Big Panda Boss

Chapter 815: Accompany

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After finally removing the pile of prop boxes, the pig-headed supervisor sent the two to scrub the wings, really using them as handymen.

Chen Fan didn't care, Marduk naturally didn't dare to resist.

Seeing that the two of them are so bullying, Superintendent Zhutou started to get into it. After the two had just scrubbed the wings, they ordered them to clean the cabin. They didn't give them any rest.

Chen Fan pinched his nose to admit it because the important matter was important.

As a result, the pig-headed supervisor was so brave enough to ask Chen Fan to accompany him into the room to talk about his ideals in life...

Marduk said that I am familiar with the plot!

Then Marduk guarded the door, listening to the violent collision of skin and flesh in the room.

When someone passes by, Marduk will show an expression that a man understands, and passers-by will just shake their heads and leave.

An hour later, Chen Fan opened the door with a refreshing expression, still holding a heavy money bag in his hand.

"Goddess finished?" Marduk asked with a smile.

Chen Fan squinted and said, "What? Do you want to have a taste?"

"No, no," Marduk immediately shook his head.

"Let's go, I'm hungry after a busy day, go to eat." Chen Fan put the purse in his pocket and walked out swaggeringly.

"Goddess, what about the guy in the room?" Marduk asked after following.

"Don't worry, I just talked to him about the ideals of life. He has completely reformed." Chen Fan said indifferently. Anyway, he only needs one look to twist a mortal's mind.

Marduk has an expression that I read a lot.

The two didn't go to the spaceship canteen, and they would definitely not have a good time. They simply left the port station of the song and dance troupe and went to the tavern on the dock that was dedicated to entertaining the crew.

Chen Fan randomly picked the quietest family, opened the door and entered but was stunned.

My heart said it was no wonder how quiet, it turned out that two groups of people were facing each other with guns.

Chen Fan smiled apologetically, and stepped back silently. After a while, he heard a burst of excitement inside, and then came to the law enforcement team after hearing the news.

Chen Fan took Marduk and hurriedly hid in a smoky tavern next door, only to see this tavern mixed with dragons and snakes, it is simply an alien museum.

Although the environment was a little worse, Shengyi didn't attract much attention after entering, after all, there were too many weird guys in it.

Chen Fan found an empty table and let the waiter serve the good wine and food.

The waiter was accustomed to spending money on the crew, so he responded and ordered the kitchen.

While waiting for the food, Chen Fan listened for a while, and distinguished a few understandable languages ​​from the babble of alien languages, but they were talking about boring things.

"Goddess." Marduk suddenly lowered his voice: "I saw an old acquaintance."

Chen Fan asked: "Who?"

"Jarel." Marduk whispered, "This guy is Pires's, the guy I saw at the casino last night."

Chen Fan asked, "Oh, is that the guy who was shorted by you? What does he do?"

Marduk said: "I'm a second-hand dealer, but he sells arms, slaves, contraband and other things."

Chen Fan wondered: "Isn't it normal for a Erdao dealer to send someone here? After all, now the Tyra Empire has just finished a battle with the demons, which is the best time to make money."

"No." Marduk shook his head. "Pires is nothing like a real interstellar arms dealer, but this guy specializes in dirty work that big arms dealers can't look down on."

Chen Fan asked curiously: "What dirty work?"

Marduk said: "Help people bring things, such as killer weapons, dead people's organs."

Chen Fan said with a chuckle: "So how do you say we met a colleague?"

At this time, the waiter brought food and drinks, and the two stopped communicating. After the waiter left, Marduk continued, "Yes, goddess, I bet there must be a killer with the same purpose in this tavern."

Chen Fan picked up the knife and fork and shook his head: "I thought we were moving fast enough, but I didn't expect these guys to have good noses."

"After all, the huge bounty of 10 million hasn't appeared in many years." Marduk said: "And the goals with this strength are almost demigods, and no one will think that his life is long."

Chen Fan chewed on the steak and asked, "How much does it cost?"

"Goddess, you really love to make jokes." Marduk smiled awkwardly and didn't say much, but the meaning was self-evident.

Chen Fan shook his head disappointed, he still wanted to make a fortune.

The two quickly ate and drank, and after checking out, they left the tavern and were walking back.

Marduk, who followed, suddenly reminded: "Goddess, that Yarell followed us with a group of people."

Chen Fan asked without turning his head: "Does he recognize you?"

"It should be." Marduk asked. "Did we do them?"

Chen Fan shook his head and said, "If you are unfamiliar with the place of life, you shouldn't have extra branches."

Marduk's eyes turned: "That guy came by Pires' order. He must have brought a lot of valuable goods."

Chen Fan made a mistake and turned into a small alley.

The group of people behind secretly speeded up their pace and chased them in After a while, Chen Fan walked out while counting the harvest, with a disgusting expression on his face and said: "What? How can I get a little money."

Marduk said: "Goddess, how many people the other party must have sailed."

Chen Fan asked, "Can you recognize their boat?"

Marduk nodded: "Yes!"

"Walk." Chen Fan waved his hand straight to the port.

When the two returned to the port, Marduk quickly recognized an armed smuggling ship under Pires's name.

There were more than a dozen armed guards on board. Chen Fan stood outside the side door for a while, and the guard inside took the initiative to open the door for him.

Looking at these guards with hollow eyes, Marduk secretly alarmed that the goddess' methods were really unpredictable.

"What have you brought here this time?" Chen Fan asked directly.

A guard confessed: "Arms and explosives, and some potions."

Just as holy water is prohibited in the devil world, this potion is naturally prohibited in the human world.

Even if these guys are here to do big things, they don't forget to take some private work to make extra money.

"Take me to see." Chen Fan ordered.

The guard immediately took the two to the cabin, only to see a dozen large boxes stacked inside.

After opening them one by one, half of them are guns and ammunition, and half are bottles and cans.

Chen Fan picked up a bottle of potion and looked at it, and asked Marduk, "Is this thing valuable?"

Marduk replied: "This potion is not valuable in the Demon Realm, but it can be ten times the price here. If it goes deeper, the price can even be hundreds or thousands of times."

Chen Fan shook his head and threw it back with disdain. As a qualified arms dealer, you should have the ethics of an arms dealer. If you don't have 10,000 times the profit, it is a waste of time.

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