Big Panda Boss

Chapter 923: Climb the peak

"Kill!!!" The group of demons shouted and shook the sky, flooding like a tide.

"Dance of death!" Chen Fan made a single attack, but like a violent tornado, it slammed into the demon army and instantly caused a **** storm!

The ghost stood quietly on the top of the mountain, watching the battle under the mountain.

ten minutes……

One hour……

one day……

Three days and nights!

The battle lasted for three days and three nights, without stopping for a moment, until the last resurrected Demon King was split in half with an axe.

The ghost floated down and flew to the blood-stained Chen Fan's side. At this moment, the evil spirit on his body was thousands of times stronger than that from the ghost, and a single look was enough to frighten thousands of troops.

Chen Fan glanced at the ghost and grinned: "It's been a long time since I fought so happily. Is there any alcohol?"

"Yes!" The ghost stretched out his hand and grabbed it, conjured a jar of wine out of thin air and threw it to Chen Fan.

Chen Fan hugged the wine jar and poured his head up. The clear liquor was like extremely cold spring water. It seemed to freeze all the internal organs when poured into his throat. However, after the liquor entered his abdomen, it seemed that there was a blazing fire. Out, let the whole person become red as if in purgatory.

Chen Fan drank the whole jar of wine heartily, and laughed: "Good wine, strong enough! What is the next test?"

With a wave of the ghost raising his hand, a hundred-meter-high peak came alive and turned into a giant rock giant!

"Beat it!" The ghost proudly said: "You can only use your fists!"

"How difficult is this!" Chen Fan laughed three times, dropped the giant axe, squeezed his fist and strode towards the giant rock.

"Roar!" The rock giant seemed to be provoked with dignity and roared like thunder. He directly raised his foot and stepped on it, truly explaining what the sky is falling.

Chen Fan didn't avoid it, he pulled away and sank, clenched his fists, and yelled and punched the rock giant's big feet straight!

"Normal punch!"

Boom! ! !

The loud noise swept across all directions with the shock wave, tearing the air and shattering the earth.

"Woo!!!" The rock giant uttered a deep and painful cry, and its big feet were actually crushed by Chen Fan's punch. Suddenly his body lost his balance and fell backward.

Chen Fan exhaled a suffocating breath, rushed forward, and jumped up again, smashing his casserole-sized fist and hitting the rock giant's forehead hard!

Boom! ! !

The explosion of smoke and dust rushed into the sky, and when the smoke dissipated, only a broken small mountain remained at the scene.

Chen Fan stood proudly on the top of the mountain, staring directly at the top of the ten-thousand-square-foot peak, and he felt an old guy watching him there.

The ghost floated to him and said: "Although we barbarians are proficient in various weapons, our ancestors taught us that the fist is the most powerful weapon and the muscles are the strong armor. I hope you can remember this sentence."

Chen Fan grinned and said excitedly: "Your ancestors are really good enough, can I fight him?"

"Yes." The ghost pointed at the mountain peak and said: "But you have to climb this mountain first."

"This is also a test?" Chen Fan moved his hands and feet.

"That's true." The ghost reminded: "So far only two people have completed this test, one is our ancestor and the other is our current guardian."

"Oh? It's interesting." Chen Fan stopped talking nonsense. He ran a few steps and jumped to several feet high and stuck it on the steep rock wall. As a result, he was so cold that he took a breath!

"Hiss! Is this rock wall made of ice?!" Chen Fan felt like he was sticking to a piece of solid ice. The cold air penetrated into the body along the skin, just like countless small needles pricked his body, painful and itchy. .

The ghost floated to him and said coldly: "It seems that your muscles are not strong enough."

Chen Fan glared at it, bulged his muscles, inserted a paw into the hard and cold rock wall, and quickly climbed up.

The ghosts were always floating around him, and they kept talking all kinds of jokes, disturbing Chen Fan's attention.

But this low-level interference method will not cause any trouble to Chen Fan at all, and he can even sneer while crawling, often choking the other party with nothing to say.

Chen Fan climbed a thousand feet high in one breath, stepped on the clouds under his feet, and then raised his head to look up and still nowhere to see the mountain.

"Why can't you climb anymore?" The lingering ghost appeared again and ridiculed: "If you are tired, take a break. You see there is a raised platform over there, just to take a break." Fastest https ://://m.First issue╭ァんttps://www..cΘmヤ

Chen Fan squinted: "Your naive method deceives a three-year-old kid. If I climb on that platform to rest, will you judge my challenge?"

The ghost laughed twice: "I didn't expect such a clever strategy to be seen through by you, but it doesn't matter, the more difficult challenge is yet to come."

"Where is your strategy smart?" Chen Fan replied, and continued to climb up, when he suddenly withdrew his claws and blew a few breaths.

"Huh! Hell, why is this rock wall hot and cold?" Chen Fan reached out and touched it up, it was really hot!

The ghost chuckled and laughed: "This is called the Two Heavens of Ice and Fire. If you choose to give up now, it is still too late."

"Shut dead ghost!" Chen Fan snorted coldly: "It's just a little bit of temperature, just to warm me up."

Chen Fan spread his five fingers directly into the hot rock wall, gritted his teeth and continued to climb up quickly.

Soon his fingers were hot and flushed, even smoking, but it did not slow down his climbing speed in the slightest.

After climbing a thousand feet high, I still can't see the top of the mountain.

But there was a strong wind!

The ghost appeared with a smirk, and Chen Fan directly flew it out of Jiuxiao with a fist, suddenly feeling his ears clear.

Chen Fan continued to climb upwards while bracing the strong wind. The hot rock wall became cold again, and the chill became even worse, as if it could freeze the blood vessels.

Soon a layer of frost formed on Chen Fan's arms, and it quickly spread to his body.

"Huh!" Chen Fan took a breath for the first time, letting his heart beat faster and heating his body to dissipate the cold and continue to climb up.

Suddenly a black shadow rolled up a turbulent flow and attacked him!

Chen Fan suddenly turned over and kicked and jumped up, avoiding the slaughter of a huge sharp claw.

Looking back, a gargoyle the size of a fighter jet rushed into the air, leaving three deep claw marks on the cliff.

Chen Fan, who was in mid-air, took the opportunity to jump on the back of the gargoyle, cracked its skull with a fist, and then jumped back onto the cliff with his strength.

The headless gargoyle tumbled directly into the sea of ​​clouds.

Chen Fan looked up and saw a group of dark shadows flying down in the turbulent wind!

Chen Fan immediately decided to preemptively, buckle a rock with his bare hands and threw it forcefully.

After hearing two screams, the two gargoyles rolled and fell.

When the other gargoyles saw this, they immediately dispersed, but launched a sonic attack on Chen Fan from a distance.

The harsh scream is like the noise of countless sharp claws across the glass, enough to drive people crazy!

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