Big Panda Boss

Chapter 927: play

"Ho **** ho, ants, did the king allow you to leave?" Barr's huge body as a mountain reappeared in the smoke and dust, which was several times taller than when he suddenly left.

Everyone looked desperate.

"This monster must have ran to release the suppression just now!" Ismail reminded: "Come on, I'll hold him!"

"It's just you ant?" Barr spit out sparks. After changing his character that he could not force himself in the past, he started to rant and rant...

Arkhan knew that he had to take this important piece of information back to tell Quihei Gang, and immediately turned around and ran with a few sacred troops who could still move.

Baal raised his claws to condense a cloud of shadow energy.

"Holy Fury!" Ismail instantly turned into a bare man, spreading his wings and rushing towards Barr.

Barr was caught off guard and staggered, and slapped Ismael, who had exploded into the small universe, in a furious slap.

But Ismail stalked, desperately entangled Barr to prevent him from attacking Akhhan and others.

And Barr also seemed to be irritated by this annoying fly, and he drove Ismail all over the field. Not only did he give up chasing Arkhan and others, he even ignored the card he was trying to expand his move. Salina.

Although Ismail's explosion of the small universe temporarily dragged Barr, it could not last for a long time, and soon the light on his body began to weaken, and the speed also slowed down.

Barr was like a cat playing with a mouse, deliberately not directly killing Ismail, while pushing him around the room and constantly using words to provoke him.

Seeing Ismail fell into a precarious situation, Kasarina, who had been holding back her big move for a long time, finally finished her demand!

Barr and Ismail simultaneously sensed a terrible wave of magical power.

Without a word, Ismail turned and recoiled to Barr!

"Holy light shackles!"

In an instant, a huge circle of holy light appeared under Baal's feet, and dozens of chains of holy light were drilled from the circle to bind Baer firmly!

The wings of light behind Ismail dissipated immediately, and he fell heavily to the ground, but despite his own safety, he shouted, "Quickly, I can't hold him for long!"

Kasarina pursed her lips and pointed towards Barr: "Overweight black hole!"

A black spot appeared on Barr's head immediately, and it instantly expanded to a miniature black hole with a diameter of 100 meters.

As soon as the black hole appeared, it produced terrifying suction, which instantly drained the surrounding air and temperature, causing Baal to immediately form a layer of frost, and his huge body was dragged in a little bit.

"Damn ants!" Barr roared and struggled, the chains of the holy light that were bound to him broke, and he was about to get out of trouble.

Seeing this, Ismael, who was lying on the ground, immediately turned his heart, let go, and was sucked up by the black hole when he let go.

Barr slapped the old guy out with a backhand...

But after Ismail's interference, half of Barr's body was sucked into the black hole, leaving only the other half stuck outside.

Catalina gritted her teeth and used all the remaining magic power to spur the black hole.

Seeing that Baal was about to be sucked into the black hole, the chains of holy light that were bound to him suddenly fell apart.

Kasarina was shocked, and Barr waved his hand and hit her with a shadow energy bullet.

The exhausted Kasarina didn't even have the strength to dodge, she could only watch the shadow energy bomb flying towards her!

Desperate? Kasarina gave a wry smile, and found that she did not feel desperate, but had a trace of regret...Can't see the person again, even if it's just a back!


A big palm fan directly slapped the shadow energy bullet, and immediately the back of a tall man blocked Kasarina.

"Oh, miss me?" Still that stubborn smile.

Kasarina smiled, but her eyes were blinded by tears.

"Don't smirk, can you still move?" Chen Fan asked without looking back, clenching his fists.

"No, I'm out of strength." Kasarina didn't know how she could speak in a coquettish tone one day.

Chen Fan casually stuffed the wine gourd into her hand: "You'll have strength after taking two sips. Run away. I won't be able to take care of you when I fight."

Catalina grabbed the wine gourd and almost couldn't help but slapped the guy on the back of the head, unplugged the cork and threw her head up and took a big gulp!

"Hiccup..." Then he rolled his eyes and died of drunkenness on the spot.

Chen Fan heard the movement of falling to the ground, and when he turned his head, his face was full of black lines.

At this time, Barr had broken free from the suction of the black hole, and the probe looked over and asked with eyes: "Is it still acting?"

"This audience is gone, let's play a fart!" Chen Fan directly bent over and hugged Kasarina on his shoulders.

"Your Excellency Ta Rasha, I'll help you!" Volusk suddenly jumped out and said awe-inspiringly: "I'll hold this demon, you save people first!"

Yes, let's continue acting!

"Okay, hold on first, and I'll be right back!" Chen Fan turned around and ran, carrying Kasarina.

"The devil, your opponent is me!" Vorusk said proudly.

Barr grinds his teeth and teleports over and slaps the entire mountain to pieces.

Without regard to He will not release water anymore.

Volusk leaped into the air and slashed directly.

Barr opened his mouth as a torrent of shadows burst out!

Volusk split the torrent with an axe, slashing directly on Baal's forehead and splashing sparks in the sky.

"How is it possible?!" Vorusk's expression condensed. He had seen the teacher use the same trick to kill the demon before.

Barr gave a grinning smile, and slapped Volusk to the ground with a slap: "You are far behind that old guy!"

After that, a shadow halberd was condensed and pierced towards Volusk.

Volusk immediately swung his axe to split the halberd, rolled over and swept towards Barr's limbs.

Barr flicked his leg directly and kicked Volusk away.

Had it not been for Chen Fan's secret transmission, Barr would have killed the ant long ago.

Without the suppression of the World Stone, Burkasso could only fight Baal.

Volusk finally recognized the gap between him and Barr, but instead it aroused his more vigorous fighting spirit.

The barbarians are the only race in the dark world that can face the fear of the big devil without being affected, because they are a real fighting race, and the stronger they are, the stronger they are!

"Roar!" Volusk let out a war roar, his whole body turned red and went into a violent state.

Barr put away his contempt and rushed towards Volusk with a jab.

Volusk rushed to the front without fear, accelerating the charge at his feet, and then leaped high with a huge axe!

Tushen Skill, Jump, Split, Cut!

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