Big Panda Boss

Chapter 816: Lost Paradise

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Chen Fan picked up a blaster and looked at it. It was old-fashioned and the quality was touching.

"How many killers are there in total with you this time?" Chen Fan counted the guns and ammunition, at least he could arm a company of personnel.

The guard replied honestly: "I don't know, I only know that this time the connection is an interstellar mercenary group, the core number is about 50 or 60 people, but whenever there is a task, the other party will temporarily recruit some peripheral members."

Chen Fanxin said that I am familiar with this routine, and I made a cameo on Karesh Star last time.

"It's really touching, how long has it been before all the ghosts, ghosts and snakes have come out!" Chen Fan shook his head and sighed.

Marduk said: "Goddess, since these guys have a way to enter the imperial capital, why don't we...?"

Chen Fan thought for a while and shook his head: "Don't look at those monsters, ghosts, and snakes who are jumping around now, but are you really a fool of Terra Empire? I guess these guys have been secretly targeted."

Marduk hurriedly said: "It's the goddess you think well."

"Go back." Chen Fan turned and left.

Marduk asked, "Goddess, what about these weapons?"

Chen Fan said, "Let them send it over. Maybe it can add trouble to the Terra Empire."

The two did not stay anymore, and went straight back to the resident of the song and dance troupe.

That night the song and dance troupe ended its last performance in Haddad, and then it was busy until late at night to put all the guys on the boat.

Early the next morning, the spacecraft set sail and departed from the port, crossing the sea and flying towards the royal capital of the Terra Empire.

In the supervisor's lounge.

Chen Fan was sitting on the spacious and comfortable sofa with Erlang's legs tilted, watching the sea and sky outside the window.

"Master your breakfast." Supervisor Dutou respectfully brought a hearty breakfast.

"Let it go." Chen Fan stretched out and asked, "How long will it take to get to the imperial capital?"

Director Dutou put aside breakfast and replied: "If there are no strong winds and waves, it will take three hours."

"How slow?" Chen Fan frowned, knowing that this is an interstellar spacecraft, not a cruise ship dedicated to sailing at sea.

Director Dutou explained: "The Terra Empire has strict controls on the speed of the spacecraft in the territory, especially on the Capital Star. One warning for speeding, two direct shots down."

"So that's the case." Chen Fan picked up the knife and fork and ate breakfast. At this time, Marduk appeared at the door and said, "The goddess is up?"

"Come in." Chen Fan replied and asked: "Is it comfortable to sleep on the bottom floor last night?"

"It's okay, those crew members are very enthusiastic to me." Marduk laughed. Don't look at him like his grandson in front of Chen Fan, but he is a real devil anyway. It's not easy to clean up a few mortals. Things.

Of course, as long as you don't make too much noise, Chen Fan doesn't bother to bother.

"Have you eaten? Let's have some together?" Chen Fan said politely.

"Eat, ate." But Marduk didn't dare to be polite and quickly declined.

At this time, another crew member came outside the door, knocked on the door a few times and said to Supervisor Dutou: "Supervisor, please go up and have a question."

"Hey, I'll go right away." Supervisor Dutou quickly responded.

The crew nodded and turned to leave, but turned a blind eye to Chen Fan and Marduk, as if they were only air.

Director Dutou looked at Chen Fan, and Chen Fan waved his hand: "Go."

"Yes, master." Supervisor Zhutou quickly resigned and left.

Marduk asked curiously: "Goddess, you brainwashed everyone on this ship?"

"Do you think I am panicking?" Chen Fan gave him a white glance.

Marduk gave a dry laugh, not daring to talk more.

Chen Fan continued to eat breakfast, until he finished eating, the supervisor wiped his forehead and rushed back, and proactively informed him: "Master, our class leader has just held a morning meeting, saying that it is this time to perform in the Imperial Capital of Terra It was invited by a great nobleman, so the whole group must put forth 120,000 points of spirit."

Chen Fan asked, "Do you know that it is the nobleman?"

Supervisor Zhutou shook his head and said: "I don't know, the class owner didn't say, but I am definitely not a low-profile person to come."

Marduknahan said: "I just need to perform singing and dancing, do you need to be mysterious?"

Chen Fan glanced at him, and Marduk immediately closed his mouth with interest. Some things can be done until he clicks. Besides, he is not a fool, so he needs to remind him?

Suddenly Chen Fan shook his ears and said in surprise, "Who is playing the piano this early in the morning? It sounds pretty good."

Supervisor Dutou heard nothing, but he hurriedly replied, "It should be Mrs. Prava Laguna playing the piano. She is our pillar, but the most powerful thing about this lady is her singing, no matter who has heard it. It will be unforgettable for a lifetime."

Marduk chuckled: "Could it be that this lady has Siren blood?"

Director Dutou said: "Mrs. Prawara Laguna is a Latino ethnic group famous for singing in the universe, not a siren family."

Chen Fan asked: "Speaking of which, I still don't know the name of your song and dance troupe."

Director Dutou replied: "Back to the master, our song and dance troupe is called Lost Paradise."

Chen Fan was familiar but couldn't remember hearing it there for a while, and chuckled: "You really dare to get up, aren't you afraid that the highest heaven will trouble you?"

Director Zhutou said: "No, because we have also rushed to the front to show condolences to the soldiers of the Holy Light Corps. At that time, angels also watched the performance."

"Unexpectedly, you still have a little bit of face." Chen Fan chuckled, and suddenly noticed that the spacecraft was decelerating: "Why do you slow down?"

"I'm going to ask." Supervisor Zhutou immediately went to inquire about the situation and quickly returned to report: "The captain has just received a reminder from the Air Traffic Management Bureau that all ships entering the Imperial Capital must be checked before being allowed to be released."

Chen Fan raised his brows and asked, "Is there such a rule before?"

Director Dutou replied: "No."

Chen Fan and Marduk looked at each other, and they all guessed the reason.

Soon a patrol ship flew to connect with the Lost Paradise, and then a group of law enforcement officers from the other ship conducted a careful search of the entire spacecraft.

Chen Fan and Marduk were mixed among the crew and sailors, and they were also checked, but maybe this song and dance troupe really has a backing. These law enforcement officers searched carefully, but simply glanced at the crew members and let them go without interrogation.

The spacecraft set sail again and finally arrived at the royal capital of the Terra Empire a few hours later.

Chen Fan has been here several times before and after, but every time he came and went in a hurry, he didn't have the leisure time to go sightseeing. This time, he changed his identity and observed the capital of the magic kingdom from a new perspective.

The magnificent buildings spread out along the coastline, and the sky and the ground are full of flying objects. It is obviously a magic kingdom but it looks like a future city full of science fiction.

How about it is magic when technology surpasses the times, and vice versa.

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