Chapter 0119 Dad, please, we don’t want to study!

“Ye Lin, first hire a math teacher, a Chinese teacher, an English teacher, a music teacher, and an art teacher for Xiaojuzi and Xiaotaotao.”

These are the ones for now.

If there are more, they may not be able to learn.

Ye Lin nodded, personally selected from the best educational institutions, and then interviewed them personally.

In less than an hour, five youthful female teachers appeared at home.

“Little orange~~”

“Little peach~~~”

“Ah~ You guys are so cute~”

“I am Mr. Wang, who teaches Chinese.”

“I am Mr. Zheng, who teaches mathematics.”

“I am Anna, a teacher of English”

“I am Mr. Li, the music teacher.”

“And I am Mr. Wu who teaches art.”


They are all fans of Xiaojuzi and Xiaotaotao.

Seeing Xiaojuzi and Xiaotaotao, they are all very excited.

It feels like a dream for these five girls who have just graduated from college to teach them in Xiaojuzi and Xiaotaotao’s princess castle.

The key is that the salary is high and the benefits are good.

It is simply a dream job.

Why are they female college graduates who have just graduated, instead of more experienced professors?

Xiaojuzi and Xiaotaotao have only learned kindergarten-level things.

These college girls are enough.

The key is that young girls are more friendly and can keep them interested in learning.

“Mr. Su, we will definitely teach Xiaojuzi and Xiaotao well.”

The five people looked at Su Rui very excitedly.

If you like Xiaojuzi and Xiaotaotao, you must know their father Su Rui.

He is a super boss.

For the five girls who just graduated from college, it is inevitable to be excited.

“Next, the learning task of Xiaojuzi and Xiaotaotao will be handed over to you.”

“If you have any needs, please tell Ye Lin at any time.”

“She will arrange it for you.”

Su Rui smiled slightly, polite and without airs.

The young girls were so excited.

Xiaojuzi and Xiaotaotao’s father is so handsome~~ When he smiles, he looks approachable. I really envy Yang Mi and Reba for having such a husband~


“I am a little orange~~”

“I am Xiao Taotao~~”

“What should we learn first?”

The two little ones were happy to see so many beautiful sisters coming to their home.

They were not afraid of people and had no fear of learning. They ran to the group of sisters and started playing learning games.

Of course, in their minds, learning is a game.

The first two days were fine. The content taught by each teacher was very simple.

Math class was to continue to recognize numbers.

Chinese class was to recite initials and finals with the teacher.

English class was to learn pronunciation with the teacher.

On the third day, when they needed to start spot checking what they had learned in the previous two days, problems arose.

“Teacher, can’t we just count to 10?”

“Teacher, I don’t know the initials and finals.”

“Teacher, why do we have to learn English? Can we not learn it?”

Even though their teachers teach them in an entertaining way, the boring part of learning is inevitable.

Especially in the parts that they don’t know, the process of strengthening their memory over and over again makes them gradually realize that real learning is not fun at all!

“Dad, can we not study tomorrow?”

“I don’t want to study either~~ I want to play with Little Blueberry, Little Grape, Little Apple, and Mangosteen every day. Little friends don’t have to study, right?

After taking a shower, Little Orange and Little Peach threw themselves into their father’s arms and acted like a spoiled child.

The two looked pitiful. Their tender little mouths pouted, as if they were begging their persecuting father to let them go.

“You said it yourself, you want to be the most powerful kid.”

“It’s only been a few days. Daddy counted and it seems like it’s only been three days. You don’t want to study anymore? Mommy will check your study results when she comes back.”

Su Rui hugged them and wanted to laugh at the two little girls pouting and not wanting to study.

“Um~~No, Dad~~But I really don’t want to study~~Studying is so difficult~~Oh oh, I can’t recite the goose-fish mullet~~”

“I don’t want to learn math either~~ Dad, please, we are only two years old, it’s okay not to study~~ Dad, please~~ We just want to be with you and don’t want to study~~”

It’s broken!

The two little guys seemed to know that they were still very young!

Su Rui didn’t know whether to laugh or cry

“How old do you plan to play until?”

“Ten years old”

“No, no, we want to play until we are 100 years old~~”

“Yes~ Dad, we want to play until we are 100 years old~”

“Let’s study hard after we turn 100, okay? Dad, please, we will definitely study hard after we turn 100~”

“Yes, Dad, just agree to it.”

“Let’s ask those sisters not to come tomorrow. Let them come and teach us when we are 100 years old.”

