Big Manga

Chapter 989: My family is big enough

Qin Ya noticed that He Xi was a little strange around her recently.

In the morning, she watched him texting with his mobile phone... In the morning, she watched him walk out of the office and make a phone call... At noon, she watched him play on his mobile phone while eating... In the afternoon, she watched him continue to make calls... At night , she watched him walk out with his mobile phone from time to time...

Finally, Qin Ya discovered the truth.

"Teacher, you are not in love, are you?"

One day, when she suddenly asked, Meng Huo was shocked.

With a chill in his heart, Meng Huo even forgot that there was a romantic princess beside him, and her sensitivity to love was much stronger than ordinary people - but just when Meng Huo thought so, Qin Ya's next sentence came again. Make him dumbfounded.

"No, teacher, I know you have changed your mobile phone, and you can't enjoy playing so much!" Qin Ya patted Meng Huo on the shoulder understandingly, and said, "Mobile phones are children's toys. Compared with mobile phones, cameras Obviously more interesting - I am also in love with a camera now, and it will be released in two months, how about I buy one for you, teacher?"

Meng Huo was amused by Qin Ya.

However, this incident also reminded Meng Huo. After sleeping with Shen Jie, Meng Huo took a lot more initiative. He has been in frequent contact with them recently, and Meng Huo seems to have gradually found a feeling of being in love. Although this is a good thing - but he has to be careful not to be discovered by others.

Meng Huo thought that it was all for him, Shen Jie and Alice's actions would most likely be found out by the people around them, so they had to make up their minds, at least not to behave strangely during work. And after he told Shen Jie about this idea, Shen Jie also nodded in agreement.

"By the way, I'm going home during the Chinese New Year." At the same time, Shen Jie suddenly told Meng Huo the news.

Meng Huo was taken aback. The Spring Festival of 2020 is coming soon. He thought that Shen Jie would stay with him like last year, but she suddenly changed her mind: "What's the matter? Why do you suddenly want to go home?"

"Because I didn't go home last year!" Shen Jie explained that she hadn't been home for the New Year for a year. Her parents strongly urged her to go back, but Shen Jie couldn't shirk it. You can only change the original plan.

"I promised them to come back once every two years." Shen Jie said, "If I don't go back this time, next year will be even more troublesome."

She reached an exact agreement with her parents, and for a long time to come, she will go home every two years for the Chinese New Year. In fact, Shen Jie seldom goes home during holidays. The last time I went back was also because of work needs.

Her parents felt a little grudge.

No matter how busy the children of other families are, they always go home for a while every year. Allowing Shen Jie to go back once every two years on the most important festival is already a big concession from her parents——Meng Huo was in Qing Dynasty. The city has no parents. So I can't understand this feeling.

But he knew that Li Qin went home much more times than Shen Jie every year, so thinking of this, he didn't criticize Shen Jie's actions.

"This year's Spring Festival is a bit deserted..." Meng Huo couldn't help sighing, without Shen Jie by his side, he could only be with Li Qin and the old lady during the Spring Festival.

"How can it be deserted, isn't there still Alice?" Shen Jie said with a smile: "You should take her to meet your grandma too."

"Alice?" Meng Huo frowned slightly: "Is this...suitable?"

"Is there anything suitable? The old lady should want to see her." Shen Jie said a little jealously: "I won't be home for a long time, and I'll be back as soon as the Spring Festival is over. You can't lay hands on Alice."

Meng Huo smiled: "Yes, yes, I know."

It was mentioned by Shen Jie. Meng Huo just remembered that Alice and the old lady seemed to have never met, and that Shen Jie had already become acquainted with Meng's family, and now both of them are his girlfriends. Isn't that unfair.

But even if Alice was invited, would she be willing to live with him? Her situation is different from that of Shen Jie. Shen Jie is a star. When she returns to the small city of Qingcheng, she will feel very restrained and has many troubles around her. This is the key reason why Shen Jie seldom goes home and is forgiven by her parents.

But Alice used to live at home, not to mention the holidays, and she had no reason why she couldn't go home—under such circumstances, how could she convince Xu Jing that she would go to another place for the New Year? And it's Meng Huo here...

