Big Manga

Chapter 990: Gift


Meng Huo shoveled a handful of soil onto the tree roots and stepped on them with his feet.

"You do this job during your vacation?" Shen Jie looked at him with strange eyes. They were standing on a small hillside surrounded by some newly planted saplings—the ghost knows why Meng Huo is here in the winter Trees, can he ensure that these trees can survive?

Meng Huo held up the shovel and looked back at Shen Jie: "What else? What am I going to do?"

He hadn’t had a vacation for several years, and he found out how boring his life really is after this vacation. He was so bored that he didn’t know what to do other than comics and work. A few days ago, sleeping and chatting made him bored to death. Only then did Fa think of planting trees.

As for whether it is suitable for planting trees in winter, he doesn't care about it.

Shen Jie covered her head: "Shopping, exercising, watching movies... Isn't that all okay? Why do you want to plant trees?"

"There are too many people on the street during the Chinese New Year. I hope to be quiet. As for sports and movies..." Meng Huo took a breath of the slightly cold air, and the smell of grass and trees was clearly audible. He said, "I want to feel the purity of nature. Taste, this is rest."

Shen Jie can understand this point. People who are busy with work often have a soft spot for nature, and in this kind of suburban field, people's mood will be relaxed and spacious-many cartoonists like to go out for inspiration. due to this reason.

However, if you want to relax, just go out and climb the mountain. No one would plant trees like Meng Huo. Shen Jie still couldn't understand what definition of rest he had in mind. But this is not important, although it is incomprehensible, it is good that Shen Jie is by his side.

"Why are you free to follow me today?" During the tree planting break, Meng Huo asked Shen Jie, "Why don't you chat with Alice and the old lady?"

Shen Jie handed him a bottle of water, shook her head and said, "When the two of them are together, I'm a bit out of touch with the topic."

"How could it be?" Meng Huo drank the water. Surprised: "I think you have a good chat when you are together!"

"That's how you feel." Shen Jie said with a smile: "They will try their best to take care of me when I am present, but I think they can chat more happily when I am not present-the topic of Alice and the old lady is always better than that of the old lady. I have many."

Some things cannot be changed. After all, Shen Jie and Alice have different backgrounds and different perspectives. Alice and the old lady have more common topics than her. Shen Jie is sensitive to this and will choose to avoid it when necessary.

And as far as the time spent with the old lady is concerned,

Her advantage was much greater than Alice's. Alice and the old lady had only known each other for a few days, and they needed contact and mutual understanding. Shen Jie didn't mind giving her the opportunity.

"Speaking of which, the old lady told us to go back early today, right?" Meng Huo asked.

"Well. If you plant a few more trees, we have to go back." Shen Jie smiled, Meng Huo drank a few sips of water, stood up again, rolled up his sleeves and said, "Then let's finish the job with all our strength, tomorrow not coming."

In a blink of an eye, two-thirds of the holiday has passed, and there are only two days left. The group of them are going to worship Buddha with Li Qin, and they will not have time to plant trees in the next two days.

Meng Huo started with one bite and planted all the trees. After washing his hands in the creek by the mountain, he and Shen Jie went back to the foot of the mountain, where the car he just bought was parked - this is the mountain area managed by the Meng family. However, no one else followed the two of them.

Alice and the others were not worried at all. Even if they encountered fierce tigers and beasts, there would be no crisis with Meng Huo's skills.

"Where do you plan to put this car?" On the way, Meng Huo asked Shen Jie. He had already told Shen Jie that he would give this car to her. Shen Jie didn't refuse, she definitely wouldn't have accepted it before, but now she and Meng Huo don't have to care about such things anymore, it's not unusual for a boyfriend to give a gift to his girlfriend.

"I think... we should drive it back to Ninghai!" Shen Jie thought for a while, and then said: "Sometimes I can use it when I go back to Ninghai. I don't dare to use Alice's red Porsche."

Alice didn't mind handing over her car to Shen Jie, but Ning Hai's red Porsche was too famous. The entire Phoenix Company knew who it belonged to, so neither Shen Jie nor Meng Huo could use it.

