Big Panda Boss

Chapter 920: Disaster

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"Wait a minute." Chen Fan turned to the bartender and said, "Two more glasses."

"Okay, two." The bartender immediately filled the two with two more glasses of wine.

Chen Fan raised his glass in respect and said: "This cup is in return for the one just now."

The sturdy man is not hypocritical, picking it up and exhausting himself.

"Enough man." Chen Fan asked with a smile: "I'm curious how many people are here, why did you ask me to join the group?"

The sturdy man touched his forehead and smiled: "Maybe we all have the same hairstyle."

Chen Fan laughed blankly and said, "Make a friend, just call me Yanzu in the next Guldan Yanzu."

The sturdy man said politely: "It turned out to be Brother Yan Zu. Fortunately, I will be here in Hank. If you have the opportunity, I will invite you to drink."

"A word is settled." Chen Fan raised his glass and respected, Hank left and returned to his table, and his partner at the same table shook his head slightly.

Chen Fan glanced at him. The three men and one woman were all aliens. They were of average strength and had some slight injuries on their bodies. No wonder they were eager to recruit newcomers.

And there are not a few teams like this, but perhaps Chen Fan's appearance is a bit too vicious, so no one dared to talk to him except Hanke.

After drinking a few glasses of wine, Chen Fan looked at the time and thought it was almost time, so he sent a signal to Baal and Mamen.

After a while, a loud bang suddenly came from outside the city, shaking the whole city.

For a time, the whole city exclaimed one after another.

The adventurers in the tavern immediately ran out one after another to find out where the loud movement came from.

Suddenly, a group of heavily armed Crusaders rushed out of the city, and immediately many people chased them out.

At this time, another series of earthquakes came, and it felt like two giant beasts wrestling in the distance, causing the earthquakes one after another.

Many people were so scared that their faces were pale, and a retreat began.

But there are also many guys who are not afraid of death but ran out of the city to see the excitement.

Noisy all night.

At eight o'clock the next morning.

Chen Fan walked out of a small hotel with a yawn, and saw many adventurers hurried out of the city with large bags and small bags.

"Brother Yan Zu!" Suddenly a hello came.

Chen Fan looked back and smiled: "Brother Hank, early, are you planning to leave the city?"

Hank took a dozen of his friends and said politely: "Well, if you don't hurry, you can only sleep in the desert. This is not a wise move."

"Then I won't delay Xiongtai, I wish you a smooth journey." Chen Fan swept a few strange faces behind him. It is estimated that he was newly recruited last night.

"Brother Cheng Yan Ji Yan." Hanke suddenly asked again: "By the way, Brother Yan Zu, have you been out of the city to see the fun?"

"No." Chen Fan shook his head and said: "I don't want to die for unknown reasons, but what kind of wind did Brother Hank hear?"

Hanke said: "There is no wind, but rumors are flying in the sky. Now there are all kinds of rumors in the city. Some even say that they have seen the battle between gods and monsters and have set off the entire desert."

Chen Fanha laughed and said, "If it is really a battle between gods and monsters, maybe the whole city will not be able to keep it."

"Who said no." Hanke glanced at the sky, said to Chen Fan to take care, and took his friends out of the city with ambition.

Perhaps because of the big movement last night, all the monsters in the desert were scared away.

So many adventurers today are going northward from the city as early as possible, preparing to arrive at the next pioneer camp before dark.

Chen Fan wandered around the deserted city for a while, and occasionally stopped to miss a few ‘familiar’ scenes.

At noon, I randomly found a restaurant and ordered a table of local specialties.

Halfway through the wine and food, a man in gray robes quietly appeared and said respectfully: "Master, those guys were led by us to Mount Yaruit."

Chen Fan put aside his wine glass, wiped the corner of his mouth and asked, "Have you all been led by?"

The gray-robed man replied: "No, only two or three were led, and the rest are watching, Baal is staring in secret."

Chen Fan ordered: "Let Baal be careful, there is an old guy on the mountain that is not easy to mess with."

"Yes." The gray-robed man took his orders and left.

Chen Fan swept the dinner plate and paid to leave the restaurant, and suddenly felt a strong breath of holy light.

"Huh?" Chen Fan turned his head and saw two Holy Light pastors hurried out of the city, surrounded by a group of priests.

Chen Fan recognized the two priests as two battle angels at a glance, and he couldn't help but feel puzzled, because Tyrael had entrusted Ainaris to his disposal, and sending angels would only add trouble to him.

"Has the situation changed?" Chen Fan moved in his heart and quietly followed.

After half a day, the sky was getting darker.

But Lu Angel, who had been on the road for a day, didn't mean to stop at all, and still led a group of Holy Religious troops on horseback.

Chen Fan behind secretly discovered that they were not rushing to the pioneer camp in the north, but rushing all the way to the northwest.

According to the geographical location in his memory, Chen Fan knows that the northwest is the Kanduras In history, Leoric will come here to open up the land after two or three hundred years, and finally established the powerful Kandura. The Kingdom of Sri Lanka, although the famous event of filial piety to the father and the son was finally staged...

But this time and space has become a little confused because of Chen Fan's chaos, Leoric brought people here to open up the wilderness more than two hundred years in advance.

And over the Kanduras Mountains is the Savos Wasteland. If you continue north through the Savos Wasteland and then across a narrow strait, you will be the hiding place of the world stone, the Yarete Plateau!

It is also the guardian of the world stone, the hometown of the barbarians.

The reason why Chen Fan deliberately spread the news to lure people from all walks of life to Yaruite Mountain is to send them to death, so that he can take advantage of it.

In the middle of the night, the bright moon is shining brightly, and the vast sea of ​​sand is like being covered with a layer of shiny silver gauze.

The team in a hurry can already see the outline of the Kanduras mountain range slowly rising from the horizon.

A battle angel raised his hand and released a holy light to reinject strength into everyone's horses, otherwise even one person and two horses would not be able to withstand such a long journey.

Suddenly a sand dune surging in the distance!

"It's a sand monster!" a battle angel said solemnly, "I'll stop this monster, and you continue on your way."

Companion exhorted: "Just drive away this monster, remember to keep your strength, we are suppressed most of the power on this planet."

"Yeah." The battle angel snorted, and directly jumped into the air and rushed towards the sand monster. A holy light spear was condensed in the air and threw it out.

The spear struck the night sky and plunged directly into the dunes like a white light.

"Roar!" I saw the sand dune burst immediately, and a train-sized rock snake was drilled out of it!

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