Chapter 0121: Running away from home with your family!!

“There are so many things to eat.”

“Hehe, Orange, now we won’t be hungry anymore~”


“Let’s pack more~~”

“Taotao, you like this bread, I will decorate it for you”

“These are the cookies that Orange likes to eat. I’ll pack a lot for you~”

“We also need to bring some nuts for the squirrels to eat.”

“We also want to bring blueberries and grapes, so we also need to bring some seeds and nuts that they eat.”

“What about Little Apple and Little Mangosteen?”

“As for the two of them…we can ask Auntie to make milk for them tomorrow morning, and then we can take their milk with us.”

“Mmm, Orange, you are so smart~”

“Hehe~ This time we won’t be hungry~ We are going to wander far away and will never be caught by dad to study again~”

“That’s right~~”

The two little girls filled their schoolbags.

The small backpacks were filled with their big dreams.

The two little girls naively thought that they could wander outside forever after filling their bags, and they would no longer have to worry about food and drink.

After the two small bags were full, the two little girls hid the bags in their secret base.

Then they went to have lunch obediently.

In the afternoon, Su Rui asked their teacher to teach them as usual.

The two little girls were thinking about tomorrow’s escape plan, and they had no intention of attending class than usual. As a result, the teacher made more mistakes.

This made them even more unwilling to study. They were more certain of running away from home and never studying again.

In order to get up early tomorrow morning The two little ones took a shower and went to bed early in the evening.

In order for their own plan to be implemented smoothly, the two little ones can be said to have done every step very well. They have ideas, plans, and execution.

Even Su Rui couldn’t help but admire that the two little girls are very capable at such a young age.

The next morning.

The two little ones woke up early as expected.

The first step of the escape plan was successfully completed.

But… the two little ones seemed to have forgotten what they were going to do.

They woke up early, yawned together, turned over, stuck to their father and continued to sleep in.

They went to bed early last night and couldn’t fall asleep.

The two little ones blinked for a long time before their little heads slowly turned on.

They remembered that they had important things to do today.

“Orange, are we going to run away today?”

Little Taotao lay on her father’s body and pulled Little Orange on the other side.


Little Orange sat up with a start.

His little head turned on successfully!

“Taotao, let’s not wake up dad”


The two little guys sneaked down the bed like two cute little hamsters. Taotao lay on the ground, and Juzi stepped on Taotao to open the door.

They successfully escaped from the room.

“Auntie, have Little Apple and Little Shanzhu gotten up?”

“They are still sleeping.”

“Let’s go wake up these two lazy bugs. Can you help Little Apple and Little Mangosteen make milk?”

“We also want to drink milk~~”

“And our water cups, can you please fill them with water for us~”


The nanny did not refuse their request, nor did she ask them what they wanted to do.

According to Su Rui’s instructions, they did whatever they wanted.

They brought them two milk bottles for Little Apple and Little Mangosteen.

They also brought them two milk bottles and two water bottles of their own.

They originally planned to take all these bottles and cans away.

But now, facing four milk bottles and two water bottles, the two little guys were helpless.

They could only change their strategy.

“Taotao, let’s drink the milk first with Little Apple, Little Shanzhu, or we won’t be able to bring so many things.”

Little Orange suggested in a low voice.

Little Taotao also found that they had too many things to bring.

So each of them held a baby panda and drank milk together.

After drinking the milk, only the water bottle was left.

The two little guys took out their small schoolbags from their secret base and carried them on their backs.

Then each of them carried a water bottle on their backs.

The luggage was ready.

“Little Blueberry, Little Grape, let’s go out and play”

“You two have to follow us.”

“Shhh~ Don’t talk, or else dad will find out and we won’t be able to leave.”

“You don’t want to be caught by your sisters to study, right?”

The two little guys ran to the tree and talked to the two parrots.

The two parrots didn’t understand their other words, but they could understand and follow them and flew from the branches to their shoulders.


“Let’s go~~”

Little Orange and Little Peach each picked up Little Apple and Little Mangosteen and went downstairs happily.

“Hush~ Taotao, keep your voice down, or your aunt and the others will find out.”

“If auntie finds out, dad will know.”

“”If Dad finds out, he will definitely take us back home,”

Little Orange reminded.

Little Taotao immediately pursed her lips and kept silent.

Little did they know that a group of aunts at home were secretly watching them run away from home upstairs, holding back their laughter.

