Big Panda Boss

Chapter 883: The perfect curtain call (part 2)

"Panda Brother (

"Aren't you nervous? Do you feel pressured?" Chen Fan and Mona stood side by side behind the scenes and asked with a smile.

Mona gave her a blank look.

"Let's get on the stage then." Chen Fan picked up the Hell Two-headed Dog and strode onto the stage, Mona took a deep breath and followed out.

Immediately, the audience blasted into the sky.

When everyone stood up, Chen Fan didn't have any nonsense, just wanted Mona to give a look.

Immediately, the manic melody full of metallic breath resounded through the sky under the expectation of all people.

"In the end the hill is not watched,

They are tired of painting,

The face of the dead,

With their blood,

We used to like it and lost so much.

In the blink of an eye, I saw everything in destruction. "

Singing started, but the fans realized that it was Mona, the red-haired queen who was playing the piano, and Fanya was accompany her.

Fans who have seen Mona's strength were once again conquered by her singing, swaying to follow the melody, standing on the stage and looking at it like waves, it is spectacular!

Especially when Fanya started to follow the accompaniment with a deep voice full of power, the atmosphere of the scene was completely pushed to the climax.

At this point, the status of the three female lead singers of Hell Nightmare has been completely established in the hearts of the fans. In the future, no matter which of them is independent on stage, they will be able to calm the scene.

As a song that shocked the soul was sung on the stage, the lively atmosphere on the scene hardly cooled down.

Chen Fan sang nine songs in one breath. If Marco and the others drank all the physical potions, he would even plan to sing till dawn.

But after all, it's time for the curtain call.

Chen Fan breathed out a sulky breath, took out a bottle of spirits and drank tons of it in one gulp.

The fans who had been excited all night gradually calmed down as if they had a premonition.

But Chen Fan could see countless powers of faith emanating from these fans and converging into a torrent of aspirations floating towards him.

Chen Fan looked around the audience calmly, and then smiled: "I won't say any hypocritical words. For the last song, if you want to listen to that song, please shout out."

The audience was silent for a second, and immediately heard tens of thousands of people shout in unison.

"I would like to pay my youth tears!"

"Okay." Chen Fan nodded heavily, picked up the Hell's two-headed dog and played the strings vigorously, an instant burst of melody resounded through the sky.

This time I will put my emotions into singing with my soul, in order to thank you for your support and admiration for Fanya.

"Let's come together" Chen Fan shouted, driving tens of thousands of fans in the audience to sing in unison.

"I would like to pay my youth tears!!!"

The soul-shocking song rushed straight into the sky, staying for a long time.


"No wonder Tyrael would look at him so admiringly." Massail stood still and stared at the night sky for a long time before disappearing into the deep night sky.

A sigh full of resentment came from the highest level of the White Tower.

Early the next morning.

Mona and Diva bid farewell to Chen Fan on deck.

There is no crying hypocritical drama, only the simplest instructions.

"Remember to come back and have a look." Mona bid farewell softly, stepping forward to hug him tightly.

Chen Fan smiled and said, "Keep the makeup box for me, don't steal it for me. By the way, this is a parting gift. I will open it after I leave."

Chen Fan stuffed a beautifully packaged small box into Mona's hand.

Mona scolded with a smile: "I'm still playing mystery with me."

Diwa stepped forward and leaned slightly to touch Chen Fan with her forehead. This was their way of saying goodbye to the Morites in Latin America.

"Thank you Fanya, for allowing me to find a real path to music."

Chen Fan smiled and said, "I also thank your tutor for teaching me how to sing."

Diwa smiled slightly and took a few steps back.

Chen Fan glanced at the four of Ma Ke again, and saw that the four older boys were already crying.

"It's not life and death, don't cry like a maiden." Chen Fan laughed and cursed, causing the four boys to choke for a while.

"Remember, behave well, don't break up my band."

While wiping his tears, Marco swears: "Please rest assured, goddess, we will definitely make the Hell Nightmare band the top band in the universe."

"That's good, let's go, goodbye." Chen Fan waved his hand, and Marduk immediately ran to him and stood beside him with a big bag.

In the next second, a blue portal appeared out of thin air and swallowed the two figures in.

Mona stood there for a long time, and gently opened the gift box, only to see a heart-shaped purple diamond necklace inside.


"I would like to pay my youth tears!"

Chen Fan dug out his ears to confirm that he did not have auditory hallucinations. After listening carefully, she discovered that many shops in the streets and alleys were playing her songs.

Even black leather jackets and trousers with spikes have become fashionable outfits for many young people.

Chen Fan shook his head dumbly.

"My lord, the hotel is here." Marduk whispered back to remind.

"Yeah." Chen Fan nodded.

Marduk immediately stopped the car and got out to open the door for him.

Chen Fan bowed his head and got out of the car, stood up straight and made many passersby look at him for a while.

At this moment, he has become a strong man in his early two meters, wearing a close-fitting black dress, wearing sunglasses, a sword-shaped earring hanging from his right ear, and a powerful aura that no stranger should enter.

The two doormen standing at the entrance of the hotel immediately opened the door for Chen Fan led Marduk in and went straight to the front desk.

"Hello, sir, you are welcome to visit the Crystal Hotel, do you have anything to service?" The lobby manager looked up with a smile.

"Give me a room." Chen Fan took out a special gold coin and placed it on the counter.

The lobby manager smiled as usual: "Sir, how do you call it?"

Chen Fan reported his name indifferently: "Long Aotian."

"Okay, Mr. Long Aotian." The lobby manager took out a crystal room card with a smile on his face and presented it: "This is your room card, please keep it. Do you need any more services?"

Chen Fan said lightly: "Let your manager come to see me, I will wait for him in the room."

The lobby manager said: "Sorry Mr. Long Aotian, our manager has never seen customers..."

"Tell him, Crimson Blade." Chen Fan took Marduk straight into the elevator.

The lobby manager hesitated for a moment, but still picked up the phone and called the general manager to report the matter.

"I see." Winston hung up the phone, got up to tidy up his outfit, took the private elevator to the floor where Chen Fan was staying, and then walked to the door of the room about to knock, but the door opened by himself.

Marduk who opened the door said coldly: "My lord is already waiting for you, come in."

Winston nodded and walked in. He saw Chen Fan sitting on the sofa tasting wine. With a wicked look, he concluded that this guy in front of him was very dangerous.

"Hello, Mr. Long, you are welcome to stay in the store." Winston smiled politely.

Chen Fan shook the wine glass lightly, stared at him without a trace of temperature, and said directly: "You should know what I came from, and I hope you can give me a satisfactory answer."

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