Big Panda Boss

Chapter 848: Teacher Tony

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The next morning, 8 o'clock!

"Yawn." Chen Fan yawned and scratched his stomach and walked into the bathroom and washed his face casually. Suddenly the door of the room was knocked.

"Come on." Chen Fan went to open the door sleepily, and found that Mona, who was dressed up, was standing outside the door and staring at him.

"The class owner is early, have you eaten?"

"It's too early? Do you know what time it is? Did you forget that the theater resumed performance today?" Mona opened her mouth like a machine gun, almost spraying Chen Fan's face.

Chen Fan looked innocent and said, "Master, the performance didn't start until the afternoon, of course I remember."

"The sun has gone up the mountain!" Mona exclaimed, "I will give you an hour of makeup time and a skirt for me to wear. If I see you wandering around the room wearing a pair of shorts, I will fight. Rotten your ass!"

The door was shut back with a bang, and Mona shouted outside: "Hurry up to my mother, you only have one hour!"

Chen Fan curled his lips and said that he was not Dongfang Sister, that would take an hour...

After ten minutes, what is the first step in makeup?

Half an hour later, is that eye shadow pen? ?

Why are there so many lipsticks of the same color? ? ?

An hour later, the door was knocked open, and Mona rushed in angrily. When she saw Chen Fan sitting in front of the dressing table, she was shocked: "Ghost!!!"


"You don't know how to put on makeup! I scared my old lady to death. I thought I was **** in the early morning!"

"Master, it hurts, your eyebrow pencil is about to poke my nostril."

"Shut up, don't move, this is eyeliner, I really doubt how old you are!"

"There is no eyeliner with a drill on our Midgard star."

"This is the latest model of this brand this year, called Magic Automatic Eyeliner. You can draw perfect eyeliner with just one stroke. Look, how about it?"

Chen Fan blinked his eyes, feeling trembling...

Sure enough, it is worthy of being the first of the four great sorceries, it is really broad and profound!

"Push your mouth." Mona picked out a lipstick and introduced: "This 108 peach pink is best for girls your age. Remember, don't make a mistake."

Chen Fan pursed his mouth: "Hmm."

"Okay." Mona put away the lipstick and said with satisfaction: "Perfect, let's change clothes, just wear the beige dress I bought you yesterday."

Chen Fan said, "I haven't eaten yet, what if I get dirty?"

"It's okay, you can just eat bread." Mona waved her big hand: "Anyway, you have a show today, and you can't eat anything else."

Chen Fan was so reluctant that he could only pinch his nose to admit it.

Being an actor is so hard, there are many unknown bitterness behind the glamour. There are strict restrictions even on food, especially stage actors who avoid fishy and fishy water. When they eat meaty fish and say lines, they tend to smoke other people's faces. Drinking water is strictly controlled, especially for newcomers. I was afraid that I was nervous and didn't hold back...

In addition, eating too much or too little is not enough. The audience who can't eat enough to perform on stage will not be like a movie audience who can only curse and throw things on the stage.

It’s not alright to eat too much, in case you’re saying a line when you’re brave at the end, you’ll be full...

That scene is definitely better to die late than die early.


After eating a little bread and vegetable leaves, Chen Fan was dragged into the car by Mona and rushed to the theater.

It is too early to leave the performance at this moment, and today is considered to be an official performance. Chen Fan originally thought that there would not be many audiences, but he did not expect that the theater entrance was already crowded.

In order to avoid unexpected situations, the Law Enforcement Department had to send additional police to maintain order.

Mona immediately wisely asked the driver to drive the car to the back door of the theater and get off. As a result, Chen Fan was almost blinded by the crackling flashlight as soon as he got out of the car. Thanks to him, he had already noticed these paparazzi hiding in the dark. Otherwise, it would be great fun to fight back instinctively.

As soon as Chen Fan recovered, all kinds of "long guns and short guns" almost hit his face. Then all kinds of strange questions came over and greeted him, making him, who had no experience in dealing with it, been shocked on the spot for a while.

Mona immediately escorted her with the driver, and then led Chen Fan out of the siege and squeezed into the back door of the theater.

"Huh, I'm scared to death!" Chen Fan said, pretending to be afraid, patted his chest.

Mona teased: "How does it feel to be a big star?"

Chen Fan answered truthfully: "It's terrible, it seems that I can't go shopping at will in the future."

Mona smiled and said: "This is the trouble of becoming famous. How many people want to experience it once and never have this opportunity."

At this time, the manager Harrington hurried over and said enthusiastically: "You are here, I am about to send a car to pick you up."

"Manager." Chen Fan greeted politely.

Harrington laughed and said, "Miss Fanya, you are now a real star. More than half of the audience at the door came to see you."

Chen Fan humbly said: "All this is thanks to the manager, your insight and knowledge."

" there." Harrington smiled more and more, and then personally sent the two to a larger and more luxurious dressing room.

This powder room not only has all the equipment, but also has a special lounge and toilet. However, what Chen Fan valued was a magic preservation cabinet in the corner, which was filled with various snacks.

According to Mona, this dressing room is only eligible to be used by first-line stars. Obviously Harrington values ​​Fanya's future potential.

Because it was too early for Fanya to perform on stage, Chen Fan simply swiped the magic net while eating snacks to see if there were any major events in the Terra Empire recently.

Several hours passed in a flash, and there was less than an hour left before the performance.

Chen Fan shook his ears and heard several footsteps in the corridor outside the door. Then the door was knocked open, and Mona responded and opened the door.

"Ms. Mona, we are a senior makeup artist specially hired by the theater. Under Tony Nice, you can call me Teacher Tony." A sissy introduced herself with a smile.

"Hello, Teacher Tony." Mona gave a dry laugh, looked at the other party's non-mainstream outfit, and asked politely: "Are you a witch?"

Teacher Tony immediately covered his mouth and said happily: "Oh, why did you show me the lady soon?"

Mona said that unless I'm blind, I won't be able to see it, because in the Terra Empire, only the maverick'witches' dare to disregard the worldly gaze and make themselves attractive...

Of course, among the witches, there are also 100% pure female creatures, but with the opening up of their minds in recent years, many men who are born without magical qualifications have chosen to become witches in order to be among the noble Lords.

This mentality is a bit similar to playing a female role in the game, except that there is no chance to delete the character and come back...

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