"Don't make a sound yet."

Taiwanese novel website →𝒕𝒘𝒌𝒂𝒏.𝒄𝒐𝒎

Jiang Cheng put down the bag and suddenly said.

Liu Xinru also immediately quieted down, and she looked at Jiang Cheng inquiringly.

Jiang Cheng did not answer, but quickly ran to the door of the big pharmacy and looked around.

On the left street more than 30 meters away from the pharmacy, a group of zombies slowly moved towards this side.

A solemn look appeared on his face.

These zombies roughly looked more than 30, most of them were attracted by the bloody smell of the corpses on the ground.

According to the memory before rebirth, although the zombies move very slowly, their sense of smell and hearing are very sensitive. If there is any movement within a mile, these zombies will come to hear the sound.

And the smell of living people, especially the bloody smell of living people, is a fatal temptation for them.

Now a group of zombies have been attracted, and it is estimated that the other zombies are not far from here.

Jiang Cheng retracted his gaze, walked into the pharmacy quickly to pick up the medicine, and said to Liu Xinru: "Follow me, there are zombies coming."

"Okay...Okay." Liu Xinru followed with some fear.

She had seen the monsters eating people, and they wanted to chew up even the bones, and they had no sense of pain and were not afraid of getting hurt. Many colleagues in the hospital were exhausted and bitten to death in the process of fighting zombies because they did not know this characteristic of zombies.

The two of them were one in front and one behind.

Jiang Cheng was carrying medicines, two bags weighing about 60 kilograms, but with his current strength attribute of 4.6, it was very easy.

The road to the base was not too far, and the few zombies that occasionally encountered had their heads cut off by Jiang Cheng.

"It turns out that zombies will die if their heads are chopped off." Liu Xinru looked excited as if she had discovered a new world. "That is to say, as long as the army gathers powerful heavy firepower and blows off the zombies' heads, these zombies will be wiped out."

"It's a good idea, but zombies will not be wiped out." Jiang Cheng ruthlessly shattered Liu Xinru's fantasy.

"Why?" Liu Xinru was a little dissatisfied with her beautiful dream.

Jiang Cheng said lightly: "You will know later."

After that, the two of them sped up their pace.

A quarter of an hour later.

Jiang Cheng finally arrived at the gate of the base.

Liu Xinru also saw the so-called base in Jiang Cheng's mouth and twitched her mouth.

A small three-story house.

The anti-theft net on the window was rusty and the big red iron door was full of scratches.

Liu Xinru wanted to ask, 'Is this the base you mentioned? ' But she still held back.

Maybe all men like to call their shelters 'bases' like children.

Jiang Cheng didn't see Liu Xinru's expression, and walked up to the gate and said, "Shuguang, open the door."

"Childish man." Liu Xinru complained in her heart.

The base is already outrageous, and there is a fully intelligent voice-controlled gate...

But the reality is.

An electronic mechanical sound suddenly sounded.

"Scanning successful, identity confirmed, please enter, master."


A clear sound.

The large red iron door automatically opened and slid into the wall, and what came into view was the all-metal style decoration full of futuristic technology.

This made Liu Xinru have the illusion of coming to an alien spaceship.

It's really a base!

"It's just a base, nothing to be surprised about, come in quickly." Jiang Cheng reminded.

To be honest, when he saw Liu Xinru was surprised by the sense of technology in the base, he was slightly proud.

"Okay... okay." Liu Xinru nodded blankly and walked in, and the door behind her closed automatically again, leaving no gap.

"Are you a Foot Basin Eagle agent? Or the Great Zhou Dragon Group? Or, you are not from Earth?" Liu Xinru said excitedly.

Jiang Cheng said unhappily: "You have read too many online articles!"

"Oh." Liu Xinru pouted like a little girl who made a mistake, and followed Jiang Cheng's introduction obediently.

"First of all, this base is divided into three floors. The first floor is the kitchen and leisure area, and the second floor is the rest area. There are three bedrooms in total. One is mine, and the remaining two are yours to choose. After you choose, I will enter your identity information in that bedroom."

