Big Manga

Chapter 988: Future

"Sister Qin, sister Qin..." A voice came from Li Qin's ear, she came back to her senses, and saw Hua Meng looking at her in surprise: "Sister Qin, what's wrong with you? Why are you in a daze again?"

"I'm fine, what did you just say?" Li Qin asked.

"You still said it's okay, you've been in a daze lately." Hua Meng put her hand on Li Qin's forehead, and asked, "Did you catch a cold? Yan Meng was fine on the day of her wedding, but from the second day onwards, something went wrong with you."

"What are you talking about—I'm all right."

Li Qin smiled and grabbed Hua Meng's hand away, she felt that she was recovering now, how could she catch a cold.

However, Hua Meng still looked at her suspiciously: "Is it really all right?"

"Really!" Li Qin nodded.

The two were teaching the newly married Wang Yanmeng to weave clothes at home. Li Qin lost his mind several times. Seeing her like this, Wang Yanmeng suddenly remembered something: "Speaking of which, I heard that Teacher He Xi has been in a daze recently. , made several mistakes at work, which made everyone in the company worry to death."

Hua Meng turned her head in surprise: "How do you know?"

"The teacher also came back to Suhua after attending my wedding and became like that." Wang Yanmeng complained: "In the past few days, people have been calling me to ask me what happened, as if blaming me for everything. But I don't know anything!"

Li Qin couldn't help laughing: "This is none of your business."

"Sister Qin, what do you know?" Hua Meng sensitively sensed that there was something in Li Qin's words.

Li Qin's face froze, and she quickly said perfunctorily: "No, I'll just talk casually."

How could she tell them the real reason - if they knew that Meng Huo had suddenly found two girlfriends, the world would be in chaos!

In fact, even Li Qin still wonders if she is dreaming from time to time. On the second day after Wang Yanmeng got married, Alice paid a surprise visit. Telling her that he had become Meng Huo's girlfriend nearly scared Li Qin to death.

Meng Huo just sent Alice home once, why did he suddenly turn her into his girlfriend?

At that time, Li Qin was both surprised and flustered. Although she didn't dislike Alice and Meng Huo getting together, Shen Jie was the daughter-in-law in her mind—Alice became Meng Huo's girlfriend. What should Shen Jie do? How painful it would be for her to know the news!

But just when Li Qin panicked,

Alice told her another news: Shen Jie is also Meng Huo's girlfriend. Li Qin was stunned on the spot, and after confirming with Shen Jie on the phone, she passed out directly——after waking up, she thought she was dreaming.

But Alice, who was taking care of her by the bed, told her that it was not a dream. She and Shen Jie expressed their thoughts to Meng Huo last night, and Meng Huo did not refuse, so strictly speaking. Both of them are now Meng Huo's girlfriends.

"What kind of soup did you use? How did you take them both down?" Li Qin then asked Meng Huo on his mobile phone - he had returned to Suhua this morning.

But Meng Huo's situation was not much better than Li Qin's, and in fact he didn't realize it. This matter is not so much that Meng Huo took down Shen Jie and Alice, but rather that they jointly took down Meng Huo-Meng Huo confessed that all he did was nod.

"I didn't sort out this matter either... But, that's it now..."

Meng Huo's unashamed answer made Li Qin rarely get angry at him.

"You don't even know how your girlfriend got here, why are you such a failure..."

But that being said, after hanging up the phone, Li Qin was soon overwhelmed by overwhelming happiness.

"Emotional intelligence is a bit stupid, but this kid——surprised me this time!" Li Qin felt like he was dreaming that day. Unexpectedly, if his son didn't move, he found two girlfriends at the same time.

Full of inconceivability, Li Qin has not been relieved until now.

In the past few days, she feels happy in everything she does. As for how Meng Huo would deal with the problems of the three of them, how to live in the future, and what to do with the paparazzi—these were all ignored by Li Qin. That was the trouble he had to face, and she couldn't control it.

"Being able to turn them into girlfriends, what troubles does he have that he can't overcome?" Li Qin was thinking this way, and the matter had developed to this point, no matter how others looked at her, she was sure of Shen Jie and Alice. Meng Huo is not allowed to let one fly.

