Big Panda Boss

Chapter 913: Old acquaintance

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Although the current Terra Empire is full of talents, there are only two or three veterans who can take on the big tasks.

The key is that these veterans were all excluded by the emperor either because of their advanced age or because they were the master and faction.

The one who was most suitable was still in retreat, making the emperor greatly distressed.

But what made Emperor Tyra even more unexpected is still to come. When the news that the empire was preparing to conquer the British Empire was leaked, it caused a huge anti-war wave in the entire empire.

After all, the Terra Empire had just defeated the invasion of the demons, and its national strength was severely depleted, and it was the time when it was most in need of recuperation.

However, the ruler has provoked a war at this time, which will undoubtedly arouse strong war weariness among the people.

When Emperor Tyra learned about it, he was naturally furious. He immediately tracked down who had leaked the news. At the same time, he personally made a televised speech proclaiming that this time he was fighting for light and justice to calm people's emotions, but with little effect.

There is an oracle on one side, and the people's heart on the other. The Emperor Tyra caught in the middle is really suffering, and can only bite the bullet and force the deployment plan.

After all, the people are unpredictable, as long as the empire is undefeated, he can continue to use victory to stabilize the throne.

As for stopping, it is no longer within his consideration.

After all, if the Terra Empire loses the asylum of the Supreme Heaven, let alone the throne, the safety of the entire empire may be in danger.

The British Empire that received the news in advance also responded immediately. Emperor Carl immediately appointed the Black Horned Ghost King as the general of the three armies to guard the border, and at the same time urgently sent envoys to the Great Demon King Samael for help.

And the reaction of the Great Demon King Samael was as expected by Imparis. After all, he was a newly-acquired younger brother, and Samael could not ignore it, otherwise once the hearts of the people were dispersed, the team would be difficult to lead.

So Samael simply sent him the least worry-free but also the most elite army among his subordinates, Green Skin!


"Greenskin Orc Legion?" Chen Fan was surprised when he heard the news from the Black Horned Ghost King.

"Accurately speaking, it is a group of undisciplined green-skinned orcs and goblins." The black-horned ghost king spit out bitterly. "This group of guys will make trouble everywhere when they come to the front line, not our soldiers. Fighting is a fight in the nest, and it doesn’t stop for a moment. And the weapons they use are simply a pile of **** pieces, and many of them are still holding cold weapons. Do you dare to believe that Samael is such a thing? , Actually sent a group of mobs who are not even qualified for cannon fodder to perfuse us."

"I believe it!" Chen Fan knew the origins of this group of greenskins, and smiled: "You want to go wrong, that group of greenskins is not a mob, but a group of fighting lunatics. But you'd better form them separately and let them For your own sake, don't mix up with our team, because these lunatics often fight their own people when they fight."

The black-horned ghost king has a wonderful face: "My lord, can this kind of stuff really go on the battlefield?"

Chen Fan smiled and said: "When you have seen how they fight, you won't say such things."

The Black Horned Ghost King smiled bitterly: "But the problem now is that these greenskins don't obey my orders at all. I have nothing to do with them."

Chen Fan asked, "What is the name of the leader of this group of green skins?"

The Black Horned Ghost King replied: "A giant orc, called Skullcrusher Slaka, is very powerful."

Chen Fan smiled.


The front line of the border!

In a chaotic military camp, you can see green-skinned orcs and goblins everywhere in fights or drunk.

Chen Fan accompanied a group of generals to the gate of the barracks where there was not even a sentinel.

The Black Horned Ghost King hurriedly said: "My lord, there is the camp of the greenskins inside, but it's not my responsibility."

The generals all knew that Chen Fan was very strict in governing the army, not to mention drinking and fighting during wartime, even the guards on duty had a set of strict regulations, and violations of the regulations would lead to scourges, and to close the black house.

With such an undisciplined behavior of this group of greenskins, the main general may even drop his head directly.

Several generals took a peek at Chen Fan's face, only to find that he was actually smiling!

When it's over, the king must have smiled in anger.

However, the next scene was unexpected by everyone.

Chen Fan took off his cloak and threw it to the Black Horned Ghost King. He took a deep breath and yelled at the barracks: "waaagh!"

This voice really roared like thunder, which shocked everyone.

Suddenly, there was no sound in the messy military camp, and all the green skins turned their heads and looked over with red eyes.

This scene is as terrifying as countless evil spirits look horrified.

The generals immediately opened up their fighting postures, and each released a powerful monster.

Chen Fan waved his hand and said, "Don't make a move, let this king come."

"Yes, King." All the generals immediately retreated.

Chen Fan twisted his shoulders and swaggered in.

"Waaaaaaaagh!!!" Suddenly a louder roar resounded inside a big tent in the followed by a giant green-skinned orc directly tore open the big tent, and rushed towards him. .

"Hahaha, good come!" Chen Fan laughed, slapped his belly and his body followed the wind, and instantly became as tall as this guy.

In the next second, the two monsters violently collided head-on and made a trembling movement.

"Waaagh!!!" All the green skins shouted excitedly, ignoring their own safety.

And the two monsters fought without scruples, they were all horrific melee combat, each blow erupted with thunder-like loud noises, making the generals' hearts throbbing.

After a fierce fight, the entire barracks were torn down directly, and countless green-skinned orcs were trampled to death.

Finally, Chen Fan knocked down Scala with a punch, and stepped on him to beat his chest and let out a roar: "waaagh!!!"

Seeing that the leader was defeated, the greenskins were not only not angry, but they were even more excited. They shouted in unison: "waaagh! King Swallow!"

Chen Fan laughed a few times, and stretched out his hand to pull the bruised Slakar up.

Slaka immediately knelt down and surrendered, and said loudly: "Great King, you are still so powerful, I can't beat you, you are our leader!"

The black-horned ghost king and the generals were completely dumbfounded, and the co-author and the gang of green skins have long known each other!

Chen Fan looked at this guy carefully and found that black and white curling moire patterns loomed under this guy's green skin. This was the chaotic imprint he left behind.

"You are also very advanced." Chen Fan patted him on the shoulder and laughed: "I am very happy to be able to resewn this king with you. We will not be drunk or return today."

"Waaaaaaaagh!!!" Cheers resounded across the sky immediately.

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