"Other rooms are not allowed to be opened at will without my permission."

"There are food, milk and snacks in the refrigerator in the kitchen. If you have finished eating, you can tell me and I will replenish them in time."

"In addition to being a doctor at the base, you will also need to take on the responsibilities of a chef and cleaner. As for other work, everything is up to me."

Liu Xinru was surprised: "That's all?"

Jiang Cheng raised his eyebrows: "What, are you dissatisfied with my arrangement?"

"No, no, no." Liu Xinru shook her head quickly.

She was not dissatisfied, she was too satisfied.

Eating and drinking other people's food, just cooking and cleaning, this is simply heaven in the end times.

"That's good, now come with me to see the room." Jiang Cheng took Liu Xinru upstairs for a tour.

After a tour, Liu Xinru was shocked again.

In the bedroom, the bed was neatly made. I don't know what material the mattress is made of. It looks as dense as milk. Liu Xinru tried to press it with her hand, and her palm sank into it all of a sudden.

Oh my God, if the whole person lies on it, wouldn't the whole person be wrapped up.

The bedroom is equipped with a desk lamp, a desk, and a projector.

There are also adjustable viewing windows, all of which are intelligent voice-controlled.

There is also a large bathroom in the bedroom, which is fully equipped with toiletries and other equipment.

Even before the end of the world, such equipment is definitely better than those star-rated hotels.

After visiting the bedroom, Liu Xinru couldn't help but reveal her doubts: "Are you sure you don't want to support me?"

But what she got was Jiang Cheng's look of looking at a fool.

"Do you think I'm such a superficial person?"

After saying it unhappily, Jiang Cheng reminded her: "If you have chosen it, I will start entering the identity information."

"Well, let's go to the room next to you." Liu Xinru took a deep breath. Although it was good that this man had no idea about her, she still felt frustrated for some reason.

She also has a perky butt and E-shaped breasts...

"Okay." Jiang Cheng nodded and said to the door of the room marked with No. 2: "Shuguang, enter the identity information of this lady in Room No. 2, and open the permission to use it only."

"Yes, master." Shuguang's mechanical voice sounded.

Liu Xinru stood at the door as Jiang Cheng said, and soon, Shuguang recorded Liu Xinru's biological information.

Jiang Cheng's mind immediately showed information about Liu Xinru.


Name: Liu Xinru

Age: 28

Skills: Intermediate medical skills, elementary cooking

Friendliness: 60


The doctor's skills are quite good, but...

Jiang Cheng couldn't help asking: "System, what does friendship mean?"

"It refers to the degree of friendliness of the person to the host. A friendliness of 10 means that there will be no conflict with the host.

A friendliness of 20 means that they are just casual acquaintances.

A favorability of 30 means that they can communicate, such as asking for directions.

A friendliness of 40 means that they are just nodding acquaintances and can work together in the same place.

A friendliness of 50 means that they are casual acquaintances and can be friendly. Working together.

Friendliness 60 means getting to know each other very quickly, establishing initial trust with the host, and being able to become friends reluctantly

Friendliness 70 means being able to become good friends, and being very trusting.

Friendliness 80 means being extremely trusting, and being able to become close friends.

Friendliness 90 means deep trust, and basically believing what the host says as long as it is not too false.

Friendliness 100 means unconditional trust, and even if the host lies, the other party still believes it unconditionally. "

"In other words, I saved this woman's life, but in her eyes, it is only initial trust?" Jiang Cheng said speechlessly.

"You can understand it that way."


Jiang Cheng said indifferently.

It seems that this friendship can be used as a tool to judge whether it is an enemy or a friend.

After exiting the system, Jiang Cheng then said to Liu Xinru: "If you are hungry, you can go to the kitchen to cook it yourself."

"What about you?" Liu Xinru was indeed a little hungry, but she still asked Jiang Cheng politely.

"I'll talk to you later."

After instructing Liu Xinru, Jiang Cheng hurried downstairs.

He needs to transform the contents of the bag as quickly as possible.

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