Big Panda Boss

Chapter 919: Lu Goin

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In the end, Zortu Kule failed to pluck up the courage to ask Chen Fan for a panacea, because his life was obviously more important than rejuvenating his glory.

Fortunately, Chen Fan had already seen through the true colors of this product, so he was not much disappointed.

"Okay, don't be shy." Chen Fan said directly: "I am looking for you this time because of an errand that needs you to do. Don't worry, it's not for you to die."

When Zortu Keller heard that he was not asking himself to die, he breathed a sigh of relief and quickly raised his head and said: "Despite the king's order, the villain will do his best to finish it!"

Chen Fan leaned closer and lowered his voice: "I want you to spread a message outside."

Zortu Keller's heart beat, and he lowered his voice and asked, "What news is the king?"

Chen Fan smiled slightly and said, "The world stone is hidden in Yaruite Mountain!"

Zortu Keller suddenly suffocated, his eyes widened and asked: "My lord, are you planning to pit the devil again this time?"

"What are you talking about!" Chen Fan said in a huff: "Am I such a villain?"

Zortu Kule twitched the corners of his mouth, saying that if you are a good person, then I am the Virgin.

"Remember, this news has to be polished first before it can be spread out." Chen Fan exhorted: "It is best to compile some epic stories or myths and legends in it."

"King, please rest assured, I'm good at this." Zoertu Keller patted his chest and packed the ticket.

Chen Fan smiled and said, "If things happen, your benefit will be indispensable."

Zortu Keller flattered: "It's my honor to be able to do things for you."

Zortu Kule’s work efficiency is very fast, and within a few days, the news about the world's stone hiding in Mount Yaruit has been spread throughout the city. Moreover, under the false rumor, this news has evolved into more than a dozen different versions...

Of course, the big demon kings who have suffered several losses will certainly not be easily fooled again, but they can't hold back someone who believes that someone will take the lead.

"It was found that the suspected devil's minion appeared in Lu Goyn?" Klimt held the urgent information that was just presented to him, with a puzzled expression on his face: "Is that rumor true?"

Bishop Ismail took the initiative to ask: "Under the crown, I would like to take people to the Western Continent to find out the truth. Even if the world rock is not in Mount Arrett, we must drive those demons out of our world!"

Klimt pondered for a moment, then nodded his approval and said, "Be careful when you go, and let me know if you are in danger."

"Yes, Mianxia." Ismail immediately led the way, went directly to the barracks and selected ten elite sacred troops to rush to the Western Continent through the teleportation array with him.

As a result, as soon as Ismail walked away, the two battle angels who were in charge of Sakarina hurriedly reported!

"No one is there!?" Klimt said with a stunned look: "Didn't you keep your eyes on her all the time?"

The battle angel said with an embarrassed look: "She said it would be convenient to go to the hut, so we stayed outside. I didn't expect people to disappear in a while."

Klimt was a little bit dumbfounded, but he also knew he wanted to watch a great magister unless he, Qui Heigang, was staring at him.

"Go to her, I shouldn't have run far..." Klimt suddenly changed his face and said: "No, Teleportation Array!"

When Klim noticed, Sakharina had already been mixed in Ismail's team and teleported to the Western Continent.

At the same time, the various forces also learned of the great actions of the Zakarum Church through various channels, and immediately turned their attention to the Western Continent.

Compared with the prosperous Eastern Continent, the Western Continent today is still an undeveloped barren land.

The humans from the Eastern Continent have only established a few strongholds on this continent, not even a decent town.

The largest city on this continent at present is undoubtedly the city of Lu Goyn built in the Alanok Desert. At the same time, this seaside city in the desert is also a landing point for adventurers from the eastern continent.

As a three-masted sailing ship slowly drew ashore, a large number of passengers poured into the city.

Among these people are adventurers with the dream of getting rich overnight, but also the bankrupt poor, farmers and craftsmen, and few well-dressed.

Chen Fan stepped onto the wooden pier, stepped on the crunchy wooden bridge and followed the flow of people into the city that seemed to be built with loess.

All the buildings in the city are made of yellow clay bricks. This is still the residence of the rich. The poor are mostly crowded in colorful tents or huts, giving Chen Fan the feeling of entering a slum.

However, the several streets in the city were extremely bustling, and at first glance they were full of adventurers with swords and knives.

With more adventurers, it is natural that there is a bar street with local folk customs and characteristics.

Chen Fan wandered to the bar street. At first glance, at least five or six groups of people were fighting in the street, but there was not even a steward to maintain order except for the busy passers-by.

And these street brawlers are also very civilized and polite. Those who win the fight throw the losers into the sewage alley, and go back happily to continue drinking ~ without hindering the passage of others.

Chen Fan randomly picked one of the pubs with the largest storefront and shook it in, and immediately felt what was called a smog.

Even though Chen Fan had a nasty appearance, he still felt a few provocative gazes.

Chen Fan ignored those provocative gazes, pushed away the drunkard who was in the way, came to the bar and took out a silver coin to photograph it, and said lightly, "A good glass of wine."

The bartender skilfully took away the silver coins and filled Chen Fan with a large glass of brown-red rum.

Chen Fan picked up the wine glass and drank it to quench his thirst. Suddenly he felt a tall figure walk to the side and knock on the bar, and said solemnly: "Give this friend another glass, I invite it."

Chen Fan turned his head and looked at him. He was a sturdy man who was more than two meters tall.

"Thanks." Chen Fan grinned to show his thanks.

The sturdy man showed a friendly smile and asked, "Is also here to make a fortune?"

"Well, I plan to go to the north." Chen Fan responded.

The sturdy man smiled and said, "I also heard the rumor that there are treasures in the north?"

Chen Fan said: "Yeah, otherwise, who would go all the way to that ghost place. Brother, you?"

"It's the same." The sturdy man ordered a glass of spirits, drank half a glass and wiped his beard, sighed: "It's just that I came a few days earlier than you. There were originally a dozen brothers on the road together, but I met him right out of town. When a sand monster arrived, half of the brothers entered the monster's belly."

Chen Fan grinned and asked: "So you want to pull me into the group?"

The sturdy man stretched out his big hand like a fan, and said, "That's the meaning, but first, I have to weigh how much you have, brother."

Chen Fan smiled and stretched out his hand to squeeze him. The sturdy man changed his color and quickly let go of his hand, shook his head and smiled bitterly: "It seems that I am passionate and bother you."

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