Meng Huo had a headache, if Xu Jing knew that he was in two boats. He must be killed. But after thinking about it for a few days, he still sent an invitation to Alice by phone - no matter what. He still prioritized the balance between Alice and Shen Jie.

"No problem!" Alice accepted the invitation without any hesitation. Although she didn't know where Meng Huo invited her to. But this was a rare opportunity to be with Meng Huo, and it was such an important festival, so Alice wouldn't refuse it.

Phoenix company has a holiday three days before the Spring Festival. Due to the expansion of business, this year's holiday arrangement is also the shortest, only ten days.

There was nothing to be done within ten days, so Meng Huo was going to put down all his work and take a complete rest. He first returned to Ninghai, had a good night's sleep, and woke up slowly the next day after three poles a day.

"I won't be drawing manga for the Chinese New Year this year." Meng Huo said, "I want to clear my head and enjoy the holiday."

Li Qin felt very happy: "You should be like this. Every time you are on vacation, you think about work. I am really worried that you may have mental problems."

However, she was happy when she was happy, but Li Qin did not expect that Meng Huo's holiday enjoyment would be so big. Just after breakfast that day, he suddenly took out his credit card and led Li Qin out - the goal was to buy a car.

Li Qin was dumbfounded when he heard about it: "Don't we have a driver? We don't need a car, do we?"

"Maybe there is a chance to use it..." Meng Huo looked disapproving, treating such an important matter as buying a car as buying cabbage-in fact, there is no difference between the two to him.

Meng Huo has never spent money on holidays and rest time. After thinking about it, the best way to spend money on vacation is to spend money. And buying a car doesn't have to be for personal use. He is going to give Shen Jie the right to use the car, so she definitely needs it.

"Does Shen Jie have a driver's license?" Li Qin didn't object to this, but she didn't know if Shen Jie had a driver's license yet.

"Yes." Meng Huo replied, Alice's car has been known by too many people, it is very conspicuous, so I will buy another one. Sometimes it is much more convenient for them to do things that are inconvenient to leak.

Of course, the owner's name was registered as Li Qin by Meng Huo.

He bought a black car from Xia Yage, which was expensive in terms of price and quality, but he deliberately chose a style that was not particularly prominent in appearance. This car won't be too noticeable on the road. Concealment is pretty good.

The day after buying the car, Meng Huo was going to drive the car to Suhua.

He and Li Qin loaded the salute into the car. Then came to the outside of the apartment area where Alice's house was located. On the side of the road, Alice was already waiting there with her luggage. Her long golden hair shining in the sun was very conspicuous.

"Why don't you dress up?" Meng Huo asked after getting out of the car to help her carry her luggage.

Alice nodded: "It doesn't matter here, all the big people live here, and this is a restricted area for reporters."

Meng Huo was a little surprised, and put the salute into the trunk. He glanced at the villa area again: "What did your parents say?"

"They didn't say anything." Alice's eyes were bright and she smiled: "It's too late for them to be happy when I go with you. What do you think they will say?"

Meng Huo shook his head in embarrassment: "Why don't you be with me..." He didn't think Xu Jing would have no understanding of his own affairs. The old man was very shrewd, how could he let Alice go so easily?

Alice shook her head: "The situation in my family is different. My parents don't care about it. As long as I am happy, they will not interfere with my choice."

In fact, Xu Jing is more open than Meng Huo imagined, because he and his wife lost expectations of Alice's marriage very early. Now Alice and Meng Huo are together, although there are complicated elements. But it's better than Alice being sad alone.

"My mother is still happy." Alice said with a smile: "She believes in you very much, and told me that following you is better than others."

Meng Huo was a little silent: "I don't even know how to thank them now."

"Actually, it's easy to thank you." Alice glanced at Li Qin in the car, then leaned into Meng Huo's ear and asked, "Does your mother mind if the child's surname is not Meng?"

Meng Huo immediately understood the meaning of this sentence. She laughed: "If you have two, she won't mind if one of them is named Xu."