"I can start preparing my grandson's clothes..."

Li Qin started to knit clothes for the children.

"...Is there any mistake..." At the same time, Meng Huo looked at the few parenting books on the table in the office and wanted to die-it was sent to him by Li Qin. He is a masculine man, why should he look at this kind of thing?

Li Qin said that she could show it to Shen Jie. But Meng Huo is so shameless, he hasn't seen Shen Jie a few times since he came back - Alice saw through his thoughts that day, and he somehow became her and Shen Jie's boyfriend, Meng Huo didn't know what to do now How to get in touch with Shen Jie.

Besides, they just became boyfriend and girlfriend, and within a few days, Li Qin brought her the parenting book directly, so is there such a hurry?

"...It turns out that mother is the most troublesome creature..."

Meng Huo had a headache. Before the relationship was confirmed, it was Shen Jie and Alice who were in trouble. Once it was confirmed, Li Qin became the most terrifying and troublesome creature—she had already started planning the next step.

"Anyway, it's too fast. We don't have that much yet..." Meng Huo scratched his head: "Besides, he's so busy with work, it won't be too late after a few years."

More importantly - did he really have two girlfriends? Can he get along well with Shen Jie and Alice? Meng Huo always felt that he had no idea what to do in the future. He hadn't thought about it yet. At this stage, it was really not the time to think about children.

And he couldn't think about it, because on the night when he sent Alice back, Shen Jie sent him a text message saying - "Don't sneak away with Alice where I can't see you."

Meng Huo naturally knew exactly what sneaking off meant. He thought it was Shen Jie's personal idea, but after returning to Suhua, he hadn't seen Shen Jie yet, and Alice also sent a similar text message - "You are not allowed to sneak away with Shen Jie."

Meng Huo felt that his head was getting big at the time. How could these two play with him? Since he said he wanted to be his girlfriend and said he couldn't run away secretly, what did he mean? He couldn't help but replied to Alice with a text message: "In this situation...does it matter whether you sneak away or not?"

did not expect. This text message has poked a hornet's nest.

"Important, this is the most important!" Shen Jie called back directly, and warned sternly: "I have already given in to her. It is about a woman's dignity, and your first time is mine. Before she compromised with me Before, you couldn't do anything!"

Of course—Shen Jie also had the same idea. The two women reached an agreement on major issues, but stopped at subtle points. Neither of them wanted to give Meng Huo's first time to the other. As a result, although the three of them established a relationship, Meng Huo couldn't do much as before.

However, Meng Huo also heaved a sigh of relief in secret. They still gave him time to prepare. The matter of the girlfriend was too sudden. If it suddenly progressed to the next step, Meng Huo didn't know how to deal with it.

Now—at least for a short period of time, he has time to think and prepare.

"Let's invite Shen Jie to dinner tonight..." After several days, Meng Huo gradually calmed down. He put the parenting book sent by Li Qin in the cabinet and hid it, thinking that he should find time to face Shen Jie. We talked.

In the evening, Shen Jie arrived as scheduled. She was dressed beautifully in a white fleece, which caught Meng Huo's eyes and made him feel nervous at the same time - it seemed that Shen Jie had been preparing for a long time to meet him. The conversation to come is not going to be easy.

But unexpectedly, during the whole dinner, Shen Jie didn't talk to Meng Huo about their relationship.

In addition to dressing up more beautifully and eating more intimately. She talked about work issues easily as usual——Meng Huo was worried about gains and losses. Could it be that he was the only one who was nervous? Shen Jie doesn't care about their new relationship at all?

Or, have they really become boyfriend and girlfriend? How and before there is no change.

Seeing Shen Jie like this, Meng Huo felt a little lost, but just when he thought nothing would happen. At the end of the dinner, Shen Jie's words turned the situation around again, but it also shocked Meng Huo.

"I want to sleep with you tonight." She said that, and Meng Huo was dumbfounded.

He immediately had a sense of reality that 'Shen Jie is really his girlfriend', but at the same time he was relieved. He was even more strange: "I have no problem, but haven't you two settled this matter yet?"

