Big Panda Boss

Chapter 926: World authority

"Vorusk, have you forgotten the old man's teaching?" Burkeso snorted, and Vorusk immediately closed his mouth obediently. Burkeso said to Chen Fan: "The belief of our savages is to fight for victory and never care about failure. If you lose, you will lose, and you will win back after the big deal."

Chen Fan laughed and said: "What the old man said is that when the king becomes a god, we will fight with real swords and guns, and you will not be allowed to release the water when that time comes." First issue ╭ァんttps://www.. cΘmヤ

Burkeso smiled: "Well, it's a deal!"

"Two crazy men!" Vorusk had a black line on his face, feeling that he could not keep up with the thinking of the two.

"Vorusk gave him the World Stone." Burkeso ordered.

"But teacher, the world stone is..." Vorusk wanted to argue, but Burkeso glared at him: "If you want to keep the world stone, defeat him first."

Vorusk's lips shivered, and he patted the ground reluctantly.

The scene changed immediately, and the three of them were in a magnificent palace.

In the middle of the palace, there is a tall altar on which a huge red crystal is quietly suspended.

World stone!

The top treasure in the dark world.

Chen Fan took a deep breath, walked up to the altar and looked up at the huge world stone, and suddenly asked: "If I took the world stone, what would this world be like?"

Burkeso replied: "It's all between your thoughts."

"That's good." Chen Fan worried that if he moved the World Stone, it would affect Anaris' stability, then he would become a proper villain.

After all, he asked himself even if he is not the Virgin, but he is a good person barely... right?

Only lunatics can do things like destroying the world, and developing together to make small money is the long-term way.

Chen Fan stretched out his hand slightly nervously and pressed it on the World Rock. The apparently cold touch gave him the feeling of a living thing.

Think about it, too, these treasures must have already awakened their wisdom.

Perhaps Burkeso handed over the World Stone so easily because he wanted to see if Chen Fan could be recognized by the World Stone, otherwise he might have to prepare to face the ‘GM’ of this world!

Quiet for a long time without any abnormalities.

Chen Fan retracted his hand and grasped it, only to see a mysterious mark on his palm.

This is the ‘privilege’ password to control the world of Anaris!

Now Chen Fan can modify any laws on Anaris at will with a single thought, including thorough ‘formatting’!

After finally getting the world stone that Chaosi Tomb wanted, Chen Fan was in a calm mood at the moment, and he hadn't had a good fight with Burqueso.

"It's always a disaster to stay here for this stone!" Chen Fan thought for a while, and directly expanded his chaotic realm and took the World Stone in. Then he took out the Seven Treasure Necklace and used Infinite Gems to make a fake world stone exactly the same and put it on the spot, and finally spit out a breath of chaos into the world stone.

Chen Fan turned to Burkeso and said, "I will take the real world stone and leave you a fake one. You can claim that the world stone has been contaminated by the Great Demon. Anyone who doesn’t believe it can come in person. Take a look."

"Can this work?" Volusk stepped forward to touch the fake world stone, but withdrew his hand like an electric shock, and inhaled: "What did you move on this world stone? I feel my supernatural power. It sucked a lot!"

Chen Fan smiled and said nothing.

Burkeso said: "The old man has guarded this broken stone for long enough, and he is finally free." The mobile phone remembers "→m." for a second to provide you with wonderful novel reading.

Chen Fan asked, "Master, what are your plans in the future?"

Burkeso smiled and said: "Walk around and find some masters to fight by the way, but you can't let you overtake it, hahaha."

Then Chen Fan drank again with Burkeso, and the two said goodbye.

Chen Fan directly teleported himself back to Mount Yaruite through the authority of the World Stone. As soon as he stood firm, he almost couldn't open his eyes because of the smoke.

Chen Fan waved his hand quickly and looked around.

Good guy, it has only been a few days, so how come the Snow Mountain has become an active volcano? !

"Holy Lord, are you out?" A **** Baal saluted through the smoke.

"What's going on?" Chen Fan looked through the sky and saw that many mountains had collapsed.

Barr replied: "I stayed here as you ordered no one to enter the cave. Soon after you entered, several gods and demon kings were beaten away by me. Then two angels and a group of humans were also beaten away. I was beaten away, and then a few big demon kings suddenly appeared. I had a fierce battle with them, and it became like this here."

Chen Fan shook his head speechless, and was about to take him out of this place of right and wrong, when suddenly he sensed a violent wave of magic!

"Huh?!" Chen Fan's expression condensed.

Barr turned around and said grimly: "Just now another group of ants came, and I was about to kill them all. It just so happened that the Lord, you came out, and I will spare them temporarily. I didn't expect to be so ignorant of life and death! Wait, I'm going to kill all these ants!"

"Wait a minute!" Chen Fan yelled to Baal, hiding his figure and stepping to the source of the magic wave. He suddenly saw a woman with disheveled hair overdrawing her vitality and casting spells, and there were already many incomplete ones lying on the ground next to her. The corpse of the Holy Religious Chen Fan rubbed his eyebrows, smiled bitterly, and said, "It's really flooded the Dragon King Temple!"

"Holy Lord?" Barr puzzled.

Chen Fan thought for a while, and secretly ordered: "Perform the show with me, you wait for a while..."

"...Yes, Holy Lord." Barr immediately promised, without asking why.


"Madam, leave us alone, you'd better go first!" The badly injured Ismail coughed up blood and persuaded him, and Akhan held him on the side.

Kasarina continued to overdraw her vitality regardless, and her hair quickly became frosty.

"Hey!" Ismail sighed lightly, pushed Ackhan's support away, closed his eyes and prayed, and his body immediately burst into bright light.

"Master Bishop!" Akhan's face changed slightly.

Ismail calmly said: "Ackhan, take the people who are still alive and leave here immediately! After returning, I told Quihei Gang that the Great Demon God Baal had broken the suppression of the World Stone, which is beyond our mortals' ability. Quickly seek support from the Supreme Heaven!"

"My lord!" Akhan wanted to persuade again.

A golden flame ignited on Ismail, a sacred flame that could only be ignited by the soul.

With a black face tensed, Arkhan turned around and gritted his teeth and ordered: "Withdraw!"

"Captain, I can't run anymore." Pom, with a broken leg, tremblingly shook his long sword, and smiled heartily: "So I won't go back with you, please engrave me on the tombstone. But he died in battle against the Great Demon God Baal!"

Immediately, several severely wounded Crusaders asked their companions to engrave the same epitaph on their tombstones.

Arkhan clicked on his lips, and the tough guy who had never cried promised with red eyes, "Okay!"

"Ho **** ho, ants, has this king allowed you to leave?"

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