Chapter 0120: The truant bug came back hungry!!

“We finally don’t have to study anymore”

“No more letter monsters and number monsters.”

“So happy”

“Orange, where are we going to play today? We are going to play outside all day, right?”

“My dad has been forcing me to study these days, so I can finally have some fun.”

“Let’s go play with our good squirrel friend, okay?”


Xiaojuzi and Xiaotaotao shouted happily after running out of the house.

Holding hands, they went to the woods to play with squirrels.

They thought they were unnoticed.

Little did they know that there were three bodyguards following them all the time, and there was also a drone flying overhead, tracking their every move.

After several days of school, the two little guys could finally play easily, holding hands, jumping and skipping while walking, and they were as happy as they could be.

“Orange, I think it’s so far away. We’ve been walking for a long time, why haven’t we arrived yet?”

“Because it’s far away.”

“Why don’t we take a car? It will be quick that way.”

“No, Taotao, if we take the bus over there, Dad will find us and come over to take us to study. We can’t let Dad know.”

“Well, let’s not take the car.”

“Anyway, we don’t have to go to school today, so we can just take our time.”

“Hehe, la la la la, la la la la.”

Little Orange and Little Peach, humming a song while basking in the morning sunshine, walked for more than an hour before reaching their squirrel friend’s home.

Since the two little guys often come to see their squirrel friends, and always bring snacks and nuts for their squirrel friends, the little squirrels in the woods are already very familiar with them.

When they see the two of them coming, they all run over from the trees, run down from the trees, and surround them. They even dare to stand at their feet, pull up their little skirts, stand up and ask them for food.

“But we two escaped today and didn’t bring anything to eat.”

“I’ll bring you some food next time, okay?”

The two little ones squatted on the ground and gently stroked the squirrel’s head.

Of course, the squirrel didn’t understand what they were saying, but he wasn’t afraid of them and let them stroke his head.

“You guys are so nice”

“Come to my hand and play with it, okay?”

“Hey little squirrel, why are you climbing on me? Taotao, look, this little squirrel likes me so much.”

“”Orange, look at this little squirrel. It’s so cute. It can stand on my hand. It’s so heavy.”

Although these little squirrels didn’t get any food, they often met the two of them and were familiar with them.

Knowing that the two human children would not hurt them, they played with them boldly.

Little Orange and Little Peach had even more fun.

The woods were filled with their happy laughter.

But… these two little guys didn’t even drink milk when they got up in the morning, let alone eat breakfast.

It took more than an hour to walk from home, and now they played with the little squirrels for a while, and the stomachs of the two little guys were rumbling.

“Orange, I’m so hungry……”

“Listen to my stomach, it’s starving.……”

Xiao Taotao touched her stomach.

Usually, the aunt would make milk for them to drink in the morning, and they would have breakfast after drinking the milk, so they would never be hungry.

But today, she didn’t drink milk or eat breakfast, and her stomach couldn’t hold on any longer.

“I’m hungry too.……”

“My stomach is crying for help too~~”

Little Orange also touched his stomach.

When you are hungry, you have no energy to play. The two little guys sat in the woods, watching their squirrel friend

“Little squirrel, what do you usually eat when you are hungry?”

“We used to bring you food, but now we are so hungry, can you give us some food?”

Little Taotao looked at the little squirrel innocently with her chin down.

It must be said that the little squirrel has a very good relationship with them now.

But the squirrel is a squirrel after all, it is neither their little apple and little mangosteen nor little blueberry and little grape, and it can’t understand what they say.

Nor can it feel their state.

One by one, they stood in front of them, tilting their heads and looking at them.

Why don’t you play anymore?

“Humph, cheapskate”

“We usually send you so much food, and now Orange and I are hungry, and you don’t give us any food. We won’t play with you anymore.”

Little Taotao looked at the indifferent little squirrel in front of her, pouted her mouth, turned around angrily and ignored the little squirrel.

Little Orange should be more rational.

He said to Little Taotao:”Taotao, don’t be angry with the little squirrels, they are not little blueberries and little grapes, they may not understand what we are saying, so we should not blame them.”

“But Orange, I’m really hungry now… My stomach is growling louder and louder.……”

Little Taotao said frustratedly.

