Big Panda Boss

Chapter 849: witch

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"Please come in." Mona politely let the other party in, and did not dare to show any discrimination, because they were considered to be among the ranks of noble Faye anyway, even if they paid a great price for it.

Chen Fan also heard Mona's conversation with the Tony teacher, looked up at each other curiously, and almost mistakenly thought that he had seen the originator of Kill Matt.

The key is that the two female assistants behind Tony's teacher also have the same look, which surprised Chen Fan. It's 2077?

"Oh!" Teacher Tony saw Chen Fan immediately screamed excitedly: "It's perfect! I have never seen such a perfect face, Miss Fanya, you are definitely the darling of the gods, and the legendary elves are probably not as good as you. Beauty."

"Thank you for your compliment." Chen Fan gave a dry smile, put aside the snacks and got up and said politely.

"Don't move!" Teacher Tony pinched Lanhua's finger and circled Chen Fan several times, exclaiming in her mouth, "Full score, absolute perfect score! Miss Fanya, are you a spellcaster?"

Chen Fan said embarrassingly: "Uh, I only know how to use flash, so it should be considered."

Mona said silently: "That's not an introductory trick at the second level of elementary school."

Teacher Tony said with bright eyes: "Then Fanya, are you interested in becoming a witch?"

"Ahem!" Mona immediately coughed twice.

Teacher Tony said displeased: "Ms. Mona, are you discriminating against our witch?"

"No, absolutely not." Mona didn't want to provoke these troublesome "witches", and quickly denied: "I just have some uncomfortable voice."

"Humph." Teacher Tony snorted, and said enthusiastically to Chen Fan: "Miss Fanya, with your qualifications, may not be able to become a real magician in this life, but it doesn't matter, as long as you become a witch, you can also master the power. Ability to cast spells."

Chen Fan said with a dry smile: "Tony teacher, I appreciate your kindness, but I am not a citizen of the Terra Empire..."

Teacher Tony immediately said: "Nationality is not a problem. Many of our witches are not even human."

Chen Fan said with embarrassment: "I mean I come from a low demon plane, and I don't have a cold for magic. No matter how hard I study, I can barely learn a flash technique."

Teacher Tony smiled and said: "That's because you don't understand the characteristics of our witch. Our witch, a spellcaster profession, originated from the noble blood warlock..."

Mona interrupted: "Tony teacher, the performance has already started. We Fanya will be on stage soon. If you really want her to become a witch, you can talk slowly later."

"Oh, look at me, I almost forgot about business when I was excited." Teacher Tony took out a magic business card from his pocket and handed it to Chen Fan, saying, "Miss Fanya, becoming a witch will not affect you as a witch. Big stars, on the contrary, have help."

Chen Fan took the business card and glanced at it, and saw that a line of elegant magic patterns was engraved on the gold-rimmed business card with a black background...

"Um, sorry, I don't know the magic words of Terra Empire..."

"..." Mona said heartily that it seemed that she would have to hire more teachers.

Teacher Tony said indifferently and happily: "It’s okay, it’s okay, it’s my fault. After all, Miss Fanya, you are not a member of our Terra Empire. If Miss Fanya, when are you interested in the witch, you can take this A business card came to Mengling Bar at 1089 Oak Street, Dongcheng District to find me."

"Thank you." Chen Fan put away his business card.

"Please sit down, let's start." Teacher Tony had an eager expression, and the two assistants immediately opened the two suitcases on the table, revealing a dazzling array of cosmetics.

Mr. Tony first circled Chen Fan twice, and then used a cleansing technique to turn Chen Fan's makeup directly back into a plain face, followed by several water spells for deep cleansing. This superb technique stood aside Mona was envious of her, and she was even a little moved by the way of the witch.

After cleaning Chen Fan's face, Mr. Tony nodded with satisfaction: "Perfect, this is definitely the most flawless face in the world. I can't even bear to apply those cheap cosmetics to this masterpiece of the gods. "

Chen Fan opened his eyes and smiled: "Tony teacher, I don't know if the gods will care, but I know Mr. Manager will definitely care."

"Okay, close your eyes." Teacher Tony clapped his hands gently, and cast a layer of magic on Chen Fan's face to isolate water and moisturize the skin. Because he was not flawed, he skipped the step of concealing and applied the foundation directly. Then there is powder and putty, eyebrows, eyes and lipstick.

Mona, who was standing on the side, looked more and more fascinated, she was so immersed in it that she ignored a fatal detail...

Chen Fan closed his eyes and waited to fall asleep, and Mr. Tony stopped casting the spell contentedly.

"Okay, open your eyes, how about it?"

Chen Fan opened his eyes and looked at himself in the mirror, and nodded in admiration: "It's perfect, it's as beautiful as an angel."

Teacher Tony covered his mouth happily.

But Chen Fan turned around and said, "But Mr. Tony, you seem to have forgotten that Vanessa, who I played, was just a discriminated village girl when I first appeared..."

Teacher Tony smiled stiffly, and said stiffly: "I will never destroy my masterpiece!"

Chen Fan said helplessly: "But I think Mr. Harrington will definitely not pay you."

Teacher Tony's face suddenly collapsed, and he stomped angrily and hummed, "I'm looking for him to reason!"

"Oh, Mr. Tony!" Chen Fan was dumbfounded, as he said to his heart?

But soon Mr. Tony came back dejected, followed by a blank expression of Harrington.

Harrington quickly walked to Chen Fan and took a look with a wonderful expression.

"Manager, I..."

"It's not your fault, Miss Fanya, it's because I didn't communicate clearly with Tony." Harrington immediately said politely: "I'll let him change the makeup."

"This is a perfect masterpiece!" Teacher Tony looked reluctant.

Harrington said with a black thread: "How perfect makeup does that country girl put on? Are you taunting me for not knowing? Change it to me right away. If UU reading delays Miss Fanya Go on stage, you won’t use it in the future."

Although Teacher Tony is a witch, she didn't dare to offend Harrington, so Nono agreed.

Harrington glanced at Chen Fan again, and groaned: "This makeup is suitable for playing the Valkyrie..."

The speaker had no intention of the listener's heart, Mona immediately came forward and asked: "Harrington, is the theater ready to rehearse the Valkyrie?"

Harrington shook his head and said, "It's not that the theater is going to rehearse, but a good friend of mine is preparing to make a film about the Valkyrie. Let me pay attention to suitable candidates."

"Then Fanya..."

"She is not suitable!"

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