Big Panda Boss

Chapter 823: Human and ghost

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Fortunately, Diana and Renia rounded up Selena, so she didn't show her timidity on the spot.

Of course, those who can appear here must be decent people, and they can't do anything rude.

Most aristocratic youths will leave with interest after they hit a wall in front of the three women, leaving only a few ‘competitive’ and thick-skinned guys who continue to surround them.

At this time, the vaudeville performance on the stage ended, and after a short break, a classic segment from a long opera was staged.

The specific plot is somewhat similar to Romeo and Juliet, both of which are about a pair of lovers who live and die in love for various reasons.

It's just that the dead and alive here are really dead and alive...

So if this scene of the opera is really summed up in one sentence, it is: an undead swordsman and a holy light pastor have experienced three lives and three lives...

Although all the guests present have watched this plot hundreds of times before, but the classics are classics, no matter how they are interpreted, the audience will be deeply immersed in it.

Until the curtain ended, the audience burst into thunderous applause.

"Woo, it's so touching." Renia took the handkerchief and wiped the corner of her eyes and said: "Why can't the Holy Light accept Augusto? It's obvious how he has such a deep love for Maria."

"Because he is an undead." Diana sighed lightly: "Being purified by the Holy Light is his best destination."

"What's wrong with the undead, isn't there a good undead like Augusto among the undead?" Renia said in disbelief.

If this is left in those countries where the nation is based on the Holy Light, it will definitely be labeled as a heresy, and only in the Terra Empire, which is based on magic, can it be discussed without scruple.

Diana said helplessly: "Did your third-grade summoning spell basic theory classes have been done for nothing? The textbook has not concluded that the so-called undead is actually a negative energy psionic body condensed from the negative spirit remaining after death. This kind of psionic body is rarely able to retain all the memories and wisdom of his lifetime. It is basically the same as the walking dead. The undead who can retain their memories completely after death like Augusto only exist in knight novels."

Renia retorted: "Then why does the Empire News often report that there are often high-level undeads in the underworld who often flee into our country and cause trouble? Are all those high-level undeads all fools?"

Diana was speechless for a while, she really didn't know this, because it was not taught in the textbook.

Seeing that her always smart cousin was stopped by herself, Renia immediately looked proud, and then turned to ask Selena: "Teacher, do you know why?"

Selena smiled and said: "This knowledge will not be understood until you are promoted to the great mage and touch the power of the soul. I can only tell you that although the low-level undead are a group of negative energy, they can rely on swallowing other negative energy. To enhance their own strength, the easiest to obtain is their "kind." And as they swallow more of the kind, they will become stronger, but at the same time they will also completely lose their "self" and become one. This kind of energy collection condensed by countless negative emotions is the origin of the vast majority of high-level undead. Of course, there are exceptions to everything, such as some powerful beings who actively throw themselves into the embrace of death in exchange for some reason "Immortal", this kind of undead is generally called a lich."

Renia was surprised: "Teacher, I heard that Earl Bone Castle is a Lich, isn't it true?"

"Ahem!" Diana immediately coughed twice.

Renia also realized that she had made a mistake, and hurriedly closed her mouth and smiled.

After all, the legend of the White Bone Fort is a taboo in the upper empire!

Selena shook her head slightly and said, "I am not very clear about this either."

After all, she was just a little noble who fell into the family, and she certainly didn't know much about these ancient empire secrets.

"If Miss Renia is interested in the legend of Bone Fort, I know a little bit." A young nobleman who had been entangled with the three women suddenly took the initiative.

Renia smiled sweetly: "Master Perkins, don't say anything, I don't want to hear ghost stories and can't sleep this night."

Perkins smiled awkwardly: "I owe it to consideration, and please don't mind Miss Renia."

"It's okay, let's continue watching the show." Renia forgave him pretendingly.

Selena saw this girl's performance in her eyes, and she sighed in her heart that she, a nearly hundred-year-old girl, was not as smooth as a little girl. It seemed that she really had to learn a lot.

On the stage, after the tearful opera performance ended, another wonderful trick performance began.

Although this trick is actually a variety of blindfolds performed with zero-level spells, similar magic is more mysterious than magic.

More than half of the guests present were magicians, and among them there were magicians such as Selena, so actors who performed tricks on stage would definitely not be embarrassed by showing off but by cleverness. His skills and acting skills will make everyone laugh.

Selena looked at it for a while, and whispered to the two women to remind them: "Look carefully, although this person is not high in realm, but his first-hand spell skills are already proficient, you two can learn from one or two to help you improve your spell casting skills."

Diana nodded slightly and looked more carefully.

Although Renia's eyes widened, she pursed her lips and asked, "Teacher, no matter how good these zero-level spells are, they are just tricks. What use is it for me to smash it with a Pyroblast and let him be superb?"

Selena chuckled: "This idea of ​​yours belongs to a branch of the energy-shaping genre, called'burst a blow flow'. The main idea of ​​this genre is to kill the enemy with a super powerful spell with one blow, and you will not give Any chance of the opponent to fight back."

Renia heard her eyes light up and said, "Is there any such genre in the academy? Why haven't I heard of it?"

Selena laughed and said: "The academy whose purpose is to be steady and conservative will definitely not allow extreme genres to exist. If you want to join this genre, you must first join the army, because the main members of this genre are all fighters in the empire's fleets. gunner!"

"Ah? It turned out to be an artillery, what I said." Renia suddenly collapsed and said: "Then I must be out of play. My parents will definitely not agree with me to join the army, let alone become an artillery. "

Diana'makes up the knife' and said: "You should first consider how to graduate. It is still a question of whether you can graduate from junior college based on your grades."

"Cousin!" Renia stared angrily, and pinched Diana with her hand.

"Don't make trouble, some guests are here." Diana patted Renia's little hand and watched her father walking over with a few crested aliens.

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