The hungrier she was, the more she wanted to eat, but where in this wilderness could they find food? If they wanted to eat, they had to go home, but if they went home they would be caught and forced to study… so distressed.

Little Orange knew what Little Taotao was frustrated about.

This little guy was smart, and he pulled Little Taotao and said,”Taotao, how about this, we sneak back, then sneak find something to eat, and then sneak out. As long as we are not caught by Dad, we can continue to play~”

“OK, OK, let’s go back and find something to eat, then go out and play… I’m starving.……”

When Xiao Taotao heard this, she immediately took Xiao Ju and left.

“Goodbye little squirrel, we will come to play with you later”

“We are very hungry now. We need to eat something, or we will starve to death.”

“You guys should go find something to eat too.”

“If we can bring some more food out later, we can also find some food for you..”

“I’ll come play with you guys later.……”

The two little ones waved goodbye to their squirrel friends.

Seeing that there was no more fun, the little squirrels climbed up the tree and followed them on the treetops all the way to the edge of the woods, where they stood on the treetops and watched them leave.

It must be said that the innocent and sleepy nature of these two little ones made it easy for them to get along with these small animals.

Little Orange and Little Peach were starving.

It took them more than an hour to get here, and now it took them more than two hours to walk back with an empty stomach. They were thirsty, hungry, and tired along the way, walking and stopping all the time, like stranded soldiers.

It was already noon when they got home.

And the family was having lunch.

The two little ones saw their dad sitting there eating, and smelling the delicious food, their stomachs growled even louder.

At this time, they didn’t care about so many things. They were almost starving. At this time, they didn’t want to sneak something and then sneak away. As soon as they got home, they ran to their dad and threw it.

“Dad, we need to eat.”

“Dad, we are so hungry.

The two little guys were almost going crazy with hunger.

Su Rui looked at them with surprise on purpose.

“Where did you two go this morning? Dad didn’t see you.”

“We…we went out for a walk……”

“But our house is too big, and we walked… walked so far that it took us a long time to find it..”

“Dad, we are so tired… and so hungry… Can we have dinner with Dad?……”

Little Orange couldn’t help swallowing when he spoke

“Go wash your hands quickly, and then come to eat.”

Su Rui smiled and tapped their little heads gently.

He said nothing.

He didn’t blame them either.

It’s normal for everyone to want to study when they are young, and it’s normal to go out and play occasionally.

After washing their hands, the two little guys rushed to eat. They didn’t drink water, milk, or eat breakfast in the morning, and they waited until noon. As soon as the food was on the table, the two little guys immediately wolfed it down.

At this time, let alone the state-level delicacies made by Fang Qingya, even the most ordinary food, they could wolf it down cleanly.

“Eat slowly, no one is competing with you for food.”

“I thought you two had breakfast this morning before going out to play, but it looks like you didn’t have breakfast?”

Su Rui said jokingly.

“Yes, we didn’t have breakfast.”

“I’m almost starving to death.……”

Xiaojuzi and Xiaotao nodded, thinking that they would have to eat breakfast first next time they ran away, otherwise they would be hungry while playing like today.

“Down���No matter what you do, you have to eat well, you hear me?”

“Got it~~”

The two little ones nodded in a baby voice. They really remembered this in their hearts.

Even if they wanted to escape, they had to eat first to avoid being hungry.

After eating and drinking, the two little ones leaned back in their little chairs, rubbing their little stomachs with satisfaction.

“Dad, we are full.”

“I ate a lot today.”

“Because I was really hungry, and we walked a lot this morning, so I was so tired.……”

“Yes, yes, I am tired and hungry.……”

“So what did you do this morning?”

Su Rui looked at them with a smile.


“Not telling you”

“Dad, we are full. Please carry us down. We are going to play upstairs.

The two little ones smiled. How could they tell Dad about running away? If Dad knew that they ran away secretly to skip school, they would never have the chance to run away again.

“Play for a while and then take a lunch break”

“After lunch break, the sisters will come to teach you.”

“This afternoon, your sister will help you consolidate the content that you did not learn well yesterday. You two should work hard.”

Su Rui said, and the two little ones were scared.

When the two little ones heard that their father had to study again in the afternoon, they immediately ran upstairs, hid in their secret base, and began to discuss how to deal with it.