However, Alice's silver Porsche in Suhua was rarely used. Few people know that Meng Huo and Shen Jie can also use it in normal times. Considering these two points, Shen Jie felt that it would be better to drive this Xia Yage back to Ninghai, so that she would have her own means of transportation on both sides.

Meng Huo had no objection to this. When the two returned to Meng's house, it was still early. Alice was chatting with the old lady, while Li Qin was happily busy cooking in the kitchen - she had something to do all day long, and Meng Huo envied her.

"I'll help Aunt Qin." Shen Jie said to Meng Huo, and when she was about to go to the kitchen, the old lady saw the two of them coming in, turned her head and said, "Shen Jie, go and call Li Qin here." , don’t be busy cooking, I’m going to take you to a place.”

Shen Jie was taken aback, but still nodded, went to the kitchen and called Li Qin over.

"Where are you going?" Meng Huo asked strangely, and glanced at Alice—but the blond beauty also looked puzzled, as if she hadn't heard the news from the old lady in advance.

"Don't worry, it's in this yard, you don't need to go out." The old lady looked at Meng Huo and smiled, "I just want you to see something."

Something, what needs everyone to watch together?

Meng Huo soon learned the answer, and they followed the old lady to a very old-looking room filled with various ancient books and documents, as well as some Buddha statues, but it was cleaned very clean and spotless.

"Let me look for it... it seems to be here..." The old lady carefully took out a yellowed book from the bookcase. It was very thick and looked very historical: "This is the genealogy of the Meng family."

The old lady put the books on the table. Meng Huo and the others were in a daze. They didn't know what she was doing with the genealogy all of a sudden, but they surrounded them curiously after being tricked by the old lady.

"Are all the members of the Meng family recorded here?"

Meng Huo asked.

"Well, this genealogy records the changes of the Meng family from the Han Dynasty to the present, but strictly speaking it is not a general genealogy, but a branch genealogy." The old lady opened the book halfway, searched in it, and said: "It's here. Lord Zhaoming, this is the ancestor of our branch, more than four hundred years ago."

Meng Huo looked over. Sure enough, starting from the ancestor of the word "Zhaoming", this genealogy has recorded the descendants under his name. And Zhaoming's brother and other people should be placed in other genealogy.

"Mr. Zhao Ming is a fortune-teller." The old lady said suddenly, startling Meng Huo: "A fortune-teller?"

"Yes, it's amazing." The old lady smiled, and then sighed again: "Mr. Zhaoming never told his family's fortunes. He didn't leave a ancestral precept until his death. The meaning of that ancestral precept is He said that as long as we don’t become soldiers, our family will prosper, and once someone becomes a soldier, it will bring glory to our family in the short term, but the number of people will decrease in the long run.”

Li Qin and the others looked at each other in blank dismay: "Then someone became a soldier?"

"Yes." The old lady sighed: "About two hundred years ago, when the country began to modernize and everyone wanted to contribute their strength to the change, the men of the Meng family forgot the old ancestor's explanation, Everyone is proud to be a soldier."

That was a point of change. In the two hundred years before that, the number of men from the Meng family developed by Zhao Minggong alone reached hundreds. In the next two hundred years, the blood of the Meng family began to decline sharply, until today only Meng Huo was left in the younger generation.

The Meng family also created brilliance. Many powerful characters appeared among the ancestors, and they also brought great glory. This glory has been passed down to form the current Meng family. The number of males has decreased rapidly, and their power and wealth have been concentrated in the current family.

Meng Huo and the others were secretly surprised that this was exactly what the Duke Zhaoming had predicted.

"The family tree of our branch has not been touched for decades." The old lady turned to the last page of the record and said, "The latest registration was a few years ago, when I just discovered Meng Huo. Written by hand..."

She pointed to the last two names on it, the names of Li Qin and Meng Huo were resolutely written on it. Although Meng Huo didn't say he was coming back. But the old lady had already made a note of him.

"My name..." And Li Qin was also moved for a while, she found that the recorded time was still when she didn't know the old lady. She was written down at that time, which means that the old lady recognized her before she knew her.

But Meng Huo frowned slightly: "You just want us to watch this?" He didn't think there was anything interesting about it. In fact, isn't this what was expected? Could it be that the old lady would still name him and Li Qin from above?

