Big Panda Boss

Chapter 824: Shia Empire

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Renia opened her eyes and asked curiously: "Who are those cousins?"

"I don't know." Diana shook her head slightly and asked Selena: "Do you recognize the tutor?"

Selena thought about it for a while, and said, "Look at the features and clothes of Shia from Shia Empire."

"Sia Empire?" Renia asked, "Is this empire very powerful?"

"I heard it is very powerful, but I only heard it." Selena recounted: "It is rumored that this empire was called the Feather Empire earlier, because the Shia, the main race of the Shia Empire, is a descendant of birds. The evolved cold-blooded humanoid race, the crown on the head is exactly where the human hair is, so the Shias look very similar to us humans. They have two common "hairstyles": most Shias, especially Those nobles generally let the head feathers sprout in a triangular pattern, with one horn on the top of the head, and the other horns on each shoulder; the other is to let the thick head feathers diverge, but the top of the head is very flat.

There are very light hollow bones inside their bodies, and there are some degraded feathers on their forearms, which are the last remnants of losing wings in millions of years of evolution. However, it is rumored that the Shia are born with supernatural powers, regardless of whether they are young or old, can lift a ton of objects on average and have super endurance. The vast majority of Shiahs do not have any special abilities, although some individuals who will regenerate have wings and the ability to fly. In addition, the Shia are oviparous animals, and their offspring are artificially concentrated and cultivated in a special incubator room by the imperial government. So Shia have only brothers and sisters, but no parents. "

"It doesn't sound very strong," Renia muttered: "I can easily lift a few tons of boulders with magic."

Selena said: "The strength of the Shia Empire lies in their advanced technology and countless affiliated races. I heard that the lower races attached to the Shia Empire exceed one million, and the Shia Empire gained the strength of a hundred families. Let your imperial technology maintain the momentum of rapid growth."

"Is it the banging iron bumps that green-skin goblins love to play?" Renia said with a look of disgust: "Where can those things go no matter how powerful they are? Our magician can smash a forbidden curse. Destroy a city!"

Several aristocratic youths nearby also immediately agreed with Renia's ideas.

Selena sighed in her heart that these noble young masters were born in wealthy families, and were instilled with the idea of ​​the supremacy of magic since they were young, and looked down on all the strange and ingenious skills except magic. This situation is especially serious in conservative colleges, which makes her want to make changes but feel deeply powerless. This is also one of the main reasons why she gave up the privilege of being a mentor and planned to return to the military.

"Diana." Duke Villiers shouted when he saw his baby girl was there.

"Father." Diana immediately took her skirt and walked over to salute.

Renia followed the past with a playful salute: "Uncle."

"Little Nia is here too." Duke Villiers asked with a smile, "Didn't you two go on a school trip to Mystra? Why are you coming back soon? Have you ever seen your aunt?"

"I saw it." Diana replied softly, "Aunt Amora has a very good time. Let us take a message to say hello to my father."

"Hahaha." Villiers said with a big smile: "That's good, that's good. Speaking of which, I haven't seen Amora for a long time."

"Father, who are these?" Diana cleverly changed the subject and looked at the guests nearby.

Villiers smiled and introduced: "These are all distinguished guests from the Shia Empire."

I saw a young Shia with a golden crown and smiled and introduced himself: "It's a great honor to meet a beautiful lady like you at Moloch Neramani."

"Me too, Mr. Neramani." Diana returned gracefully.

Duke Villiers smiled and said: "Your Highness, the most exciting performance is about to begin, let's take a seat first."

"Okay, I'm looking forward to it." Morlock smiled.

A group of people entered the special VIP seats.

But Diana and Renia did not follow, but returned to Selena.

"Did you hear my cousin just now? Uncle actually called that highness! Is he a prince?" Renia whispered excitedly.

Diana teased: "What? Did you like him?"

Renia curled her lips and said: "How is it possible, I'm just curious about a prince who came to our Terra Empire for thousands of miles?"

Diana said: "It's not our turn to care about this. Let's concentrate on watching the show. Your most admired Mrs. Prava Laguna will be on stage."

"Hmm!" Renya immediately stared at the gradually darkening stage with wide eyes.


"It's actually a prince." Chen Fan shook his to consider whether he could use this kid's identity to squeeze even greater benefits.

"The girls have arrived at us, and they are all cheering up!" Kingsley pulled the curtains in and clapped his hands and said: "Come and gather in line."

Chen Fan immediately got up and stood behind Janice, listening absently to Kingsley's advice.

At this time, another person came in from the outside, more than two meters high, his blue skin was shining with a diamond-like crystal luster, his facial features were human, but his head was hung with long fleshy whiskers until his knees.

As soon as the women saw her, they saluted her and said, "Mrs. Prawara Laguna."

However, Chen Fan's eyes widened with a look of astonishment, because he knew this alien woman, just like the impressive alien soprano singer in the film "The Fifth Element" in his previous life!

If there is any difference, this lady Pravara Laguna has a strange silver tattoo on her body, which adds a bit of mystery to her exotic style.

Mrs. Prawara Laguna hummed and asked, "Are you all ready?"

"Madam is ready, the girls can be on stage at any time." Kingsley responded.

Mrs. Prawara Laguna nodded slightly and then turned and walked out. The women immediately lined up to keep up.

Chen Fan silently followed at the end of the team, watching the tall figure looking forward to the next performance.

At this time, the stage was completely dark, and Mrs. Pravara Laguna walked slowly to the center of the stage, and immediately a beam of light fell and shrouded her, and immediately there was a cheer from the stage.

Then the accompaniment sounded, not the one that Chen Fan was familiar with, but it was also very exciting, it should be a **** battle song.

As Mrs. Prawara Laguna opened her mouth to sing the first melody, the lights on the stage became brilliant, and the ‘angels’ responsible for the dancers also filed out from behind the scenes.

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