasonal theme."

"Huh?" Han Xuan was dumbfounded: "Didn't you say that the next text adventure game must be a seasonal theme?"

"This is just internal news, but he regretted it not once or twice." Shen Jie said with a smile: "Meng Huo often changes his mind. He also mentioned the return time of "Detective Conan" and "Little Fairy" before, but Which one is really on time?"

"This... So, the season-themed game is ruined again?"

"For now."

"What is that doing?"

"I don't know about this either... But I heard He Qian, this is a love-oriented text adventure game." Shen Jie recalled and asked: "He Qian, do you know who it is? I remember where you used to be worked?"

"Well, during the carnival." Han Xuan nodded. She had helped the game department during the carnival, but she hadn't contacted much since then.

Shen Jie's heart moved, she realized that Han Xuan had done a lot, maybe she could help her: "You will come to help Phoenix Company every year at the carnival, right? Last time you said, you want to work in the personnel department?"

"That's the first choice, and other departments don't matter..." Han Xuan replied, she doesn't have any specialties in comics, and what she can do are some jobs that other companies also have. The personnel department is the best, and the others are not too bad.

Shen Jie clapped her hands: "Why don't you come and help me? I can fix the job for you..."

"Eh!?" Han Xuan was taken aback, "Is it possible?"

"Sure, your words should be fine..." Shen Jie nodded, Han Xuan has done a lot of things for Phoenix Company, and these experiences are a kind of capital. Shen Jie now also has the power to fix her internally, and others won't say anything after seeing Han Xuan's experience.

Shen Jie knows Han Xuan very well, and she will be able to get started quickly if she entrusts the matter to her, and she also needs an acquaintance to help her.

"If you agree, you can leave this matter to me, just because I'm afraid you don't want to come to the office..."

The office is not Han Xuan's first choice. Han Xuan has never considered working here formally before, and the part-time job is also because she wants to gain more leverage. What this department needs are either artists or managers, and ordinary employees generally also require a certain understanding of music and voice actors.

Han Xuan can only read some music scores at most, and knows nothing about voice actors and stages, so there are few positions that she can adapt to. She is a little worried about whether she can do well.

But the opportunity is right in front of you, and it was proposed by Shen Jie, if you don't seize it, you will be a fool——

"I promise!" (to be continued)

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