Big Panda Boss

Chapter 924: Fight between men

Chen Fan was distracted by the noise of the devil's ears. In anger, he opened his mouth and inhaled directly to heal his body in his own way, and roared at the gargoyles!

This bear roar was like thunder and exploded, and the spirits of those gargoyle ghost roars were wiped out, and they burst into sky fragments on the spot!

Chen Fan immediately cleared his ears, and then continued to climb up against the strong wind.

It seemed that the roar just now stunned other monsters, and Chen Fan climbed thousands of feet in one breath without encountering any monsters.

Until he reached a height of five thousand feet, Chen Fan was stopped by a panshan python.

This giant python was indescribably big, the snake's body was coiled around the mountain, and its nostril was bigger than Chen Fan's whole person.

At this moment, the python is staring at Chen Fan with his head up and cold eyes.

Chen Fan grinned his mouth and sneered and said, "My king is hungry after crawling for a long time. If you little reptile doesn't want to be my king's dinner, just keep aside."

The python spit out the letter, and lay down on the rock face with his head and ears.

Chen Fan chuckled and continued to climb up, crawling past the python and reaching out to pat its head.

The python did not dare to move, watching Chen Fan crawling over it silently. Then opened a pair of giant wings and plunged into the sea of ​​clouds.

This two-winged giant python should be the last guarding BOSS, but Chen Fan easily passed through with a terror.

Soon Chen Fan climbed to the top of the mountain without encountering any obstacles.

The summit of this ten thousand zhang peak was cut off by someone with an axe, and it was extremely flat.

Only a few weather-beaten stone pillars stand here.

There is a magic circle in the center of the stone pillar, but nothing else.

Chen Fan moved his muscles and bones and stepped into the teleportation formation.

With a flash of light and shadow, Chen Fan was in a wasteland again.

Chen Fan glanced around and saw the angry big devil Samael, the lazy big devil Beria, and the jealous big devil Leviathan each took their sides! Remember "→m." in one second on the mobile phone to provide you with wonderful \\ novel reading.

In addition, there are four great demon kings under the command of the great fear demon God Diablo, the queen of pain Andariel, the king of suffering, Driel, the king of lies, and Azmodan, the king of sin. The fastest end https://m..c/o/m

There is also a robot with a height of ten feet, three heads and six arms.

A swordsman wearing a ragged cloak and braving all over his body.

The appearance of Chen Fan made these'gods' who were facing each other turned their heads and looked over.

"Oh, it's quite lively, it's all here." Chen Fan grinned very happy.

The gods were silent, because they couldn't figure out Chen Fan's details for a while, but it was definitely not a good thing to be able to appear here.

Chen Fan saw that there was no God to take care of him, so he looked around and shouted, "Hey, old man, where are you? Come out and fight me quickly."

Gods: "..."

Suddenly a gust of wind swept in, and two burly figures appeared out of thin air.

They were both three feet tall, shirtless to the upper body, each carrying a giant axe, and there was nothing else.

All the gods shuddered in their hearts and showed their guarded colors.

Because they saw one of the old guys with their own eyes before, and they killed Baal and Mamen with an axe!

Chen Fan blew his whistle, squeezed his fist and asked with a smile: "You two go together, do you take turns?"

The barbarian **** Burkeso unwrapped his great axe and stuck it on the ground, and the Immortal King Vorusk said solemnly: "Let me meet him first."

Burkeso nodded and said, "Well, he belongs to you, and the other fish belong to me."

Miscellaneous fish gods: ".................."

"Roar!" Volusk let out a battle roar directly, and rushed towards Chen Fan with his great axe.

Burkeso squinted at the gods with a great axe, so that the gods did not dare to act rashly.

Facing the huge axe that hit him, Chen Fan smiled excitedly, clenched his fists, opened his posture, and raised his broad chest to welcome the opponent's chopping!

"Arrogant! Suffering to death!" Vorusk was enraged and slashed directly at Chen Fan's chest.

With a loud bang, the giant axe seemed to slash on an indestructible steel plate, reddening the blade and rolling up its sharp edge.

Volusk looked stunned.

Chen Fan took the opportunity to throw a punch!

"Normal punch!"

There was a loud noise, like a comet hitting the earth, bursting into waves of air.

Volusk, who was three feet tall, flew back directly, and the giant axe in his hand was broken to the ground.

Chen Fan closed his fists and exhaled, his undulating chest heard a heartbeat like beating a drum.

The gods' eyelids jumped.

Chen Fan squeezed his fist and smiled and asked, "Who said that the fist is the strongest weapon? And who said that the muscles are the strongest armor? Stand up and let this king see and see, is it your fist is hard or is it? Fists are hard."

Burkeso showed a fierce look, released his battle axe and squeezed his fist and stepped forward. Every step was like a warhammer hitting the ground with a heavy thud.

However, his size was shrinking until he was as tall as Chen Fan.

The fight between men does not require any nonsense.

Burkeso's momentum reached its peak, and he struck Chen Fan straight.

There was no sound from this punch, and it seemed unremarkable.

Chen Fan stood tall and fought back. He was stunned by this fist for half a step, and the ground under his feet instantly shattered into circles of cracks.

"Ha, a little bit of strength! It's my turn!" Chen Fan grinned and Burkeso did not dodge unstoppable, and also confronted Chen Fan's fist with his chest.

With a loud bang, Burkeso stood proudly, but the ground behind him instantly burst into a deep ravine!

The gods stepped back silently.

"Ha! Have fun, come again!" Chen Fan laughed twice, and opened his arms and straightened his chest.

Burkeso squeezed his fist, walked to Chen Fan step by step and punched again!


This time Chen Fan just shook his body and let out a muffled hum to resist the punch.

Burkeso's eyes flashed, and he stepped back and opened his arms.

Chen Fan clenched his fists, grinned and let out a sigh of relief!

Burkeso's heart was cold, and his muscles swelled in a circle.

Bang! ! !

This punch actually shook the world.

The gods' eyelids jumped.

After hesitating for a moment, the three-headed six-arm robot with a height of more than ten meters immediately turned and walked away.

As a result, he was overtaken by a throwing axe and cut it into two directly.

However, the robot was suddenly deformed and broke into a dozen small robots to escape for their lives.

Volusk recalled the throwing axe and did not continue to hunt down, but stared at the two monsters in the field.

I saw these two monsters punching me and you, not giving way to each other, and each punch was heavier than a punch. In the end, every punch was shaken.

The gods present have never seen such a ‘gentle’ contest, and that fist is like hitting them, and they are frightened.

"These two monsters are not something we can provoke." Queen of Pain Andariel whispered to her companion: "Find a chance to leave this ghost place and inform Lord Diablo."

"Separately!" Azmodan the Lord of Sin said concisely.

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