Big Panda Boss

Chapter 855: Heirs

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To the north of the city, there is a beautiful mountain forest lake called Jinghu District, which is the most famous wealthy area in the imperial city.

The rich little nobles lived in the villa area on the west bank of the lake, while the powerful nobles built many holiday estates on the mountains on the east bank of the lake.

Naturally, the level of security here is also the highest except for the imperial city. Not only are law enforcement teams patrolling day and night, but there are also law enforcement guards at every intersection, and people are not allowed to enter.

The Baron of Wellington whom Chen Fan had inquired about had a villa here.

At the entrance of the villa, the guard standing in the guard box stopped Chen Fan.

Chen Fan blinked and asked politely, "Where does Baron Wellington live?"

The guard replied with hollow eyes and a dull face: "Baron Wellington lives in Villa 576 Third Avenue."

"Thank you." Chen Fan thanked him and walked in swaggeringly.

The guard didn't recover until he was far away, but he didn't remember what happened just now.

Chen Fan came outside Villa No. 567 and looked inside through a small garden, and saw that the whole villa was completely dark, and there was no vitality reaction in the sense of consciousness.

At this time, a luxurious magic speed car roared in and stopped in front of the gate of a villa next door.

As soon as the door opened, a man and a woman got out of the car.

Chen Fan stepped forward and asked, "Does Baron Wellington live here? Why is there no one here?"

The man's eyes were straight and he said with a dull look: "Baron Wellington? I should have gone to the banquet of Noel Merton."

Chen Fan asked again: "Where does this Count Noel Merton live?"

The man pointed to the other side of the lake and said, "On the other side of the lake, Merton Manor No.13."

"Thank you." Chen Fan drifted away.

It took a while for the man and woman to recover.

"His, weird, so cold, has it gotten colder?"

"Beauty is cold? Let this young master warm you up, hehe."

"Hate, don't be outside, go in first."

Chen Fan crossed the Jinghu Lake and climbed the mountainside to find the brilliantly-lit No. 13 Manor. Standing outside the railing, he could hear the noise coming from inside.

There were at least a hundred people, and it was a bit difficult to find the Baron Wellington from them.

Chen Fan thought for a while and wanted to sneak into the back kitchen first, knocked out a waiter who was in charge of serving dishes, and then became the waiter's appearance, carrying the dishes into the lively living room.

I saw in the magnificent living room, the guests dressed up in groups, chatting interesting things, or whispering privately, it was a gathering scene of upper class nobles.

Chen Fan came to the long table with the food, pricked up his ears to collect all the conversations in his ears, and quickly found the master from the communication of a group of people.

Chen Fan put aside the dinner plate, turned around and looked over calmly, only to see a fat-eared guy talking and laughing with others.

Chen Fan squinted his eyes. The Baron of Wellington immediately gave a sharp smile and said with a dry smile: "Sorry, I'm going to the bathroom."

Chen Fan followed quietly, went to the bathroom door to confirm that only this person was inside, then pushed the door and locked the door by the way.

Wellington, who was at his convenience, saw someone coming in, turned his head and glanced, and said: "I don't need service, you can go out."

"My Lord Baron, I have been looking for you for a long time." Chen Fanmei changed back to Fanya with a smile.

Wellington's eyes straightened immediately, and he didn't even notice when he peeed on his pants: "You! You! You!"

Chen Fan took advantage of the shock of the other party and lost it with a spiritual hint, and then asked: "Who instructed you to deliberately sabotage the performance of the Royal Theatre?"

"Yes..." Baron Wellington stared blankly, his mouth suddenly bleeds from his mouth, and he falls straight to the ground with breathlessness...

Chen Fan was stunned, and said to his heart that I didn't use my soul to frighten him. Why did he scare him to death?

Chen Fan hurriedly stepped forward to check, only to find that this guy had already been restrained in his mind. As long as someone used mental spells to ask who was behind the scenes, the restraint would be triggered and this guy would be dispelled.

"It's interesting." Chen Fan twitched his mouth and wiped off the corpse. Then, he left the banquet and went straight to the Chancellor's residence. As soon as he arrived, he saw that the outside had been put under martial law by a large group of heavily armed law enforcement teams. .

After asking passers-by, Chen Fan learned that the third son of the Chancellor of Finance had crashed all the way because of drunk driving. Not only did he kill himself, but he also caused a dozen passers-by.

This is all on the evening news, and it is estimated that the chancellor will be the end of it.

Chen Fan stopped in the crowd of onlookers for a moment, then turned and left quietly, returning to the spacecraft.

"Goddess, call me?" Marduk quietly appeared in the room.

Chen Fan said: "Go and investigate, besides the prince of Terra Empire, who else is interested in the throne?"

Marduk immediately beamed his eyes and said excitedly: "Goddess, are you ready to attack the Tyra royal family? I tell you that this Tyra Empire has been inherited for tens of thousands of years. I don't know how much wealth has been accumulated. If we can succeed, then we But I can't spend a few lifetimes..."

Chen Fan glanced slantingly, and Marduk closed his mouth interestingly and went to work obediently.

Soon Marduk investigated what Chen Fan wanted to know, because this kind of thing can be heard at any bar.

Because the emperor who is now half a hundred years old is in his prime, and before he can consider his successor, setting up a crown prince is just to block the mouths of conservative ministers.

But there are only two princesses under the prince, one is eleven and the other is eight, which poses no threat to the prince.

But the emperor has six brothers, and these six princes already have hundreds of children.

Excluding the reason of age, including those who have been deprived of the right to inheritance due to various incidents, they can be ranked 30% out of the order of inheritance.

That is to say, if the prince loses the eligibility for inheritance for some reason, and the two princesses who have not reached the legal inheritance age are left behind, the throne will be fiercely contested among more than 30 cousins~www.wuxiaspot. com~Goddess, this is the list of the thirty-seven people who are eligible to inherit the throne. "Marduk handed over a long list, which not only indicated in detail the family relationship of each heir, but even had detailed information on his height, appearance, and hobbies.

"How to go in detail?" Chen Fan looked surprised, and just glanced around to realize that these heirs to the throne cannot just wait for the throne to fall to their own heads, so they will have their own careers as adults.

The kind of dude who eats every day and waits to die will only be kicked out of the heir list by the Royal Senate for the first time, and those who can be famous on the list are the elites who have a skill or a certain aspect.

Inheriting people's career can also be seen as a transcript of personal abilities.

The reason for this arrangement is to prevent the imperial family from losing the empire due to some unpredictable accidents, which will cause even greater chaos.

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