Shen Jie looked embarrassed: "Where are you thinking? I just want you to sleep with me, not to do, to do that..."

Meng Huo thought to himself. It's not good news that the duck can't be cooked right in front of your eyes. But he didn't refuse either, perhaps he also needed such a thing to determine whether they had really become lovers.

Shen Jie went back to Alice's apartment and changed into her pajamas, then ran over with her pillow.

"Fortunately, your bed is big enough." She put the pillow on Meng Huo's bed, and then got under the quilt: "Come in, don't think too much, we sleep in our own, we won't attack you !"

Then you came here in pink pajamas——Meng Huo complained in his heart, but even though it was pajamas, Shen Jie wore a more conservative full-body pajamas. There was no great temptation, and he could still hold it... Maybe...

In fact, Meng Huo didn't have much confidence. It was the first time that a charming beauty was sleeping next to him.

Perhaps because he was afraid that the beast in his body would wake up, Meng Huo quickly turned off the light, and tried to avoid Shen Jie while sleeping. The two lay on the left and the right, only the familiar fragrance of hair spread in the air—— Meng Huo still couldn't sleep.

In the middle of the night, when he finally closed his eyes, the sleeping Shen Jie rolled over and leaned over, hugging his hand.

Meng Huo's drowsiness disappeared again, and he didn't dare to move, feeling extremely uncomfortable - after a little bit of time, Shen Jie never let go of his hand, which made Meng Huo feel that his arm was going numb.

When he was about to forcibly pull it out.

"Meng Huo..." He heard Shen Jie's sleepy voice: "Don't leave me..."

Meng Huo's movements stopped immediately, and he looked at Shen Jie, who had a sad expression in her sleep—suddenly, Meng Huo understood that she actually didn't want to share love with Alice. The reason why she gave up such an important persistence was because she was more unwilling to lose Meng Huo than to get it.

The same is true for Alice. The two people's obsession with Meng Huo made them let go of their confrontation...

Meng Huo felt sour. He always felt that the development was sudden and he was a little at a loss. But why is this not the case for Shen Jie and Alice? Would they feel better than him?

The truth of the matter is obviously not the case...

They are the ones who are saddest and most in need of comfort now—Meng Huo is beginning to know what he is going to do. Alice and Shen Jie didn't tell him about the future because they placed their expectations on Meng Huo.

Although the new relationship between the three was established suddenly, Meng Huo could no longer escape. What price did Alice and Shen Jie pay to make this decision? It's not that Meng Huo doesn't understand, and because of this, he knows the future All roads will be opened by him.

All the troubles, including the pressure and condemnation from the society and people around after the relationship may be exposed, cannot be borne by Shen Jie and Alice—but by Meng Huo.

Perhaps this would have a very negative impact on him, and even ruin his reputation, but no matter what, Meng Huo could no longer put pressure on them.

In fact, Meng Huo also understood that Shen Jie and Alice would be more afraid than others. They will also be afraid, afraid of their own choice, afraid that Meng Huo will not be able to shoulder the burden of the two, and afraid that the relationship between the three will be difficult to maintain——

Meng Huo had to prove to them that he had to stand up against the wind and rain in front of them, only in this way would they have a common future.

"...I see..." He sighed, then turned around and hugged Shen Jie's body, comforting: "I know what to do, so don't worry..."

I don't know if she heard his comfort, after that, Shen Jie stopped talking in her sleep and fell into a peaceful and deep sleep.

After making the decision, Meng Huo felt that his arm didn't feel so uncomfortable anymore, and he fell asleep in a daze - in his sleep, he saw He Qian, the person he regarded as relying on in his previous life.

"He Qian...I found it...this is my home..."

Early the next morning, when Meng Huo woke up, he found Shen Jie lying on his side, looking at him with a strange expression.

"What's wrong?" Meng Huo asked.

"Why... why are you still calling your pen name while sleeping?" Shen Jie asked, if she hadn't known very well that Meng Huo and He Qian had no relationship, there would have been a misunderstanding: "I didn't expect you to have such a hobby... really Yes, you like your pseudonym so much?"

Meng Huo fell silent. (to be continued)

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