Big Panda Boss

Chapter 915: Samer

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Tyrael condensed his eyebrows and said, "I can't be the master of retreat."

Chen Fan said, "Then there is nothing to talk about."

Tyrael said: "But I can make up for your loss afterwards."

Chen Fan put aside his wine glass and said meaningfully: "You can't make up for it, after all, you are not the master of the highest heaven."

Tyrael said calmly: "The Supreme Heaven is not a political force, nor is it a religious organization. We just follow the guidance of the Holy Light and gather together to fight for a common goal. Imparis and I only have a way of doing things. The difference does not mean that we will part ways."

Chen Fan smiled, and said in his heart that without me, you wouldn't draw swords against your good brother because of differences in ideas.

"Look at what you said, Lao Tai, I'm not instigating discord." Chen Fan took him to sit down and said, "Come on, drink a glass of wine first to calm down, who are we with whom, brother, how much have I helped you? When was you busy this time?"

Tyrael said with a stern face: "I don't have the time to talk nonsense with you now, I ask you whether the last side is willing to help?"

"Help! Definitely help!" Chen Fan slapped his chest and said arrogantly: "Who in the universe doesn't know that Old Chen can stab his brother, even if he goes up to the knife, and down to the fire, he won't blink. It's just you. I also know that I have raised a bunch of brothers under my hand, and they all point to me for eating."

Tyrael said impatiently: "Okay, don't go around in circles, just say what you want, as long as I can give you absolutely no regrets."

"Good brother, loyal enough!" Chen Fan slapped him on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Isn't this too many spaceships are not enough, Laotai, can you support me with a few broken ships?"

Tyrael twitched the corners of his mouth, and said directly: "Say an accurate number!"

Chen Fan raised three fingers: "Thirty thousand!"

"Shi?!" Tyrael's eyes widened and he almost jumped up: "I can just send you a fleet!"

"Eh eh, I'm anxious, I'm anxious, I haven't finished speaking yet." Chen Fan forcibly held him, and calmly said: "My 30,000 warships are not asking you for nothing."

"What?" Tyrael said with a black face: "Are you still willing to pay for it?"

"It hurts feelings to talk about money!" Chen Fan smiled slightly and clicked on the star map and said, "I'll trade the land for you."

"Earth?" Tyrael stared at the star map, wondering: "Isn't this the star map of Angry Hell? Old Chen, your paws are really long enough!"

"Old Thai, you misunderstood." Chen Fan stretched out his paw and slapped the star map, grinning and said: "I mean you will leave the ship and I will leave this place. Let's halve this place!"

Tyrael got up and left.

Chen Fan hurriedly grabbed him: "Eh eh, old Tai, don't leave! I'll cover you with this transaction!"

"Fuck off!" Tyrael shook his paw away.

Chen Fan yelled: "Hey, hey, you are the archangel of justice, pay attention to your image! Image!"

Tyrael opened his mouth and spouted: "Your uncle! I treat you as a brother, do you treat me as a fool?"

"Am I fooling you?" Chen Fan said aggrieved: "Brother, I am going to take you to make a fortune!"

Tyrael was so angry that he couldn't beat him to death with a sword.

"Come and come, first sit down and take a sip of the wine to calm your breath, listen to me slowly telling you." Chen Fan took Tyrell and sat back, while pouring wine for him, while opening his three-inch tongue On the star chart, Fang Qiu drew a big pie.

But Tyrael was not so foolish, even if Chen Fan tried his best, it just made the opponent not treat him as a lunatic.

"Are you really going to attack the angry hell?" Tyrael said suspiciously: "You don't know whose site it is, do you?"

"Well, the angry king Samael." Chen Fan said with contempt: "I'm not even afraid of big pineapples, so I'm afraid of him?"

Tyrael patted him on the shoulder and slowly said, "Do you know how many archangels were there in the highest heaven?"

"Isn't the one who eloped with Mephisto's daughter six?" Chen Fan confirmed that his memory was correct.

Tyrael sighed lightly: "That was after the King of Light left the highest heaven. There were nine archangels in the once highest heaven, and Samael was one of them!"

Chen Fan smiled and said, "How come your angel family has produced a great demon king, **** ho ho, don't get angry, don't get angry, keep going, and then?"

Tyrael sighed lightly: "Samael was formerly known as Samar. He was once the leader of the fifth heaven of the highest heaven. He is the embodiment of good and evil. He will offer selfless kindness to his friends and bring endless endless to his enemies. Anger, this extreme character made him extremely radical, but he never changed. Until one day, the King of Light pardoned a sincerely repentant demons, but Samar's heart was filled with endless anger, and the entire fifth The heavens burned into a purgatory.

The King of Light was furious, and directly knocked down the fifth heaven that became purgatory, and turned it into the current angry and Samar also degenerated into the current angry big. The devil, eternal life and eternal life are burned by endless anger. "

Chen Fan exclaimed: "There is actually such a thing, how does the fighting power of this angry demon compare to you?"

Tyrael said calmly: "He can't beat me when he's not angry, and he can beat a group of us when he's angry, so you really want to attack him and don't irritate him. Even Imparis dare not irritate Sa easily. Maier, otherwise we would have regained the fifth heaven."

"This is tricky." Chen Fan scratched his head, and as expected, none of these big guys who mastered the most primitive desires of creatures were good.

Tyrael asked, "Do you still want to provoke Samael now?"

Chen Fan smiled freely, "Of course!"

Tyrael thought he had heard it wrong: "Aren't you afraid of death?"

"Do you think I will be afraid?" Chen Fan said with a smile, because he had no choice, so he could only choose this way.

Tyrael said seriously: "Are you serious?"

Chen Fan asked, "Do you think I am making you happy by saying so much?"

Tyrael was silent for a long time before he spoke again: "I will help you figure out a solution for 30,000 warships. If you can really defeat Samael, our highest heaven can do nothing else, as long as the planet Azazel !"

Chen Fan's eyes lit up and he asked, "Are there any treasures on that planet?"

Tyrrell said: "It's okay to tell you that that planet is the core of the fifth heaven, and there is a tree of knowledge planted on this planet, and grapes will grow on the tree. Mortals can gain the power of'omniscience' if they eat it. ."

"How amazing?!" Chen Fan salivated, "Then you won't mind if I eat one?"

Tyrrell said with a weird look: "Are you sure you want to eat?"

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