"That's it." Alice threw a meaningful look at Meng Huo, turned and walked into the car: "The future thank you to my parents depends on your hard work. Anyway, I just need to lie down."

Meng Huo immediately couldn't laugh or cry. After the relationship developed, Alice's other side was fully brought into play, and the text messages and phone calls on weekdays were not so restrained, and he could say whatever he wanted - it seemed that he was moving back in another way. There is a gap in the distance from Shen Jie.

But it turned out that Xu Jing wanted a child surnamed Xu, so I could understand his thoughts. No wonder he didn't care much about Alice's choice. Of course, in this way, Meng Huo also felt that the pressure on himself was even greater - Xu Jing's thoughts and Li Qin's thoughts were combined. Meng Huo felt that the next few years would be quite sad.

He put the matter aside for the time being and drove towards Su Hua.

The high-speed rail is two hours away. Limousine takes four hours. However, this journey was a very rare driving experience for Meng Huo. He originally planned to enjoy it, but he didn't expect Alice to snatch the driving right after stopping halfway for dinner.

She always felt itchy when looking at the new car, and then she drove it for half the time—Meng Huo wanted to snatch it back several times, but Alice vetoed it because of Li Qin's partiality. At three o'clock in the afternoon, they entered the city of Suhua, and with the help of navigation, Alice drove to the gate of Meng's house.

After getting off the car, she was dumbfounded and stared blankly at the door.

"Although I knew you had a secret, I didn't expect it to be such a big secret." When the servants helped to salute and walked in, Alice came back to her senses and looked at Meng Huo with complicated eyes: "You really are a difficult person. The young master of the imaginary family!"

Meng Huo raised his eyebrows: "You know this place?"

"Of course, the Meng family's name is very famous in the business world." Alice brushed her blond hair and said, "Didn't I say in the morning that I am not afraid of reporters outside my apartment? That is the jurisdiction of the Meng family, and some people live in it." The executives of the Meng Group..."

However, she did not reveal her inner shock too much. In fact, compared to Meng Huo and Shen Jie, Alice, who is a rich lady, has a clearer understanding of the Meng family. This is a family that can cover the sky with one hand in China, and the Phoenix Company is like ants in front of it.

"If you are willing to borrow the power of the Meng family, Zhongxia is just a stone..."

Alice looked deeply at Meng Huo. The strength of the Meng family is not weaker than that of the Jiang family. In fact, these big families have a very close relationship, sometimes cooperating and sometimes competing. It is not like what many conspiracy theorists say is the sworn enemy.

If Meng Huo was engaged in the comics industry as the young master of the Meng family, the Jiang family would probably give Zhongxia Company as a gift. In the eyes of these families, an industry is not a big deal. Anyway, resources and money are all there. They swam in their hands.

"Do you think I should rely on the strength of the Meng family?" Meng Huo asked back.

"That's not true." Alice shook her head. She just said that in fact, she would rather that Meng Huo had nothing to do with the Meng family, because he didn't need the help of those people to grow up, and the existence of the Meng family would only bring trouble. Put pressure on Alice and them.

She was actually a little upset that such a huge monster was watching Meng Huo's back, and she didn't know what kind of impact it would have on her and Shen Jie.

But it turns out that Alice still worried too much. After she met the old lady, Alice was conquered by the old lady in a short time-this old lady did not have the majesty she imagined, nor would she Hit people with their identities.

Like an ordinary old lady, she clearly held a heavy weapon in her hand, but put it aside, treating Alice kindly and equally.

"The real authority cannot see its authority."—Alice has a new understanding of this sentence. In her eyes, the old lady is more approachable than her parents. As noble as she is, she no longer puts money and power in her heart, but gets along with outsiders directly through her physical appearance and temperament.

Of course, these are not the most important. The most important thing is that Alice found that the old lady liked herself very much. She liked her, and she would naturally like her.

The old lady really likes Alice very much, perhaps Alice is more in line with her liking than Shen Jie - after only two days of getting along, the old lady changed her mind about giving priority to Shen Jie and Alice.

"My house is big enough to accommodate two daughters-in-law."

On New Year's Eve, she said such a sentence.

On the second day, Shen Jie also came. (to be continued)

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