"Of course not. Today I mainly want Alice and Shen Jie to come and see." The old lady laughed, then turned the direction of the genealogy to Alice and Shen Jie, and said, "Look at the last hundred years, Did you find anything weird?"

The two women looked suspiciously at the 100-year history of the Meng family. The genealogy is not just a simple record of names and kinship relationships. In fact, it also records important events in each ancestor's life, which is very detailed.

But Alice didn't find anything unusual after reading it again.

"Is there anything strange about the past hundred years?" She asked strangely. The old lady smiled and said nothing, and turned to look at Shen Jie: "Shen Jie, you should still remember the history of high school, right? You should have some knowledge about modern history." I have a deep understanding, when was the Modern Marriage Law promulgated?"

"It seems to be one hundred and fifty years ago..." Shen Jie said, then she was taken aback, looked down at the genealogy tree, and said in surprise: "No, why did some people have several wives in these one hundred and fifty years? "

She somewhat understood the reason why the old lady took out the genealogy. After Huaxia promulgated the Marriage Law and established the monogamy system, there were still several times in the Meng family's genealogy that recorded more than one spouse. The most recent one was Meng Huo's great-grandfather.

"Old lady, what do you mean..."

Alice looked at the old lady in astonishment, her hint was too obvious.

"The state owns the state laws, and the family has family rules. My family doesn't value that certificate." The old lady nodded and said, "As long as you are willing, you can be regarded as my daughter-in-law when you walk into my house—there is no need for that certificate."

"'s illegal..." Shen Jie was a little shaken.

"It's nothing illegal. The country doesn't stipulate that three people can't be together. It just stipulates that only two people can get the certificate." The old lady smiled and said: "Marriage certificate is just a formality, it is not important to my family. The ancients didn't look at such things at all, as long as they got together and worshiped their parents, they were husband and wife."

Meng Huo shuddered suddenly, he understood that the old lady was helping him to comfort Shen Jie and the others! Li Qin stared dumbfounded, thinking that Jiang is still old and hot, and the old lady said it seriously, and she couldn't find an excuse to refute it.

Alice and Shen Jie were a little bit overwhelmed.

"Do you know someone named Jiang Tianshi?" At this time, the old lady revealed another piece of information: "He has two mothers, and those two are called the right-hand men of the Jiang Group. This kind of thing is public in the financial world." And it's better than Mr. Jiang going out to play tricks and having an illegitimate child dispute."

"No way!" Meng Huo was taken aback, "I never heard him say that."

"Of course he won't say it." The old lady glared at Meng Huo, and the child didn't cooperate at all: "How can this kind of thing go out, maybe an unmarried woman you know is actually Jiang Tianshi's mother, the Jiang family Maybe one of his wives."

Meng Huo was dumbfounded, he immediately searched in his head, could it be that he really knew Jiang Tianshi's mother?

Alice now fully understands the meaning of the old lady's phrase 'my family is big enough' - the Meng family can treat her and Shen Jie as equals, regardless of their superiority, and the legal marriage certificate has no real meaning in the Meng family .

The woman recorded in the genealogy is obviously a recognized member of the Meng family. Since there are precedents in the past, it is not surprising that they appear again now. If Alice and Shen Jie are recorded in the future, then future generations will treat them as the same.

"You can also look at the records of Meng Huo's great grandfather." The old lady said to Alice again: "I think his experience will definitely reassure you."

The girls looked at the family tree again, and this time Li Qin moved over curiously. She soon discovered the reason why the old lady said this. Meng Huo's great-grandfather had two wives, and what's more, Meng Huo's branch was passed down from his wife who started later.

The child born to the first wife died in the war, and the child of the second wife inherited the Meng family. He regards both mothers as his own mothers and has always been very filial.

According to the provisions of the marriage law, the blood inheritance of the Meng family has actually been interrupted long ago. The old lady wanted to tell Alice and Shen Jie through this incident that there was no dispute between them and the children they gave birth to would be treated equally.

Alice and Shen Jie looked at each other, both of them were a little happy for some reason.

This is the best gift they can get for the holidays. (to be continued)

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