They thought they were being kept a secret, but they didn’t know that everything was under the eyes of the gods.

The two little guys climbed downstairs and were about to go out and get away.

Little Orange grabbed Little Taotao and said ,”I’m so tired, so happy!”

“What’s wrong, Orange? Why not?”

“We’re about to succeed.”

“We are free once we get out of the door, and we don’t have to study anymore.”

Xiao Taotao treated them like prisoners imprisoned here.

“Taotao, we can’t walk today.”

“Our house is too big. It’s too far to walk everywhere.”


Little Orange smiled and ran to the side, pushing the children’s scooter they usually played with.

The kind of scooter with a handrail that you can stand on and slide on.

“Orange, you are awesome too.”

“I forgot how hard it was for us to walk yesterday~~”

“Hehe, with this scooter, we can go wherever we want~”


Xiao Taotao was so excited that she found that she was talking too loudly, so she quickly covered her mouth. Xiaojuzi and Xiaotao each had a scooter.

They pulled them out.

As soon as they got out of the door, the two little guys’ nervous mood immediately turned into a relaxed mood.

The morning sun and the breeze

“Finally I don’t have to go to school~~~”

“So happy~~”

“”Let’s go play~~”

The two little ones put down the panda babies, and each of them rode a scooter and ran away from home.

The speed was 7.0 miles per hour, and they felt free and at ease.

The two panda babies were full and just played with them.

They happily chased after them all the way.

Little Blueberry and Little Grape flew in the sky and followed them.

Because the two little ones also took their friends with them and ran away from home today, the number of female bodyguards following them increased to four today. The number of drones tracking them in the sky also increased to two.

In the villa.

Su Rui came out of the room

“Mr. Su, Miss Orange and Miss Taotao have already…run away……”

Ye Lin couldn’t help but smile as she spoke.

The two little ones were really determined to run away from home in order to stop studying.

They started planning yesterday afternoon and now they have successfully run away from home. They are well prepared and even took their good friends with them.

Those who know that they don’t want to study.

Those who don’t know would really think that they are imprisoned in the princess castle and abused by the school monster and the math monster.

“Did they take everything with them?”

Su Rui asked with a smile.

“They took everything with them, including the schoolbags hidden in their secret base and the kettle.”

“Look, they brought their skateboards with them.”

Ye Lin zoomed in on the surveillance footage on her phone.

The screen showed them carrying small backpacks and skating on the manor’s skywalk.

“Little one.”

Su Rui smiled dotingly,”Just pay attention to their safety at all times and don’t disturb them.”

“Tell their teacher not to come today. I think these two girls can play outside for three whole days today.”


Ye Lin nodded.

The two young ladies brought enough food and drinks, so they could really venture into the manor for a whole day.

“Orange, let’s go find the little squirrel and take it out to play with us, okay?”


“Let’s go~~”

“Little Apple, Little Mangosteen, hurry up~”

“You have to keep up~~”

No need to walk, the two little girls said that the scooter was very light.

This made Little Apple and Little Mango very tired.

No matter how fast the four legs are, they can’t outrun the wheels. The two of them slid on it effortlessly, and Little Apple and Little Mango were very tired chasing after them.


Little Apple and Little Mangosteen couldn’t run any longer and sat down on the road to protest.

“Little Apple, Little Mangosteen, why don’t you run away?”

“If you are caught by your father, you will be caught and study with the teacher.”

“Hurry up and catch up~~”

Xiao Taotao turned flexibly and returned to the two panda babies.

She got off the car and touched their little heads.

“They seem to be unable to run.”

“”You two should stand on our scooters so that we can take you for a run~~”

Little Orange thought of a way and ran to put Little Apple on his scooter.

Then he slipped and Little Apple fell off the scooter.

“Little Apple, hold on to Orange’s feet.”

Little Taotao thought of a way to put Little Mangosteen on her scooter and let her hold her feet so that she wouldn’t fall off when she was scooting.

“Taotao, you are awesome~”

“”Little Apple, look at Little Mangosteen~~ Hold my feet~~”

Little Orange also let Little Apple hold her feet.

Now the two panda babies can finally stand on the scooter and enjoy the convenience brought by technology with their little master.

“”Bing bing bing~~”

Without having to run after the animals with their own feet, the two panda babies cried happily. The lightning speed of 7.0 miles per hour was a passion they had never felt before. The seeds of speed and passion were planted early in their lives.



