Big Panda Boss

Chapter 882: The perfect curtain call (part 1)

"Panda Brother (

"Ah!!! Fanya! Fanya! Fanya!"

"Fanya! Fanya! Fanya!"

"Fanya! Fanya! Fanya!"


The shouting of thousands of people seems to have become a repertoire before the start of each performance, and even some fanatic fans fainted directly after being too excited.

clang! clang! clang!

Suddenly three huge gongs sounded, and all the cheers were overwhelmed.

Immediately after the rhythmic drums rang, the radiance on the stage almost blinded the eyes of all the audience.

Immediately singing began!

"They said to him: Do you dare to show up here,

Don't want to see you again, disappear as soon as possible.

The anger burns in their eyes, and the words are so clear

So avoid it, avoid it! "

It's a brand new genre again, and fans can't help but sway to follow the strong rhythm of the melody.

After the audience got used to some of the lights on the stage, they all exclaimed in surprise after seeing Fanya's dress.

Black hat, black clothes, black trousers and black leather shoes, matched with a white shirt and white socks.

The simplest costume wears the coolest and handsome style!

"If they chase, do your best to avoid them.

Don't be naive, be a man who can bend and stretch!

If you want to survive, do your best.

Go avoid it, avoid it! "

The singing wafted through the audience, and the fans were totally addicted to it.

In particular, Fanya on the stage was singing and dancing in the brilliant lights, so that the fans under the stage couldn't control their bodies and jumped up. But because there were too many people crowded together, they could only shook their heads crazy and let out bursts of excitement.

At the end of the song, the first reaction was that the law enforcement team members guarding the front row of the stage immediately cast a spell to rescue the fans who fell into a coma because of excessive excitement from the boiling crowd and send them directly to the hospital...

Looking at their proficient movements, it is obviously not the first time they have done this, but they did not expect how many people fainted with one opening song.

The radiant stage gradually fell into darkness as the melody disappeared.

Fans who are familiar with Fanya style know that this rock goddess never talks nonsense and sings three songs in a row every time she steps on stage.

as expected.

Suddenly, a brand new melody with a strong sense of rhythm sounded again, and suddenly heard a strange cry from the station.


The lights were bright, and a row of black-clothed people surrounded Fanya, who had changed into a white suit, like a cloud of stars.

"Uninvited guests came through the window,

The voice gradually became stronger, gradually abrupt.

Sneaked into her apartment,

Leave blood stains on the carpet.

She hid under the table,

Powerless, helpless. "

It's another super cool singing and dancing song, especially when Fanya on the stage leads a group of black dancers to make various cool dancing movements without any external force, even if it is maintaining The law enforcement team members of order couldn't help but shake their bodies to follow the melody.

It was another song ending, and the busy law enforcement team rescued dozens of fans who had fallen into a coma from the boiling crowd...

On the stage, there was almost no pause, and a brand new genre sounded.

It is also a very rhythmic melody.

Fan Ya turned around, her clothes turned back to black again, and then she held her hat with one hand and pressed her lower abdomen to jump up to the melody.

The solo dance lasted tens of seconds without sing a word, but it made countless fans watch me intoxicated.

Suddenly, she must have finally spoken when she turned, but instead of her high-pitched and loud voice, she used magnetic bass instead.

"She is like a beautiful woman who came out of the movie,

I said I don’t care, but the partner you choose on the dance floor is me?

She said I was the one,

The lucky one who will dance with her on the dance floor.

She told me her name was Billie Jean.

This caused a commotion on the scene. "

The meaning of this lyrics seems to be telling a love story of a shy boy who was invited to dance by the admired goddess at a dance party. It is no wonder that fans suddenly sang this song in a manner similar to a male voice.

Countless fans on Monet watched the live broadcast while frantically whip the corpses.

"Who said that my goddess can only sing clichés? Get out quickly and keep your dog eyes clear."

"Sure enough to be my goddess, is there anything she can't do?"

"Oh, Lady Magic is here, please forgive my unsteady will, I decided to give up pursuing the truth and become a rock musician!"

The excitement on Monet is no less than the live performance, and even more enthusiastic.

The charm of the superstar from another world, even if Chen Fan cannot restore it 100% perfectly, is enough to make the mortals of this world worship him crazily.

And when the melody fell, Chen Fan immediately felt a trace of fanatical power of faith converging on him in the face of the cheers.

I almost forgot that this is a world that can gather aspirations to become a god.

When hundreds of millions of people worship a person madly, that person can really be promoted to the altar.

Chen Fan closed his eyes and looked inside, and sensed that the power of countless beliefs above the Sea of ​​Knowledge had gathered here to form a gleaming crystal.

"Is this regarded as playing the trumpet and directly enchanting the gods without paying attention?" Chen Fan let out a dumb laugh, but did not take it seriously. Because these mortals worship and believe in ‘Fanya’, not Chen Fan.

That is to say, Chen Fan's talents and talents can open a few more'trumpets' at the same time online, otherwise, how to play with other gods. If the strength is not enough, it may cause the division of the gods and directly degenerate into a mad god.

Of course, if the spirit is strong enough, the split godhead can be refined into a divine power clone with independent thinking ~ The advantage is equal to having double happiness, but the disadvantage is that you must always beware of the clone against the guest.

However, Chen Fan had no worries in this regard, because he was the most good at manipulating people's hearts.

At the end of the warm-up, Chen Fan clicked on the magic loudspeaker that he wore around his neck, and the boiling fans immediately calmed down and listened.

Chen Fan smiled and said, "Ms. Diwa will bring you a "Dance of the Goddess" below. I will change my clothes and come back." After that, I took off my hat and threw it into the crowd, causing confusion immediately.

The lights on the stage dimmed again, so that the tumultuous crowd also calmed down.

Then I listened to an ethereal melody gradually rising, and a beam of light fell and shone on Diva's body, reflecting the brilliant light like diamonds.

Then I saw her singing a beautiful melody in an emotional voice.

The restless minds of the fans gradually calmed down in this beautiful song, unconsciously immersed in it, as if their souls were flying out of the sky to see a bright starry sky...

Just when everyone thought this was a classical song with an elegant and beautiful tune, suddenly the slow melody began to accelerate.

And Mrs. Diwa began to sway her body with the accelerating melody.

The fans who had already figured out the Fanya routine immediately became restless again.

Sure enough, as the violent drumbeat sounded, Diva took a deep breath and opened her mouth, only one loud syllable resounded through the sky.

"Ah~~~~ Oh~~ Ah! Ah! Ah!"

No one thought that there was only one lyrics in the second half of this song, but it made everyone seem to hear the goddess singing.

After a few seconds of silence, the audience immediately burst into cheers like a tsunami.

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