Big Panda Boss

Chapter 856: The Great Forbidden Curse·The Art of Harmony Holy Light

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Chen Fan looked through the list carefully, then boarded the Monet to search for the comments and deeds of each heir, and finally selected the three most promising for succession to the throne.

They are the son of Prince Cappet of Golden Oak Fortress, Eusto Terra. This person is forty-six years old. He is a senior mage of the transformation department and a second-level alchemist. He is proficient in farming and brewing. He is highly regarded by the drunkard **** Arturo, and was accepted as a named disciple by exception. There are three agriculture and animal husbandry planets under his name, and comprehensive performance evaluation: excellent.

Evelyn Terra, son of Prince Orvis of Silver Pine Castle. This person is thirty-seven years old, a master of the plastic energy department, a first-level enchanter, a first-level alchemist, and an expert-level archaeologist. Proficient in music, painting and poetry. There are three entertainment companies and an archaeological association under his name. Comprehensive performance evaluation: good.

Mario Terra, son of Prince Cotton of Wuyue Fort. This person is thirty-five years old. He is a magister of the Department of Protection. He is interested in painting and music. He does not have any industry under his name, but he has the title of ‘Mermaids’ certified by the Royal Academy.

The reason why Chen Fan thinks these three people are the most promising is that the three people's looks are the highest among many candidates. This is one of the most important indicators. After all, it is to choose the emperor, the supreme country, and even if you are talented, you will not be recognized by the people.

Secondly, the ‘talents’ of the three of them are relatively outstanding. Although they are not outstanding among the candidates, they are better than ‘stable’, and there has never been any negative news personally. I believe that the old guys in the Senate will definitely not choose a frizzy young man to sit in that position.

In the end, these three people are very low-key. Not only have they never had any scandals, nor have any professional abilities such as proficient in military and government affairs appear on their personal resumes.

After all, he is a member of the royal family. If anyone really shows off his proficiency in military affairs and government affairs every day, he will surely share the worries of the emperor. Even if the prince dares to be high-profile, he will be the first to kill him.

After confirming the three most suspected persons, Chen Fan went on the Monet to find the current situation of the three, and found that only Mario Terra is currently in the royal capital because they are a guest professor and library manager of the Royal Academy. member!

"I love painting and singing, and I'm a librarian. You put it here to stack the BUFF!" Chen Fan was amazed and became very interested in this little prince.

Chen Fan closed her eyes and activated the spiritual imprint on Selena, and found that she had just returned to her dormitory and was putting hot water to take a bath...

Chen Fan cut off his prying eyes and decided to go there in person.

The next morning, 10 o'clock.

Chen Fan left a chaotic clone posing as Fanya in the room, and her body changed into a beautiful blonde girl who had run away from home and went to the Royal Academy.

When approaching the college, a special fragrance made Chen Fan stop.

Looking forward to it, it turned out to be a thriving dessert house.

Chen Fan licked the corner of his mouth and immediately turned around and walked over to look around behind the long line. He saw that this small shop mainly sells various pastries and milk tea, and the main source of customers is naturally nearby students.

The team soon turned to Chen Fan. He stepped forward and ordered a dozen cakes of different flavors and three cups of milk tea.

The clerk thought she was helping her classmates bring food, so he quickly packed the bag for him.

"Thank you." After paying the money, Chen Fan found a flower bed nearby and sat down and ate.

Although these cakes added a lot of fruits that he didn't recognize, they tasted unexpectedly delicious, and the milk tea was also very fragrant, and even had a slight magical power.

Chen Fan has no scruples about eating here, and the corners of his mouth are covered with cream, but it attracts many passers-by.

After all, a charming and charming girl sitting on the street and eating cakes regardless of her image is really eye-catching.

While eating, Chen Fan suddenly noticed that a few girls were taking pictures of himself, he couldn't help grinning at each other, and amused the girls.

Chen Fan licked the corner of his mouth and found that his face was covered with cream. He quickly took out a napkin and wiped it clean, then threw the empty packaging box into a nearby trash can and walked towards the entrance of the college.

Classes are still going on in the college at the moment, there are no students coming in or out at the door, only one doorman is basking in the sun.

Chen Fan stepped forward with the staff in his arms. The guardian looked up at him and said lazily: "This school is only open for tours and excursions on holidays."

Chen Fan said politely: "Master, I'm not here to visit, I'm here to apply for admission to the school."

"Ha!" The guardian gave a strange laugh, and said, "Little girl, how old are you this year? Does the Royal Academy only recruit junior mages?"

"Is there any relationship between age and level?" Chen Fan said with a serious face: "I know magic. If you don't believe me, you can compare with me."

The uncle doorman sat up upright in a dumbfounded manner and waved his hand: "Don't make trouble, go home and look for your adult, this is not your little girl's place to play."

Chen Fanchu held a staff that was a bit taller than him, and said with a face full of dissatisfaction: "Are you the old man daring to compare with me?"

"Hey, you little girl movie!" The doorman was overjoyed, stood up on his waist, and said with a grimace: "Don't think you are a little doll and dare not take care of you. Don't cry later."

"Don't cry, it's you!" Chen Fan swiped his staff aggressively, but in the eyes of the other party, it was violent.

The doorman was amused, and he was idle anyway, just to play with this little girl who didn't know the height of the sky.

"Okay, come on, the old man asks you to do it first, and you can use whatever spells you can use." The guardian uncle carried his hands on his back and acted as an expert.

"That's what you said, so I'm not welcome." Chen Fan raised his staff and sang a spell loudly.

The doorman knew that this was a small fireball spell. This kind of entry-level small spell couldn't hurt him even if he stood still, so he simply held up his chest and smiled while waiting for the other party to cast the spell. Call...

Suddenly heard a strange cry from Chen Fan: "Wow, look at the move, the Great Forbidden Curse, the Harmonious Light Art!"

The doorman was suddenly full of black question marks, and asked what spell this was? ? ?

In the next second, a strong light instantly illuminates the entire school gate, making a radius of one hundred meters white...





Department of Feng Sanitaya looked curiously at this blond girl who seemed to know she had done something wrong but bowed her head silently, and then looked at the eye-catching red mark on the head of the doorman with a swollen nose. I almost couldn't hold back a laugh.

"Go ahead, what's going on?" Sanitaya asked sternly.

Chen Fan pouted: "I was wrong, pretty young lady."

Sanitaya instantly smiled like a flower: "It's good to know that you are wrong. Sister will take you to eat sweets, OK?"

Uncle Doorman: "???"

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