“Dad is so bad”

“We just finished our meal and they force us to study again~~”

“Orange, let’s run away quickly, otherwise we will be caught by dad to study again in the afternoon. And dad said we have to learn what we didn’t know yesterday. It’s so difficult.”

“But dad is downstairs now, we can’t run away”

“What should we do? If we don’t run away, we will be caught by the sisters and have to study in the afternoon.”

“But we really can’t run away now.”

Little Orange said as she climbed out of the secret base and secretly lay on the guardrail to look down at her father who was sitting on the sofa working on his computer.

When she saw her father turn his head, the little girl immediately ran away.

“I was so scared, I was almost discovered by my dad.”

Little Orange patted his chest, and then said seriously:”Taotao, Dad is working downstairs, Dad is guarding the door, we will definitely not be able to escape this afternoon.”

“I think we should not think about running away this afternoon.”

“But I don’t want to study in the afternoon~ No, no, I never want to study. Studying is so tiring.”

Xiao Taotao shook her head, and her two pigtails swung to her face.

“I don’t want to study either.”

“But we really can’t escape now.”

“Taotao, please bear with it for a while. We will pretend to study hard this afternoon, and then prepare to sneak away tomorrow morning.”

“We will prepare some food and drinks this afternoon, so that we won’t be hungry when we run away tomorrow. We can run very far, very far, and we won’t have to worry about being hungry anymore.”

Little Orange hugged Little Taotao to comfort her, like a happy little man.

When Little Taotao heard that she could run very far, she immediately became energetic.

“Orange, you are smart.”

“As long as we bring plenty of food and water, we won’t be hungry.”

Little Taotao’s mind jumped and she said excitedly:”Orange, let’s bring plenty of food and water, so that we can stay outside for a long time. Then let’s bring little apples and little mangosteens, as well as little blueberries and little grapes, so that we won’t be alone.”

“Good idea~~ Let’s start preparing now.”

Little Orange’s eyes lit up.

Bring their good friends along, they won’t be lonely.

The two little guys immediately started to execute their escape plan.

Go to the room to find their small backpacks.

Then run to find the nanny.

“Auntie, we need a lot of food for class this afternoon~”

“Can you help us prepare? Because the class is very tiring, so we need to eat a lot of food.”

“”A lot, a lot, a lot~~ Because we have to share with the sisters~~ Too little is not enough~~”

The nanny didn’t know what the two of them wanted to do.

Usually when the two of them were in class, they would prepare a lot of fruit snacks.

These two little guys specifically explained this matter today, could it be… that they wanted to escape again?

The nanny didn’t expose them.

Go downstairs and report to Su Rui

“Mr. Su, Miss Orange and Miss Taotao asked us to prepare a lot of food… and I saw them take their small backpacks from the room. I suspect they are going to run away again.……”

The nanny couldn’t help laughing as she spoke.

Two little kids over two years old were racking their brains to figure out if they didn’t have classes.

“It’s okay, just do what they say.”

“Prepare some water and some bread and snacks for them, so they can run happily.”

Su Rui smiled.

He did not stop them from running away.

At such a young age, being able to plan a successful runaway also requires a test of their little brains.

They ran away from home in the morning and came back hungry. In the afternoon, they knew to prepare some food before running. This shows that the two little girls know how to use their brains, learn from their mistakes, and know how to solve the practical problems they encountered during their escape.

“Mr. Su, this……”

“Don’t you want Miss Orange and Miss Peach to study hard? They both keep wanting to run away, so why are you still secretly supporting them?”

The nanny was a little confused.

Su Rui said,”Adults and children are the same. They will never give up on something they haven’t done before. If you don’t let them run away now, they will want to run away in the future. Let them know that running away is meaningless now, and they will not think about running away in the future.”


“”Is that so?”

The nanny still didn’t quite understand Su Rui’s idea.

But since Su Rui said so, they didn’t need to think too much. Dr. Su must have his reasons for doing so.

The nanny followed the instructions of Xiaojuzi and Xiaotao and prepared a lot of bread and snacks for them to fully meet their dietary needs when running away from home.

But she didn’t participate in their distribution.

She just put the prepared snacks and drinks on their small table as usual and let them take them themselves………

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