Big Panda Boss

Chapter 928: Triumphant

When Chen Fan settled Kasarina, he hurried back, only to see Volusk lying on the ground dying.

Barr was actually opened with an axe and almost split in half.

"The devil is going to be rampant!" Chen Fan shouted, raising his fists and rushing over.

Barr immediately gave up on Volusk's knife, and the halberd swept towards Chen Fan.

Chen Fan directly raised his hand to block, and let out a muffled noise.

The huge force collided, instantly raising a cloud of smoke and dust around the two.

Chen Fan took advantage of the situation and blasted out a punch, and flew Barr away.

"Your Excellency, take the axe!" Volusk threw his great axe with his hand.

Chen Fan caught the axe, sprinted and jumped high!

Jump chop!

The indomitable momentum made Volusk realize that this is the real jump and chop.

Barr, who had just suffered a loss, immediately rolled on the spot and avoided the chop.

Chen Fan cut through the space with an axe, but he split a mountain in the distance in half.

"See if you can hide there!" Chen Fan raised his axe, a charge accelerated and jumped and chopped.

Barr seemed scared of being hacked, and was chased by Chen Fan everywhere.

The scene was like a monkey jumping up and down with an axe chasing a giant elephant rolling all over the floor.

Obviously it was a very passionate battle, but it turned out to be a funny scene.

Soon the two disappeared into the vast mountains as they chased and fled.

Vorusk lay on the ground, breathing back while reminiscing every blow of Lord Ta Rasha.

That indomitable posture, the imposing manner of fearing death, the spirit of sacrificing selflessness, and the unstoppable beheading, even the Great Demon God did not dare to force its front. The fastest end https://m..c/o/m

Volusk felt more shocked the more he recollected, and he was completely obsessed with it.

"Hello? Big guy are you still alive?" Until a voice woke him up.

Volusk opened his eyes and glanced at him, and said in a bad mood: "Don't bother me to understand God One Slash."

"It's another straight man of steel." Kasarina pouted and asked, "Where is that guy?"

Volusk closed his eyes, pointed in a direction and said, "Woman, don't hinder your battle."

Kasarina twitched the corners of her mouth, trying to smash his face with her feet.

At this time, a white light beam came and fell beside them.

"It's great for Ms. Kasarina to see you all right." Klimt said with a sigh of relief.

Kasarina pointed to the distance and said: "The Great Demon God Baal is fighting with Lord Ta Rasha."

"Okay, I'm going to help." Klimt was about to fly.

"Stop!" Volusk suddenly sat up and said with a serious face: "You must not disturb that person's fight!"

"Why?" Klimt recognized Vorusk, knowing that these savages are straight-hearted, and he regards the honor of battle more importantly than his own life, and he most hates outsiders intervening in their battles.

"Your Excellency Ta Rasha can defeat that demon, and there is no need for help from others!" Vorusk said with a firm face: "Your intervention will only hinder him."

Klimt twitched his mouth and asked, "Where is Burkeso?"

"The teacher has completed his mission and has left this world." Volusk said with a sullen expression: "And the world stone is also contaminated by the blood of the demon..."

Klimt heard badly, thinking that Burkeso was brave enough to protect the World Stone, and comforted: "Please..."

Boom! ! !

Suddenly, the shaking of the mountain interrupted Klimt.

The three of them immediately turned around and looked around, and saw that the volcano had erupted!

The billowing smoke hit the sky, forming a spectacular mushroom cloud.

"Leave here first." Klimt waved his hand and shot the two rays of light into the two of them separately, immediately letting the two of them recover most of their injuries.

Kasarina suddenly remembered the Bishop Ismail who was slapped by Barr, and hurriedly reminded: "Under the crown, Ismail is over there, come with me."

Klimt said: "No, I have rescued him just now, otherwise I won't be late."

Kasarina said at ease: "That's fine."

Soon three people withdrew from the volcanic eruption area.

And this volcanic eruption lasted for three days and three nights, staining the entire sky on the Yarete Plateau into gray.

In order to prevent the volcanic ash from spreading to the south, Klimt summoned thousands of pastors from the Zakarum Church overnight to jointly cleanse the ashes.

Kasarina also summoned hundreds of high-level mages from the Horadim Brotherhood, and jointly controlled the monsoon to restrict the volcanic ash on the northern plateau.

On the fifth day of the eruption, the ashes were effectively controlled.

But the entire Yarete Plateau was dyed black.

The barbarians who had lost their homes had to migrate south under the leadership of Volusk and began to build new homes on the Savos Wasteland.


"Madam, you haven't closed your eyes for five days and five nights." Klimt came to Kasarina's side and calmly said: "That lord will definitely be fine."

Kasarina stood quietly on the bank, the cool night breeze kept blowing her skirt, but she was always looking at the cloudy mountains on the other side of the river.

Behind the two is a busy countless savages built a rough and strong fortress with rocks and soil in just a few days.

If the historical trajectory has not been changed, then this fortress will become the front line of human resistance against the demons in a few hundred years-Bastine Fortress!

Klimt sighed, took out a bottle of holy water and handed it over.

"No." Kasarina took the wine gourd and took a sip, her face was not tired, even her hair turned into a dazzling silver.

Klimt was surprised. He didn't expect this person to enter the semi-god state because of a blessing in disguise, but he still persuaded: "The volcano should have stopped erupting, and in two days we will be able to go into the mountain and look for Lord Ta. Before that, you should take a good rest. If you are exhausted, your body will not help you find him."

Kasarina remained unmoved.

Klimt sighed and turned back to the camp.

Suddenly, Kasarina's body shook, and her breathing became short!

Klimt noticed her abnormality and turned around to see her staring into the distance with surprise on her face.

"Could it be..." Klimt immediately followed Kasarina's line of sight and stared wide-eyed, and saw a tall figure slowly walking out of the gray mountains. First release╭ァんttps://www..cΘmヤ

There was still a giant dragging behind the figure, but it was unrealistic because of the gray fog.

Soon the man slipped from the steep **** to the foot of the mountain, and then stepped out of the dust.

Kasarina immediately covered her mouth with tears of joy.

Klimt was even more stunned: "He really did it!"

I saw a tall black man dragging a huge demon head to cross the river. The billowing waves quickly washed away the mud on his body, revealing a stalwart body covered with scars.

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