“Where are we going?”

Little Blueberry and Little Grape swooped down and landed steadily on the handlebars of the scooter. Little Orange and Little Peach taught them to speak when they had nothing to do. Now Little Blueberry and Little Grape have learned some basic daily expressions.

You can have a simple communication with them.

“Let’s go find the little squirrel to play with~~”

“Hehehe~ Are you happy or not?”

“We don’t have to be caught by dad to study anymore~~”

“We are free now~~”

The two little ones skated on skateboards, taking their friends with them, and they felt free for a while. It took them more than an hour to get to the woods yesterday.

Today, the two little guys got there in less than half an hour.

The little squirrel heard their laughter from a distance.

Before they got close, they stood on the treetops waiting for them.

There were also two familiar black and white animals, and two blue birds. Little Orange and Little Peach often brought them here to play, so the squirrels here were not unfamiliar with Little Apple, Little Mangosteen, Little Blueberry and Little Grape.

“Little squirrel, here we come~”

“Are you at home?”

“Come down to play with us when you hear us~~”

Little Orange and Little Peach threw their scooters aside and ran into the woods, shouting.

The little squirrels had already seen them.

They nimbly ran down from the treetops and ran in front of them.

Two particularly brave squirrels even jumped directly onto their little heads.

“”Giggle, giggle”

The two little guys giggled happily

“You can’t stand on our heads and poop~”

“Hehe, let’s not play in the woods today, okay? Let’s go play on the grass.”

“We brought a lot of food today, and some nuts that you like.”

Little Orange and Little Peach said as they reached out to grab the little squirrels off their heads. The two little squirrels seemed to know that they would not hurt them, and they let them hold them without any struggle.

Then they flexibly ran to their shoulders, making the two little guys giggle again.

“Little squirrel, your tail makes me so itchy~”

“Cluck, cluck, cluck~”

“Today, little apples, little mangosteens, little blueberries and little grapes are also here~”

“Let’s play together today~~”

Little Blueberry and Little Grape flew in.

Standing on the treetop

“Little squirrel~~”

“Can’t catch~~”

“Little squirrels, good friends~~”

Little Blueberry and Little Grape repeated what Little Orange and Little Peach taught them.

Because… when they first saw this group of squirrels in the woods, they wanted to catch them, and scared the squirrels away.

Before they got home, they were scolded by Little Orange and Little Peach.

From then on, they remembered that little squirrels were also their good friends, and they could catch them to play.

The little squirrels were obviously more wary of Little Blueberry and Little Grape.

When they saw them, they stood up straight and looked at them vigilantly.

“Don’t be afraid~~”

“Little Blueberry and Little Grape won’t catch you now~~”

“We are friends~~”

“They are friends~~”

Little Blueberry and Little Grape stood on the treetops, shaking their heads. They really didn’t want to catch them anymore.

The little squirrel was not very smart.

Every time, he had to be alert for a while before he remembered that these two big blue birds hadn’t chased them for a long time.

“Let’s go, let’s go play on the grass~”

“We can go everywhere today.”

“Because you are all our good friends, so we will play together today.”

“Hehe, you don’t have to worry about being hungry, because we brought a lot of food today. Look, our backpacks are full of food.”

“It’s enough for all of us to eat for a long, long time.”

The two little guys proudly pulled their backpacks.

The food in the small backpacks was obviously not enough for them to eat for a day, but because it was very full, in their innocent world, they could eat with their friends for a long, long time.

Little Orange and Little Peach brought their animal friends to the grass.

Little Apple and Little Mangosteen were already rolling around there.

Little Blueberry and Little Grape obviously had no interest in rolling around, because they had played this game before and it was not fun.

They liked to fly around in the sky.

Then they shuttled through the woods.

The little squirrels liked to play with the two of them very much, but they were not interested in the rolling game either. They liked to crawl around on Little Orange and Little Peach.

“Cluck, cluck, cluck~”

“It’s so itchy when you do this. Your tails are so fluffy.”

“Let’s play the game of throwing nuts, okay~”

“We throw the nuts out, whoever grabs them first can eat them”

“Come on, get ready”

“I lost it~~”

“Ah, Xiao Shanzhu, you can’t snatch it. Auntie told you not to eat this. Spit it out quickly, you are not being obedient.”

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