Big Panda Boss

Chapter 847: Hotel manager

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The captain of the night watch led his men all the way to dawn, but suddenly they lost their tracks.

"Check if there are any remaining space spells nearby!" The night watchman captain ordered immediately.

A crowd of night watchmen immediately dispersed to cast spells to inspect the surroundings, and soon someone found clues.

"Captain, I have a magic response here!" Strawberry Toffee swiped his wand, shaking the ground in circles of mana fluctuations.

The captain of the night watch immediately walked over to check carefully, shook his head and said: "It's late, I was ran away by the opponent."

Although everyone was unwilling, they could only go home.

Suddenly the personal terminal of the captain of the night watch buzzed violently, and he immediately connected and asked, "What happened?"

Just listen to the excitement of Big Sausage: "The captain has an unexpected and important discovery!"

The captain of the night watch said with a serious face: "What unexpected major discovery?"

Big Sausage pulled out a photo with excitement, only to see someone from the Shia Empire Mission!

"Huh? It's him!" Strawberry toffee let out a soft voice.

"You know?" the night watchman captain asked back.

Strawberry Toffee replied: "I met once when I was a guest at the Duke of Villiers' Mansion a few days ago. He is the Prince Morlock Neramani of the Shia Empire."

The captain of the night watch immediately asked Big Sausage: "Where did you find this picture?"

"It's on the corpse of this group of militants. You see, Captain, there is this one with the photo!" Big Sausage took out another cargo entry list.

The captain of the night watchman immediately ordered: "Block the port immediately and contact the Port Authority. I want to know within three minutes that this list comes from that spacecraft!"



"Look, look, there's a big movement outside!"

"Hush, keep your voice down, these people seem to be the night watchmen of the Terra Empire!"

"Look, this man's magic fluctuations are so terrifying, he is definitely a great magister!"

"Wow! Another great magister came over there!"

"What the **** is going on in the big battle?"

Chen Fan sat in the room while tasting the self-adjusted magic milk tea while watching a group of law enforcement officers flying through the sky outside the porthole. From time to time, he could hear the exclamation of passers-by.

Soon I saw countless law enforcement officers encircling Tuan Tuan with a cargo spacecraft, and then a dozen power armors forcibly broke into it.

After a while, the rapid exchange of fire sounded in the cabin, but it soon subsided.

Then the two night watchmen helped a young Shia with bruises aboard the boat and was quickly squeezed into the car and taken to the hospital.

That night, Empire News reported that the incident of the robbery of foreign missions that shocked the country was finally broken. It was a group of interstellar terrorists seeking money. After the unremitting efforts of relevant departments of the empire, all important members of the Shiah mission were rescued safely. The terrorists are also punishable.


Karesh star.

A small spacecraft slowly landed in the Star Harbor, and three people in black wrapped themselves tightly from the ship.

A hovering vehicle flew over and parked in front of the three of them, and directly departed from Hong Kong to the Crystal City.

In a quiet underground bar in the Crystal Hotel, three men in black were taken to a deck by the waiter.

I saw a well-dressed old man sitting on the sofa, tasting a glass of wine and flipping through a thick book.

"Sit." The old man closed the ledger and smiled.

The three took their seats without saying a word.

The old man smiled and said, "I am Winston, the manager of this hotel. I heard you want to see me?"

"Yes." One of them said in a low voice: "We Crimson Blade completed your mission, but we were also destroyed, and only the three of us escaped."

Winston smiled lightly: "So how do you say you are here to receive the reward."

"That's right!" The man in black took out his personal terminal to open the reward, and said in a deep voice, "Ten million stars."

Winston lowered his glasses and slowly said, "If you come here a long time ago, you might be able to receive this bounty. It's a pity that our informant just told me that Kamora is not dead."

"What? It's impossible!" The man in black was suddenly angry, and he directly took out his gun and said, "Are you trying to go wrong?"

Facing the muzzle of the black hole, Winston still smiled calmly and said: "The hotel has never denied a bounty since its establishment."

The man in black was silent for a moment, put away his weapon, and said coldly: "Tell me, where is that Kamora?"

Winston said helplessly: "It's a pity that the reward for Kamora has been cancelled, because she is now under the strict protection of the Guardians of the Galaxy, unless you want to face the Thor."

Man in black:"…………"

"But as compensation to you." Winston took out a special gold coin and pushed it to the man in black, smiling: "You can get a high-quality service in this hotel."

The man in black picked up the gold coin and glanced at it, his tone suddenly became playful: "This is the gold coin that can get any service in the legend?"

Winston raised his eyebrows and narrowed his eyes to stare at the man in black, feeling that the aura on his body seemed to change for an instant.

"Is it really any service?" The man in black flipped the gold coin at his slightly raised his head to light up a pair of faint green eyes.

Winston was instantly cold, as if being stared at by something terrifying.

"Yes, sir." Winston put on a respectful sentence, and said politely and humbly: "As long as it is within the service range of Bidian."

"Very good." The man in black slapped the gold coin on the table and said: "I'm looking for a... God!"

Winston twitched his cheeks slightly, and said with a dry smile: "Sir, sorry, this is not within the service range of Bidian..."

"I think you should have this service." The man in black showed the scariest smile in the world: "Money is not a problem."

"Sir, it's not a question of money..." Winston suddenly felt suffocated, his soul seemed to be forcibly dragged out by an unmatched force, and came into a dark void to face a stalwart beyond description. Terror exists.

Winston immediately realized that he had no right to refuse, but he did his best to say: "Sir, this is not something I can call the shots. I need to contact my boss..."

The stalwart figure ignored Winston's request and said directly: "Help the deity find the Mamen, Wu Shier, etc. will be immortal."

Winston's mind was shocked immediately, and he recovered his consciousness in the next second, as if he had just been fished out of the water. Looking up again, the black-clothed men who were sitting in front of them were long gone, leaving only a bead with black and white mist on the table.

Winston picked up the wine glass and found that his hands were still shaking. At this time, a waiter walked over and asked: "Manager, the next guest for an appointment is coming soon, do you want to bring him here directly?"

Winston put down the wine glass gently, stared at the beads on the table, and slowly said, "Cancel all appointments for today. I'm going to the boss."

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