Xiaojuzi and Xiaotao climbed on Su Rui one after another, and they were so sincere that

Su Rui wanted to pick them up and spank them.

100 years old, you really thought of it.

“Although Dad also wants you to be happy every day……”

“Hehe, thank you, Dad~~ I can play happily every day~~”

As soon as Su Rui opened his mouth, the two little guys happily kissed him on the face.


“Dad hasn’t finished talking yet.”

“Although Dad also wants you to be happy every day, but Mom is right, you little friends of this age can really start to learn some useful knowledge”

“Because you are almost old enough to go to kindergarten, in the past six months or so”

“You can also learn some basic knowledge in advance, so that when you enter kindergarten, you will be the best child and other children will not be able to compare with you.”


“Your father will not agree to your request.”

“From now on, the sisters will come to teach you every day, and you must study hard every day according to the courses arranged by the sisters.”

Su Rui said.

Xiaojuzi and Xiaotao immediately pouted and sat on the bed.

“Dad, don’t you love us anymore?”

“Dad definitely doesn’t love us anymore, hum~~”

Su Rui didn’t choose to spoil them on this matter,”Dad still loves you very much, but even if you are angry with Dad, you still have to study.”

He has enough money and ability to support them for a lifetime.

There is no doubt about that.

But he doesn’t want his children to be just a vase with money and background but no substance.

They can study poorly in the future, or even be poor students, but they must know the basics. It’s impossible for them to not even be able to read a contract in the future.

“Bad dad~~”

“Ignore you”

“We are going to sleep. Daddy won’t hug us tonight. Hum~”

Daddy completely ignored them for the first time and forced them to study. The two guys were so angry. They hid in the bed together and ignored him.

They turned their backs to Su Rui, indicating that they were really very angry and didn’t want to hug him.

It should be said that women, no matter how big or small, are all the same when they are angry.

“There is no point in being angry. My sister will still come to teach you tomorrow.”

Su Rui said with a smile, not compromising with them.

“”Bad dad~~ I don’t want to talk to you~~”

Xiaojuzi and Xiaotao lifted the quilt and shouted, then pulled the quilt back up to hide it from their dad.

At this time, Yang Mi and Reba’s video came over.

The two little guys immediately got up and complained to their mother

“Mom~~Dad bullies us~~”

“Mom~~Dad won’t let us play~~”

“Dad makes us study every day~~We obviously don’t like studying, but Dad still asks the sisters to come and teach us every day.”

“Mom, please come back and save us~~”

As soon as Xiaojuzi and Xiaotaotao saw their mother in the video, they immediately held their phones and started complaining.

Yang Mi and Reba laughed when they heard it.

“Didn’t you say a few days ago that studying was interesting? Why don’t you want to study all of a sudden?”

“Because studying is really hard. The sisters asked us to memorize things that we couldn’t memorize. It was so hard.”

“Mom, Orange and I don’t want to study. We are children, why do we have to study? Please don’t study.……”

“Mom, please come back. Let’s play with mom every day, okay?”

The answer Yang Mi and Reba could give was, of course,……


“You can’t just think about playing every day now.”

“Mom believes that as long as you pay attention a little, you will soon learn what the sisters teach you.”

“Didn’t you promise mom that you would study hard?”

“You still have to teach Blueberry and Grape, have you forgotten?”

“But learning is really hard.”

“I don’t want to teach Blueberry and Grape anymore”

“I don’t want to either.”

“Studying is not fun at all~~”

“”The elder sisters will check randomly. If we don’t know, we will have to study all the time. It’s not fun~~”

Xiaojuzi and Xiaotao no longer wanted to care about what they promised their mother.

Both of them had a hunch that the subsequent study would only become more and more difficult.

The little head that had never worked on studying, Gentuan still wanted to move.

“Even if it’s not fun, you still have to learn”

“Mom and Dad have the same attitude on this matter.”

“You two little ones have to study even if you don’t want to.”

Yang Mi and Reba also expressed their attitude directly.

The two little ones wanted to ask for help, but even their mother forced them to study. Their round little faces, flat mouths, and angry expressions are so cute.

“Ignore you two.”

“Dad is calling you~~We are going to sleep~~Hmph~~”

“”Mom, you guys are bad guys too. You only know how to bully us kids.”

Xiao Taotao stuffed the phone back into Su Rui’s hand, pulled Juzi into the quilt, and covered herself tightly with the quilt. She didn’t forget to hum hard even after hiding in the quilt.

