Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1098: Chen Zu blood town Tianxue!

Real dragon?

True dragon family?


In the world of thousands!

What can the Real Dragons count except some old things!

Several ancestors glanced at Zhengyue little girl, and they all showed contempt. If this boy thought that a little girl of the true dragon family could be summed up, he could fuse the heavenly blood, which was really whimsical!

"Tianxue only I am qualified to merge!"

Another ancestor from the Three Emperors Zong said in a deep voice!

"The blood is horrible, but I also want to try it out!"

The Soul Eater Patriarch sneered!

"You let a real dragon girl die, you are not a man!"

Bu Tian Dao Ren Chong Pao also stared at Chen Zheng with cold eyes!

Although these ancestors have already seen the blood blaze the Ye Mo Gong ancestors, they are still proud because they are ancestors! And Chen Zheng is just a third-order heavenly god, maybe there are some means, but compared with them is the dust on the ground. In their view, Chen Zheng is just a sensation!

One more thing!

They are very clear!

That is the situation right now. Even if you know that Tianxue is terrible, you have to try to integrate Tianxue, because a few of them are almost in person and cannot escape!

"Where does this kid seem to have seen..."

Among the ancestors who came, the Duobao ancestor of Futu Gate was the only Dao body coming, although the destruction of the Dao body was also a great loss, but as long as it was not the body, the problem would not be great.

So after the initial horror, he has calmed down, looking at Chen Zheng at this moment, it seems that he has vaguely seen Chen Zheng's face somewhere, but some are not sure, because he only came out recently. During the previous retreat, there were some troubles, and Yuanshen strangely took a few breaths.

Never mind!

Too lazy to think about it!

Anyway, this kid can't get natural blood!

This time when I came forward, even if I could not get rid of it, it would be a crack of the mystery of the holy relics of the Tianjing Holy Clan. As long as the body informed the other ancestors of the Zongmen, what it saw and heard was a great contribution!

It’s worth it to change a piece of credit for a good one!

As for that kid!

And the high priest Bai Muer who had escaped from the Tianjing Saint Clan!

Today will definitely die!

"Does the host want Zhengyue's sister to swallow heaven's blood?"

The purple beast lay on Bai Mu'er's shoulder, glanced at it and asked in a low voice. It wants to swallow heavenly blood, but it is afraid that it can be sensed as a Daoist beast. Heavenly blood is much more terrible than things like Dadao Law.

"Go ahead, let me see if you can do a miracle!"

Gongsun Jian above said another indifferent sentence at the moment.

He and the other creatures present at the moment thought that Chen Zheng wanted to use a real dragon girl to fuse Tianxue, but Chen was sweeping his eyes and only shook his head gently: "This drop of Tianxue barely returned Yes, but Zhengyue girl is my second favorite, and this drop of sky blood is not good enough for this girl."


Second Spirit Pet?

Not good enough?


On that day, the blood instantly burned the ancestor, and the perception was the thing that gave birth to the heavenly path. The head was so unimaginable that this kid actually said that the heavenly blood could not be worthy of his true dragon spirit pet girl!

Is this kid joking!

Chen Zheng said in a word, all the practitioners were stunned, and then almost all shook his head, all thought that Chen was ignorance, not only ignorance but also arrogance!

True Dragon family!

Don't talk about a little girl!

Even Longdi Longzu came!

Even the ancient ancestral dragon came!

Bloodline level is far inferior to this drop of blood!

It's not that Tianxue doesn't deserve this little girl!

It's simply that this little girl is not worthy of heaven's blood!

This little girl doesn't even have the qualification to devour natural blood!

This girl dared to swallow heaven's blood simply to find death!

"Not worthy of your second spiritual pet? Not worthy of this girl? You said my master's blood is not worthy of this girl? Haha! Hahaha! Good! Good one is not good enough! Come! Let me see you hide What kind of real blood can be worthy of this real dragon girl!"

Gongsun's breath fluctuated for a while, and his indifferent face sank at the moment, seeming to be angry!


"Come! Let me open my eyes!"


Several old ancestors spoke successively, their expressions mocking extremely! In their eyes, there can be no more real blood than this drop of heavenly blood between heaven and earth. This drop of heavenly blood gestates the avenue. It is clearly the supreme creation blood above the legendary nine days!

Is there any living blood between heaven and earth, can it still be above that supreme creation?


There is no such thing!

This kid is just delaying time!

"Your luck is really good."

Chen Zheng smiled slightly, lifted his right hand, and saw a drop of blood beating above his middle finger. He flicked it and flicked it out without flying far, so he was suspended in front of Zhengyue girl. .

"Your blood?"

"Haha! Are you a third-order Celestial blood? Are you funny?"

"Young man, are you suffering from delusions!"

In an instant!

Mocking who sounded one after another!


At the next moment, that drop of pre-existing heavenly blood suddenly burst into a dazzling divine light, and then the heavenly blood swooped up to the sky, seemingly trying to break away from the Tianjing Tomb!


Another blood-mand instantly caught up, and blocked that drop of sky-blood at once, that blood-mand was the drop of blood that Chen Zheng hit! It seems that there is nothing strange, but at this moment the blood of the heavens is forced step by step!


In Gongsun Chip's eyes a flash of surprise passed away!

This... what's going on!

The boy's blood is not too strange under the perception, why can he stop the horrible heavenly blood, and can force the heavenly blood back!

Several ancestors and other creatures widened their eyes at this moment, staring at the two drops of blood drop, and just between them, the drop of blood shot by Chen Zheng suddenly broke out!


A terrifying breath is released at this moment!


Several ancestors' faces changed dramatically!

The creatures under the ancestor were all suppressed to the ground at this moment, terrified to their knees, even if several ancestors wanted to resist, they were suppressed to the ground by the breath of terror!

Even Gongsun Chip and the fierce sleeping beast were crushed by that breath at this moment!


Gongsun Jian was between his extreme disbelief, and he knelt his teeth and knelt!

He does not want to kneel!

But at this moment he can't control his body!

Because he is also afraid!

That drop of blood!

The blood bead that the kid hit was more terrible than the heavenly blood left by the master!

The master's natural blood is like... Just like a bullied I want to run, but I can't run, not only can't run, but also like being forced into the corner, the next moment Ravaged!


Bai Mu'er opened her mouth. She had already seen Chen Zheng's many methods. She thought that Chen Zheng's most powerful card was the mysterious creation spirit hidden in her body, and at this moment she knew she was wrong!

Chen Zu's strongest card is not a mysterious creature, but Chen Zu's strongest card is actually Chen Zu's own body!

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