Big Panda Boss

Chapter 914: Move the whole body

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"Drink!!" Chen Fan hugged the jar and filled it, except for Scala who was still insisting, all the other green-skinned orcs were drunk and fell on the ground.

"Ha!!!" Chen Fan wiped the corners of his mouth with a clean tank.

Scala also sullen the whole tank of spirits, but turned his eyes to death.

Chen Fan laughed, patted his belly and got up to go back to sleep well.

The Black Horned Ghost King stepped forward and reminded: "My lord, is it okay to leave those dead green skins here?"

"It's okay, hiccups." Chen Fan hiccuped and said, "A new crop will grow early tomorrow morning."

"Grow a new crop???" The black-horned ghost king looked dumbfounded, and said to his heart that these green-skinned orcs belonged to leeks? Can it grow one crop after another?

Early the next morning.

The curious black-horned ghost king sneaked up and took a look, and saw that the messy camp really had many bare-bottomed green-skinned orcs running around.

At the same time, huge sarcomas grow on the piles of corpses, and from time to time a new adult green skin will emerge from the cocoon.

The Black Horned Ghost King slapped his tongue, marveling at the size of the universe.

After returning home, he told Chen Fan what he had seen and heard, but Chen Fan laughed and said, "Where is this? The most terrifying thing about those green skins is their ability to pollute." He stretched out his hand. , Sucked a wisp of dust from the body of the Black Horned Ghost King.

"What is this?" Black Horned Ghost King looked surprised.

Chen Fan rubbed the dust away with his fingertips and said: "It's spore particles, which can take root as long as they fall to the ground, and then reproduce a large number of green skins. It only takes a short time to engulf the resources of an entire planet, and then the entire race will either Extinct in endless civil wars, or encounter foreign enemies in a frenetic war until the last greenskin dies."

The Black Horned Ghost King said in shock: "Those green skins turned out to be plant spirits?"

"How you describe it is correct." Chen Fan said: "But these green skins are genetically modified biological weapons. There is nothing but fighting and destruction."

The Black Horned Ghost King exclaimed: "I didn't expect that Samael would create such terrible creatures. Those big devil kings are really crazy."

"Samael?" Chen Fan said with a disdainful smile: "He doesn't have this ability. There is another **** who created these green skins."

The Black Horned Ghost King asked curiously: "My lord, who created these green skins?"

Chen Fan smiled without saying a word, and the black-horned ghost king immediately didn't ask any more questions. Because Chen Fan had used the same method to deal with the Terra Empire, if the other party hadn't acknowledged it in time, the entire empire might have been swallowed by that terrible ‘plague’.

Since the green skins only listened to Chen Fan, he stayed in the barracks for the next few days to watch these green skins to avoid making troubles, and at the same time secretly monitoring the actions of the various forces.

Within the Terra Empire, as the emperor forcibly promoted the dispatch of troops, the anti-war sentiment in the country has become more and more high, especially in the northern provinces, where there have been many barbarian riots.

Emperor Tyra could only divide a part of the newly assembled army and rush to the northern provinces to suppress it.

At the same time, Tyrael also learned from Aurora, who had come to surrender, the important information that Baal and Mammon were colluding to infiltrate Aynaris again, and quickly reported the matter to Imparis.

When Imparis learned of this, he was suspicious and ordered Tyrael to investigate.

As a result, Tyrael encountered two demons in the Corrupted Woodland of Kejistan, and the two sides broke out in a direct battle, and eventually returned with wounds.

After receiving the news, Imparis no longer doubted, and immediately mobilized a part of the troops from the dawn star to support Tyrael. As a result, the reinforcements preparing to go to help Tyra Empire directly reduced by nearly half.

However, the Terra Empire finally assembled a large army and rushed to the border, but did not expect to be ambushed by the Greenskin Legion.

The three forward fleets were directly maimed. Fortunately, the Angel Legion arrived in time to join the battle and wiped out all the greenskins, but it also caused the morale of the entire empire, which was already low in morale, to collapse.

But it coincided with the leak of the house, which happened to be rainy night.

Tyrael was busy searching for the trail of the Second Demon on Enaris, but was surprised to hear that Mephisto led a fleet of demons to the Dawn Star to kill!

Tyrael immediately gave up on the hunt for the two demons and led his army to urgently return to the indispensable Dawn Star.

Imparis was also furious when he learned of the military situation, and quickly transferred the Angel Legion sent to assist the Terra Empire, leaving only a few mortal Light Legions to assist the Terra Empire Army in its crusade against Yingwo. Empire.

When Emperor Tyra learned the news, he naturally jumped angrily and scolded his mother, but he was afraid to seek the theory of ‘angel father’, so he could only ask some Dharma gods to help him.

But the problem is that once the Dharma God enters the war, it will trigger a terrible battle.

Roland is very worried about this, so he has been hesitant about whether to Not to mention how the outside world is surging, but Chen Fan sits firmly in the army, drinking small wine and sunbathing every day, and has a good life. Cozy.

"Did you mess up?" Tyrael rushed in with a dark face.

Chen Fan was holding a glass of wine and said drunkly, "Old Tai, it's just time to come, come here, sit down and have a drink first."

"I'm not in the mood to drink with you!" Tyrael said coldly: "I asked you if you were a mess?"

"What the hell?" Chen Fan looked puzzled: "Old Tai, your question is endless, how can I answer it?"

Tyrael asked, "I ask you, were you instructed Barr and Mephisto?"

Chen Fan sat up straight and stared at Tyrael and asked, "Old Thai, you have taken the wrong medicine? How can a mortal in my neighborhood instruct the two great demon gods to listen to me? Don't be innocent by just saying nothing!"

Tyrael twitched the corners of his mouth. If he had evidence, he wouldn't come to him for the theory himself.

"Let's talk about it, how can you be willing to stop?"

Chen Fan smiled lightly: "Old Thai, you still don't believe me."

Tyrael snorted coldly: "If you want me to believe that this matter has nothing to do with you, then you can go to Enaris and catch me the two monsters Baal and Mamen!"

"Why!" Chen Fan lifted Erlang's legs and said slowly: "I look at the Tyra Empire and the British Empire and they are about to fight. How can I still not clean up many of them? How can I have such idle time to control others? Thing."

Tyrael said solemnly: "Open the conditions, how do you want to make a move?"

"You can't say what you said earlier, you have to go around with me." Chen Fan laughed and said: "First of all you have to let me free up, otherwise I don't worry about leaving such a big stall to come to punish me. Mother of evil and good, right?"

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