Tell mom and dad that they are angry.

But… on the matter of studying, even if they are unwilling, their parents will not compromise.

“I just taught them some basic things in the first two days.”

“Today, several teachers started to conduct quizzes, and then strengthened their study of the areas they did not know, but the two little ones were reluctant.”

Su Rui said to Yang Mi and Reba in the video, just chatting

“They have never been taught properly before, so they may not be able to adapt to it all at once.

Yang Mi said with a smile.

She just thought the two little ones’ performance today was very funny.

My mother said that I didn’t like studying when I was young, and I was forced to study.

“Few children like to study.”

“But they still need to learn. These two little girls control a large company with hundreds of billions of capital. They can’t be two illiterate people.”

“”Hubby, we have to force these two girls to study hard even if they don’t want to.”

Yang Mi said seriously.

As soon as Su Rui nodded, the two little guys who were hiding in the quilt and eavesdropping immediately lifted the quilt,”Mom, you are so bad, you let Dad force us to study~~ Humph~~ Bad guy, bad guy~~”

After saying that, he covered himself with the quilt again.

The little kid was so angry.


“Because you really need to learn.”

“How can a child only know how to play and study?”

Yang Mi shouted from a distance.

The two little guys hid in the quilt and hummed.

“They just begged me to let them play until they are 10 before studying.”

Su Rui didn’t laugh just now, but now he laughed.

Yang Mi and Reba were stunned for a moment, and then they all laughed.���

It’s time to let these two girls study hard.

Otherwise, they will just play all day long.

Su Rui and Yang Mireba chatted for more than half an hour, and the two little ones fell asleep in anger.

Su Rui hung up the video and showed their little heads.

It seems that they really don’t want to study.

In the past, they always had happy smiles on their little faces when they slept.

Today, both of them had pouty mouths.

“Good night, little ones.”

Su Rui smiled and kissed them on their little cheeks. He turned off the lights and went to sleep.

The next morning, before Su Rui woke up, Xiaojuzi and Xiaotao woke up at the same time. Both of them looked frightened.

“Orange, I dreamed last night that I was chased by the digital devil, it was so scary~”

“Hmm, I also dreamed that letter monsters wanted to eat me, so scary~~There were so many letter monsters~~”

“Orange, let’s run away~”

“If the elder sisters come to teach us again today, we will really be eaten by the number devil and the letter monster at night~~ Then we will never see our parents again in the future.”

Xiao Taotao said seriously


Little Orange nodded without hesitation.

The two little guys hit it off immediately.

While their dad was still asleep, Little Orange and Little Taotao sneaked out of bed and then…

The first difficulty they encountered was how to open the door of the room.

Their small bodies faced the high door handle, and the two of them couldn’t even reach the fat door handle on tiptoe.

The sofas in the room were too big and they couldn’t push them either.

What should they do?

“Orange, we don’t seem to be able to get out.”

Taotao said frustratedly.

“I have a way.”

Little Orange lay at the door,”Taotao, you can open the door by stepping on me.””

“Orange, you are so smart~~”

Xiao Taotao stepped on Xiao Juzi’s back and opened the door easily.

“Hehe, so great~~”

“”Juzi, you are the best~~”

Xiao Taotao happily took Xiao Juzi’s hand and ran out

“Orange, peach giant”

“You guys get up, it’s so early today”

“Auntie will make you some milk, okay?”

The nanny was cleaning the second floor, cleaning the blankets. Every time she saw the two cute little guys, she couldn’t help but smile.


“Auntie, please keep your voice down.”

“We are going to run away now, please don’t tell Dad.”

The two little guys made a gesture to keep quiet and climbed downstairs happily.

“Miss Ye, this……”

The nanny was confused.

Why did the two little guys run away for no reason?

Ye Lin was also confused.

Just as she was about to knock on Su Rui’s door, Su Rui gently opened the door and walked out.

“Mr. Su, Juzi and Taotao said they wanted to escape, what’s going on?……?”

Ye Lin asked quietly

“The two little guys don’t want to study”

“I had a nightmare last night and it was about a letter monster and a number devil. I woke up in the morning and wanted to escape.”

“Let them do it.”

“Have the bodyguards follow them from a distance, not appear in their field of vision, and not disturb them.”

“As long as there is no danger, let them run.”

Su Rui said with a smile.

The two little guys whispered when they got up, thinking that no one could hear them, but in fact Su Rui heard everything…

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