Big Panda Boss

Chapter 929: The most difficult to accept the grace of beauty

The busy crowd stopped their work one after another, flocked to the bank of the river, and then silently stepped aside.

Volusk stepped forward and thumped his chest to extend the highest courtesy to Chen Fan, and the barbarians also saluted him.

"Your axe." Chen Fan threw the axe stained with devil blood back to Volusk, and then dragged Baal's huge head to ashore step by step.

Catalina pursed her mouth, greeted him step by step, and walked faster and faster, and finally trot directly into his arms and gave a long kiss!

"Oh!!!" Immediately there was a cry of ghosts and wolves from the crowd.

Chen Fan was stunned, but she didn't expect her to be so unrestrained.

The crowd immediately returned to the camp with interest, leaving only two of them.

After a long time, the two separated.

Kasarina put away her little daughter-like shyness, restored the same high coldness as before, and said proudly: "Hmph, don't get me wrong, this is just to thank you for defeating the big devil and saving our world again."

Chen Fan knowingly smiled and asked, "If there is another time, are you going to agree with you?"

"I want to be beautiful for you!" Kasarina snorted, turned and teleported and disappeared.

Klimt walked over and smiled and said, "She has been waiting for you for five days and five nights."

Chen Fan smiled and asked, "Your Excellency is Qui Hei Gang, right?"

"It's the old man." Klimt glanced at the head of Barr, and exclaimed: "Your bravery really admires the old man, but this devil head is very polluting to the environment. Please handle it properly."

Chen Fan said: "Even if these **** demon gods are destroyed in their bodies, they can be resurrected indefinitely as long as their souls are not destroyed. I am going to find a place to seal this head to avoid this devil's resurrection. What advice do you have?"

Klimt thought for a while and said, "I happen to be preparing to build a Cathedral of the Holy Light on this continent. Why not suppress this first class under the church floor."

Chen Fan's heart moved, secretly saying that the famous Tristram Cathedral is going to be built ahead of time?

It's just that the cathedral was sealed in the original plot but Diablo, now it's good, it's used to seal Barr.

Of course, what Chen Fan dragged was definitely not Baal's head, but the fake he had confiscated with the Qibao Necklace, which he prepared to deal with Tyrael.

Since Klimt suggested so, Chen Fan simply made a favor and gave him a favor. Anyway, it was enough to prove that Barr was'dead'.

"Good." Chen Fan responded readily.

"This matter needs a long-term discussion, please go to the town to discuss it in detail first." Klimt invited.


The next day.

"Are you leaving again?" Kasarina asked calmly.

The two stood side by side, looking at the endless wilderness.

Chen Fan smiled helplessly: "Yes, there are still many worlds waiting for me to save."

Kasarina lifted the silver wire attached to the temple, and whispered: "I will wait for you to come back."

Chen Fan smiled bitterly, and it was the most difficult to accept the grace of beauty.

"I may not be as good as you think, maybe in the eyes of some people I am even more heinous than those **** devil..."

"I do not care."

"...Well, this king has many women out there, goddesses, fairies, witches, and witches are much more beautiful than you."

"It doesn't matter, I will kill all those women when I become a god!"

"Hello, are you too brutal?"

"Hmph, didn't you say that you are worse than the **** devil? Why should I be kind and gentle?"

"...Women are really unreasonable creatures, so I'm afraid!"

"It's fine if you know."


"Guess what they are talking about?" Vorusk asked Klimt quietly, looking at the two of them.

Klimt smiled and said, "It should be a whisper between young people. Haven't met the beloved woman before?"

Volusk shook his head and said, "Love will only affect the speed at which I can shoot! Besides, if we barbarians are interested in a woman, we only need to defeat that woman's man, and then defeat that woman, we can carry it home and give birth. Up."

"..." Klimt suddenly felt that his mission was a long way to go.

Suddenly, the two of them got together and looked up to the sky.

I saw a holy light descending from the sky, turning into a handsome archangel.

"I don't seem to be here at the right time." Tyrael looked at the two with a smile.

"Humph!" Kasarina snorted and turned to leave.

Chen Fan touched his nose and smiled dryly: "If you come here later, I won't be able to fight it anymore."

Tyrael said meaningfully: "She is a good woman."

That's because you didn't hear what she said just now...Chen Fan rolled his eyes, and pointed to the initial fortress and said: "The head of Baal you wanted was borrowed by the barbarians to be inserted in the center of the fortress as an ornament. In addition, Mammon died under the sword of Burquesso, and he did not see him resurrected, so he probably slipped away.

Tyrael glanced at it, and saw that Baal's stubborn head was slammed in the air by a large wooden pole. It would be scary to be as crass as possible, and the barbarians would not shy away from it.

"Finally let this demon rectify the law, I believe there will be no more attention from the demons who dare to hit the world Tyrael said with emotion.

Chen Fan said, "It is true that no one will pay attention to hitting the World Stone anymore, because the stone is contaminated by the blood of the Demon God and is no longer usable."

"Contaminated?" Tyrael asked in surprise: "Really?"

"Is it good for me to lie to you? That stone was originally mine." Chen Fan took out a Seven Treasure Necklace to open a portal and said confidently: "If you don't believe me, I'll take you to see. Maybe you can help purify. a bit."

Tyrael followed Chen Fan into the portal with suspicion, and came to the palace where the world stone was stored.

Seeing the world stone that had become dark, Tyrael was both excited and regretful, and then tried to purify it with the Holy Light, but the results were very little.

"It seems that it really can't be used." Tyrael shook his head and sighed, and asked: "What are you going to do with this stone?"

"You can't use it anyway, just stay here." Chen Fan said indifferently: "Maybe we can find a way to purify this world stone in the future."

Tyrael thought for a while and said, "There may be a way to purify the world stone."

Chen Fan asked curiously: "What way?"

Tyrael said: "Take it to the crystal dome, and maybe you can use the rich light energy there to purify it."

"Can do it?" Chen Fan's heart jumped, because this crystal dome is a divine tool among divine tools, and it is not an exaggeration to call it the innate treasure.

Tyrael gave a wry smile and shook his head: "It might have been possible before, but since the King of Light left the Supreme Heaven, no one can enter the crystal dome again."

"Hi, make me happy for nothing." Chen Fan was disappointed.

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