Big Panda Boss

Chapter 857: Cengfan

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"Eh, eh, what did you forgive her for? You got the stick of the old man for nothing?" The guardian was impatient.

Sanitaya glared at her, and yelled: "How old are you, so you are embarrassed to be angry with a little girl? Isn't it afraid of making people laugh when you spread it?"

"It's obviously this little girl who doesn't talk about martial ethics first..." The door guard muttered aggrievedly: "Besides, considering your age, you are obviously two years older than me..."

"Huh?!" Sanitaya's murderous aura rose in an instant, and the guardian's uncle was so scared that she immediately ran away, and disappeared in the smoke.

Chen Fan obediently said: "Sister, don't be angry, it's because I'm not good. I didn't expect the old man how he didn't fight."

Sanitaya was immediately happy. She stepped forward and touched the girl’s head, and asked kindly: "That old miscellaneous hair has lived for more than a hundred years and has been living on the belly of a dog. He deserves it after eating this depressed loss today What's your name, little sister? Where did you come from?"

Chen Fan said with a timid look: "My name is Altria Pendragon, from Dawn Star."

Sanitaya looked slightly surprised, and asked: "It was the Holy Light technique that you blinded the old man just now?"

Chen Fan scratched his head and smiled, "It's not a holy light technique, it's just an ordinary flash technique. People can only use this spell."

Sanitaya said with an ashamed look: "I can blind an archmage, you say I believe in magic. How about your family?"

Chen Fan answered honestly: "At home."

Sanitaya was dumbfounded: "Could you not sneak out by yourself?"

Chen Fan was suddenly shocked: "Ah, how do you know?! No, no, no, they didn't sneak out, I have already left a letter."

Sanitaya looked speechless, wondering how the empire’s security had been improved? Actually, a little girl could pass through most of the country without incident without being abducted by bad guys.

"Did you come out alone?"

"No, there is also Fu Bo with me, but they just got separated halfway." Chen Fan twisted his face and said: "Beautiful lady, can you not send me back? I managed to sneak out."

"Um~~~" Sanitaya took a deep breath, and suddenly felt as if she was hundreds of years younger.

Duoduo, just then the door was knocked open.

"Senior." Selena appeared at the door: "I see you didn't close the door, hey, who is this little girl? Is it senior and your younger?"

Sanitaya smiled and said: "I want a cute junior, but unfortunately not. This girl sneaked out of the house and said that she was coming to our Royal Academy to learn advanced magic, but she just stopped Saba at the school gate. Give me a beating."

"The Great Master Saba???" Selena's eyes widened, and her face was astonished. "Is this little girl a magic genius that's rare in 10,000 years?"

"Oh, they are not magical geniuses." Chen Fan said with a shy face, and suddenly his stomach screamed.

Sanita Ya Korole said to Selena: "After a while, I will tell you in detail, have you eaten? Go together?"

"Well, good." Selena nodded, and looked at the weird blond girl curiously.

The three of them went out of the school gate. They didn't see the uncle guard, it was probably shameless to see people.

When I came to the restaurant that Sanitaya frequented, I ordered a table full of dishes.

Chen Fan said politely: "I'm going to start." He began to devour him, but recently he was suffocated by Mona, and even his drool was strictly limited by Mona. pause.

"Look at giving this child hungry, it must be very hard along the way. Eat slowly, not enough for my sister to give you more." Sanitaya's motherly love overflowed.

"Crab and crab Jiejie." Chen Fan's mouth was filled with food, and he vaguely thanked him, and continued to gorge himself.

"Really a sensible girl." Sanitaya smiled.

Selena had a black line on her face, because this girl was so edible, it was really hard to understand how this small body could stuff so much food.

"By the way, Selena, what can you do for me?" Sanitaya asked Chen Fan while she was holding vegetables.

Selena said: "Since the last incident, Diana and Renia have been very scared and have been resting at home. I would like to take a long time to visit."

Sanitaya laughed and said: "These noble girls who have never seen the world really want them to go to the battlefield, I am afraid they are not even qualified to be cannon fodder."

Selena smiled and said: "No one is born without fear of death. I was like them. They are still young now, and they will understand the burden on their shoulders when they grow up in the future."

Sanitaya shook her head, disagreeing with Selena's statement. Because those two girls were born with a golden key from a young age, they could have nothing to worry about all their lives, and they didn't understand what kind of life the civilians at the bottom of the empire lived in order to survive.

"Okay, I'm allowed, you go." Sanitaya did not refuse Selena, but kindly reminded: "The Akar pharmacy on Dosari Street sells good tranquilizers. You can give them both Bring a bottle."

Selena said, "Thank you senior, but I don't think they can use cheap medicine outside."

Sanitaya nodded approvingly when thinking of the family background behind those two girls.

"That's right." Selena asked suddenly: "The attack almost implicated those two girls. Didn't the old duke blame the headquarters?"

"Why not?" Sanitaya laughed and said, "But what can be done, because this matter is the decision made by the saint master, can that person dare to go and ask the saint master?"

"Then I'm relieved." Selena chuckled, and then said with fear: "I just didn't expect that the big demon of Thanos would be attracted in the end. Fortunately, the saint master personally took the action, or it would be unimaginable."

Sanitaya said bitterly: "It is true, but it is also fortunate that this time it is Thanos. If other old monsters ~ may be upheld, we will be held accountable. "

Selena chuckled softly: "I originally thought that it was a leisurely life that you mixed with seniors. I didn't expect to encounter a big surprise at the beginning. Now that I think about it, I still feel that it is safer to return to the front line."

Sanitaya snorted and said, "Don't even think about getting off the boat once you get on my boat."

"I'm full." Chen Fan wiped the corners of his mouth and said politely: "Thank you sister for the hospitality."

"Really good." Sanitaya asked with a smile, with eyes full of kindness, "Little Liya what's next? Do you still want to enroll?"

Chen Fan looked forward to saying: "Although my family thinks that I am more suitable to be a priest of the Holy Light, becoming a powerful magician has been my childhood dream."

Sanitaya smiled and said: "I really didn't see that Xiao Liya still has the potential to become a priest of the Holy Light."

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