"Remaining energy points: 87.68."

Jiang Cheng didn't expect that a zombie dog's crystal could convert 2 energy points.

In other words, the stronger the zombie, the higher the energy points it can convert.

What about the first-order mutated zombies? How many energy points can be converted?

While Jiang Cheng was excited, he was also in a heavy mood.

There are only eleven days left before the first-level mutated zombies appear.

At his current strengthening rate, which increases his attributes by 1.5 every day, he can barely reach the level of an awakened person after 11 days, but it is still not enough to face those two first-order mutants.

Just as he saw, one was so powerful that it could overturn a car. The force exceeded 1.5 tons. The other ran faster than an ordinary car. The speed exceeded 70km/h, and the two appeared at the same time.

"If I become an awakened person, will I still have a chance?"

Jiang Cheng thought about it carefully.

While the physical strength of the awakened person is greatly improved, he also awakens his own accompanying abilities.

As a scavenger in his previous life, he could only look up to these awakened ones.

Swallowing zombie crystals was too dangerous. He didn't want to place his hope on the one in 500, so he could only rely on the spiritual pool.

The current probability of the spiritual pool awakening is one percent, and it is only the effect of the second-level spiritual pool. If the spiritual pool is upgraded to the third level, I wonder if the probability of awakening can be increased.

Then there is the issue of the future development of the base.

A person's power is limited.

He needs talents, talents from all walks of life.

Just like the Linxian survivor base in the previous life, a powerful human legion was formed to resist the zombie tide three years later.

Thinking of this, a hint of fear flashed in Jiang Cheng's eyes.

He will never forget the huge figure in the tide of corpses that swept in like a tsunami, nor will he forget that punch. The five-meter-thick and hundred-meter-high city wall was easily pierced like a thin membrane.

People were overwhelmed by the tide of corpses in panic, and their hopes were swallowed up by fear.

He didn't want to experience something like this again.

All we can do now is become stronger, and then become stronger again!

Just when he was lost in thought, a faint fragrance came from the kitchen.

He swallowed unconsciously.

To be honest, although he has collected a lot of ingredients in his warehouse, his cooking skills are a bit... ahem, it can only be considered not unpalatable.

Turning around, Liu Xinru had already brought the dishes to the table.

A plate of scrambled eggs with tomatoes, a plate of shredded pork with green peppers, and a plate of dry-cooked cauliflower were just a few common home-cooked dishes, but in Jiang Cheng's eyes they were tempting delicacies.

"Don't be stupid, come and eat if you want. I cooked enough food for three people." Liu Xinru said angrily, then looked at the dishes on the table and swallowed secretly.

Since entering the apocalypse, she has never had a good meal. As for being full, she has never dreamed of it.

Now four days later, she didn't expect that her cooking skills would still be put to use.

"Then I won't be polite."

Jiang Cheng thanked him, walked into the kitchen and filled up a large bowl of rice, then quickly sat down at the dining table and started devouring it.

Seeing this, Liu Xinru quickly filled a bowl and quickly joined the battle.

Night falls.

It seems that the greenhouse effect of melting glaciers has reached its peak, and the temperature is much hotter than usual.

There was no air conditioning or fans, and zombies wandered around day and night, making it difficult for the survivors to sleep all night.

In private houses.

Ye Jingwen's mentality was about to collapse.

Her hands were tied with rope, and her body was sticky from not taking a shower for four or five days.

What made her most excited was that there were two middle-aged idiots next to her who exuded a foul odor.

Not only did these two people steal her apple when she was most helpless, but they also touched her from time to time. Fortunately, she moved out of the Public Security Bureau, so these two perverts didn't go too far.

But it can't continue like this. Sooner or later, these two people will find that the Sheriff's Department no longer exists.

By then...

Ye Jingwen couldn't imagine it.

"No, I have to escape!"

Ye Jingwen secretly glanced at the two middle-aged idiots next to her and found that they were sleeping deeply, snoring one after another, and showing no signs of waking up.

"They shouldn't find out."

After speaking to herself, Ye Jingwen moved her hands gently to the wall, rubbing her hands up and down against the corner of the wall.

Her movements were small, and the ropes were strips of cloth torn from sheets.

Not a moment later.


There was a small clear sound.

The strip of cloth broke into two pieces.

With a look of joy on her face, she carefully looked at the two idiots again and found that they were still sleeping soundly.

She quickly shook her sore wrists and began to untie the rope around her ankles.

This time the speed is much faster than grinding the rope.

Soon, the cloth strips on the ankles were loosened.

Not wanting to wait for a moment, she quickly stood up and twisted the door bolt to escape.

But the next moment.

A dull voice sounded behind him.

"College student, where do you want to go?"

Ye Jingwen trembled when she heard this, with fear on her face, and she immediately pressed the door bolt.


The door opened and she ran away without thinking.

"Liangcai, get up quickly. The female college student ran away?"

The middle-aged man quickly pushed the thin black man who was still sleeping next to him.

The thin black man named Liangcai woke up suddenly, got up immediately and said, "What? She ran away? Hurry, hurry up, if this damn girl runs to the sheriff, we are afraid we will be imprisoned."

The more they thought about it, the more frightened they became, and they quickly chased after him.

It had only been five days since the disaster began, and the name of public security was still a boulder that suppressed people's bestiality. But soon, this boulder was about to fall off the cliff.

Ye Jingwen jumped downstairs quickly and ran with all her strength.

She was more afraid of the two men than zombies, and she didn't care whether they would attract zombies. She ran and screamed for help, hoping that the man from yesterday would appear.

"Help, someone is trying to rape me, help!"

It's quiet at night.

Ye Jingwen's voice was amplified several times, and her cry for help echoed throughout Yanghe Community.

Jiang Cheng was eating when he heard a sound outside and paused with his chopsticks.

Liu Xinru, who was sitting across the dining table, also stopped using her chopsticks and looked at Jiang Cheng inquiringly.

Jiang Cheng shook his head and continued to pick up the chopsticks in his hands.

Liu Xinru also closed her mouth silently and continued eating quietly.

She thought clearly that Jiang Cheng could save her and come back to give her food. She had no reason to let Jiang Cheng go out to save people.

She was also disgusted by the morally kidnapped Virgin.

The reason she wanted to speak was because of her humanity.

Yanghe South Road.

Ye Jingwen ran all the way, with two big men chasing after her.

The three of them ran all the way, but no one came out of the houses on both sides.

I ran continuously for three or four minutes.

After all, Ye Jingwen was exhausted and her speed dropped sharply.

The two big men have excellent endurance because they have been working on the construction site all year round, but they are breathing heavily because of their age.

"Run, let me see where you can run?"

"Female student, I advise you to follow us back obediently. It's midnight. If a zombie comes..."

"Sang your mother, stop talking nonsense!"

The man next to him stopped him immediately.

"You... two perverts, I... I won't even die... go back with you." Ye Jingwen breathed heavily, gritted her teeth and trotted.

The dialogue between the two parties ended.


A zombie appears from around the corner.

"Zombie... Zombie?" The middle-aged man was so frightened that he could not speak properly, but the thin black man next to him cursed: "Look at your crow mouth, you are so fucking enlightened."

The two looked at each other, stopped chasing, turned around and ran away.

But when he turned around, the road behind him was blocked by zombies who heard the sound.

There were more and more zombies around. At a glance, Ye Jingwen and two men were surrounded by a dark circle.

The two men's expressions fell.

Bad luck now.

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